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Supplement to Common Knowledge

Proof of Lemma 2.15

Lemma 2.15.
ωM(ω) iff ω is reachable from ω.

Pick an arbitrary world ωΩ, and let


that is, R(ω) is the set of all worlds that are reachable from ω. Clearly, for each iN, Hi(ω)R(ω), which shows that R is a coarsening of the partitions Hi, iN. Hence M(ω)R(ω), as M is the finest common coarsening of the Hi’s.

We need to show that R(ω)M(ω) to complete the proof. To do this, it suffices to show that for any sequence i1,i2,,inN


We will prove (1) by induction on n. By definition, Hi(ω)M(ω) for each iN, proving (1) for n=1. Suppose now that (1) obtains for n=k, and for a given iN, let ωHi(A) where A=Hik((Hi2(Hi1(ω))). By induction hypothesis, AM(ω). Since Hi(A) states that i1 thinks that i2 thinks that ik thinks that i thinks that ω is possible, A and Hi(ω) must overlap, that is, Hi(ω)A. If ωM(ω), then Hi(ω), which implies that \mathcal{M} is not a common coarsening of the \mathcal{H}_i’s, a contradiction. Hence \omega^* \in \mathcal{M}(\omega), and since i was chosen arbitrarily from N, this shows that (1) obtains for n = k + 1. \Box

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