Supplement to Deontic Logic
Detailed Table of Contents[1]
- Introductory Abstract
- Challenges in Defining Deontic Logic (Supplementary Document)
- 1. Informal Preliminaries and Background
- 2. Standard Deontic Logic
- 2.1 Standard Syntax
- (von Wright's 1951 System and SDL)
- (Alternative Axiomatization of SDL)
- 2.2 Standard Semantics
- (Kripke-Style Semantics for SDL)
- (Two Counter-Models Regarding Additions to SDL)
- 2.1 Standard Syntax
- 3. The Andersonian-Kangerian Reduction
- 3.1 Standard Syntax
- (Two Simple Proofs in Kd)
- (SDL Containment Proof)
- (Determinism and Deontic Collapse in the Classic A-K Framework)
- 3.2 Standard Semantics
- (Kripke-Style Semantics for Kd)
- 3.1 Standard Syntax
- 4. Challenges to Standard Deontic Logics
- 4.1 A Puzzle Centering around the Very Idea of a Deontic Logic
- Jorgesson’s Dilemma
- 4.2 A Problem Centering Around NEC
- (The Logical Necessity of Obligations Problem)
- 4.3 Puzzles Centering Around RM
- Free Choice Permission Paradox
- (The Violability Puzzle)
- Ross's Paradox
- The Good Samaritan Paradox
- (The Paradox of Epistemic Obligation)
- 4.4 Puzzles Centering Around NC, OD and Analogues
- Sartre's Dilemma
- (A Puzzle Surrounding Kant's Law)
- (Collapse of Conflicts and Impossible Obligations)
- Plato's Dilemma
- 4.5 Puzzles Centering Around Deontic Conditionals
- (The Paradox of Derived Obligation/Commitment)
- Contrary-to-Duty (or Chisholm’s) Paradox
- (A Bit More on Chisholm's Paradox)
- The Paradox of the Gentle Murder
- 4.6 Problems Surrounding (Normative) Expressive Inadequacies of SDL
- The Normative Gaps Puzzle
- Urmson's Puzzle—Indifference versus Optionality
- The Supererogation Problem
- The Must versus Ought Dilemma
- The Least You Can Do Problem
- (A Framework for Common Sense Morality in Non-Conflict Contexts)
- 4.7 Agency in Deontic Contexts
- The Jurisdictional Puzzle and the Need for Agency
- A Simple Kangerian Agency Framework
- (Inaction versus Refraining/Forebearing)
- The Meinong-Chisholm Reduction: A Simple Recipe for Agential Obligations
- A Glimpse at the Theory of Normative Positions
- (Deontic Compliments)
- An Obligation Fulfillment Dilemma
- (The Leakage Problem)
- 4.8 Challenges regarding Obligation, Change and Time
- 4.1 A Puzzle Centering around the Very Idea of a Deontic Logic
- 5. Conclusion
- Bibliography
- Other Internet Resources
- Related Entries
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