Supplement to Analysis
Annotated Bibliography on Analysis
§4: Early Modern Conceptions of Analysis
This bibliography is intended as a reference guide to the key works that deal, in whole or in part, with analysis and related topics such as analyticity and definition. Cross-references are by name(s) of author(s) or editor(s) and either year of publication or abbreviation as indicated immediately after their name(s). Notes in square brackets at the end of an entry indicate the relevant part(s) of the work and/or its significance to the topic of analysis. This section of the bibliography corresponds to Section 4 of the main entry, and is divided into subsections which correspond to the subsections of the supplementary document on Early Modern Conceptions of Analysis. Where works include important material under more than one heading, they are cited under each heading; but duplication has been kept to a minimum. Cross-references to other (sub)sections are provided in curly brackets.
Annotated Bibliography on Analysis: Full List of Sections
4.1 General
- Arnauld, Antoine and Nicole, Pierre, LAT, La Logique ou l’Art de penser, Paris: Savreux, 1st ed. 1662, ed. and tr. as Logic or the Art of Thinking, based on the 5th ed. of 1683, by Jill Vance Buroker, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996; also tr. as The Art of Thinking, based on the 6th ed. of 1685, by J. Dickoff and P. James, Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1964 [known as the Port-Royal Logic; I, chs. 13-14, II, ch. 16: defs.; IV: ‘On Method’, esp. chs. 2-3 on analysis and synthesis]
- Beaney, Michael, 2002, ‘Decompositions and Transformations: Conceptions of Analysis in the Early Analytic and Phenomenological Traditions’, Southern Journal of Philosophy 40, Supp. Vol., 53-99 [§1.2: early modern conceptions of analysis]
- Butts, Robert E. and Davis, John W., (eds.), 1970, The Methodological Heritage of Newton, Oxford: Blackwell [includes Hanson 1970]
- Cohen, I. Bernard and Smith, George E., (eds.), 2002, The Cambridge Companion to Newton, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press [includes Guicciardini 2002, Hall 2002]
- Cohen, L. Jonathan, 1954, ‘On the Project of a Universal Character’, Mind 63, 49-63
- Condillac, É. Bonnot de, 1780, La logique [I, 2: analysis as unique method of acquiring knowledge]
- Cottingham, John, 1988, The Rationalists, Oxford: Oxford University Press [ch. 2: method]
- Engfer, Hans-Jürgen, 1982, Philosophie als Analysis, Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: Frommann-Holzboog [ch. 1: analysis and synthesis in the German Enlightenment and Kant; ch. 2: forms of analysis and synthesis; ch. 3: Descartes; ch. 4: Leibniz; ch. 5: Wolff] {§1.2}
- Guicciardini, Niccolò, 1999, Reading the Principia: The Debate on Newton’s Mathematical Methods for Natural Philosophy from 1687 to 1736, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
- ____, 2002, ‘Analysis and synthesis in Newton’s mathematical work’, in Cohen and Smith 2002, 308-28
- Hall, A. Rupert, 2002, ‘Newton versus Leibniz: from geometry to metaphysics’, in Cohen and Smith 2002, 431-54 {§4.4}
- Hankins, Thomas L., 1985, Science and the Enlightenment, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press [scientific method]
- Hanson, N.R., 1970, ‘Hypotheses Fingo’, in Butts and Davis 1970, 14-33 [Newton on hypotheses]
- Hobbes, Thomas, ST, Short Tract on First Principles, 163?, in EW, Vol. 1
- ____, L, Logica, Part I of De Corpore 1655, tr. with a commentary by Aloysius Martinich, ed. with an introd. by Isabel C. Hungerland and George R. Vick, New York: Abaris Books [ch. 6: ‘On Method’]
- ____, DC, De Corpore, 1655, in EW, Vol. 1
- ____, EW, The English Works of Thomas Hobbes, 11 vols., ed. William Molesworth, London: John Bohn, 1839-45; repr. Aalen, 1962
- Jardine, Lisa, 1974, Francis Bacon: Discovery and the Art of Discourse, Cambridge: Cambridge Univesity Press [chs. 1-4: Bacon and the dialectical tradition]
- Jardine, Nicholas, 1976, ‘Galileo’s road to truth and the demonstrative regress’, Studies in the History and Philosophy of Science 7, 277-318
- Jesseph, Douglas M., 1999, Squaring the Circle: The War between Hobbes and Wallis, Chicago: University of Chicago Press [§5.2: ‘Analysis, Synthesis, and Mathematical Method’]
- Knowlson, James, 1975, Universal Language Schemes in England and France, 1600-1800, Toronto: University of Toronto Press
- Koertge, Noretta, 1980, ‘Analysis as a Method of Discovery during the Scientific Revolution’, in Nickles 1980, 139-57 [Newton in optics, Stahl and Lavoisier in chemistry]
- Mancosu, Paolo, 1996, Philosophy of Mathematics and Mathematical Practice in the Seventeenth Century, Oxford: Oxford University Press {§4.2}
- Newton, Isaac, Opticks, 4th ed., New York: Dover, 1952; 4th ed. orig. publ. London, 1730 [404-5: method of analysis]
- Nickles, Thomas, (ed.), 1980, Scientific Discovery, Logic, and Rationality, Dordrecht: D. Reidel [includes Koertge 1980] {§2.2}
- Oeing-Hanhoff, L., 1971, ‘Analyse/Synthese’, in Ritter 1971, columns 232-48 {§1.1}
- Olby, R.C., Cantor, G.N., Christie, J.R.R. and Hodge, M.J.S., (eds.), 1990, Companion to the History of Modern Science, London: Routledge, 1990 [includes Perrin 1990]
- Perrin, Carleton E., 1990, ‘The Chemical Revolution’, in Olby et al. 1990, 264-77
- Schouls, Peter A., 1980, The Imposition of Method, Oxford: Oxford University Press [Descartes and Locke]
- Slaughter, M.M., 1982, Universal Languages and Scientific Taxonomy in the Seventeenth Century, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
- Spinoza, Ethics, 1677, ed. with a rev. tr. G.H.R. Parkinson, London: J.M. Dent & Sons Ltd, 1989 [III, Defs. of the Emotions, XX, Exp.]
- ____, CWS, The Collected Works of Spinoza, ed. and tr. E. Curley, Vol. 1, Princeton Univ. Press, 1985 [39-40, 194: defs.]
- Wallace, William A., 1992a, Galileo’s Logic of Discovery and Proof: The Background, Content, and Use of His Appropriated Treatises on Aristotle’s Posterior Analytics, Dordrecht: Kluwer
- ____, 1992b, Galileo’s Logical Treatises: A Translation, with Notes and Commentary, of His Appropriated Latin Questions on Aristotle’s Posterior Analytics, Dordrecht: Kluwer [‘Treatise on Foreknowledges and Foreknowns’ and ‘Treatise on Demonstration’]
- Wilkins, John, 1668, Essay Towards a Real Character and a Philosophical Language, London
- Wilson, Fred, 1999, The Logic and Methodology of Science in Early Modern Thought, Toronto: University of Toronto Press
- Yolton, John W., 1984, Perceptual Acquaintance from Descartes to Reid, Oxford: Blackwell [ch. VI: ‘Ideas in Logic and Psychology’]
- Yolton, John W., et al., (eds.), 1991, The Blackwell Companion to the Enlightenment, Oxford: Blackwell [entry under ‘scientific method’]
4.2 Descartes and Analytic Geometry
- Beck, L.J., 1952, The Method of Descartes: A Study of the Regulae, Oxford: Oxford University Press [ch. 11: ‘The Rules of Analysis and Synthesis’; ch. 18: ‘The Method in Philosophy’, §2 on ‘The Method of Analysis and Synthesis’]
