Supplement to Temporal Consciousness

Long descriptions for some figures in Temporal Consciousness

Figure 1.1 description

Three diagrams each at the bottom having a long arrow pointing to the right representing time.

  • Figure 1.1a, Cinematic Model, 12 vertical parallel lines each representing a snapshot are above the long arrow.
  • Figure 1.1b, Retentional Model, a vertical line going up from the arrow with two parallel arrows with dashed lines angling down and to the left of the vertical line.
  • Figure 1.1c, Extensional Model, above the long arrow is a wide blue rectangle, from both the left and right sides of the rectangle an arrow with a dashed line points down to the long arrow.

Figure 3.1 description

The Cinematic model: Two diagrams each with a long horizontal line at the bottom labelled “time”. See the paragraph above Figure 3.1 for an explanation.

In the left diagram, a vertical arrow points down and intersecting it another arrow points right. The whole is labelled “smooth advance of point-like ‘ray’ of awareness”

In the right diagram there are three parallel identical rectangles each containing a small blue cylinder with the cylinder lower in each rectangle as one goes from left to right. From each rectangle an arrow points down to the line representing time. The whole is labelled “successive experiential content = momentary static ‘snapshots’”.

Figure 4.1 description

Husserl’s time diagram, a long horizontal line, the horizontal axis, with points C, D, E, F, and G along it. From each of points C, D, and E parallel lines descend and angle towards the right. From points D, E, and F perpendicular lines, the vertical axes, drop to intersect the angled lines. The intersection of the angled line from C with the perpendicular line from D is labelled C* and with the perpendicular line from E is labelled C**. The intersection of the angled line from D with the perpendicular line from E is labelled D* and with the perpendicular line from F is labelled D**. The intersection of the angled line from E with the perpendicular line from F is labelled E*. From point G a line ascends and angled towards the left; a perpendicular line ascends from point F and the intersection with the line from point G is labelled G*.

See the paragraph below Figure 4.1 for an explanation.

Figure 5.1 description

A diagram again with a long horizontal arrow pointing to the right at the bottom and labelled “time”. Above is a rectangle divided into three equal sized parts, left to right. The leftmost part contains “do”, the middle “re”, and the rightmost “me”. To the left of the rectangle is the label “temporally extended contents”. Above the rectangle are two brackets, the lower one brackets the do and re parts and the upper one the re and me parts. To the left of the brackets is the label “temporally extended acts of awareness”.

See paragraph above Figure 5.1 for an explanation.

Figure 5.2 description

A diagram again with a long horizontal arrow pointing to the right at the bottom and labelled “time”. Above is a rectangle divided into three equal sized parts, left to right. The leftmost parts is labelled “do”, the middle “re”, and the rightmost “me”. Inside the rectangle are 7 short arrows spread evenly in two horizontal lines pointing to the right. Above the rectangle is a bracket labelled “diachronic unity” bracketing the do and re parts. Below the rectangle is a bracket bracketing the re and me parts.

See paragraph above Figure 5.2 for an explanation.

Figure 6.1 description

A diagram again with a long horizontal arrow pointing to the right at the bottom and labelled “time”. Above is a rectangle divided into four equal sized parts; left to right the parts are labelled C, D, E, and F. Above the rectangle are three points labelled, left to right, A1, A2, and A3. From each point drops two arrows to the rectangle. The arrows from A1 point to the left side of the rectangle and the line between parts D and E. The arrows from A2 point to the line between parts C and D and the line between parts E and F. The arrows from A3 point to the line between D and E and the right side of the rectangle.

Figure 6.2 description

Similar to Figure 6.1 except the rectangle is dropped and point A3 with its arrows, leaving only points A1 and A2 with their arrows and the time arrow at the bottom. Added is first a square bracket connecting points A1 and A2 and labelled “d = duration of awareness of e”. To the left is a label of “Temporal Properties of Experience”. Second in the area where the arrows from A1 and A2 overlap (where part D was in Figure 6.1), is an asterisk with a square bracket below it labelled “e”. To the left of this is a label of “Temporal Properties of Object or Content”.

See paragraphs above Figure 6.2 as well as below the figure for an explanation.

Figure 8.1 description

Four part diagram.

  • The topmost part is a wide grey rectangle labelled “The 4-D Block Universe (Eternalism)”
  • The second part is an identical grey rectangle except a vertical blue bar is midway in it. The label is “The Moving Spotlight Model”
  • The third part is a grey rectangle that is only as wide as the second part's rectangle from the left side to the blue bar. The label is “The Growing Block Model”.
  • The fourth part is a narrow grey rectangle. The label is “Presentism”.

See paragraph above Figure 8.1 for an explanation.

Figure S1 description

This and Figure S2 are similar. For this figure parts include

  1. A long horizontal arrow pointing right and labelled “time(ordinary, clock)”, on the time line are two points marked below with \(t_1\) and \(t_2\). Below that is a left-right arrow labelled to the right with “T = duration of sensory stimulus”. Below that is another left-right arrow labelled below with “event (=N)” and to the right with “R = duration of event perceived or represented”.
  2. Above the time arrow is a large grey rectangle with a horizontal left-right arrow and labelled “S = phenomenal duration of experience E”. An arrow goes from the \(t_1\) point to the lower left-hand corner of the rectangle. Another arrow goes from the \(t_2\) point to the lower right-hand corner of the rectangle.
  3. The upper left-hand corner of the rectangle is marked with \(t_{1}^*\) and the upper right-hand corner with \(t_{2}^*\). A bracket above connects \(t_{1}^*\) and \(t_{2}^*\) and above that is the label “O = objective duration of experience E

Figure S2 description

This and Figure S1 are similar. For this figure parts include

  1. A long horizontal arrow pointing right and not labelled (but we'll call it the time line) on the time line are two points marked below with \(t_1\) and \(t_2\). Below that is a left-right arrow labelled to the right with “T = duration of sensory stimulus”. Below that is another left-right arrow labelled below with “event (=N)” and to the right with “R = duration of event perceived or represented”.
  2. Above the time line, instead of the rectangle and arrows of Figure S1, are 13 parallel vertical lines with arrowheads at the top and bottom of each line. On the left these arrows are bracketed with a label of “S = phenomenal duration of experience E”.
  3. The upper left-hand corner of the block of arrows is marked with \(t_{1}^*\) and the upper right-hand corner with \(t_{2}^*\). A bracket above connects \(t_{1}^*\) and \(t_{2}^*\) and above that is the label “O = objective duration of experiencing of E” (note the wording is slightly different from the same area in Figure S2).

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Barry Dainton <>

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