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Philosophically, intuitionism differs from logicism by treating logic as a part of mathematics rather than as the foundation of mathematics; from finitism by allowing (constructive) reasoning about infinite collections; and from platonism by viewing mathematical objects as mental constructs with no independent ideal existence. Hilbert's formalist program, to justify classical mathematics by reducing it to a formal system whose consistency should be established by finitistic (hence constructive) means, was the most powerful contemporary rival to Brouwer's developing intuitionism. In his 1912 essay Intuitionism and Formalism Brouwer correctly predicted that any attempt to prove the consistency of complete induction on the natural numbers would lead to a vicious circle.
Brouwer rejected formalism per se but admitted the potential usefulness of formulating general logical principles expressing intuitionistically correct constructions, such as modus ponens. Formal systems for intuitionistic propositional and predicate logic and arithmetic were developed by Heyting [1930], Gentzen [1935] and Kleene [1952]. Gödel [1933] proved the equiconsistency of intuitionistic and classical theories. Kripke [1965] provided a semantics with respect to which intuitionistic logic is correct and complete.
One may object that these examples depend on the fact that the Twin Primes Conjecture has not yet been settled. A number of Brouwer's original "counterexamples" depended on problems (such as Fermat's Last Theorem) which have since been solved. But to Brouwer the general LEM was equivalent to the a priori assumption that every mathematical problem has a solution — an assumption he rejected, anticipating Gödel's incompleteness theorem by a quarter of a century.
The rejection of LEM has far-reaching consequences. On the one hand,
Following is a Hilbert-style formalism H, from Kleene [1952],
for intuitionistic first-order predicate logic IQC. The
language L has predicate letters P,
Q(.),… of all arities and individual variables
a,b,c,… (with or without subscripts
1,2,…), as well as symbols &,
→, ¬, ∀, ∃ for the logical connectives and
quantifiers, and parentheses (, ). The prime formulas of
L are expressions such as P, Q(a),
R(a,b,a) where P,
Q(.), R(…) are 0-ary, 1-ary and 3-ary
predicate letters respectively; that is, the result of filling each
blank in a predicate letter by an individual variable symbol is a
prime formula. The (well-formed) formulas of L are
defined inductively as follows.
There are three rules of inference:
Intuitionistic propositional logic IPC is the subtheory which
results when the language is restricted to formulas built from
proposition letters P, Q, R,… using
the propositional connectives &,
→ and ¬, and only the propositional postulates are used.
Thus the last two rules of inference and the last two axiom schemas
are absent from the propositional theory.
If, in the given list of axiom schemas for intuitionistic propositional or first-order predicate logic, the law of contradiction:
is replaced by the law of double negation:
- ¬A → (A → B).
(or,equivalently, by LEM), a formal system for classical propositional or first-order predicate logic results. Since the law of contradiction is a classical theorem, intuitionistic logic is contained in classical logic. In a sense, classical logic is also contained in intuitionistic logic; see Section 4.1 below.
- ¬¬A → A.
The Hilbert-style system H is useful for metamathematical investigations of intuitionistic logic, but its forced linearization of deductions and its preference for axioms over rules make it an awkward instrument for establishing derivability. A natural deduction system I for intuitionistic predicate logic results from the deductive system D, presented in Section 3 of the entry on Classical Logic in this Encyclopedia, by omitting the symbol and rules for identity, and replacing the classical rule (DNE) of double negation elimination by the intuitionistic negation elimination rule
While identity can of course be added to intuitionistic logic, for applications (e.g., to arithmetic) the equality symbol is generally treated as a distinguished predicate constant satisfying nonlogical axioms (e.g., the primitive recursive definitions of addition and multiplication) in addition to reflexivity, symmetry and transitivity. Identity is decidable, intuitionistically as well as classically, but intuitionistic extensional equality is not always decidable; see the discussion of Brouwer's continuum in the article on Constructive Mathematics in this Encyclopedia. The keys to proving that H is equivalent to I are modus ponens and its converse, the
- (INE) If F entails A and F entails ¬A, then F entails B.
