Dror Ehrlich
Curriculum Vitae
Contact Information
Department of Philosophy
Faculty of Humanities
Bar Ilan University
52900 Ramat-Gan
ph. Tel. 972-3-531 8421
- B.A., Philosophy, Bar-Ilan University, 2000 (with high honors)
- Teaching Diploma, Jewish Thought, The Hebrew University of
Jerusalem, 2000
- Ph.D., Philosophy, Bar-Ilan University, 2004 (with highest honors)
- Ph.D. Thesis: Philosophy and the Art of Writing in
R. Joseph Albo's Book of Roots [in Hebrew]
- Ph.D. Advisor: Professor Dov Schwartz
Career History
- 2003–2004: Teaching Assistant, Bar Ilan University
- 2005: Adjunct Instructor, Bar Ilan University
- 2006: Lecturer, Bar Ilan University; Ashkelon Academic College
Refereed Journal Articles
- ‘Love of God and Esoteric Writing in R. Joseph
Albo's Book of Roots’, Daat, 53 (2004):
63-82. [in Hebrew]
Reference Work Entries
- ‘Albo, Joseph’,
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Fall 2006 Edition),
Presentations at Conferences
- ‘R. Joseph Albo’s Interpretation of Moses’
Sin’, Interuniversity Conference of the Departments of Jewish
Thought, Bar-Ilan University, March 2005.
- ‘Julius Guttmann and the Study of R. Joseph Albo’s
Thought’, Fourteenth World Congress for Jewish Studies, The
Hebrew University of Jerusalem, August 2005.
Academic Awards and Grants
- Bar-Ilan Presidential Fellowship for Outstanding Doctoral Students,
- Bar-Ilan Presidential Prize for Ph.D. with distinction, 2005.
Date Curriculum Vitae Prepared: July 26, 2006
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