Supplement to Frege's Theorem and Foundations for Arithmetic
Proof of the Lemma for Hume's Principle
[Note: We use ϵF to denote the extension of the concept F.]
Let P,Q be arbitrarily chosen concepts. We want to show:
So, by definition of #P, we have to show:
where P≈ was previously defined as [λx∃H(x=ϵH&H≈F)].
We prove this by appealing to the following instance of the Law of Extensions:
Fact: ϵQ∈ϵP≈≡P≈(ϵQ)
(→) Assume ϵQ∈ϵP≈ (to show: Q≈P). Then, by the above Fact, we know P≈(ϵQ). So by the definition of P≈:
By λ-conversion, this implies:
Suppose R is an arbitrary such concept:
Then by Basic Law V, the first conjunct implies ∀x(Qx≡Rx). Since the material equivalence of two concepts implies their equinumerosity (Fact 1, subsection on Equinumerosity, in the main part of the entry), it follows that Q≈R. So from this result and the second conjunct of (1), it follows that Q≈P, by the transitivity of equinumerosity (Fact 4 in the subsection on Equinumerosity).
(←) Assume Q≈P (to show ϵQ∈ϵP≈). Then, by identity introduction, we know: ϵQ=ϵQ&Q≈P. So, by existential generalization:
And by λ-Conversion:
Hence, by definition, P≈(ϵQ). So, by the above Fact, ϵQ∈ϵP≈.