- Buchdahl, Gerd, 1969, Metaphysics and the Philosophy of Science, Oxford: Blackwell [Part III, ch. 2: Descartes on analysis]
- Cottingham, John, 1992, The Cambridge Companion to Descartes, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press [includes Gaukroger 1992]
- ____, 1993, A Descartes Dictionary, Oxford: Blackwell [entries on analysis, assumption, clarity and distinctness, common notion, deduction, geometry, intuition, method, simple natures]
- Descartes, René, RDM, Rules for the Direction of the Mind, c. 1628; first publ. 1684, in PW, I, 9-78
- ____, DM, Discourse on the Method, 1637, in PW, I, 111-51
- ____, G, The Geometry, 1637, tr. D.E. Smith and M.L. Latham, New York: Dover, 1954
- ____, M, Meditations on First Philosophy, 1641, in PW, II, 3-62
- ____, OR, Objections and Replies, 1641, in PW, II, 63-397
- ____, PP, Principles of Philosophy, 1644, in PW, I, 179-291
- ____, PW, The Philosophical Writings of Descartes, 3 vols., ed. & tr. J. Cottingham et al., Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, Vol. 1 1985, Vol. 2 1984, Vol. 3 1991
- Doney, Willis, (ed.), 1967, Descartes: A Collection of Critical Essays, London: Macmillan, 1968; first publ. USA, 1967 [includes Gewirth 1943]
- Engfer, Hans-Jürgen, 1982, Philosophie als Analysis, Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: Frommann-Holzboog [ch. 3: Descartes] {§1.2}
- Flage, Daniel E. and Bonnen, Clarence A., 1999, Descartes and Method, London: Routledge [chs. 1-2: analysis]
- Florka, Roger, 2001, Descartes’s Metaphysical Reasoning, London: Routledge [ch. 4: ‘Analysis and Synthesis’]
- Gaukroger, Stephen, (ed.), 1980, Descartes: Philosophy, Mathematics and Physics, Sussex [includes Gaukroger 1980a, Hacking 1973 {§4.4}, Schuster 1980]
- ____, 1980a, ‘Descartes’ Project for a Mathematical Physics’, in Gaukroger 1980, 97-140
- ____, 1989, Cartesian Logic, Oxford: Oxford University Press [esp. ch. 3: ‘Discovery and Proof’] {§1.2}
- ____, 1992, ‘The nature of abstract reasoning: philosophical aspects of Descartes’ work in algebra’, in Cottingham 1992, 91-114
- ____, 1995, Descartes: An Intellectual Biography, Oxford: Oxford University Press [124-6: ‘The Doctrine of Analysis’]
- Gewirth, Alan, 1943, ‘Clearness and Distinctness in Descartes’, in Doney 1967, 250-77; orig. in Philosophy 18, 17-36 [§6: reduction of composite ideas to ‘simple natures’]
- Grosholz, Emily R., 1991, Cartesian Method and the Problem of Reduction, Oxford: Oxford University Press [Introd.: method; ch. 1: ‘Descartes's Geometry and Pappus’ Problem’]
- Israel, Giorgio, 1997, ‘The Analytical Method in Descartes’ Géométrie’, in Otte and Panza 1997, 3-34 {§1.2}
- Lachterman, David Rapport, 1989, The Ethics of Geometry, London: Routledge [ch. 3: ‘Descartes’ Revolutionary Paternity’]
- Lakatos, Imre, 1978, Mathematics, Science and Epistemology, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
- ____, 1978a, ‘The Method of Analysis-Synthesis’, in Lakatos 1978, 70-103 [Descartes and Pappus] {§2.2}
- Mancosu, Paolo, 1996, Philosophy of Mathematics and Mathematical Practice in the Seventeenth Century, Oxford: Oxford University Press [ch. 3: Descartes’ geometry]
- Mittlestrass, Jürgen, 1979, ‘The Philosopher's Conception of “Mathesis Universalis” from Descartes to Leibniz’, Annals of Science 36, 593-610 {§4.4}
- Risse, Wilhelm, 1963, ‘Zur Vorgeschichte der cartesischen Methodenlehre’, Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 45, 269-91
- Schouls, Peter A., 1989, Descartes and the Enlightenment, Edinburgh University Press [chs. 1, 3, ch. 8, §2: method, analysis as decomp.]
