Roberto Torretti
Curriculum Vitæ
Postal Address: Casilla 20017, Correo 20, Santiago, CHILE
Phone: 562-212-5692
Birthdate: January 16, 1930
Electronic Mail:
Ph.D., Philosophy, University of Freiburg, Germany, 1954
(Thesis Director: Wilhelm Szilasi)
Areas of Specialization
Philosophy of physics, especially relativity theory
Philosophy of mathematics, especially 19th century geometry
Professional Experience
- Professor of Philosophy,
Universidad de Chile (1999 --
- Professor of Philosophy,
University of Puerto Rico (1970 --
- Editor, Dialogos (1971 -- 1995)
- Professor of Philosophy,
Universidad de Chile (1964 --
- Director, Centro de Estudios Humanisticos,
Faculty of Physics
and Mathematics,
Universidad de Chile (1964 -- 1970)
- Professor of Philosophy,
Universidad de Concepcion, Chile
(1961-- 1964)
- Chairman, Department of Philosophy,
Universidad de
Concepcion, Chile (1961 -- 1964)
- Lecturer, Faculty of General Studies,
University of Puerto
Rico (1958 -- 1961)
- Translator, Secretariat,
United Nations, New York City(1955
-- 1958)
Academic Awards:
- Fellow, Pittsburgh Center for the Philosophy of Science, 1983-1984
- John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Fellow, 1980-1981
- John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Fellow, 1975-1976
- Alexander-von-Humboldt Dozentenstipendiat, Kant-Archiv, Bonn,
Learned Societies
- Institut International de Philosophie
- Academie Internationale de Philosophie des Sciences
- British Society for the Philosophy of Science
- Philosophy of Science Association
- Manuel Kant. Estudio sobre los fundamentos de la filosofia
critica. Santiago: Ediciones de la Universidad de Chile, 1967. 603
pp. Seco fia de la Naturaleza. Textos Antiguos y Modernos.
Santiago: Editorial Universitaria, 1971. 178 pp. Second, enlarged
edition, Santiago: Editorial Universitaria, 1998. 170 pp.
- (With Luis O. Gomez) Problemas de la Filosofia. Textos
filosoficos clasicos y contemporaneos. Rio Piedras: Editorial
Universitaria, Universidad de Puerto Rico, 1975. 768 pp. Reprinted
several times with minor corrections.
- Philosophy of Geometry from Riemann to Poincare. Dordrecht:
D. Reidel Publishing Co., 1978. xiii + 458 pp. Corrected
reprint. Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing Co., 1984. xiii+458
- Relativity and Geometry. Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1983. xi +
395 pp. Corrected reprint. New York: Dover, 1996. xiv + 395
- Creative Understanding: Philosophical Reflections on
Physics. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1990. xvi + 369
- (With Carla Cordua) Variedad en la Razon: Ensayos sobre
Kant. Rio Piedras: Editorial de la Universidad de Puerto Rico,
1992. x + 248 pp.
- La geometria del universo y otros ensayos de filosofia
natural. Merida: Consejo de Publicaciones de la Universidad de los
Andes, 1994. x + 296 pp.
- Sophocles’ Philoctetes. Text and Commentary. Bryn Mawr, PA:
Thomas Library, Bryn Mawr College, 1997. 94 pp. (Bryn Mawr Greek
- El Paraiso de Cantor: La tradicion conjuntista en la filosofia
matematica. Santiago de Chile: Editorial Universitaria, 1998. xiv
+ 589 pp.
- The Philosophy of Physics. New York: Cambridge University
Press, 1999. xv + 512 pp.
- "Geometry". In Hans Burkhardt and Barry Smith, eds., Handbook
of Metaphysics and Ontology. Munich: Philosophia Verlag,
- "El metodo axiomatico". In Enciclopedia Iberoamericana de
Filosofia, Vol. 4. Madrid: Trotta, 1993,
pp. 89-110.
- "Spazio". In Dizionario delle Scienze Fisiche. Roma:
Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana, 1995. Vol. 5,
pp. 427-433.
- "Space". In The Routledge Encyclopedia
London: Routledge. 1998.
- "Spacetime". In The Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
London: Routledge. 1998.
- "Geometry in the 19th Century", In Edward N. Zalta, ed.,
The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Fall 1999 Edition, URL =
Other Articles:
- "Aspectos de la doctrina de Kelsen". Anales de la Universidad
de Chile, 100: 85-108 (1955).
- "Medio geografico y medio de la conducta en la psicologia
moderna". Atenea, 361-362: 105-119 (1955).
- "Ha habido progreso de la filosofia en su historia?" Revista
de Filosofia (Chile), iv.1: 49-56 (1957).
- "Causalidad y evolucion. Consideraciones sobre el presunto dilema
que estas ideas plantearian a la ciencia". Revista de Filosofia
(Chile), iv.2-3: 38-51 (1957).
- "Socialidad del individuo". Revista de Ciencias
Sociales(Puerto Rico), v.1: 21-29 (1961).
- "Kant, filosofo del mas aca". La Torre, 34: 161-179
- "Reflexiones sugeridas por el Tractatus de
Wittgenstein". Revista de Ciencias Sociales (Puerto Rico), V.4:
479-490 (1961).
- Hume y la religion. Concepcion: Ediciones Atenea,
n.d. (1962), 36 pp.
- "Poder politico y opresion". Revista de Filosofia (Chile),
IX.1-2: 35-48 (1962).
- "Lecciones sobre el empirismo ingles". Revista de Filosofia
(Chile), IX.3: 113-155 (1962).
- "Para introducir a Heidegger". La Torre, 39: 87-102
- "Sobre el significado del imperativo categorico". Revista de
Filosofia (Chile), X.1: 45-66 (1963).
- "Finitud del hombre y limites del conocimiento en Descartes y
Leibniz". Anales de la Universidad de Chile, 128: 33-58
- "Contrato social y economia dirigida en el pensamiento politico de
Fichte". Revista de Ciencias Sociales (Puerto Rico), VIII.4:
357-375 (1964).
- "Unamuno, pensador cristiano". In: Unamuno, Santiago:
Ediciones de la Universidad de Chile, 1964,
pp. 95-112.
- "Introduccion a un estudio de la deduccion trascendental de las
categorias en la primera Critica de Kant". Revista de
Filosofia (Chile), xii: 19-61 (1965).
- "Las contrapartidas incongruentes en la gestacion de la f
Kant". Dialogos, 3: 7-24 (1965).
- "Las Investigaciones de Wittgenstein y la posibilidad de la
filosofia". Dialogos, 10: 35-59 (1968). Reprinted in Jorge
J.E. Gracia, Eduardo Rabossi, Enrique Villanueva and Marcelo Dascal,
eds. El analisis filosofico en America Latina, Mexico: Fondo de
Cultura Economica, 1985, pp. 536-556.
- "Tercer Congreso Internacional de Kant". Dialogos, 17:
113-117 (1969).
- "Die Frage nach der Einheit der Welt bei
Kant". Kantstudien, 62: 77-97 (1972).
- "On the subjectivity of objective space". In: L. W. Beck, ed.,
Proceedings of the Third International Kant Congress,
Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing Co., 1972, pp. 535-540. Reprinted in
L. W. Beck, ed., Kant’s Theory of Knowledge, Dordrecht:
D. Reidel Publishing Co., 1974, pp. 111-116.
- "Remarks on Salmon’s Paradox of Primes". Philosophy of
Science, 39: 260-262 (1972).
- "La filosofia de la aritmetica de Husserl". Studi
internazionali di Filosofia,4: 183-206 (1972).
- "Logica formal y forma logica". In: Ueberlieferung und
Auftrag. Festschrift fuer Michael de Ferdinandy, Wiesbaden:
Pressler, 1972, pp. 624-633.
- "Juicios sinteticos a priori". Cuadernos de Filosofia
(Buenos Aires), xi,20: 297-320 (1973).
- "On Mr. Kielkopf’s not so sober understanding of standard
elementary logic". Mind, 83: 575-577 (1974).
- "La geometria en el pensamiento de Kant". Anales del Seminario
de Metafisica (Madrid), 9: 9-60 (1974).
- "El debate sobre el individualismo metodologico". Dialogos,
26: 95-117 (1974).
- "Problemas filosoficos del espacio y el tiempo. A proposito de la
nueva edicion de la obra de Adolf Gruenbaum". Dialogos, 27:
89-117 (1974).
- "Espacio y tiempo: algunos libros recientes". Dialogos,
29-30: 255-294 (1977).
- "Bedingtes und Unbedingtes in der Mathematik". In: Transzendenz
und Immanenz, Philosophie und Theologie in der veraenderten Welt,
hrsg. von D. Papenfuss und J. Soering, Stuttgart: Kohl 1977,
pp. 303-308.
- "Tres filosofos de la geometria". Revista Latinoamericana de
Filosofia, 3: 3-21 (1977).
- "Hugo Dingler’s philosophy of geometry". Dialogos,32:
85-128 (1978).
- "Presencia e idea del mundo". Cuadernos de la Facultad de
Humanidades, 1: 3-21 (1978).
- "Jackson and Pargetter’s criterion of distant
simultaneity". Philosophy of Science, 46: 302-306
- "Indole y funcion de los principios de la Teoria General de la
Relatividad". Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofia, 5: 209-233
- "Mathematical theories and philosophical insights in
cosmology". In: H. Nelkowski et al., eds., Einstein
Symposion Berlin, Berlin: Springer, 1979, pp. 320-335 (Springer
lecture notes in physics, 100).
- "Three kinds of mathematical fictionalism". In: J. Agassi and
R. S. Cohen, eds., Scientific Philosophy Today, Dordrecht:
D. Reidel Publishing Co., 1981, pp. 399-414.
- (With John Stachel) "Einstein’s first derivation of mass-energy
equivalence", American Journal of Physics, 50: 760-763
- "’Lo que hay’", Dialogos, 41: 89-93 (1983).
- "Causality and spacetime structure in Relativity". In: R. S. Cohen
and L. Laudan, eds., Physics, Philosophy and Psychoanalysis,
Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing Co., 1983,
pp. 273-293.
- "Kosmologie als ein Zweig der Physik". In: Bernulf Kanitscheider,
ed., Moderne Naturphilosophie, Wuerzburg: Koenigshausen &
Neumann, 1984, pp. 183-200.
- "La critica de conceptos en las revoluciones de la fisica
basica". Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofia, 10: 25-41
- "Spacetime physics and the philosophy of science". British
Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 35: 280-292
- "Observation".British Journal for the Philosophy of
Science, 37: 1-23 (1986).
- "Conceptual reform in scientific revolutions". In: Ruth Barcan
Marcus et al., eds., Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science
VIII, Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1986, pp. 413 183-212 (1986); Part
II, Dialogos, 49: 147-188 (1987).
- "La determinacion omnimoda de las cosas y el fenomenismo de
Kant". Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofia, 13: 132-141
- "Do conjunctive forks always point to a common cause?" British
Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 38: 384-387
- "Probabilidad y determinismo". Congreso Internacional
Extraordinario de Filosofia del 20 al 26 de Setiembre de 1987.
Universidad Nacional de Cordoba, Republica Argentina. Tomo III,
pp. 1201-1207.
- "Extractos de una correspondencia" (with C. Ulises
Moulines). Dialogos, 53: 123-137 (1989).
- "The geometric structure of the universe". In: Evandro Agazzi and
Alberto Cordero, eds., Philosophy and the Origin and Evolution of
the Universe, Dordrecht: Kluwer, 1991, pp. 53-73.
- "’Y se hizo la luz...’: Newton y la Ilustracion". La Torre
n.e., 5 [num. ext.]: 169-178 (1991).
- "Mathematical structures and physical necessity". In: Javier
Echeverria, Andoni Ibarra y Thomas Mormann, eds., The Space of
Mathematics: Philosophical, Epistemological, and Historical
Explorations. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1992,
pp. 132-140.
- "La tradicion semantica". Revista Latinoamericana de
Filosofia, 18, 2: 333-340 (1993).
- "Una idea feliz". Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofia, 19:
289-301 (1993).
- "Kitcher on the advancement of science". Dialogos, 64:
201-215 (1994).
- "El ‘observador’ en la fisica del siglo XX". In: Francisco Jose
Ramos, ed., Hacer: Pensar. Coleccion de escritos filosoficos,
Rio Piedras: Editorial de la Universidad de Puerto Rico, 1994,
pp. 581-610.
- "Einstein’s luckiest thought". In: Jarrett Leplin, ed. The
Creation of Ideas in Physics. Dordrecht: Kluwer, 1995,
pp. 89-96.
- "Realismo cientifico y ciencia real". Theoria, XI.26: 29-43
- "Las analogias de la experiencia de Kant y la filosofia de la
fisica". Anales de la Universidad de Chile, Sexta Serie, 4:
77-96 (1996).
- " continuidad en la historia de la fisica". Revista de
Filosofia (Chile), 49/50: 29-44 (1997).
- "From Physics to Metaphysics". Studies in the History and
Philosophy of Modern Physics. 28: 291-298 (1997).
Book Reviews:
[Note: All reviews are in Spanish unless otherwise indicated.]
- Bogumil Jasinowski, Saber y dialectica, Santiago 1957
(La Torre, 21: 197-201 (1958)).
- Georg Lukacz, El asalto a la razon, trad. por Wenceslao
Roces, Mexico 1959 (Revista de Ciencias Sociales, iv.2: 390-395
- Hans Freyer, Teoria de la epoca actual, trad. por Luis
Villoro, Mexico 1959 (Revista de Ciencias Sociales, v.1: 85-87
- Willard van Orman Quine, From a logical point of view, 2nd
ed., Cambridge MA 1961 (RF, ix.1-2: 151-154 (1962)).
- Alfred J. Ayer, ed., Logical positivism, Glencoe IL 1959
(RF, ix.3: 157-164 (1962)).
- Jornadas de Filosofia: Posibilidad de la metafisica,
Tucuman 1961 (IRB, xiii.1: 82-83 (1963)).
- Maine de Biran, De l’apperception immediate, Paris 1963
(Anales de la Universidad de Chile, 128: 202-207
- Richard B. Braithwaite, La explicacion cientifica,
trad. por V. Sanchez de Zavala, Madrid 1965 (Anales de la
Universidad de Chile, 137: 228-236 (1966)).
- Mario Bunge, The myth of simplicity, Englewood Cliffs 1963
(Anales de la Universidad de Chile, 138: 250-256
- Thomas S. Kuhn, The structure of scientific revolutions,
Chicago 1962 (Anales de la Universidad de Chile, 139: 257-261
- Mario Bunge, Scientific research, 2 vols., Berlin 1967
(Anales de la Universidad de Chile, 141-144: 346-350
- The collected papers of Gerhard Gentzen, Amsterdam 1969
(Dialogos, 21: 104-108 (1970)).
- Jaakko Hintikka, ed., The philosophy of mathematics, New
York 1969 (Dialogos, 21: 109-114 (1970)).
- Robert G. Colodny, ed., The Na contemporary science and
philosophy, Pittsburgh 1970 (Dialogos, 21: 115-121
- Historisches W‡rterbuch der Philosophie, Band I, hrsg. von
Joachim Ritter, Basel 1971 (Dialogos, 22: 171-175
- Giorgio Tonelli, A Short-title list of subject dictionaries of
the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries as aids to the history of ideas,
London 1971 (Dialogos, 22: 175-176 (1972)).
- Henry E. Kyburg Jr., Probability and inductive logic, New
York 1970 (Dialogos, 22: 180-184 (1972)).
- Nicholas Rescher, Scientific Explanation, New York 1970
(Dialogos, 22: 184-188 (1972)).
- Wesley Salmon, Statistical Explanation and Statistical
Relevance, Pittsburgh 1971 (Dialogos, 22: 188-192
- John R. Searle, ed., The Philosophy of Language, New York
1971; Leonard Linsky, ed., Reference and Modality, New York
1971 (Dialogos, 22: 213-214 (1972)).
- Patrick Suppes, A Probabilistic Theory of Causality,
Amsterdam 1970 (Dialogos, 22: 215-216 (1972)).
- S. W. P. Steen, Mathematical Logic with Special Reference to
the Natural Numbers, Cambridge 1972 (Dialogos, 23: 219-221
- Karel Lambert and Bas C. van Fraassen, Derivation and
Counterexample, an introduction to philosophical logic, Encino
1972 (Dialogos, 23: 221-224 (1972)).
- Robert Rogers, Mathematical Logic and Formalized Theories, a
survey of basic concepts and results, Amsterdam 1971
(Dialogos, 23: 224-227 (1972)).
- Peter Achinstein, Law and Explanation, an essay in the
philosophy of science, Oxford 1971 (Dialogos, 23: 227-229
- Proceedings of the Third International Kant Congress,
ed. by L.W. Beck, Dordrecht 1972 (Dialogos, 23: 229-236
- Hilary Putnam, Philosophy of Logic, New York 1971; Norwood
Russell Hanson, Observation and Interpretation, a guide to the
philosophy of science, New York 1971; Norman Malcolm, Problems
to Wittgenstein, New York 1971 (Dialogos, 23: 236-239
- Bas C. van Fraassen, Formal Semantics and Logic, New York
1971 (Dialogos, 23: 240 (1972)).
- M. Bunge, F. Halbwachs, T.S. Kuhn, J. Piaget et L. Rosenfed,
Les Theories de la Causalite, Paris 1971 (Dialogos, 23:
241-242 (1972)).
- Carlo Borromeo Giannoni, Conventionalism in Logic, a study in
the linguistic foundation of logical reasoning, The Hague 1971
(Dialogos, 24: 167-174 (1973)).
- Georg Henrik von Wright, Explanation and Understanding,
Ithaca 1971 (Dialogos, 24: 174-179 (1973)).
- Robert G. Colodny, ed., Paradigms and Paradoxes: The
Philosophical Challenge of the Quantum Domain, Pittsburgh 1972
(Dialogos, 24: 196-199, (1973)).
- Robert Borger and Frank Cioffi, eds., Explanation in the
Behavioural Sciences, Cambridge 1970 (Dialogos, 24: 200-203
- Herbert Meschkowski, ed., Grundlagen der modernen
Mathematik, Darmstadt 1972; Karl Strubecker, ed.,
Geometrie, Darmstadt 1972 (Dialogos, 24: 205-207
- Mario Bunge, Method, Model and Matter, Dordrecht 1973;
Teoria y realidad, Barcelona 1972 (Dialogos, 25: 156-167
- Karl R. Popper, Objective Knowledge, an evolutionary
approach, Oxford 1972 (Dialogos, 25: 168-174
- J.M. Jauch, Are Quanta Real? A Galilean dialogue,
Bloomington 1973 (Dialogos, 25: 179-181 (1973)).
- Mario Bunge, Philosophy of Physics, Dordrecht 1973
(Dialogos, 26: 176-181 (1974)).
- Ulises Moulines, La estructura del mundo sensible (sistemas
fenomenalistas), Barcelona 1973 (Dialogos, 26: 181-183
- Herbert Feigl, Wilfrid Sellars and Keith Lehrer, eds., New
Readings in Philosophical Analysis, New York 1972
(Dialogos, 26: 183-186 (1974)).
- Juergen Kluever, Operationalismus: Kritik und Geschichte einer
Philosophie der exakten Wissenschaften, Stuttgart-Bad Canns
- William A. Wallace, Causality and Scientific Explanation, 2
vols., Ann Arbor 1972-1974 (Dialogos, 27: 179-181
- Fernando Montero Moliner, El empirismo kantiano, Valencia
1973 (Dialogos, 27: 177-178 (1974)).
- Jose Ferrater Mora, Cambio de marcha en filosofia, Madrid
1974 (Dialogos, 28: 153-157 (1975)).
- Imre Lakatos, Proofs and Refutations, the logic of mathematical
discovery, Cambridge 1976 (Dialogos, 31: 182-186
- Jane Bridge, Beginning Model Theory, the Completeness Theorem
and some consequences, Oxford 1977 (Dialogos, 31: 188-192
- Farhang Zabeeh, E.D. Klemke and Arthur Jacobson, eds., Readings
in Semantics, Urbana 1974 (Dialogos, 31: 192-193
- Bernulf Kanitscheider, Vom absoluten Raum zur dynamischen
Geometrie, Mannheim 1976 (Dialogos, 31: 193-195
- Roberto Escobar, La filosofia en Chile, Santiago 1976
(International Review of Bibliography, 28: 93-94
- Karl R. Popper and John C. Eccles, The Self and its Brain,
Berlin 1977 (Dialogos, 32: 202-206 (1978)).
- John Winnie, ed., Symposium on Space and Time[special issue
of Nous, vol. XI, n⊆3, September 1977], (Dialogos, 32:
207-211 (1978)).
- Stephen P. Schwartz, ed., Naming, Necessity and Natural
Kinds, Ithaca 1977 (Dialogos, 32: 211-212
- Nelson Goodman, Ways of Worldmaking, Indianapolis 1978
(Dialogos, 33: 173-174 (1979)).
- Arthur W. Burks, Chance, Cause and Reason, an Inquiry into the
Nature of Scientific Evidence, Chicago 1977 (Dialogos, 33:
174-175 (1979)).
- George S. Pappas and Marshall Swain, eds., Essays on Knowledge
and Justification, Ithaca 1978 (Dialogos, 33: 175-176
- Mario Bunge, Treatise on Basic Philosophy, Volume 3, Ontology
I: The Furniture of the Universe, Dordrecht 1977 (Dialogos,
33: 151-156 (1979)).
- John S. Ear and John J. Stachel, eds., Foundations of
Space-Time Theories, Minneapolis 1977 [Minnesota Studies in the
Philosophy of Science, VIII] (Dialogos, 33: 165-171 (1979)).
- Robert Geroch, General Relativity from A to B, Chicago 1978
(Dialogos, 33: 171-173 (1979)).
- Wladyslaw Krajewski, Correspondence Principle and Growth of
Science, Dordrecht 1977 (Dialogos, 34: 182-186
- George Boolos, The Unprovability of Consistency, an Essay in
Modal Logic, Cambridge 1979 (Dialogos, 35: 183-184
- Angel Jorge Casares, Sobre la esencia del hombre, Rio
Piedras 1979 (Dialogos, 35: 208-209 (1980)).
- Jose Ferrater Mora, Diccionario de filosofia, Sexta
Edicion, Madrid 1979, 4 vols. (Dialogos, 38: 151-152
- Ricardo J. Gomez, Las teorias cientificas - desarrollo -
estructura - fundamentacion, Tomo I, Buenos Aires 1977
(Nous, 15: 244-246 (1981)). In English.
- Nicholas Rescher, Leibniz’s Metaphysics of Nature, a group of
essays, Dordrecht 1981 (Dialogos, 39: 160-163
- Jill Vance Buroker, Space and Incongruence: The Origin of
Kant’s Idealism, Dordrecht 1981 (Dialogos, 39: 163-167
- Hartry Field, Science without Numbers, a Defence of
Nominalism, Princeton 1980 (Dialogos, 40: 159-162
- Jerzy Giedymin, Science and Convention, essays on Henri
Poincare’s philosophy of science and the conventionalist
tradition, Oxford 1981 (Dialogos, 40: 162-167
- Richard Swinburne, ed., Space, Time and Causality,
Dordrecht 1983; D. Mayr and G. Suessmann, eds., Space, Time and
Mechanics: Basic Structures of a Physical Theory, Dordrecht 1983
(Dialogos, 43: 131-136 (1984)).
- John R. Searle, Intentionality, an essay in the philosophy of
mind, Cambridge 1983 (Dialogos, 44: 194-200
- Dudley Shapere, Reason and the Search for Knowledge,
Investigations in the Philosophy of Science Dordrecht 1984
(Dialogos, 45: 166-171 (1985)).
- Andrew Pickering, Constructing Quarks, a Sociological History
of Particle Physics, Chicago 1984 (Dialogos, 47: 177-183
- Isaac Levi, Decisions and Revisions: Philosophical Essays on
Knowledge and Value, Cambridge 1984 (Dialogos, 49: 189-196
- Wolfgang Balzer, David A. Pearce and Heinz-Juergen Schmidt, eds.,
Reduction in Science: Structure, Examples, Philosophical
Problems, Dordrecht 1984 (Dialogos, 49: 207-213
- Arthur Fine, The Shaky Game. Einstein Realism and the Quantum
Theory, Chicago 1986 (Dialogos, 50: 155-160
- Joseph Agassi, Science and Society. Studies in the Sociology of
Science, Dordrecht 1981 (Philosophia, 17: 223-223
(1987)). Reviewed in English.
- Asim O. Barut, Alwyn van der Merwe and Jean-Pierre Vigier, eds.,
Quantum, Space and Time-The Quest Continues. Studies and Essays in
Honour of Louis de Broglie, Paul Dirac and Eugene Wigner,
Cambridge 1984. (Nous, 21: 442-444 (1987)). Reviewed in
- Nicanor Ursua Lezaun, Filosofia de la ciencia y metodologia
critica, Bilbao 1981. (Nous, 22: 327-329 (1988)). Reviewed
in English.
- Los filosofos presocraticos. I. Introduccion general por
Conrado Eggers Lan. Introducciones, traducciones y notas por Conrado
Eggers Lan y Victoria E. Julia. II. Introducciones, traducciones y
notas por Nestor Luis Cordero, Francisco Jose Olivieri, Ernesto La
Croce y Conrado Eggers Lan. III. Introducciones, traducciones y notas
por Armando Poratti, Conrado Eggers Lan, Maria Isabel Santa Cruz de
Prunes y Nestor Luis Cordero. Madrid 1978-1980. (Dialogos, 51:
221-225 (1988)).
- Giovanni Reale, A History of Ancient Philosophy. I. From the
Origins to Socrates. III. The Systems of the Hellenistic
Age. Edited and translated [by] John R. Catan. Albany
1985-1987. (Dialogos, 51: 226-229 (1988)).
- G. S. Kirk, J. E. Raven, M. Schofield, The Pres Selection of
Texts. Second edition. Cambridge 1983. (Dialogos, 51:
230-232 (1988)).
- Peter Galison, How Experiments End. Chicago
1987. (Dialogos, 52: 155-163 (1988)).
- J. V. Field, Kepler’s Geometrical Cosmology. Chicago
1988. (Dialogos, 53: 155-163 (1988))
- B. A. Rosenfeld, A History of Non-Euclidean Geometry:
Evolution of the Concept of a Geometric Space. Translated [from
the Russian] by Abe Shenitzer. New York 1988. (Dialogos, 54:
250-254 (1989)).
- Igal Kvart, A Theory of Counterfactuals. Indianapolis
1986. (Dialogos, 54: 254-260 (1989)).
- Pietro Redondi, Galileo Heretic (Galileo Eretico). English
translation by Raymond Rosenthal. Princeton 1987. (Revista
Latinoamericana de Filosofia, 15: 359-361 (1989)).
- Ronald Giere, Explaining Science: A Cognitive
Approach. Chicago 1988. (Dialogos, 55: 199-203
- Raul Fornet Betancourt, Introduccion a Sartre. Mexico
1989. (Dialogos, 55: 211 (1990)).
- Aristoteles, Las Categorias. Edicion, introduccion,
traduccion y notas de Humberto Giannini y Maria Isabel
Flisfisch. Santiago de Chile 1988. (Dialogos, 55: 212-213
- Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Investigaciones Generales sobre el
analisis de las nociones y las verdades. Introduccion, traduccion
y notas de Mauricio Beuchot y Alejandro Herrera-Ibanez. Mexico
1986. (Dialogos, 55: 213 (1990)).
- Immanuel Kant, Pensamientos sobre la verdadera estimacion de
las fuerzas vivas. Traduccion y comentario de Juan Arana
Canedo-Argueelles. Berna 1988. (Dialogos, 55: 213-214
- F. W. J. Schelling, Sistema del idealismo trascendental.
Traduccion, prologo y notas de Jacinto Rivera Rosales y Virginia Lopez
Dominguez. Barcelona 1988. (Dialogos, 55: 214 (1990)).
- Kurt Goedel, Obras completas. Introduccion y traduccion de
Jesus Mosterin. Segunda edicion. Madrid 1989. (Dialogos, 55:
214-216 (1990)).
- Ian Hacking 1990. (Dialogos, 58: 185-187
- Lawrence Sklar, Philosophy and Spacetime Physics. Berkeley,
1985. (Nous, 25: 574-578 (1991)). Reviewed in
- L. T. F. Gamut, Logic, Language, and Meaning. Chicago
1991. (Dialogos, 59: 191-193 (1992)).
- Hans Joachim Kr∽mer, Plato and the Foundations of Metaphysics:
A Work on the Theory of the Principles and Unwritten Doctrines of
Plato with a Collection of the Fundamental Documents. Albany
1990. (Dialogos, 59: 194-200 (1992)).
- John Bigelow y Robert Pargetter, Science and Necessity.
Cambridge 1990. (Dialogos, 60: 219-227 (1992)). Reviewed in
- John Earman, World Enough and Space-Time: Absolute versus
Relational Theories of Space and Time. Cambridge, MA, 1989,
(Philosophical Review, 101: 723-725 (1992)). Reviewed in
- Jon Barwise y John Etchemendy. The Language of First Order
Logic. Chicago 1991. (Dialogos, 61: 195-200
- Ana Maria Vicuna N., Filosofia, poesia y mito a la luz de Eros
en el Symposio de Platon. [Santiago de Chile]: Pontificia
Universidad Catolica de Chile, 1993. (Dialogos, 65: 221-224
- Lawrence Sklar. Physics and Chance: Philosophical Issues in the
Foundations of Statistical Mechanics. Cambridge
1993. (Dialogos, 65: 243-249 (1995)).
- Kurt Goedel, Ensayos ineditos. Edicion a cargo de Francisco
Rodriguez Consuegra. Prologo de W. V. Quine. Barcelona: Mondadori,
1994. (Dialogos, 66; 185-190 (1995)).
- Cinco escritos de Leibniz. Introduccion, version castellana
y notas de Roberto Torretti. Revista de Filosofia (Chile),
IX.3: 51-81 (1962).
(Spanish translation of five
Latin texts published by Couturat in Opuscules et fragments inedits
de Leibniz, Paris 1903, pp. 533-535, 11-16, 518-523, 401-403,
- Immanuel Kant, La falsa sutileza de las cuatro figuras del
silogismo. Dialogos, 19: 7-22 (1970).
translation of Die falsche Spitzfindigkeit der vier syllogistischen
Figuren erwiesen von M. Immanuel Kant, Koenigsberg 1762.)
- Immanuel Kant, Sobre el fundamento primero de la diferencia
entre las regiones del espacio. Traduccion de Roberto
Torretti. Dialogos, 22: 139-146 (1972).
(Spanish translation of "Von dem ersten Grunde des
Unterschiedes der Gegenden im Raume", published in Wochentliche
Königsbergsche Frag- und Anzeigungsnachrichten, on February 6th,
13th and 20th, 1768.)
- Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Ensayos filosoficos
alemanes. Version castellana de Roberto Torretti. Dialogos,
23: 139-159 (1972).
(Spanish translation of four
German texts published by Guhrauer in Deutsche Schriften,
Berlin 1838-40, vol. II, pp. 48-55, vol. I, pp. 410-413, 420-426,
- Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Principios metafisicos de las
matematicas. Traduccion de Roberto Torretti. Dialogos, 24:
131-149 (1973).
(Spanish translation of Initia
rerum mathematicarum metaphysica, published by Gerhardt in G. W.
Leibniz, Mathematische Schriften, Berlin and Halle 1849-63, t.
VII, pp. 17-29.)
- Immanuel Kant, Sobre la nitidez de los principios de la
teologia natural y de la moral. Traduccion y notas de Roberto
Torretti. Dialogos, 27: 57-87 (1974).
translation of Untersuchung ueber die Deutlichkeit der Grunds∽tze
der natuerlichen Theologie und der Moral. Berlin 1764.)
- Bernhard Riemann, Sobre las hipotesis que estan en la base de
la geometria. Traduccion de Roberto Torretti. Dialogos, 31:
151-168 (1978).
(Spanish translation of Ueber die
Hypothesen, welche der Geometrie zugrunde liegen, posthumously
published in 1867 by Dedekind in Abhandlungen der Königlichen
Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen vol.13.)
- Immanuel Kant, Monadologia fisica. Traduccion del latin por
Roberto Torretti. Dialogos, 32: 173-190 (1978).
(Spanish translation of Metaphysicae cum geometria junctae
usus in philosophia naturalis cuius Specimen I continet Monadologiam
Physicam, Koenigsberg 1756.)
- George Berkeley, Sobre el movimiento o sobre el principio y la
naturaleza del movimiento y sobre al causa de la trasmision de los
movimientos. Traduccion del latin por Roberto
Torretti. Dialogos, 34: 119-141 (1979).
(Spanish translation of De Motu, London 1721.)
- Immanuel Kant, Nuevo concepto del movimiento y el
reposo. Traduccion del aleman por Roberto
Torretti. Dialogos, 34: 143-152 (1979).
(Spanish translation of Neuer Lehrbegriff der Bewegung und
Ruhe und der damit verknuepften Folgerungen in den ersten Gruenden der
Naturwissenschaft, Koenigsberg 1758.)
- Ludwig Lange, Sobre la ley de la inercia. Traduccion del
aleman por Roberto Torretti. Dialogos, 34: 153-170 (1979).
(Spanish translation of "Ueber das Beharrungsgesetz",
Leipziger Berichte, 37: 333-351 (1885).)
- Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Seis escritos de
logica. Traduccion y notas de Roberto Torretti. Dialogos,
51 (1988), 163-215.
(Spanish translation of six Latin
texts published by Couturat in Opuscules et fragments inedits de
Leibniz, Paris 1903, pp. 49-57, 77-84, 232-237, 421-423, 193-202,
- Hilary Putnam, "Los modelos y la realidad". Traducido del ingles
por Francisco Rodriguez Consuegra y Roberto Torretti. Dialogos,
63: 7-45 (1994).
(Annotated translation of "Models
and Reality", originally published in Journal of Symbolic
Logic, 45: 464-482 (1980). The translation includes "Afterthoughts
on ‘Models and Reality’", written by Putnam for this issue of