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Supplement to Frege's Theorem and Foundations for Arithmetic

Proof of the Lemma for Hume's Principle

[Note: We use ϵF to denote the extension of the concept F.]

Let P,Q be arbitrarily chosen concepts. We want to show:


So, by definition of #P, we have to show:


where P was previously defined as [λxH(x=ϵH&HF)].

We prove this by appealing to the following instance of the Law of Extensions:

Fact: ϵQϵPP(ϵQ)

() Assume ϵQϵP (to show: QP). Then, by the above Fact, we know P(ϵQ). So by the definition of P:


By λ-conversion, this implies:


Suppose R is an arbitrary such concept:


Then by Basic Law V, the first conjunct implies x(QxRx). Since the material equivalence of two concepts implies their equinumerosity (Fact 1, subsection on Equinumerosity, in the main part of the entry), it follows that QR. So from this result and the second conjunct of (1), it follows that QP, by the transitivity of equinumerosity (Fact 4 in the subsection on Equinumerosity).

() Assume QP (to show ϵQϵP). Then, by identity introduction, we know: ϵQ=ϵQ&QP. So, by existential generalization:


And by λ-Conversion:


Hence, by definition, P(ϵQ). So, by the above Fact, ϵQϵP.

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Edward N. Zalta <>

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