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Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
More Detailed Tables of Contents
More Detailed Table of Contents (to Subsection-Level)
1. A Framework for Relativism
is relative to
1.2 Descriptive Relativism and Normative Relativism
1.3 The Two Faces of Normative Relativism
1.4 Relativism as Presupposing Realism and Inconceivable without It
1.5 A Taxonomy of Positions
1.6 Matters of Degree
1.7 Exceptions and Dispensations: The Exemption Problem
2. Dependent Variables: What is Relative?
2.1 Central Concepts
2.2 Central Beliefs
2.3 Perception
2.4 Epistemic Appraisal
2.5 Ethics
2.6 Semantics
2.7 Practice
2.8 Truth
2.9 Reality
2.10 Relationships among the Kinds of Relativism
3. Independent Variables: Relative to What?
3.1 Language
3.2 Culture
3.3 Historical Period
3.4 Innate Cognitive Architecture
3.5 Choice
3.6 Other Contenders
3.7 Frameworks Revisited
4. Arguments for Relativism
4.1 Perception is Theory-Laden
4.2 Alternative Frameworks are Incommensurable
4.3 Normative Relativism as the Best Explanation
[Not yet available]
4.4 Normative Relativism and the Nature of Justification
[Not yet available]
4.5 The Master Argument for Normative Relativism
[Not yet available]
5. Arguments against Relativism
5.1 No Facts of the Matter
5.2 Perception is not Hopelessly Theory-Laden
5.3 Cognitive Architecture and Cognitive Universals
5.4 Semantic Realism
5.5 The Mediation Problem: Concepts aren't Veils
5.6 Going off the Deep End: Extrapolation into Unintelligibility?
5.7 Transcendental Arguments
5.8 Understanding and Charitable Construal
5.9 Self-Refutation: Quicksand all the Way Down
5.10 Beyond Relativism
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Most Detailed Table of Contents (to Subsubsection-Level)
1. A Framework for Relativism
is relative to
1.2 Descriptive Relativism and Normative Relativism
1.3 The Two Faces of Normative Relativism
1.4 Relativism as Presupposing Realism and Inconceivable without It
1.5 A Taxonomy of Positions
1.6 Matters of Degree
1.6.1 Large vs. Small Differences
1.6.2 Local vs. Global Relativisms
1.7 Exceptions and Dispensations: The Exemption Problem
2. Dependent Variables: What is Relative?
2.1 Central Concepts
2.1.1 Concepts do More than Classify
2.1.2 Expressibility vs. Usability
2.2 Central Beliefs
2.3 Perception
2.4 Epistemic Appraisal
2.4.1 Epistemic Relativism
2.5 Ethics
2.6 Semantics
2.6.1 Meaning Holism and the Relativity of Meaning
2.7 Practice
2.8 Truth
2.9 Reality
2.10 Relationships among the Kinds of Relativism
3. Independent Variables: Relative to What?
Relativism as Social
3.1 Language
3.2 Culture
3.3 Historical Period
3.4 Innate Cognitive Architecture
3.5 Choice
3.6 Other Contenders
3.6.1 Scientific Frameworks
3.6.2 Religion
3.6.3 Gender, Race, and Social Status
3.6.4 The Individual
3.7 Frameworks Revisited
4. Arguments for Relativism
4.1 Perception is Theory-Laden
4.2 Alternative Frameworks are Incommensurable
4.3 Normative Relativism as the Best Explanation
[Not yet available]
4.4 Normative Relativism and the Nature of Justification
[Not yet available]
4.5 The Master Argument for Normative Relativism
[Not yet available]
5. Arguments against Relativism
5.1 No Facts of the Matter
5.2 Perception is not Hopelessly Theory-Laden
5.3 Cognitive Architecture and Cognitive Universals
Normative Mileage from Factual Consensus?
5.4 Semantic Realism
5.4.1 Reference and Relativism
5.4.2 Semantic Externalism and Relativism
5.4.3 Platonism and Relativism
5.5 The Mediation Problem: Concepts aren't Veils
5.6 Going off the Deep End: Extrapolation into Unintelligibility?
5.6.1 Live Options
5.7 Transcendental Arguments
5.7.1 Two Types of Retrenchment
5.8 Understanding and Charitable Construal
5.9 Self-Refutation: Quicksand all the Way Down
5.9.1 Complete Metastasis
5.9.2 Damage Control
5.10 Beyond Relativism
Not Just Anything Goes
Rational Change Does Occur
Reconciling Rationality and Contingency
5.10.1 A Residual Sense of Contingency?
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Copyright © 2003
Chris Swoyer
Table of Contents to
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy