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Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Supplement to Common Knowledge

Proof of Lemma 2.12

Lemma 2.12.
calligraphic-M(omega) is common knowledge for the agents of N at omega.

Since calligraphic-M is a coarsening of calligraphic-Hi for each i in N, K i( calligraphic-M( omega ) ). Hence, K 1N ( calligraphic-M( omega ) ), and since by definition K i( calligraphic-M( omega ) ) = { omega | calligraphic-Hi( omega ) subset calligraphic-M( omega ) } = calligraphic-M( omega ),

K 1N ( calligraphic-M( omega ) ) = intersection
i in N
K i( calligraphic-M( omega ) ) = calligraphic-M( omega )

Applying the recursive definition of mutual knowledge, for any m greater than or equal to 1,

K mN ( calligraphic-M( omega ) ) = intersection
i in N
K i ( K m - 1N ( calligraphic-M( omega ) ) = intersection
i in N
K i( calligraphic-M( omega ) ) = calligraphic-M( omega )

so, since omega in calligraphic-M( omega ) , by definition we have omega in K *N ( calligraphic-M( omega ) ). QED

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Copyright © 2001, 2002
Peter Vanderschraaf

Supplement to Common Knowledge
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy