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In the early 1950s physicists were faced with a problem known as the
" puzzle. Based on one set
of criteria, that of mass and lifetime, two elementary particles (the
tau and the theta) appeared to be the same, whereas on another set of
criteria, that of spin and intrinsic parity, they appeared to be
different. T.D. Lee and C.N. Yang (1956) realized that the problem
would be solved, and that the two particles would be different decay
modes of the same particle, if parity were not conserved in the decay
of the particles, a weak interaction. They examined the evidence for
parity conservation and found, to their surprise, that although there
was strong evidence that parity was conserved in the strong (nuclear)
and electromagnetic interactions, there was, in fact, no supporting
evidence that it was conserved in the weak interaction. It had never
been tested.
Lee and Yang suggested several experiments that would test their
hypothesis that parity was not conserved in the weak interactions. One
was the decay of oriented
nuclei (Figure 1). Consider a collection
of radioactive nuclei, all of whose spins point in the same
direction. Suppose also that the electron given off in the radioactive
decay of the nucleus is always emitted in a direction opposite to the
spin of the nucleus In the mirror the electron is emitted in the same
direction as the spin. The mirror image of the decay is different from
the real decay. This would violate parity conservation, or mirror
symmetry. Parity would be conserved only if, in the decay of a
collection of nuclei, equal numbers of electrons were emitted in both
directions. This was the experimental test performed by C.S. Wu and
her collaborators (1957). They aligned Cobalt60 nuclei and
counted the number of decay electrons in the two directions, along the
nuclear spin and opposite to the spin. Their results are shown in
Figure 2 and indicate clearly that more
electrons are emitted opposite to the spin than along the spin. Parity
is not conserved.
Two other experiments, reported at the same time, on the sequential decay pi meson decays to mu meson decays to electron also showed parity nonconservation (Friedman and Telegdi 1957; Garwin, Lederman and Weinrich 1957). These three experiments decided between two classes of theories--that is, between those theories that conserve parity and those that do not. They refuted the theories in which parity was conserved and supported or confirmed those in which it wasnt. These experiments also demonstrated that charge conjugation, or particle-antiparticle, symmetry was violated in the weak interactions and called for a new theory of decay and the weak interactions. It is fair to say that when a physicist learned the results of these experiments they were convinced that parity was not conserved in the weak interactions.
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First published: October 5, 1998
Content last modified: October 5, 1998