This is a file in the archives of the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. |
All entries should provide objective, neutral analyses or surveys of particular topics, rather than promoting idiosyncratic or controversial points of view. Authors should see their task as one of offering a broad or insightful perspective which introduces both the topic and the literature and which puts the reader into position to read the primary and secondary sources cited in the entry. (To this end, the sources of all quotations should be clearly identified.) Clarity of substance and style should also be one of the most important goals.
Encyclopedia entries should therefore not be polemical. Controversial claims should be identified as such. Authors should not use the first person pronoun "I", and should avoid such constructions as "as I have argued elsewhere/previously...". In addition, authors should not cite or refer to unpublished or inaccessible materials, and in particular, to unpublished dissertations or talks. Authors should also be circumspect in the number of references to their own work, though obviously, since they are experts on the topic and typically will have written widely on it, occasional references will be in order and appropriate. The editors of the Encyclopedia will ensure that entries do not overstep the bounds of propriety in this regard.
The length of entries should depend on the topic. Entries will typically range from 6,000-7,000 words, but may be anywhere from half this long to twice this long depending on the how broadly the topic is focused and how much literature there is to introduce and explain. We encourage authors to organize longer entries by writing a set of nested, cross-linked documents rather than by writing a single, linear document. By this we mean that overly detailed, highly technical, or highly scholarly material should be put into separate HTML ("supplementary") documents and linked into the main entry. (See below.) This way, the main entry should become readable by an intelligent undergraduate in a sitting of about an hour or two. More advanced readers can follow the links to the highly technical, detailed or scholarly material. Such a cross-linked set of documents will therefore be accessible to a wide audience. However, authors should create such "nested" entries only if it seems unlikely that a separate entry in the Encyclopedia will be created to discuss the supplementary material.
To begin writing an entry, authors should follow our instructions for downloading the sourcefile of the "Entry Template". Once the template is downloaded, the author may simply "Open" that file using an HTML-editor. This Entry Template will ensure that there is a uniform entry style, which is described below, in the section on "Entry Format".
For those authors who prefer to create an HTML sourcefile directly, without the assistance of an HTML-editor, we've indicated, in our instructions, how to obtain the "Annotated Sourcefile". After downloading the sourcefile, authors can replace the sample text in this file with their own content. This will minimize the number of HTML commands authors will need to learn.
Note that it is easy to create a link from your main entry to supplementary documents containing overly technical or scholarly material that would interfere with the presentation of the main ideas. To create a link from the main document to a supplementary document, suppose that the main document is entitled "index.html" and the supplementary document is entitled "supplement.html". Now suppose that at the end of a paragraph, you wish place a labeled link to the supplementary document. Here is what the link might be displayed as:
... . We discuss this last point in further detail in the following supplementary document:Authors using an HTML-editor (such as Netscape Composer, Adobe Page Mill, Front Page Express, etc.) will have to use the functions provided by their software to create such a link. However, authors who can edit their HTML sourcefiles directly would insert the following HTML code in order to produce this link to the supplementary document:Supplement on [Title of Supplement] the following supplementary document.Note that this can be done in other places in your main document, if you have more than one supplementary document. (You will have to name your supplements as "supplement1.html", "supplement2.html", etc.) You can find the sourcefile for the supplement template here (use the View Source function of your browser after following this link).
<a href="supplement.html" name="return-1">Supplement on [Title of Supplement]</a>
Introduction. The Introduction should contain a brief definition of the subject. This may take one or two paragraphs, and if possible, these paragraphs should contain some statement of the subject's interest and significance. The main topics to be covered in the body of the entry may be mentioned here, so that the reader will get some idea of what is to follow.
Internal Links. The internal links should be a list of the main sections of the entry, and each item in the list should be a link to that section. The HTML commands needed to do this are included in the template and in the annotated sourcefile.
Main Sections. The sectioning of the entry is at the discretion of the author. However, we encourage authors to include a Chronology or "Life" section in Biographical entries. Moreover, a "History" section is called for in the discussion of many topics.
Bibliography. Please use a standard bibliographic format, beginning with author's last names, and at least the initials of their first names. The format "City:Publisher, Date" is preferred to the "Publisher, Date" format. This section is reserved primarily for refereed material, whether print-based or on the web. Books, journal articles, e-journal articles, etc., which have undergone the normal referee process of legitimate presses should be included. Whenever a cited article or book is available online, a link may be included to the URL.
