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Let T2 denote the
number of messages that Joanna's e-mail system sends, and
T1 denote the number of messages that Lizzi's
e-mail system sends. We might suppose that
Ti appears on each agent's computer
screen. If T1 = 0, then Lizzi sends no message,
that is,
has occurred, in which case Lizzi's unique best response is to
choose A. If T2 = 0, then Joanna did
not receive a message. She knows that in this case, either
has occurred and Lizzi did not send her a message, which occurs with
probability .51, or
has occurred and Lizzi sent her a message which did not arrive,
which occurs with probability
has occurred, then Lizzi is sure to choose A, so Joanna
knows that whatever Lizzi might do at
E(u2(A) | T2=0) 2(.51) + 0(.49) ![]()
.51 + .49> 4(.51) + 2(.49)
.51 + .49E(u2(B) | T2=0 )
so Joanna is strictly better off choosing A no matter what Lizzi does at either state of the world.
Suppose next that for all Ti < t,
each agents’ unique best response given her expectations
regarding the other agent is A, so that the unique Nash
equilibrium of the game is (A,A). Assume that
T1 = t. Lizzi is uncertain whether
T2 = t, which is the case if Joanna
received Lizzi's tth automatic confirmation and
Joanna's tth confirmation was lost, or if
T2 = t
1, which is the case if Lizzi's tth confirmation
was lost. Then
1(T2 = t
1 | T1 = t)
= z = ![]()
+ (1
> ½.[1]
Thus it is more likely that Lizzi's last confirmation did not arrive
than that Joanna did receive this message. By the inductive
assumption, Lizzi assesses that Joanna will choose A if
T2 =
E(u1(B) | T1 = t) ![]()
4z + 2(1
= 6z + 2
< 3 + 2
= 1,
E(u1(A) | T1 = t) = 0since Lizzi knows that
Return to Coordination and Common p-Belief
First published: August 27, 2001
Content last modified: August 27, 2001