Supplement to Common Knowledge
Proof of Proposition 3.1
Proposition 3.1.
Let Ω be a finite set of states of the world. Suppose that
- Agents i and j have a common prior probability distribution μ(⋅) over the events of Ω such that μ(ω)>0 for each ω∈Ω, and
- It is common knowledge at ω that i’s posterior probability of event E is qi(E) and that j’s posterior probability of E is qj(E).
Then qi(E)=qj(E).
be the meet of all the
agents’ partitions, and let
M(ω) be the element of
containing ω. Since
M(ω) consists of cells common to every
agents information partition, we can write
where each Hik∈Hi. Since i’s posterior probability of event E is common knowledge, it is constant on M(ω), and so
qi(E)=μ(E∣Hik) for all kHence,
μ(E∩Hik)=qi(E)μ(Hik)and so
μ(E∩M(ω))=μ(E∩⋃kHik)=μ(⋃kE∩Hik)=∑kμ(E∩Hik)=∑kqi(E)μ(Hik)=qi(E)∑kμ(Hik)=qi(E)μ(⋃kHik)=qi(E)μ(M(ω))Applying the same argument to j, we have
μ(E∩M(ω))=qj(E)μ(M(ω))so we must have qi(E)=qj(E). ◻