Deduction Theorem: If B is derivable from A and possibly other formulas F, with all variables free in A held constant in the derivation (that is, without using the second or third rule of inference on any variable x occurring free in A, unless the assumption A does not occur in the derivation before the inference in question), then (A → B) is derivable from F.This fundamental result, roughly expressing the rule (→I) of I, can be proved for H by induction on the definition of a derivation. The other rules of I hold for H essentially by modus ponens, which corresponds to (→E) in I. To illustrate the usefulness of the Deduction Theorem, consider the (apparently trivial) theorem schema (A → A) of IPC. A correct proof in H takes five lines:
It is important to note that, in the definition of a derivation from assumptions in H, the assumption formulas are treated as if all their free variables were universally quantified, so that ∀x A(x) is derivable from the hypothesis A(x). However, the variable x will be varied (not held constant) in that derivation, by use of the rule of ∀-introduction; and so the Deduction Theorem cannot be used to conclude (falsely) that A(x) → ∀x A(x) (and hence, by ∃-elimination, ∃x A(x) → ∀x A(x)) are provable in H. As an example of a correct use of the Deduction Theorem for predicate logic, consider the implication ∃x A(x) → ¬∀x¬A(x). To show this is provable in IQC, we first derive ¬∀x¬A(x) from A(x) with all free variables held constant:
The logical axioms and rules of HA are those of first-order intuitionistic predicate logic IQC. The nonlogical axioms include the reflexive, symmetric and transitive properties of =, primitive recursive defining equations for each function constant, the axioms characterizing 0 as the least natural number and S as a one-to-one function:
and the (universal closure of the) schema of mathematical induction, for arbitrary formulas A(x):
- ∀x∀y (x = y → S(x) = S(y)),
Extensional equality axioms for all the other function constants are derivable by mathematical induction from the equality axiom for S and the primitive recursive function axioms.
- A(0) & ∀x(A(x) → A(S(x))) → ∀x A(x).
For theories T based on intuitionistic logic, if E is an arbitrary formula of L(T) then by definition
Peano arithmetic PA comes from Heyting arithmetic HA by adding LEM or (¬¬A → A) to the list of logical axioms, i.e., by using classical instead of intuitionistic logic. The two theories are proof-theoretically equivalent, as will be shown in the next section. Each is capable of (numeralwise) expressing its own proof predicate. By Gödel's famous Incompleteness Theorem, if HA is consistent then neither HA nor PA can prove its own consistency.
- Prime formulas (and hence quantifier-free formulas) are decidable and stable in HA.
Glivenko's Theorem: An arbitrary propositional formula A is classically provable, if and only if ¬¬A is intuitionistically provable.Glivenko's Theorem does not extend to predicate logic, although an arbitrary predicate formula A is classically provable if and only if ¬¬A is provable in intuitionistic predicate logic plus the "double negation shift" schema
(DNS) ∀x¬¬B(x) → ¬¬∀x B(x).
The more sophisticated negative translation of classical
into intuitionistic theories, due independently to Gödel and
Gentzen, associates with each formula A of the language
L another formula g(A) (with no
or ∃), such that
The negative translation of classical into intuitionistic number theory is even simpler, since prime formulas of intuitionistic arithmetic are stable. Thus g(s=t) can be take to be (s=t), and the other clauses are unchanged. The negative translation of any instance of mathematical induction is another instance of mathematical induction, and the other nonlogical axioms of arithmetic are their own negative translations, so
- (IV) Classical and intuitionistic predicate logic are equiconsistent.
Gödel [1933] interpreted these results as showing that intuitionistic logic and arithmetic are richer than classical logic and arithmetic, because the intuitionistic theory distinguishes formulas which are classically equivalent, and has the same consistency strength as the classical theory.
- (I), (II), (III) and (IV) hold also for number theory.
Direct attempts to extend the negative interpretation to analysis fail because the negative translation of the countable axiom of choice is not a theorem of intuitionistic analysis. However, it is consistent with intuitionistic analysis, including Brouwer's controversial continuity principle, by the functional version of Kleene's recursive realizability (Section 5.2 below).
(DP) If (AGentzen [1935] established the disjunction property for closed formulas of intuitionistic predicate logic. From this it follows that if intuitionistic logic is consistent, then (PB) is a theorem, then A is a theorem or B is a theorem.
(ED) If ∃xA(x) is a closed theorem, then for some closed term t, A(t) is a theorem.The disjunction and existence properties are special cases of a general phenomenon peculiar to nonclassical theories. The admissible rules of a theory are the rules under which the theory is closed. In classical propositional logic, if (A is provable) implies (B is provable), then (A → B) is provable; thus every classically admissible propositional rule is classically derivable. Intuitionistically the situation is more interesting.
Harrop [1960] observed that intuitionistic propositional logic IPC is closed under the rule
(¬A → (Bwhile the corresponding implication is not provable intuitionistically. Rybakov showed that the collection IPR of admissible rules of IPC is decidable, but does not have a finite basis (a subcollection from which every admissible rule is derivable). Building on work of Ghilardi, Iemhoff [2001] proved a conjecture of de Jongh and Visser which gives a recursively enumerable basis for IPR. Visser [2002] showed that these are also the admissible propositional rules of HA, and of HA extended by Markov's Principle MP (defined in Section 5.1 below).C)) / (¬A → B)
(¬A → C),
While the admissible rules of intuitionistic predicate logic have not been completely characterized, they are known to include Markov's Rule for decidable predicates:
∀x(A(x)and the following Independence-of-Premise Rule (where y is assumed not to occur free in A(x)):¬A(x)) & ¬∀x¬A(x) / ∃x A(x)
∀x(A(x)The corresponding implications (MP and IP respectively), which are not provable intuitionistically, are verified by Gödel's "Dialectica" interpretation of HA (cf. Section 6 below). So is the implication (CT) corresponding to one of the most interesting admissible rules of Heyting arithmetic, let us call it the Church-Kleene Rule:¬A(x)) & (∀x A(x) → ∃y B(y)) / ∃y (∀x A(x) → B(y)).
If ∀x ∃y A(x,y) is a closed theorem of HA then there is a number n such that, provably in HA, the partial recursive function with Gödel number n is total and maps each x to a y satisfying A(x,y).Combining Markov's Rule with the negative translation gives the result that classical and intuitionistic arithmetic prove the same formulas of the form ∀x ∃y A(x,y) where A(x,y) is quantifier-free. In general, if A(x,y) is provably decidable in HA and if ∀x ∃y A(x,y) is a closed theorem of classical arithmetic, the conclusion of the Church-Kleene Rule holds even in intuitionistic arithmetic.
Here is a proof that the rule
∀x (A
B(x)) / A
∀x B(x) (where x is not
free in A) is not admissible for HA, if
HA is consistent. Gödel numbering provides a
quantifier-free formula G(x) which (numeralwise)
expresses the predicate "x is the code of a proof in
HA of (0 = 1)." By intuitionistic logic with the decidability
of quantifier-free arithmetical formulas, HA proves
However, if HA proved
∀x¬G(x) then by the disjunction
property, HA must prove either
∃yG(y) or
∀x¬G(x). The first case is
impossible, by the existence property with the consistency assumption
and the fact that HA proves all true quantifier-free sentences.
But the second case is also impossible, by Gödel's second
incompleteness theorem, since
∀x¬G(x) expresses the
consistency of HA.
A Kripke structure K for L consists of a partially ordered set K of nodes and a domain function D assigning to each node k in K an inhabited set D(k), such that if k ≤ k′, then D(k) ⊆ D(k′). In addition K has a forcing relation determined as follows.
For each node k let L(k) be the language extending L by new constants for all the elements of D(k). To each node k and each 0-ary predicate letter (each proposition letter) P, either assign f(P,k) = true or leave f(P,k) undefined, consistent with the requirement that if k ≤ k′ and f(P,k) = true then f(P,k′) = true also. Say that
k forces P if and only if f(P,k) = true.To each node k and each (n+1)-ary predicate letter Q(…), assign a (possibly empty) set T(Q,k) of (n+1)-tuples of elements of D(k) in such a way that if k ≤ k′ then T(Q,k) ⊆ T(Q,k′). Say that
k forces Q(d0,…,dn) if and only if (do,…,dn) ∈ T(Q,k).Now define forcing for compound sentences of L(k) inductively as follows:
Kripke models for languages with equality may interpret = at each node by an arbitrary equivalence relation, subject to monotonicity. For applications to intuitionistic arithmetic, normal models (those in which equality is interpreted by identity at each node) suffice because equality of natural numbers is decidable.
Propositional Kripke semantics is particulary simple, since an arbitrary propositional formula is intuitionistically provable if and only if it is forced by the root of every Kripke model whose frame (the set K of nodes together with their partial ordering) is a finite tree with a least element (the root). Each terminal node or leaf of a Kripke model is a classical model, because a leaf forces every formula or its negation. Only those proposition letters which occur in a formula E, and only those nodes k' such that k≤k', are relevant to deciding whether or not k forces E. Such considerations allow us to associate effectively with each formula E of L(IPC) a finite class of finite Kripke structures which will include a countermodel to E if one exists. Since the class of all theorems of IPC is recursively enumerable, we conclude that
- IPC is effectively decidable. There is a recursive procedure which determines, for each propositional formula E, whether or not E is a theorem of IPC, concluding with either a proof of E or a Kripke countermodel.
Familiar non-intuitionistic logical schemata correspond to structural properties of Kripke models, for example
Nelson's Theorem [1947]. If A is derivable in HA from realizable formulas F, then A is realizable.Some nonintuitionistic principles can be shown to be realizable. For example, Markov's Principle (for decidable formulas) can be expressed by the schema
(MP) ∀x(A(x)MP is realizable by an argument which uses Markov's Principle informally. But realizability is a fundamentally nonclassical interpretation. In HA it is possible to express an axiom of recursive choice CT (for "Church's Thesis"), which contradicts LEM but is (constructively) realizable. Hence by Nelson's Theorem, HA + MP + CT is consistent.¬A(x)) & ¬∀x¬A(x) → ∃x A(x).
Kleene used a variant of number-realizability to prove HA satisfies the Church-Kleene Rule; the same argument works for HA with MP and/or CT. In Kleene and Vesley [1965] and Kleene [1969], functions replace numbers as realizing objects, establishing the consistency of formalized intuitionistic analysis and its closure under a second-order version of the Church-Kleene Rule.
De Jongh [1970] combined realizability with Kripke modeling to show that intuitionistic predicate logic is arithmetically complete for HA. If, to each n-place predicate letter P(…), a formula f(P) of L(HA) with n free variables is assigned, and if the formula f(A) of L(HA) comes from the formula A of L by replacing each prime formula P(x1,…,xn) by f(P)(x1,…,xn), then f(A) is called an arithmetical substitution instance of A. A uniform assignment of simple existential formulas to predicate letters suffices to prove
De Jongh's Theorem. If a sentence A of the language L is not provable in IQC, then some arithmetical substitution instance of A is not provable in HA.For example, if P(x,y) expresses "x codes a proof in HA of the formula with code y," then ∀y (∃x P(x,y)
Without claiming that number-realizability coincides with intuitionistic arithmetical truth, Nelson observed that for each formula A of L(HA) the predicate "y realizes A" can be expressed in HA by another formula (abbreviated "y re A"), and the schema A ↔ ∃y (y re A) is consistent with HA. Troelstra [1973] showed that HA + (A ↔ ∃y (y re A)) is equivalent to HA + ECT, where ECT is a strengthened form of CT. In HA + MP + ECT, which Troelstra considers to be a formalization of Russian recursive mathematics (RUSS in the article on Constructive Mathematics in this Encyclopedia), every formula of the form (y re A) has an equivalent "classical" prenex form A′(y) consisting of a quantifier-free subformula preceded by alternating "classical" quantifiers of the forms ¬¬∃x and ∀z¬¬, and so ∃y A′(y) is a kind of prenex form of A.
While HA is a proper part of classical arithmetic, the
intuitionistic attitude toward mathematical objects results in a
theory of real numbers (INT in the article on
Mathematics)) diverging from the classical. Kleene's
function-realizability, developed to prove the consistency of INT,
changes the interpretation of arithmetical formulas. For example,
¬¬∀x (A(x)
¬A(x)) is
function-realizable for every arithmetical formula
A(x). In the language of analysis, Markov's
Principle and the negative translation of the countable axiom of
choice are among the many non-intuitionistic principles which are
function-realizable (by classical arguments) and hence consistent with
INT; cf. Kleene [1965], Vesley [1972] and Moschovakis [2003].
Abstract and concrete realizability semantics for a wide variety of
formal systems have been developed and studied by logicians and
computer scientists; cf. Troelstra [1998] and van Oosten [2000].
Variations of the basic notions are useful for establishing relative
independence of the nonlogical axioms in theories based on
intuitionistic logic.
Kleene and Vesley's [1965] gives a careful axiomatic treatment of intuitionistic analysis, a proof of its consistency relative to a classically correct subtheory, and an extended application to Brouwer's theory of real number generators. Kleene's [1969] formalizes the theory of partial recursive functionals, enabling precise formalizations of the function-realizability interpretation used in [1965] and of a related q-realizability interpretation which gives the Church-Kleene Rule for intuitionistic analysis.
An alternative to realizability semantics for intuitionistic arithmetic is Gödel's [1958] "Dialectica" interpretation, which associates with each formula B of L(HA) a quantifier-free formula BD in the language of intuitionistic arithmetic of all finite types. The "Dialectica" interpretation of B, call it BD, is ∃Y∀x BD(Y,x). If B is a closed theorem of HA, then BD(F,x) is provable for some term F in Gödel's theory T of "primitive recursive" functionals of higher type. The translation from B to BD requires the axiom of choice (at all finite types), MP and IP, so is not strictly constructive; however, the number-theoretic functions expressible by terms F of T are precisely the provably recursive functions of HA (and of PA). The interpretation was extended to analysis by Spector [1962]; cf. Howard [1973]. Clear expositions, and additional references, are to be found in Troelstra's introduction to the English translation in Gödel [1990] of the original Dialectica article, and in Avigad and Feferman [1998].
Another line of research in intuitionistic logic concerns Brouwer's very controversial "creating subject counterexamples" to principles of classical analysis (such as Markov's Principle) which could not be refuted on the basis of the theory FIM of Kleene and Vesley [1965]. By weakening Kleene's form of Brouwer's principle of continuous choice, and adding an axiom he called Kripke's Schema (KP), Myhill managed to formalize the creating subject arguments. KP is inconsistent with FIM, but Vesley found an alternative principle (Vesley's Schema (VS)) which can consistently be added to FIM and implies all the counterexamples for which Brouwer required a creating subject. Krol and Scowcroft gave topological consistency proofs for intuitionistic analysis with Kripke's Schema and weak continuity.
Troelstra's [1973], Beeson's [1985] and Troelstra and van Dalen's [1988] stand out as the most comprehensive studies of intuitionistic and semi-intutionistic formal theories, using both constructive and classical methods, with useful bibliographies. Troelstra's [1998] presents formulas-as-types and (Kleene and Aczel) slash interpretations for propositional and predicate logic, as well as abstract and concrete realizabilities for a multitude of applications. Martin-Löf's constructive theory of types [1984] (cf. Section 3.4 of Constructive Mathematics) provides a general framework within which intuitionistic reasoning continues to develop.
Joan Moschovakis |
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