Other Internet Resources. The author should cite material on the web that is of excellent value but which may not have undergone a referee process. The author serves as referee for these materials (and our subject editors will referee these choices). To complete this section, authors are encouraged to conduct an on-line search of the Web for websites with high-quality, academic content on the topic in question. Such websites should be written and maintained by qualified individuals having a clear expertise on the topic. The task of finding such external websites is made considerably simpler by using the Limited Area Search Engines for philosophy, such as Hippias and Noesis. They can be found at the URLs: this doesn't yield any results, you should try one of the wider area search engines, such as Google or Alta Vista, which can be found at: search engines include and Please do not create links to websites that are not maintained by qualified individuals.
Related Entries. Please list the names of the most important concepts and philosophers that occur in your entry. You may list keywords that do not appear as topics in our Table of Contents if you feel that they are important. We are running software which will notice the discrepancy and alert the Editor. A decision will be made whether or not to include a new entry on that topic. If we decide that the topic is too specialized or otherwise inappropriate for the Encyclopedia, we will eliminate this keyword from your list in the Related Entries section.
Making Minor Modifications: If the changes you would like to make are minor (e.g., you wish to add an item to the Bibliography, or you wish to modify the wording in a paragraph, or fix a typo, etc.), then you can log in to our Author Area: initiate the action "Make Minor Changes to Server File". This will allow you to directly edit a copy of your entry on our machine (from whichever browser you are using).
Making Major Modifications: If you decide to make major changes to your entry (e.g., revise a section completely, add a new section, etc.), then you should begin the process of revision by downloading your entry from the Encyclopedia (either by logging on to our Author Area and initiating the action "Download Existing Entry", or by using your browser to examine and download the file). After after editing this file, it should then be uploaded back to the Encyclopedia by using our Author Area and the "Upload Single File" action.
We ask you to begin major revisions by downloading your entry from the Encyclopedia because your copy of the HTML sourcefile that you originally sent us will be out of date! When we receive your entry for the first time, the sourcefile is processed both automatically and by hand to rectify the HTML and make the style consistent with our other entries. So please do not edit/revise the out-of-date copy on your computer
Finally, please remember that many HTML-editors do not follow international standards for producing correct HTML. Some add special control characters to the file; others make changes to the HTML, following their own conception of how HTML should be written. So please make major modifications to your entry by using a simple text editor and by saving the file as ASCII/plain text (HTML is an ASCII/plain text markup language). Though a simple text editor will show you all the HTML markup tags, it should be easy to find your way around the file and edit the portions you are interested in. By using a simple text editor, you save us the trouble of having to reprocess (sometimes by hand) the HTML produced by these unfriendly HTML-editors.
However, for those authors who wish to edit their HTML sourcefile directly in order to create links from the text to the footnotes, here are some guidelines to follow. Suppose you want to add footnote number x at a point in the text:
...some text.[x]
To produce this in your HTML sourcefile, use the following HTML code at the point in the text where the footnote should occur:
...some text.<sup>[<a href="notes.html#x" name="note-x">x</a>]</sup>
This will place "[x]" as a superscript in the text, with "x" a link to the place in the notes.html file identified as name="x" (see below). The name="note-x" marks the spot in the current file to which a "Return" link from the notes.html file will return (again, see below). Then, create another HTML file named "notes.html" and in that file you will try to produce something that looks like this:
x. Begin the body of the footnote here.
To produce this line in the notes.html file, you would add the following HTML code:
<a href="index.html#note-x" name="x">x.</a> Begin the body of the footnote.
This will start a new paragraph, start the footnote with the symbols "x." ("x." will be a link back to name="note-x" in the main index.html file; the name="x" identifies the place in the notes.html file to which the footnote in the main text will be linked). Note: Users of the Encyclopedia can always use the "Back" or "Return" button on their browsers to get back to the text.
In the meantime, if the special symbol you need is not on this list of special HTML characters which is widely supported, we have created a wide variety of small graphics of the Greek, logic, and math symbols that logicians and others typically use. These symbols are located at the URL:
Table of SymbolsFor example, we have produced the following graphic of the symbol for the "set membership" relation:
This symbol can be found at the URL displayed above and you can download it onto your machine from there. Follow the link to "element.gif" in the table for Math symbols. You can then save that graphic onto the drive of your local computer.![]()
If you are using an HTML-editor to create your entry, then you simply use your software's "add image" ("add graphic") function to place this graphic in your entry. However, those authors who are editing their HTML sourcefiles directly should use the following guidelines. To produce the formatted line:
xplace the file "element.gif" into the directory containing your HTML entry and use the following HTML code in your entry:y
<em>x</em> <img src="element.gif"> <em>y</em>Be sure to transfer the graphic to the same directory on plato when you transfer your entry to us.
You may use any graphic found in our symbols directory in this way. If you need a symbol not found in that directory, write to the editor---they are easily constructed.