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Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Supplement to Common Knowledge


1. If this does not look immediately obvious, consider that either

E = [T2 = t] = my (Lizzi's) tth confirmation was lost,
<em>F = [T2 = t] = my tth confirmation was received and Joanna's tth confirmation was lost
must occur, and that mu1(T1 = t | E) = mu1(T1 = t | F) = 1 because Lizzi can see her own computer screen, so we can apply Bayes' Theorem as follows:
mu1(E | T1 = t) = mu1(T1 = t | E)   mu1(E)
mu1(T1 = t | E)   mu1(E)   +   mu1(T1 = t | F)   mu1(F)
  = mu1(E)
mu1(E)  +  mu1(F)
+ (1minus)

Copyright © 2001, 2002
Peter Vanderschraaf

Supplement to Common Knowledge
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy