Supplement to Common Knowledge
Proof of Proposition 3.11
Proposition 3.11 (Aumann 1987)If each agent i∈ N is ω-Bayes rational at each possible world ω∈Ω, then the agents are following an Aumann correlated equilibrium. If the CPA is satisfied, then the correlated equilibrium is objective.
We must show that s:Ω→S as defined by the
si’s of the Bayesian rational agents
is an objective Aumann
correlated equilibrium. Let i∈n and
ω∈Ω be
given, and let gi:Ω→Si be any
function that is a function of si. Since
si is
constant over each cell of
Hi,gi must be as well,
that is, gi is
By Bayesian rationality,
Since ω was chosen arbitrarily, we can take iterated expectations to get
E(E(ui∘s∣Hi)(ω))≥E(E(ui(gi,s−i)∣Hi)(ω))which implies that
E(ui∘s)≥E(ui(gi,s−i))so s is an Aumann correlated equilibrium.