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Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
List of Supplements and Supplement Index: Relativism
List of Supplements
Supplement 1: Relativism and the Constructive Aspects of Perception
1. Empirical Aspects of Human Perception
1.1 Top-Down Processing
1.2 What Ambiguous Figures Teach Us
2. The Theory-Ladeness of Perception
2.1 Perception and Relativism
3. Cross-Cultural Studies of Perception
3.1 Comprehension Checks
4. Perceptual Relativism
Supplement 2: The Linguistic Relativity Hypothesis
1. History of the Hypothesis
1.1 Linguistic Relativism and Metaphysics
2. The Many Versions of Linguistic Relativism
2.1 Testing the Linguistic Relativity Hypotheses
2.2 Many Versions of the Hypothesis have not been Tested
3. Innateness and Linguistic Universals
3.1 Poverty of the Stimulus Arguments
3.2 Modularity
4. Morals for other Independent Variables: Modularity and Encapsulation
Supplement 3: Arguments and Inferences
1. Arguments
2. Validity
2.1 Systems of Logic
3. Inductive Strength
4. Inference
Supplement 4: Projectibility
Supplement 5: Justifying Epistemic Norms
1. Consistency
2. Truth-conduciveness
2.1 Reflective Equilibrium
2.2 Rationality for Bounded Beings
Supplement 6: The Cognitive Construction of Reality
1. Construction
2. Different Worlds
Supplement Index
Ambiguous Figures
Carpentered-World Hypothesis
Inductive Strength
Inference to the Best Explanation
Linguistic Universals
Modularity of Mind
Perceptual Set
Poverty of Stimulus Arguments
Reflective Equilibrium
Sander parallelogram illusion
Theory-Laden Nature of Perception
Top-Down Processing
Whorf-Sapir Hypothesis
Copyright © 2003
Chris Swoyer
Supplement to
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy