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Supplement to Common Knowledge

Proof of Lemma 2.11

Lemma 2.11.
omegaprime in calligraphic-M(omega) iff omegaprime is reachable from omega.

Pick an arbitrary world omega in Omega, and let

calligraphic-R( omega ) = infinity
n = 1

i 1, i 2, . . . , i n in N
calligraphic-Hi n ( . . . ( calligraphic-Hi 2 ( calligraphic-Hi 1 ( omega ) ) )

that is, calligraphic-R( omega ) is the set of all worlds that are reachable from omega. Clearly, for each i in N, calligraphic-Hi( omega ) subset calligraphic-R( omega ), which shows that calligraphic-R is a coarsening of the partitions calligraphic-Hi, i in N. Hence calligraphic-M( omega ) subset calligraphic-R( omega ), as calligraphic-M is the finest common coarsening of the calligraphic-Hi's.

We need to show that calligraphic-R( omega ) subset calligraphic-M( omega ) to complete the proof. To do this, it suffices to show that for any sequence i 1, i 2, . . . , i n in N

( 1 ) calligraphic-Hi n ( . . . ( calligraphic-Hi 2 ( calligraphic-Hi 1( omega ) ) )

We will prove ( 1 ) by induction on n. By definition, calligraphic-Hi( omega ) subset calligraphic-M( omega ) for each i in N, proving ( 1 ) for n = 1. Suppose now that ( 1 ) obtains for n = k, and for a given i in N, let omega* in calligraphic-Hi( A ) where A = calligraphic-Hi k ( . . . ( calligraphic-Hi 2 ( calligraphic-Hi 1 ( omega ) ) ). By induction hypothesis, A subset calligraphic-M( omega ). Since calligraphic-Hi( A ) states that i 1 thinks that i 2 thinks that . . . i k thinks that i thinks that omega* is possible, A and calligraphic-Hi( omega*) must overlap, that is, calligraphic-Hi( omega* ) intersect A not equal to emptyset. If omega* not in calligraphic-M( omega ), then calligraphic-Hi( omega* ) not in calligraphic-M( omega ), which implies that calligraphic-M is not a common coarsening of the calligraphic-Hi's, a contradiction. Hence omega* in calligraphic-M( omega ), and since i was chosen arbitrarily from N, this shows that ( 1 ) obtains for n = k + 1. QED

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Copyright © 2001, 2002
Peter Vanderschraaf

Supplement to Common Knowledge
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy