#!/usr/bin/perl # eval 'exec /usr/bin/perl -S $0 ${1+"$@"}' if $running_under_some_shell; # # $Id: mally.pl,v 1.7 2002/06/16 19:43:58 lokhorst Exp $ # # Supplement to G.J.C. Lokhorst, "Mally's Deontic Logic", # in Edward N. Zalta, ed., Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. # The Metaphysics Research Lab at the Center for the Study of # Language and Information, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, # 2002. # ############################################################ # BASIC SETUP # The matrices were discovered by MaGIC version 2.1.4: # see the output of MaGIC at the end of this program. ############################################################ @n = ( 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ); $max = 6; @matrixCon = ( ( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ), ( 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1 ), ( 0, 0, 2, 2, 2, 2 ), ( 0, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3 ), ( 0, 0, 2, 2, 4, 4 ), ( 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ), ); @matrixArrow = ( ( 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 ), ( 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ), ( 0, 0, 1, 1, 3, 5 ), ( 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 5 ), ( 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 5 ), ( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5 ), ); $truth = 1; $u = 2; @meaning = ( 'ok', 'INVALID' ); ############################################################ # CONNECTIVES ############################################################ sub impl { return @matrixArrow[ ( $max * $_[0] ) + $_[1] ]; } sub neg { return ( $max - 1 ) - $_[0]; } sub dot { return neg( impl( $_[0], neg( $_[1] ) ) ); } sub con { return @matrixCon[ ( $max * $_[0] ) + $_[1] ]; } sub dis { return neg( con( neg( $_[0] ), neg( $_[1] ) ) ); } sub equiv { return con( impl( $_[0], $_[1] ), impl( $_[1], $_[0] ) ); } sub obl { return impl( $u, $_[0] ); } sub req { return impl( $_[0], obl( $_[1] ) ); } sub oquiv { return con( req( $_[0], $_[1] ), req( $_[1], $_[0] ) ); } ############################################################ # SUBROUTINES ############################################################ sub designated { return ( $_[0] % 2 != 0 ); } sub notdesignated { return ( $_[0] % 2 == 0 ); } sub check0 { $ret = 0; $ret = 1 if ( notdesignated $_[1]->() ); print "\t$_[0]: $meaning[$ret]\n"; } sub check1 { $ret = 0; CHECK1: foreach $a (@n) { if ( notdesignated $_[1]->($a) ) { $ret = 1; last CHECK1; } } print "\t$_[0]: $meaning[$ret]\n"; } sub check2 { $ret = 0; CHECK2: foreach $a (@n) { foreach $b (@n) { if ( notdesignated $_[1]->( $a, $b ) ) { $ret = 1; last CHECK2; } } } print "\t$_[0]: $meaning[$ret]\n"; } sub check3 { $ret = 0; CHECK3: foreach $a (@n) { foreach $b (@n) { foreach $c (@n) { if ( notdesignated $_[1]->( $a, $b, $c ) ) { $ret = 1; last CHECK3; } } } } print "\t$_[0]: $meaning[$ret]\n"; } sub check4 { $ret = 0; CHECK4: foreach $a (@n) { foreach $b (@n) { foreach $c (@n) { foreach $d (@n) { if ( notdesignated $_[1]->( $a, $b, $c, $d ) ) { $ret = 1; last CHECK4; } } } } } print "\t$_[0]: $meaning[$ret]\n"; } sub checkrule2 { $ret = 0; CheckRule2: foreach $a (@n) { if ( designated $a ) { foreach $b (@n) { if ( designated $_[1]->( $a, $b ) ) { if ( notdesignated $_[2]->( $a, $b ) ) { $ret = 1; last CheckRule2; } } } } } print "\t$_[0]: $meaning[$ret]\n"; } ############################################################ # Output starts here ############################################################ printf "Read %s for information on this program.\n", $0; print "Matrices\n"; print "\t- |\n"; print "\t--+--\n"; foreach $a (@n) { printf "\t%d | %d\n", $a, neg($a); } print "\n"; print "\t-> | 0 1 2 3 4 5\n"; print "\t---+------------\n"; foreach $a (@n) { printf "\t %d |", $a; foreach $b (@n) { printf " %d", impl( $a, $b ); } print "\n"; } print "\n"; print "\t& | 0 1 2 3 4 5\n"; print "\t--+------------\n"; foreach $a (@n) { printf "\t%d |", $a; foreach $b (@n) { printf " %d", con( $a, $b ); } print "\n"; } print "\n"; print "\tv | 0 1 2 3 4 5\n"; print "\t--+------------\n"; foreach $a (@n) { printf "\t%d |", $a; foreach $b (@n) { printf " %d", dis( $a, $b ); } print "\n"; } print "Designated Values:"; foreach $a (@n) { if ( designated $a ) { printf " %d", $a } } print "\n"; ############################################################ print "Alethic Axioms\n"; check1( 'Self-implication', sub { return impl( $_[0], $_[0] ) } ); check3( 'Prefixing', sub { return impl( impl( $_[0], $_[1] ), impl( impl( $_[2], $_[0] ), impl( $_[2], $_[1] ) ) ); } ); check2( 'Contraction', sub { return impl( impl( $_[0], impl( $_[0], $_[1] ) ), impl( $_[0], $_[1] ) ); } ); check3( 'Permutation', sub { return impl( impl( $_[0], impl( $_[1], $_[2] ) ), impl( $_[1], impl( $_[0], $_[2] ) ) ); } ); check1( 'A <-> (t -> A)', sub { return equiv( $_[0], impl( $truth, $_[0] ) ); } ); check1( 'Double Negation', sub { return impl( neg( neg( $_[0] ) ), $_[0] ); } ); check2( 'Contraposition', sub { return impl( impl( $_[0], neg( $_[1] ) ), impl( $_[1], neg( $_[0] ) ) ); } ); check2( '& Elimination', sub { return impl( con( $_[0], $_[1] ), $_[0] ) } ); check2( '& Elimination', sub { return impl( con( $_[0], $_[1] ), $_[1] ) } ); check3( '& Introduction', sub { return impl( con( impl( $_[0], $_[1] ), impl( $_[0], $_[2] ) ), impl( $_[0], con( $_[1], $_[2] ) ) ); } ); check2( 'v Introduction', sub { return impl( $_[0], dis( $_[0], $_[1] ) ) } ); check2( 'v Introduction', sub { return impl( $_[1], dis( $_[0], $_[1] ) ) } ); check3( 'v Elimination', sub { return impl( con( impl( $_[0], $_[2] ), impl( $_[1], $_[2] ) ), impl( dis( $_[0], $_[1] ), $_[2] ) ); } ); check3( 'Distribution', sub { return impl( con( $_[0], ( dis( $_[1], $_[2] ) ) ), dis( con( $_[0], $_[1] ), $_[2] ) ); } ); ############################################################ print "Rules of Inference\n"; checkrule2( "MP", sub { return impl( $_[0], $_[1] ) }, sub { return $_[1]; } ); checkrule2( "Adj", sub { return $_[1] }, sub { return con( $_[0], $_[1] ) } ); ############################################################ print "Deontic Axioms\n"; check3( 'I.', sub { return impl( con( req( $_[0], $_[1] ), impl( $_[1], $_[2] ) ), req( $_[0], $_[2] ) ); } ); check3( 'II.', sub { return impl( con( req( $_[0], $_[1] ), req( $_[0], $_[2] ) ), req( $_[0], con( $_[1], $_[2] ) ) ); } ); check2( 'III.', sub { return equiv( req( $_[0], $_[1] ), obl( impl( $_[0], $_[1] ) ) ); } ); check0( 'IV', sub { return obl($u) } ); check0( 'V', sub { return neg( req( $u, neg($u) ) ) } ); ############################################################ print "Mally's Formulas\n"; check2( '(1)', sub { return impl( impl( $_[0], obl( $_[1] ) ), impl( $_[0], obl($truth) ) ); } ); check2( '(2)', sub { return impl( impl( $_[0], obl( neg($truth) ) ), impl( $_[0], obl( $_[1] ) ) ); } ); check3( '(3)', sub { return impl( dis( req( $_[2], $_[0] ), req( $_[2], $_[1] ) ), req( $_[2], dis( $_[0], $_[1] ) ) ); } ); check4( '(4)', sub { return impl( con( req( $_[3], $_[0] ), req( $_[2], $_[1] ) ), req( con( $_[3], $_[2] ), con( $_[0], $_[1] ) ) ); } ); check2( '(5)', sub { return con( impl( obl( $_[0] ), impl( $_[1], obl( $_[0] ) ) ), impl( impl( $truth, obl( $_[0] ) ), obl( $_[0] ) ) ); } ); check2( '(6)', sub { return req( con( obl( $_[0] ), impl( $_[0], $_[1] ) ), $_[1] ); } ); check1( '(7)', sub { return impl( obl( $_[0] ), obl($truth) ) } ); check3( '(8)', sub { return impl( con( req( $_[0], $_[1] ), req( $_[1], $_[2] ) ), req( $_[0], $_[2] ) ); } ); check2( '(9)', sub { return req( con( obl( $_[0] ), req( $_[0], $_[1] ) ), $_[1] ); } ); check2( '(10)', sub { return equiv( con( obl( $_[0] ), obl( $_[1] ) ), obl( con( $_[0], $_[1] ) ) ); } ); check2( '(11)', sub { return equiv( oquiv( $_[0], $_[1] ), obl( equiv( $_[0], $_[1] ) ) ); } ); check2( '(12)', sub { return equiv( obl( impl( $_[0], $_[1] ) ), obl( neg( con( $_[0], neg( $_[1] ) ) ) ) ); } ); check2( '(13)', sub { return equiv( req( $_[0], $_[1] ), neg( con( $_[0], neg( obl( $_[1] ) ) ) ) ); } ); check2( '(14)', sub { return equiv( req( $_[0], $_[1] ), req( neg( $_[1] ), neg( $_[0] ) ) ); } ); check1( '(15)', sub { return impl( $_[0], obl($u) ) } ); check1( '(16)', sub { return req( impl( $u, $_[0] ), $_[0] ) } ); check1( '(17)', sub { return req( req( $u, $_[0] ), $_[0] ) } ); check1( '(18)', sub { return req( obl( obl( $_[0] ) ), $_[0] ) } ); check1( '(19)', sub { return equiv( obl( obl( $_[0] ) ), obl( $_[0] ) ) } ); check1( '(20)', sub { return equiv( impl( $u, obl( $_[0] ) ), oquiv( $_[0], $u ) ); } ); check1( '(21)', sub { return equiv( obl( $_[0] ), oquiv( $_[0], $u ) ) } ); check0( '(22)', sub { return obl($truth) } ); check0( '(23)', sub { return oquiv( $truth, $u ) } ); check0( "(23')", sub { return req( $truth, $u ) } ); check1( '(24)', sub { return impl( $_[0], obl( $_[0] ) ) } ); check2( '(25)', sub { return impl( impl( $_[0], $_[1] ), impl( $_[0], obl( $_[1] ) ) ); } ); check2( '(26)', sub { return impl( equiv( $_[0], $_[1] ), oquiv( $_[0], obl( $_[1] ) ) ); } ); check1( '(27)', sub { return impl( neg($u), obl( $_[0] ) ) } ); check0( '(28)', sub { return impl( neg($u), obl( neg($u) ) ) } ); check0( '(29)', sub { return impl( neg($u), obl($u) ) } ); check0( '(30)', sub { return req( neg($u), neg($truth) ) } ); check0( '(31)', sub { return oquiv( neg($u), neg($truth) ) } ); check0( '(32)', sub { return neg( impl( $u, obl( neg($truth) ) ) ) } ); check0( '(33)', sub { return neg( impl( $u, neg($truth) ) ) } ); check0( '(34)', sub { return equiv( $u, $truth ) } ); check0( '(35)', sub { return equiv( neg($u), neg($truth) ) } ); print "Done\n"; ############################################################ # Output from MaGIC. NB: u o u = ~(u -> ~u). ############################################################ # Logic: R # Extra: (u o u) o u # Fragment: ->, &, v, ~, o, t, f, T, F # Definition: u Primitive (cut) # Fail: u o u # Search concludes when 1 matrix found # or when size 14 finished. # # Size: 6 # # Negation table 6.1 # a | 0 1 2 3 4 5 # ---+------------ # ~a | 5 4 3 2 1 0 # # Order 6.1.1 # < | 0 1 2 3 4 5 # --+------------ # 0 | + + + + + + # 1 | - + - + - + # 2 | - - + + + + # 3 | - - - + - + # 4 | - - - - + + # 5 | - - - - - + # # Choice of t: 1 # # Implication matrix # -> | 0 1 2 3 4 5 # ---+------------ # 0 | 5 5 5 5 5 5 # 1 | 0 1 2 3 4 5 # 2 | 0 0 1 1 3 5 # 3 | 0 0 0 1 2 5 # 4 | 0 0 0 0 1 5 # 5 | 0 0 0 0 0 5 # Choice of u: 2 # Failure: u o u # ############################################################ # That's all for now. ############################################################