- ____, 2000, Descartes and the Possibility of Science, Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press [ch. 3: ‘A “Logic of Discovery”’]
- Schuster, John A., 1980, ‘Descartes’ Mathesis Universalis, 1619-28’, in Gaukroger 1980, 41-96
- Sepper, Dennis L., 1996, Descartes’s Imagination, Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press [ch. 4: ‘Intuitus, Deductio, and Method’]
4.3 British Empiricism
- Ayers, Michael, 1991, Locke, 2 vols., Vol. I: Epistemology, Vol. II: Ontology, London: Routledge; publ. together in paperback, 1993 [I, chs. 11 and 14: Locke on method]
- Berkeley, George, NTV, An Essay towards a New Theory of Vision, 4th ed., 1732; 1st ed. 1709, in BPW
- ____, PHK, A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge, 2nd ed. 1734; 1st ed. 1710, in BPW
- ____, The Analyst, Dublin and London, 1734 [critique of mathematical analysis]
- ____, BPW, Philosophical Works, ed. M.R. Ayers, London: J.M. Dent and Sons Ltd., 1975
- Laudan, Laurens, 1967, ‘The Nature and Sources of Locke’s Views on Hypotheses’, in Tipton 1977, 149-62; orig. in J. Hist. Ideas 28, 211-23 [vs. ‘Baconian’ reading of Locke]
- Locke, John, EHU, An Essay concerning Human Understanding, 4th ed., ed. P.H. Nidditch, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1975
- Noxon, James, 1973, Hume’s Philosophical Development: A Study of his Methods, Oxford: Oxford University Press [Parts II-III: Newton’s and Hume’s methods]
- Passmore, John, 1980, Hume’s Intentions, 3rd ed., London: Duckworth; 1st ed., Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1952 [ch. II: ‘The Critic of Formal Logic’; ch. III: ‘The Methodologist’]
- Reid, Thomas, 1785, Essays on the Intellectual Powers of Man, Edinburgh: J. Bell [Essay 5, ch. 3: ‘Of General Conceptions formed by Analyzing Objects’]
- Stroud, Barry, 1977, Hume, London: Routledge [ch. X: Hume not an ‘analytic’ philosopher]
- Tipton, I.C., (ed.), 1977, Locke on Human Understanding, Oxford: Oxford University Press [includes Laudan 1967]
- Woolhouse, R.S., 1983, Locke, Sussex: Harvester [§8: ‘Aristotelian Demonstration rejected’]
- ____, 1988, The Empiricists, Oxford: Oxford University Press [31-8: Hobbes on method; ch. 4: Gassendi vs. Aristotle on method]
- Yolton, John W., 1993, A Locke Dictionary, Oxford: Blackwell [entries on deduction, definition, demonstration, hypotheses, language, logic, proof, propositions, reason; also includes bib.]
4.4 Leibniz (and Wolff)
- Blumenfeld, David, 1985, ‘Leibniz on Contingency and Infinite Analysis’, Phil. Phen. Res. 45, 483-514
- Brown, Stuart, 1984, Leibniz, Sussex: Harvester [chs. 5-6: method]
- Engfer, Hans-Jürgen, 1982, Philosophie als Analysis, Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: Frommann-Holzboog [ch. 4: Leibniz, ch. 5: Wolff] {§1.2}
- Fitsch, G., 1979, ‘Analyticity and Necessity in Leibniz’, J. Hist. Phil. 17, 29-42 [cf. Jager 1969 {§6.4}]
- Hacking, Ian, 1973, ‘Leibniz and Descartes: Proof and Eternal Truths’, in Kenny 1986, 47-60; also in Gaukroger 1980, 169-80 {§4.2}; orig. publ. in Proc. Brit. Acad. 59 (1973), 1-16
- ____, 1974, ‘Infinite Analysis’, Studia Leibnitiana 6, 126-30
- Hall, A. Rupert, 2002, ‘Newton versus Leibniz: from geometry to metaphysics’, in Cohen and Smith 2002, 431-54 {§4.1}
- Heinekamp, A., 1975, ‘Natürliche Sprache und Allgemeine Charakteristik bei Leibniz’, Studia Leibnitiana Supplementa 15, 257-86
- Hooker, Michael, (ed.), 1982, Leibniz: Critical and Interpretive Essays, Manchester: Manchester University Press [includes Parkinson 1982, bib.]
- Ishiguro, Hidé, 1990, Leibniz’s Philosophy of Logic and Language, 2nd ed., Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 1st ed. London: Duckworth, 1972 [ch. 1: substitutivity; ch. 2: ‘Ars Combinatoria’]
- Jolley, Nicholas, 1984, Leibniz and Locke: A Study of the New Essays on Human Understanding, Oxford: Oxford University Press [ch. IX: ‘Knowledge and Ideas’]
- ____, (ed.), 1995, The Cambridge Companion to Leibniz, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press [includes Rutherford 1995, bib.]
- Kenny, Anthony, (ed.), 1986, Rationalism, Empiricism, and Idealism, Oxford: Oxford University Press [includes Hacking 1973]
- Kulstad, M., (ed.), 1977, Essays on the Philosophy of Leibniz, Houston: Rice Univ. Studies [includes Wilson 1977]
- Lambert, Johann Heinrich, 1761, Criterium Veritatis, in Kant-Studien, Ergänzungsheft 36, ed. K. Bopp, Berlin: Reuther and Reichard, 1915, 1-63 [Wolffian method]
- Leibniz, USA, ‘Of Universal Synthesis and Analysis’, c. 1683, in PW, 10-17
- ____, MKTI, ‘Meditations on Knowledge, Truth, and Ideas’, 1684, in PE, 23-7
- ____, PT, ‘Primary Truths’, c. 1686, in PW, 87-92, PE, 30-34
- ____, DM, ‘Discourse on Metaphysics’, 1686, in PE, 35-68; selections in PW, 18-47
- ____, ENS, ‘Explanation of the New System’, 1695-6, in PW, 125-32
- ____, NE, New Essays on Human Understanding, 1703-5, first publ. 1765, tr. and ed. P. Remnant and J. Bennett, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1981 [Notes, pp. xxiv-xxv: ‘Analysis’]
- ____, PNG, ‘Principles of Nature and of Grace’, 1714, in PW, 195-204; PE, 206-13
- ____, LP, Logical Papers, tr. and ed. G.H.R. Parkinson, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1966
- ____, LAC, The Leibniz-Arnauld Correspondence, ed. and tr. H.T. Mason, Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1967
- ____, PW, Philosophical Writings, ed. and tr. Mary Morris and G.H.R. Parkinson, London: J.M. Dent and Sons Ltd, 1973
- ____, PE, Philosophical Essays, ed. and tr. Roger Ariew and Daniel Garber, Indianapolis: Hackett, 1989
- MacDonald Ross, G., 1984, Leibniz, Oxford: Oxford University Press [60-6: discovery and proof]
- McRae, Robert, 1976, Leibniz: Perception, Apperception, and Thought, Toronto: University of Toronto Press
- Mancosu, Paolo, 1996, Philosophy of Mathematics and Mathematical Practice in the Seventeenth Century, Oxford: Oxford University Press [ch. 6: Leibniz and the calculus]
- Mates, Benson, 1986, The Philosophy of Leibniz, Oxford: Oxford University Press [ch. III: props. and concepts; ch. X: lingua philosophica]
- Mittlestrass, Jürgen, 1979, ‘The Philosopher’s Conception of “Mathesis Universalis” from Descartes to Leibniz’, Annals of Science, 36, 593-610 {§4.2}
- Parkinson, G.H.R., 1966, ‘Introduction’ to Leibniz, LP, ix-lxv
- ____, 1982, ‘The “Intellectualization of Appearances”: Aspects of Leibniz's Theory of Sensation and Thought’, in Hooker 1982, 3-20
- Pasini, Enrico, 1997, ‘Arcanum Artis Inveniendi: Leibniz and Analysis’, in Otte and Panza 1997, 35-46 {§1.2}
- Peckhaus, Volker, 1997, Logik, Mathesis universalis und allgemeine Wissenschaft, Berlin: Akademie Verlag [Leibniz’s logic and its influence]
- Pombo, O., 1987, Leibniz and the Problem of a Universal Language, Münster: Nodus Publikationen
- Rutherford, Donald, 1995, ‘Philosophy and language in Leibniz’, in Jolley 1995, 224-69 [§1: universal characteristic]
- Wiener, P., 1939, ‘Notes on Leibniz’ Conception of Logic and its Historical Context’, Phil. Rev. 48, 567-86
- Wilson, Margaret D., 1967, ‘Leibniz and Locke on “First Truths”’, J. Hist. Ideas 28, 347-66
- ____, 1977, ‘Confused Ideas’, in Kulstad 1977, 123-37
- Wolff, Christian, PRL, Philosophia Rationalis sive Logica, in GW, I.2 [Part I, §139, 69-71: method]
- ____, GW, Gesammelte Werke, ed. Jean Ecole, Hildesheim and New York: Olms, 1983
- Yost, R., 1954, Leibniz and Philosophical Analysis, Berkeley: University of California Press
4.5 Kant (and his Contemporaries)
- Allison, Henry E., 1983, Kant’s Transcendental Idealism, Yale University Press [73-8: analytic/ synthetic]
- Altmann, Alexander, 1969, Moses Mendelssohns Frühschriften zur Metaphysik, Tübingen: Mohr [271-6: ambiguities in M’s account of analysis]
- Beaney, Michael, 2002, ‘Kant and Analytic Methodology’, British Journal for the History of Philosophy 10 [review of Falkenburg 2000 and Hanna 2001]
- Beck, Lewis W., 1956a, ‘Can Kant’s Synthetic Judgments Be Made Analytic?’, in Wolff 1967, 3-22; orig. publ. in Kant-Studien 47 (1955-6), 168-81
- ____, 1956b, ‘Kant’s Theory of Definition’, in Wolff 1967, 23-36; orig. in Phil. Rev. 65 (1956), 179-91
- Bennett, Jonathan, 1966, Kant’s Analytic, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press [4-8: analytic/synthetic]
- Brittan, Gordon G., 1992, ‘Algebra and Intuition’, in Posy 1992, 315-39
- Cassirer, Ernst, 1918, Kant’s Life and Thought, tr. James Haden, Yale University Press, 1981
- Caygill, Howard, 1995, A Kant Dictionary, Oxford: Blackwell [entries under analysis, analytic, analytical judgement, clarity, definition, dialectic, logic, mathematics, synthesis]
- Coffa, J. Alberto, 1991, The Semantic Tradition from Kant to Carnap, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press [ch. 1: ‘Kant, analysis, and pure intuition’] {§1.2}
- Crusius, Christian August, 1745, Entwurf der notwendigen Vernunft-Wahrheiten, Leipzig [critique of Wolff’s method]
- ____, 1747, Wege zur Gewißheit und Zuverläßigkeit der menschlichen Erkenntnis, Leipzig; repr. Hildesheim: Olms, 1964 [critique of Wolff’s method]
- Dahlstrom, Daniel O., 1997, ‘Introduction’ to Mendelssohn PW, ix-xxx [xxv-xxviii: analysis in the prize essay]
- Engfer, Hans-Jürgen, 1982, Philosophie als Analysis, Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: Frommann-Holzboog [ch. 1: analysis and synthesis in the German Enlightenment and Kant] {§1.2}
- Falkenburg, Brigitte, 2000, Kants Kosmologie, Frankfurt am Main: Klostermann [ch. 2: Kant’s analytic method; ch. 4: Kant’s critical turn]
- Ferrarin, A., 1995, ‘Construction and Mathematical Schematism: Kant on the Exhibition of a Concept in Intuition’, Kant-Studien 86, 131-74
- Friedman, Michael, 1985, ‘Kant’s Theory of Geometry’, Phil. Rev. 94, 455-506; repr. in Posy 1992, 177-219; rev. as ch. 1 of Friedman 1992
- ____, 1990, ‘Kant on Concepts and Intuitions in the Mathematical Sciences’, Synthese 84, 213-57; rev. as ch. 2 of Friedman 1992
- ____, 1992, Kant and the Exact Sciences, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press
- ____, 1992a, ‘Causal laws and the foundations of natural science’, in Guyer 1992, 161-99 [§4: Kant on the transition from Kepler’s to Newton’s laws]
- ____, 2000, ‘Geometry, Construction, and Intuition in Kant and his Successors’, in G. Sher and R. Tieszen, eds., Between Logic and Intuition, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
- Guyer, Paul, (ed.), 1992, The Cambridge Companion to Kant, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press [includes Friedman 1992a, O’Neill 1992, Young 1992]
- Hanna, Robert, 2001, Kant and the Foundations of Analytic Philosophy, Oxford: Oxford University Press [ch. 3: analyticity]
- Hintikka, Jaakko, 1965, ‘Kant’s New Method of Thought and His Theory of Mathematics’, in Hintikka 1974, 126-34; orig. in Ajatus
- ____, 1967, ‘Kant on the Mathematical Method’, in Hintikka 1974, 160-83; Posy 1992, 21-42; orig. in Monist 51, 352-75 [mathematics as based on (synthetic) constructions]
- ____, 1973, Logic, Language-Games and Information, Oxford: Oxford University Press
- ____, 1973a, ‘Kant Vindicated’, in Hintikka 1973, 174-98
- ____, 1973b, ‘Kant and the Tradition of Analysis’, in Hintikka 1973, 199-221
- ____, 1974, Knowledge and the Known, Dordrecht: D. Reidel
- ____, 1982, ‘Kant’s Theory of Mathematics Revisited’, in Mohanty and Shelan 1982, 201-15; orig. in Phil. Topics 12
- ____, 1984, ‘Kant’s Transcendental Method and His Theory of Mathematics’, in Posy 1992, 341-59; orig. in Topoi 3
- Kant, Immanuel, IDP, Inquiry Concerning the Distinctness of the Principles of Natural Theology and Morality, ‘Prize Essay’, 1764, in TP, 243-86 [248-9, 276-7: analysis]
- ____, FP, On the Form and Principles of the Sensible and the Intelligible World, ‘Inaugural Dissertation’, 1770, in TP, 373-416 [§1: analysis]
- ____, CPR, Critique of Pure Reason, 1st ed. 1781, 2nd ed. 1787, tr. Paul Guyer and Allen W. Wood, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997; also tr. Norman Kemp Smith, London: Macmillan, 1929
- ____, PFM, Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics, 1783, tr. Paul Carus, rev. James W. Ellington, Indianapolis: Hackett, 1977; also tr. P.G. Lucas, Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1953 [§2: analytic/synthetic]
- ____, TP, Theoretical Philosophy 1755-1770, tr. and ed. David Walford in collaboration with Ralf Meerbote, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992, Cambridge Edition of the Works of Immanuel Kant
- ____, WE, ‘An Answer to the Question: “What is Enlightenment?”’, 1784, in Kant, PW, 54-60
- ____, WOT, ‘What is Orientation in Thinking’, 1786, in Kant, PW, 237-49
- ____, PW, Political Writings, 2nd ed., ed. Hans Reiss, tr. H.B. Nisbet, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991, 1st ed. 1970
- Kitcher, Philip, 1975, ‘Kant and the Foundations of Mathematics’, Phil. Rev. 84, 23-50; repr. in Posy 1992, 109-31
- Mendelssohn, Moses, 1763, Abhandlung über die Evidenz in Metaphysischen Wissenschaften, 2nd ed., Berlin: Harde & Spener, 1786; 1st ed. 1764; repr. in Mendelssohn SPA, 267-330; tr. as On Evidence in Metaphysical Sciences, in Mendelssohn PW, 251-306 [§1: analysis as ‘unpacking’]
- ____, SPA, Schriften zur Philosophie und Ästhetik, II, ed. F. Bamberger and L. Strauss, Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: Frommann, 1972; repr. from Berlin ed. 1931
- ____, PW, Philosophical Writings, tr. and ed. Daniel O. Dahlstrom, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997 [includes Dahlstrom 1997, Mendelssohn 1763]
- Mohanty, J.N. and Shehan, R.W., (eds.), 1982, Essays on Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason, University of Oklahoma Press [includes Hintikka 1982]
- O’Neill, Onora 1992, ‘Vindicating Reason’, in Guyer 1992, 280-308 [Kant’s conception of reason]
- Parsons, Charles 1969, ‘Kant’s Philosophy of Arithmetic’, in Walker 1982, 13-40; also in Parsons 1983, with a ‘Postscript’ {§6.2}; repr. in Posy 1992, 43-79; orig. publ. in 1969
- Posy, Carl J., (ed.), 1992, Kant’s Philosophy of Mathematics, Dordrecht: Kluwer [includes Brittan 1992, Friedman 1985, Hintikka 1967, 1984, Kitcher 1975, Parsons 1969, Young 1984]
- Proust, Joelle, 1986, Questions de forme, Paris: Fayard, tr. as Questions of Form: Logic and the Analytic Proposition from Kant to Carnap by A.A. Brenner, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1989 [I: Kant] {§1.2}
- Walker, Ralph C.S., (ed.), 1982, Kant on Pure Reason, Oxford: Oxford University Press [includes Parsons 1969]
- Wolff, R.P., (ed.), 1967, Kant: A Collection of Critical Essays, London: Macmillan [includes Beck 1956a and 1956b]
- Young, J. Michael, 1984, ‘Construction, Schematism and Imagination’, in Posy 1992, 159-75; orig. in Topoi 3 [mathematics as grounded in (synthetic) construction]
- ____, 1992, ‘Functions of thought and the synthesis of intuitions’, in Guyer 1992, 101-22 [§3: analysis and synthesis of concepts]