S.T.L., (Licentiate in Theology) summa cum laude, Gregorian University, Rome, Italy, 1962.
Ph.D., awarded "with distinction" (Philosophy), Columbia University, New York, New York, 1970.
Ph.D. Dissertation: Jean-Paul Sartre and the Problem of Collective Responsibility, written under the direction of Professors Robert D. Cumming (major professor), Charles Frankel, and David Sidorsky.
1962-66, Carroll College, Helena, Montana, Instructor (Philosophy and French).
1968-70, Columbia University, New York, New York, Preceptor (Philosophy and Contemporary Civilization).
1970-71, Carroll College, Montana, Assistant Professor (Philosophy and Humanities).
1971-75, Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C., Assistant Professor (Philosophy).
1975-76, St. Mary's University, Baltimore, Maryland, Scholar in Residence.
1976-78, Carroll College, Helena, Montana, Assistant Professor (Philosophy).
1978-82, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, Assistant Professor (Philosophy).
1982-86, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, Associate Professor (Philosophy).
1987-88, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, Professor (Philosophy).
1988- , Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, Samuel Candler Dobbs Professor of Philosophy.
1995 (Spr), Villanova University, Visiting Professor
Selected by Nominating Committee of the APA as one of three candidates for Vice President, President-elect of the American Philosophical Association in 1999-2000.
Outstanding Faculty Member in Service Award for 1999, Omicron Delta Kappa (ODK).
Selected to have class videotaped and interviewed as part of the Paradigm in Teaching Project, Emory College, 1998-99.
Seminar Leader of three week Summer Seminar for Liberal Arts College faculty on the topic "The Foucault Effect" at the National Humanities Center, Research Triangle Park, N.C., June, 1999.
D.V.S. Award of Recognition for Service to the Emory Community, Fall, 1998.
Emory University research Committee, Maximum Regular Grant for release time, 1998-99.
Fellowship from the National Endowment for the Humanities awarded via the Institute for Advanced Study for academic year 1998-99.
Member, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, 1998-99.
First annual George P. Cuttino Award for Student Mentoring, 1997.
Andrew W. Mellon Fellow at the National Humanities Center, North Carolina, 1991-92.
Emory University Research Committee, Maximum Regular Grant, 1991 (awarded but declined).
Emory Williams Teaching Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching (awarded an unprecedented second time), 1990.
Alumni Academic Achievement Award, Carroll College, Helena, MT, October 1987.
Emory University Teacher/Scholar of the Year, September 1986.
Senior Council of Emory College Teaching Award (awarded an unprecedented second time), 1985.
Lilly Foundation Fellow, 1984-85.
A.C.L.S. Senior Research Fellow, Paris, France, 1983-84.
Senior Council of Emory College Teaching Award, 1983.
Emory Williams Teaching Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, 1981.
Emory University, Summer Research Grant, 1981.
N. E. H., Summer Research Grant, 1980.
Preceptorship in Philosophy (Columbia), 1968-70.
Danforth Teacher Grant for excellence in undergraduate teaching, 1966-67; renewed 1967-68.
Sartre and Marxist Existentialism. The Test Case of Collective Responsibility. University of Chicago Press, 1984; paperback edition, 1986.
Dialectic and Narrative. Ed. and intros. with Dalia Judovitz. State University of New York Press, 1993.
Sartre, Foucault, and Historical Reason. Two vols. Vol 1 Toward an Existentialist Theory of History. University of Chicago Press, 1997. Vol. Two, A Poststructuralist Mapping of History (in progress).
The Ethics of History, Ed. and intros. with David Carr and Rudolf Makkreel, submitted to major university press.
77. "Pyramids and Prisms: Reading Foucault in 3-D," (University of South Carolina, Program in Comparative Literature Web Site) Web-publication, 20 pp.
76. Foreword to Kevin Boileau, Genuine Reciprocity and Group Authenticity: Foucault's Developments or Sartre's Social Ontology (Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 2000)5-8.
75. "Postmodernism and the Catholic Tradition: A Response to Kenneth Schmitz," American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly, 73:2 (Spring 1999), 261-266.
74. "Toward an Existentialist Philosophy of History: Responses to Matuštík and McBride," (Symposium on the first volume of my Sartre, Foucault and Historical Reason), in Human Studies: A Journal for Philosophy and the Social Sciences, forthcoming.
73. New Articles on "Bad Faith" and "The Absurd" for The Encyclopedia of Ethics 2nd ed. (New York: Garland), projected publication date, 1999. Three entries from the 1st ed., "Authenticity," "de Beauvoir, Simone" and "Sartre, Jean-Paul," are revised for the second edition.
72. The Philosopher-Historian as Cartographer," Research in Phenomenology, vol. 29 (1999), 31-50 special issue on "The Claims of History," ed. James Risser (invited).
71. "Existentialism and Beyond: Camus, de Beauvoir, Merleau-Ponty and Sartre," in Richard Popkin, ed. The Columbia History of Western Philosophy (New York: Columbia University Press, 1999), 698-705.
70. A Return to Foucault's Partially Desacralized Spaces With Jean-Luc Nancy," in Hugh J. Silverman, ed., Reading Jean-Luc Nancy, forthcoming.
69. Objectivity: The View from the Left Bank," Proceedings of the 20th World Congress of Philosophy (Bowling Green: Philosophical Documentation Center), forthcoming.
68. "Athens and Jerusalem; Paris and Rome," in Faith and the Intellectual Life, ed. Curtis Hancock and Brendan Sweetman, volume submitted for review
67. "Committed History," in Carr, Flynn and Makkreel eds. The Ethics of History submitted for review.
66. "Introduction" (with Carr and Makkreel) to The Ethics of History, ed. David Carr, Thomas Flynn and Rudolf Makkreel, submitted for review (see "Books").
65. "Who Inherits the Historical Dialectic? Derrida and the Spirits of Marx" in Reading Specters of Marx, ed. Leonard Lawlor and Hugh Silverman, Humanities Press, forthcoming.
64. "Sartre on Violence, Foucault on Power -- A Diagnostic,"Bulletin de la Socie'te' des Philosophes de la Langue Francaise, vol.X, no. 2 (Fall 1998), 129-151.
63. "Foucault and Justice: The Problem of the Floating Transcendental," Phenomenology and Politics, ed. Lester Embree and Keith Thompson (Dordrecht: Kluwer), forthcoming.
62. "Sartre, Jean-Paul," (1,500 words) Encyclopedia of Aesthetics, 4 vols. ed. Michael Kelly (Oxford: Basil Blackwell), 1998.
61. "Event, History, Totality: Lyotard and History without Witnesses," In Reading Lyotard ed. Hugh J. Silverman, forthcoming
60. "Reconstituting Praxis: An Existentialist Theory of History, Special Sartre issue of the American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly, 60/4 (Autumn 1996), 597-618.
59. "Times Squared: The Historical Times of Sartre and Foucault." In Recent Phenomenologies of Time, ed. John Brough. Kluwer Academic Publishers, forthcoming.
58. "Alterity and Appropriation: The Successful Failure of Historical Dialectic." In Reading Kristeva's Strangers to Ourselves, ed. Gary E. Aylesworth and Hugh J. Silverman. Humanities Press, forthcoming.
57. "Continental Philosophy on Another Continent." In Kontinentalphilosophie aus Amerika: 22 Photogrammische Portraits, ed. James R. Watson, Vienna: Turia and Kant Verlag, 1998. English version with Northwestern University Press, 1999, 54-63.
56. "Authenticity." In Dictionary of Business Ethics, ed. R. Edwards Freeman and Patricia H. Werhane. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 1997, 30.
55. "Phenomenology of Ethics, Sartrean" (+3000 words). In The Encyclopedia of Phenomenology, ed. Lester Embree. Dordrecht: Kluwer Publishing Co., 1997, 184-189.
54. "Sartre (1905-1980)" (+5300 words). In A Companion to Continental Philosophy, ed. Simon Critchley and William Schroeder. (Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 1998): 256-68.
53. "Benign Nihilism: Violence and Power." For an as yet untitled volume, ed. Hugh J. Silverman and Wilhelm Wurtzer. SUNY Press, forthcoming.
52. Six brief contributions to Dictionary of Existentialism listed above: "Dialectical Reason," "Facticity," "The Look," "Bad Faith," "Nothingness," and "Negation," (Greenwood Press, 1999).
51. "Authenticity." Short essay for Dictionary of Existentialism, ed. Haim Gordon. (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1999), 24-26.
50. "Sartre, Jean-Paul." Invited essay for Dictionary of Existentialism, ed. Haim Gordon. (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1999), 418-25.
49. "Truth(s) in Painting: Sartre, Foucault, and Derrida. In Reading Truth in Painting, ed. Hugh J. Silverman and Wilhelm S. Wurzer. Albany, N.Y.: SUNY Press, forthcoming.
48. "The Essence of Man," invited essay in The World & I, monthly book review and essay magazine of The Washington Times (February, 1996): 253-59.
47. "History and Histories: Weiss and the Problematization of the Historical." Invited essay in The Philosophy of Paul Weiss, Schilpp Library of Living Philosophers, ed. Louis Hahn. Chicago: Open Court, 1995, 183-200.
46. "Inauthentic and Authentic Love in Sartrean Existentialism." In The Nature and Pursuit of Love, ed. David Goicoechea. Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books, 1995, 208-220.
45. "The Future Perfect and the Perfect Future: History Has Its Reasons....," (Presidential Address to the American Catholic Philosophical Association, 1994), American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly, Supplement (Proceedings, 1994), 1-15.
44. Three entries: "Existentialism," "Foucault," and "Sartre," for The Encyclopedia of Time, ed. Sam Macey (Garland Publishing), announced for February, 1994.
43. "Foucault and the Mapping of History." In The Cambridge Companion to Foucault, ed. Gary Gutting. London: Cambridge University Press, 1994, 28-46.
42. "Existential Philosophy II: Jean-Paul Sartre." Continental Philosophy in the Twentieth Century, ed. Richard Kearney. Routledge History of Philosophy 8. London: Routledge, 1994, 74-104.
41. "Sartre and the Paradox of Committed History." In Modern Concepts of Existentialism: Essays on Sartrean Problems in Philosophy, Political Theory and Aesthetics, ed. Peter L. Eisenhardt, et al. Jyväskylä Studies in Education, Psychology and Social Research 102. Jyväskylä, Finland: University of Jyväskylä Press, 1993, 97-107.
40. "Partially Desacralized Spaces: The Religious Availability of Foucault's Thought," Faith and Philosophy 10: 4 (Oct. 1993), 471-85.
39. "Truth is a Thing of This World." Review essay of James Bernauer's Michel Foucault's Force of Flight: Toward an Ethics For Thought. Research in Phenomenology 23 (1993), 193-201.
38. "Foucault and the Eclipse of Vision." In Modernity and the Hegemony of Vision, ed. David Michael Levin. Berkeley: Univ. of California Press, 1993, 273-286.
37. "Sartre, The Last Ten Years," review essay in Research in Phenomenology 22 (November, 1992), 210-216.
36. "The Possibility/Impossibility of a Foucauldian Ethic." In Joyful Wisdom: Sorrow and An Ethic of Joy, ed. David Goicoechea and Marko Zlomislic. St. Catharines, Ont.: Thought House, 1992, 127-43.
35. "Phenomenology and Faith: From Description to Explanation and Back." American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 64, supplement (1990), 40-50.
34. "Sartre and the Poetics of History." In The Cambridge Companion to Sartre, ed. Christina Howells. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992, 213-260.
33. "Jean-Paul Sartre." In Encyclopedia of Ethics. New York: Garland Press, 1992, 2:1121-24.
32. "Simone de Beauvoir." In Encyclopedia of Ethics. New York: Garland Press, 1992, 1:241-42.
31. "Authenticity." In Encyclopedia of Ethics. New York: Garland Press, 1992, 1:67-69.
30. "Foucault and the Spaces of History" (invited essay for special issue on theories of history), The Monist 74: 2 (April 1991): 165-86.
29. "Sartre and the Poetics of History." In Proceedings of the Sartre Society of Canada, ed. A. van den Hoven and W. Skakoon, Vol. 1, No. 1. Ontario: University of Windsor, 1990, 132-41.
28. "Sartre and Technological Being-in-the-World." In Lifeworld and Technology, ed. Lester Embree and Tim Casey. Washington, DC: University Press of America, 1990, 271-87.
27. "Foucault and the Politics of Postmodernity," Nous 23 (1989): 187- 98.
26. "History as Fact and as Value: The Posthumous Sartre." In Inquiries and Values, edited by Sander H. Lee. Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press, 1988, 375-90.
25. "Skizze für eine Theorie der Geschichte in der Philosophie Sartres: Die Carnets und die Cahiers." In Sartre-ein Kongress, ed. Traugott König. Reinbeck, W. Germany: Rowohlt Verlag, 1988, 201-25.
24. "Time Redeemed: Maritain's Christian Philosophy of History." In Understanding Maritain, edited by Diel Hudson and Matthew Mancini, 306-24. Macon, GA: Mercer University Press, 1988.
23. "Foucault and Historical Nominalism." In Phenomenology and Beyond: The Self and It's Language, edited by Harold A. Durfee and David F. T. Rodier. Brussels/Boston: Kluwer, 1989. pp. 134-47.
22. "Foucault as Parrhesiast: His Last Course at the College de France" in a special Foucault issue of Philosophy and Social Criticism (Vol 12:2-3). Reprinted in The Final Foucault, edited by James Bernauer, 102-18. Cambridge, MA: M.I.T. Press, 1988. Japanese translation, 1991. Reprinted in Michel Foucault: Critical Assessments Barry Smart, ed. 7 vols. (London, Routledge, 1998) 3: 302-325.
21. "Dying as Doing: Philosophical Thoughts on Death and Authenticity." In Death: Completion and Discovery, edited by Charles A. Corr and Richard A. Pacholski, 261-69. Lakewood, OH: Association for Death Education and Counseling, 1987.
20. "Foucault and the Career of the Historical Event." In At the Nexus of Philosophy and History, edited by Bernard P. Dauenhauer, 178- 200. Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press, 1987.
19. "Merleau-Ponty and the Critique of Dialectical Reason." In Hypatia, edited by William Calder, Ulrich Goldsmith and Phyllis Kenevan, 241-50. Boulder, CO: Colorado Associated University Press, 1985. Reprinted in The Debate Between Sartre and Merleau-Ponty, ed. Jon Stewert (Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press, 1998).
18. "Truth and Subjectivation in the Later Foucault," invited symposium paper for annual meeting of the A.P.A., Eastern Division, December, 1985, published in The Journal of Philosophy 82 (October 1985): 531-40.
17. "Collective Responsibility and Obedience to the Law," invited essay on obedience to the law for special issue of the Georgia Law Review 18 (Summer 1984): 845-61.
16. "Jean-Paul Sartre." Major article in Thinkers of the 20th Century. A Biographical, Bibliographical and Critical Dictionary, edited by Elizabeth Devine, Michael Held, James Vinson and George Walsh, 497-500. Detroit: Gale Research, Macmillan, 1983.
15. "Beginnings Without End" (10-page review essay of R. D. Cummings's Starting Point: An Introduction to the Dialectic of Existence), Man and World 15 (1982): 197-205.
14. "From Socialisme et Liberte to Pouvoir et Liberte: Sartre and Political Existentialism." In Phenomenology in a Pluralistic Context, edited by William McBride and Calvin Schrag, 26-38. Albany, New York: State University of New York Press, 1983.
13. "Existential Hermeneutics: The Progressive-Regressive Method," Eros 8 (Spring 1981): 3-24 (lead article in special Sartre issue).
12. "Another Sartrean Torso: Critique of Dialectical Reason," Social Theory and Practice 6 (Spring 1980): 91-107.
11. "Angst and Care in the Early Heidegger: The Ontic/Ontologic Aporia," International Studies in Philosophy 12 (Spring 1980): 61-76.
10. "Sartre-Flaubert and the Real/Unreal," in Existence and Dialectic: Contemporary Approaches to Jean-Paul Sartre, edited by Hugh Silverman and Frederick Elliston, 105-23. Pittsburgh: Duquesne University Press, 1980.
9. "Mediated Reciprocity and the Genius of the Third." In Sartre volume of Paul Arthur Schilpp's Library of Living Philosophers, 345-70. In the same volume Sartre responds to questions I have posed regarding my essay. La Salle, Illinois: Open Court Publishing Co., 1981.
8. "Vision, Responsibility, and Factual Belief," Journal of Chinese Philosophy 7 (1980): 27-36.
7. "L'Imagination au Pouvoir: the Evolution of Sartre's Political and Social Thought," lead essay in Sartre issue of Political Theory 7 (May 1979): 157-180.
6. "Catholic Charities and the American Experience: Suggestions for the Inner Dialogue," Social Thought 3 (Summer 1977): 31-40.
5. "An End to Authority: Epistemology and Politics in the Later Sartre," Man and World 10, no. 4 (1977): 448-65.
4. "Praxis and Vision: Elements of a Sartrean Epistemology," The Philosophical Forum 8 (Fall 1976): 21-43.
3. "The Use and Abuse of Utopias," The Modern Schoolman 43 (March 1976): 235-64.
2. "The Role of the Image in Sartre's Aesthetic," The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 33 (Summer 1975): 431-42.
1. "The Alienating and the Mediating Third in the Social Philosophy of Jean-Paul Sartre," in John K. Ryan, Ed., Studies in Philosophy and in the History of Philosophy 6 (1973): 3-38.
Numerous reviews in The Review of Metaphysics, Ethics, The American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly, Research in Phenomenology and elsewhere.
Review of Annette Aronowicz, Jews and Christians on Time and Eternity: Charles Péguy's Portrait of Bernard-Lazare (Stanford), The Jewish Quarterly Review XC, nos. 1-2 (July-October 1999) 173-175.
Keynote address at Brock University, St. Catherine's,Ont., Feb.10, 2001
Address to Dept. of Philosophy, Texas A&M University, Feb. 15, 2001
Chair Session of Kierkegaard Conference, Augusta State Univ. GA, March 2, 2000
Invited address sponsored by Several Departments of Cornell University (Philosophy, Political Science, Womens' Studies) on "Government of Self and Others: Reading Foucault in 3-D," April 26, 2001
Organize and Chair Invited Session of International Association for Philosophy and Literature (IAPL) on "Origin/Birth/Provenance" in Nietzsche and Foucault"at Spelman College, Atlanta, May 3, 2000.
Chair of plenary session of annual meeting of the Groupe d'études sartriennes, Univ. of Paris (Sorbonne), Paris, France, June 25, 2000. Speakers from France, Belgium and Italy.
"If Everything Were a Dream,...: Recalling Baudrillard's Forgetting Foucault," International Philosophical Seminar, Alto Adige, Italy, July 7, 2000.
Comment on presentation on Sartre and Deleuze by professor from Concordia College, Montreal, at annual meeting of the Sartre Society of North America, Wilfred Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario, September 17, 2000.
"Post-structuralist Spirituality: The Case of Michel Foucault," Aquinas Center, Emory, October 13, 2000.
"The Soul of the University," Discussion of my essay in Graduate Teaching Fellows' Seminar, Graduate Division of Religion (GDR), Oct. 18, 2000.
"Existential Psychoanalysis: Its Use and Abuse: The Case of Jean-Paul Sartre," Psychoanalytic Studies Colloquium, Emory, Oct. 18, 2000.
Commentary on presentation by Thomas Anderson, Marquette Univ., on Faith and Reason in Gabriel Marcel," Annual Meeting of the American Catholic Philosophical Association, Dallas, TX Nov. 4, 1000.
"Sartre on Violence, Foucault on Power: A Diagnostic," University of North Carolina-Asheville, Nov. 16, 2000.
"The Use and Abuse of Utopias," S. & H. Foundation Lecture, Washington, D.C., March 22, 1973.
"Sartre-Flaubert and the Real/Unreal," annual meeting of the American Philosophical Association (A.P.A.), Western Division, 1975 (blind review).
"Praxis and Vision: Elements of a Sartean Epistemology," A.P.A., Eastern Division meeting, 1977 (blind review).
"An End to Authority. Epistemology and Politics in the Later Sartre," annual meeting of the Northwest Conference on Philosophy, 1977 (invited).
"The Tension Theory of Metaphor," commentator at Georgia Philosophical Society meeting, 1978.
"Basic Themes in Existential Philosophy," invited paper at Morehouse College, 1979.
"Problems in Collective Responsibility," the Radical Caucus meeting, A.P.A., Eastern Division, 1979 (invited).
"Collective Responsibility," invited paper at University of Georgia, 1980.
"From 'Socialisme et Liberte' to 'Pouvoir et Liberte', The Case of Jean-Paul Sartre," annual meeting of the Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, November 4, 1980 (invited).
"Collective Responsibility as a Problem in Social Ontology," annual meeting of the International Society for Metaphysics, King's College, University of London, London, England, July 19, 1980 (invited).
"Existentialist Hermeneutics: The Progressive-Regressive Method," The Collegium Phenomenologicum, Perugia, Italy, June 1980 (invited).
"Collective Responsibility as a Problem In Social Ontology," University of South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina, 1981 (invited).
Commentator on the two principal speakers at Sartre Memorial, general session of the annual meeting of Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy, Northwestern University, October 28-November 1, 1981.
"The Primacy of Praxis in the Later Philosophy of Sartre," University of Colorado at Boulder, March 4, 1982 (invited).
"The Primacy of Praxis in the Later Philosophy of Sartre," University of Kansas Public Colloquium Series, March 2, 1982 (invited).
"Foucault and Nominalist Historiography," read at Philosophy Colloquium, Emory University, January 24, 1985.
"Is There (Intellectual) Life After Tenure?" talk given to general session of Lilly Foundation Fellows and Directors, University of Indiana, March 31, 1985.
"Foucault and the Career of the Historical Event," read at symposium on the philosophy and history, University of Georgia, May 2, 1985 (invited).
"Learning the Language of Humanity." Convocation address, Emory College and Graduate School, September 5, 1985.
"Time Redeemed: Maritain's Christian Philosophy of History," American Maritain Association, Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, October 11, 1985.
"Foucault as Critical Theorist," Association for Humanist Sociology, November 9, 1985.
"Truth and Subjectivation in the Later Foucault." Invited Symposium paper, American Philosophical Association, Washington, D.C., December 28, 1985.
"Foucault and the Paradox of Creativity," address to Faculty Seminar of the Department of Modern Languages and Classics, February 12, 1986.
"Life, Death and Authenticity: Some Existentialist Reflections," the annual Philosophy Lecture, Siena College, Loudonville, NY, March 17, 1986.
Respondent to Richard Rorty, "The Contingency of the Self," Emory University, March 28, 1986.
Commentator on "Sartre, Maritain and the Contradiction of Conscious Being," Maritain Association in conjunction with American Catholic Philosophical Association, Baltimore, MD, April 5, 1986.
"Dying as Doing: Philosophical Reflections on Death and Authenticity," Keynote address given to plenary session of annual meeting of the Forum for Death Education and Counselling, Atlanta, GA, April 19, 1986.
Commentator on "Foucault and Feminism," annual meeting of American Philosophical Association (Western Division), St. Louis, MO, May 2, 1986.
"Learning the Language of Humanity," address to Emory Alumni Meeting, Harvard Faculty Club, Cambridge, MA, September 18, 1986.
"(Postmodern) Faith and (Enlightenment) Reason," faculty seminar on faith and reason, Candler School of Theology, Emory University, February 19, 1987.
"Posthumous Sartre and the Philosophy of History," keynote address to Southeast Conference for Graduate Students in Philosophy, The University of Georgia, Athens, GA, April 24, 1987.
"Can the University be Committed to Values?" delivered to faculty symposium on values in higher education, The University of Georgia, Athens, GA, May 12, 1987.
"Life, Death and Authenticity: Some Existentialist Reflections," annual Toulouse Lecture, Seattle University, Seattle, WA, May 19, 1987.
"The Posthumous Sartre and the Philosophy of History," address to Northwest Society for Phenomenology, Existentialism and Hermeneutics, Seattle, WA, May 20, 1987.
"(Postmodern) Faith and (Enlightenment) Reason," to the faculty seminar in philosophy and theology, Seattle University, Seattle, WA, May 21, 1987.
"Learning the Language of Humanity: Humanizing Legal Education," address to Thomas More Society of Lawyers, Seattle, WA, May 22, 1987.
"Sketch for a Theory of History in the Philosophy of Sartre," address to International Sartre Congress, University of Frankfurt, Frankfurt, Germany, July 11, 1987.
Respondent to Algis Mickunas, "The Emergence and Structure of Political Technocracy," Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA, October 25, 1987.
"Sartre and the Philosophy of History: Elements of an Existentialist Theory of History in Sartre's Posthumous Works," invited address, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA, October 26, 1987.
Panel discussant of the Galileo case for series on Science and Society: Conflict and Dialogue, Georgia College, Milledgeville, GA, November 5, 1987.
"Posthumous Sartre and the Philosophy of History," address to the Georgia Philosophical Society, Atlanta, GA, November 14, 1987.
"Sartre and the Philosophy of History," invited address, Creighton University, Omaha, NE, March 17, 1988.
"Foucault and Historical Nominalism," invited address to conference on "Text and Context," University of Georgia, May 12, 1988.
"History as Fact and as Value: The Posthumous Sartre," invited address to the inaugural session of the International Society for Value Inquiry, Arundel and Brighton, England, August 24, 1988.
"Foucault and the Politics of Postmodernity," symposium address at the World Congress of Philosophy, Brighton, England, August 25, 1988.
"Sartre and the Poetics of History," Emory University, September 8, 1988.
"The Violence of Love." Response to John Caputo at Conference on Natural Theology, University of South Carolina, Columbia, October 22, 1988.
Commentator on Sharon Welsh's presentation at conference, "For the Trumpet Shall Sound," Aquinas Center, Emory University, Atlanta, GA, October 27, 1988.
"Foucault and the Politics of Postmodernity," invited paper for symposium at annual meeting of the American Philosophical Association (Central Division), Chicago, IL, April 29, 1989.
"Foucault and the Politics of Postmodernity," address to faculty and graduate students of the Heinrich Heine University, Dusseldorf, W. Germany, June 21, 1989.
Draft Lecture in Philosophy delivered at Ripon College, Ripon, WI, on the topic "Existentialism Alive: Five Philosophical Themes," September 28, 1989.
"Authenticity and the Tradition in Continental Ethics," invited address to annual meeting of the Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, October 13, 1989.
Commentator on David Detmer's paper at meeting of Sartre Circle in conjunction with the APA, Atlanta, December 29, 1989.
"Phenomenology and Faith: From Description to Explanation and Back," invited address to plenary session of American Catholic Philosophical Association, Toronto, March 31, 1990.
Organized and led panel discussion "Technologies of Truth: Foucault and His Critics" at annual meeting of the International Association for Philosophy and Literature, University of California/Irvine, April 27, 1990.
"Foucault and the Spaces of History," Department of Philosophy Colloquium, Emory University, Atlanta, September 27, 1990.
"Foucault and the Philosophy of History," address to faculty seminar, University of Arkansas, Little Rock, November 3, 1990.
"Phenomenology and Religion: From Description to Explanation and Back," Rockefeller lecture delivered at the University of Arkansas, Little Rock, November 4, 1990.
"Phenomenology and Religious Belief," Rockefeller Lecture delivered at the University of Arkansas/Little Rock, November 14, 1990.
"Current Research on Foucault," Faculty Seminar presentation, University of Arkansas/Little Rock, November 14, 1990.
"Foucault and the Spaces of History," Canisius College, Buffalo, NY, February 13, 1991.
"Inauthentic and Authentic Love in the Thought of Jean-Paul Sartre," Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada, February 16, 1991.
Organized and led panel discussion, "Origins: The Senses of a Beginning," annual meeting of the International Association for Philosophy and Literature, University of Montreal, Canada, May 17, 1991.
"Truth(s) in Painting: Derrida, Sartre and Foucault," International Philosophical Seminar, Castelrotto, Italy, June 29, 1991.
"Sartre, The Last Ten Years," Sartre Society, University of Dayton, Ohio, September 21, 1991.
"Reading The Political Theory of Jean-Paul Sartre by William McBride," University of Dayton, OH, September 29, 1991.
Chaired a session, "Foucault and Ethics," at Meeting of the Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy, Memphis, TN, October 18, 1991.
"Foucault and the Possibility/Impossibility of an Ethics," Brock University, St. Catherine's, Ontario, Canada, November 9, 1991.
"Making Sens of History with Jean-Paul Sartre," annual Phi Kappa Phi Lecture, University of North Carolina/ Wilmington, November 14, 1991.
"Foucault and the Eclipse of Vision," Duke University, November 21, 1991.
"Sartre, Foucault and Reason in History," Duke University (Institute for Learning in Retirement), January 30, 1992.
"The Timetable and the Map: Existentialist and Postmodern Theories of History," U.N.C.- Chapel Hill, February 13, 1992.
"Foucault and the Eclipse of Vision" (faculty seminar, Dept. of Philosophy/Religion), George Mason Univ., Fairfax, VA, April 7, 1992.
"Benign Nihilism: Power and Violence," public lecture, George Mason University, April 7, 1992.
"Foucault and the Eclipse of Vision," University of Richmond, VA, April 7, 1992.
"Benign Nihilism," International Philosophical Seminar, Castelrotto, Italy, June 22, 1992.
"Benign Nihilism," Emory University, October 1, 1992.
"Foucault, Power and Critique," S.P.E.P., Boston, October 10, 1992.
"Recent French Philosophy: The Foucault Effect," Pennsylvania State University, October 24, 1992.
"Benign Nihilism: Violence (Sartre) and Power (Foucault)," Denison University, November 13, 1992.
"Sartre and the Problem of Committed History," Sartre Circle, in conjunction with the APA Eastern Division, Washington, DC, December 29, 1992.
Chaired session on Martha Nussbaum's Love's Body, annual meeting of American Philosophical Association, Washington, DC, December 29, 1992.
Organized colloquium, "The Thinker from the Thought: Can We Separate Them?" in conjunction with CLLC, Emory University, March 3, 1993.
"The Future Perfect and the Perfect Future: History Has Its Reasons...." Presidential Address, Annual Meeting of the American Catholic Philosophical Association, Atlanta, March 27, 1993.
"Sartre and the Paradox of Committed History," Annual Thomasfest lecture, Xavier University, Cincinnati, OH, March 29, 1993.
"Foucault and the Eclipse of Vision," Faculty seminar, Xavier University, Cincinnati, OH, March 29, 1993.
Panel discussant of English translation of Sartre's Cahiers pour une Morale, meeting of Sartre Society of North America, Trent University, Peterborough, Ont., May 8, 1993.
"Postmodern Space(s)," panel organized for annual meeting of International Association for Philosophy and Literature, Pittsburgh, PA, May 13, 1993.
"Event, History, Totality: Lyotard and the Meaning(s) of It All," International Philosophical Seminar, Alto-Adige, Italy, July 8, 1993.
Introduction of Plenary Speaker, Jean-Luc Marion, annual meeting of the Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy (SPEP), October 23, 1993.
Member of panel on "(un)Housing (the) Discipline," ILA, Emory University, October 27, 1993.
Commentator on two papers at meetings in conjunction with the American Philosophical Association Meeting, Atlanta: Steve Hendley on Sartre and Levinas (Sartre Circle) December 30, 1993, and Joseph Godfrey on Marcel's Interpersonalism (Marcel Society) December 28, 1993.
"(Postmodern) Faith and (Enlightenment) Reason," Aquinas Center, Emory University, January 18, 1994.
"The Future Perfect and the Perfect Future: History Has Its Reasons....," Presidential Address, 68th annual meeting of the American Catholic Philosophical Association, Atlanta, March 27, 1994.
Member of panel on "Choices and Responsibilities in a Changing University," Emory Symposium, April 14-15, 1994.
Organizer of Colloquium, "Thinking History: Poiesis and Praxis," International Association for Philosophy and Literature, Edmonton, Alberta, May 4-7, 1994.
Chaired session at annual meeting of the Sartre Society of North America, DePaul University, Chicago, October 22, 1994.
Responded to "Sartre and Hegel" by R. Williams, Hiram College, Sartre Circle at the APA, Boston, December 29, 1994.
"Atheism, Modern and Postmodern," St. Charles Seminary of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, February 27, 1995.
"Foucault in the Eyes of Sartre in the Eyes of Foucault," Villanova University, Villanova, PA, March 23, 1995.
"Foucault in the Eyes of Sartre in the Eyes of Foucault" (invited), regional meeting of the ACPA, Fordham University, New York, April 1, 1995.
"The Aporia of an Existentialist Philosophy of History" (invited), Georgetown University, Washington, DC, April 7, 1995.
"Atheism, Modern and Postmodern," St. Joseph's College, Philadelphia, PA, April 14, 1995.
Faculty seminar on "Patriotism and Cosmopolitanism" (Martha Nussbaum, The Boston Review), Montclair State University, Montclair, NJ, April 20, 1995.
"Foucault in the Eyes of Sartre in the Eyes of Foucault" (invited), regional meeting of the ACPA, LaSalle University, Philadelphia, April 22, 1995.
Comment on Foucault paper at the APA Central Division meeting, Chicago, April 28, 1995.
"Alterity and Appropriation: The Successful Failure of Historical Dialectic," International Philosophy Seminar, Kastelroto, Italy, July 8, 1995.
"Travel as Integrating a Liberal Education," "Philosophizing in the Mountains," and "What is Postmodeernism?" given to members of Association of Emory Alumni (Swiss Alumni College), Meiringen, Switzerland, August 3, 5, 7, 1995.
"Teaching as Vocation," Chaplain's Tea Talks, Emory University, October 3, 1995.
Comment on paper by Merald Westphal (Fordham University), "Faith as the Overcoming of Ontological Xenophobia," annual meeting of the Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy, Chicago, IL, October 13, 1995.
"The Diary and the Map: Sartre and Foucault on the Sense(s) of History," Emory University Philosophy Colloquium, October 19, 1995.
"Sartre and Foucault: History and Structure," colloquium on Recent Phenomenologies of Time, Center for Advanced Research in Phenomenology, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL, November 19, 1995.
"Foucault and the Politics of Postmodernity" (invited), annual Brantl Lecture, Montclair State University, Montclair, NJ, November 30, 1995.
"Marcel and Postmodern Politics," Marcel Society in conjunction with the annual meeting of The American Philosophical Association, December 29, 1995.
"The Diary and the Map: Sartre and Foucault on Reason in History," invited lecture to faculty and students of University of Tennessee, Chattanooga, February 7, 1996.
"The Diary and the Map" (invited), Hendle Lecture, Creighton University, Omaha, NE, April 25, 1996.
"Reconstituting Praxis: Repetition as Re-enactment," International Association for Philosophy and Literature, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, May 10, 1996.
"Eco's (of) Foucault: The Limits of Interpretation," International Philosophy Seminar, Bolzano, Italy, July 1, 1996.
"Foucault as Critic of Phenomenolgy: The Problem of Cross-Cultural Communication," Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, Sept. 18, 1997
"A Matter of Justice: Foucault and the Problem of the Floating Transcendental," Center for Advanced Research in Phenomenology, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL, October 26, 1997.
"Marcel's (Necessary) Misreading of Sartre," Marcel Society in conjunction with the APA, Atlanta, December 29, 1997.
"Who Inherits the Historical Dialectic? The Relevance of the New History to the Ideal of a Liberal Education," Society of Teachers of Philosophy in Jesuit Higher Education, in conjunction with the APA, Atlanta, December 29, 1997.
"Sartre, Foucault and Historical Reason: The Diary and the Map," Boston College, February 20, 1997.
"Does Emory Have a Soul?" (Plenary address to 16th Alumni Assembly), Emory University, April, 1997.
"History and Structure: Sartre and Foucault," University of Helsinki, Finland, June 20, 1997.
"Derrida and the Spirits of Marx," International Philosophy Seminar, Bolzano, Italy, July 2, 1997.
Response to Thomas Busch, Author meets Critic Session of Biennial Meeting ofSartre Society of North America (session on my recent book with the University of Chicago Press), October 5, 1997.
"Has the Academy Lost Its Soul?" (Plenary address to Minary Conference), Stanford University Center, Lake Tahoe, CA, October 20, 1997.
"At the Crossroads of Philosophy and Religion: The Test Case of Religious Existentialism," Georgia Southern University (invited address), November 6, 1997.
"Sartre on Violence and Foucault on Power: A Diagnostic," annual meeting of the Sartre Circle in conjunction with the APA, Philadelphia, PA, December 28, 1997. (invited)
"Religion and Community in Jean-Luc Nancy," International Philosophical Seminar, Castelrotto, Italy, June 25, 1998.
"Objectivity: The View from the Left Bank," invited session at 20th World Congress of Philosophy, Boston, MA, August 14, 1998.
"Elements of an Existentialist Theory of History," Sartre Society of North America in conjunction with the 20th World Congress of Philosophy, Boston, August 14, 1998 (invited).
"Postmodernism and the Catholic Tradition: A Response to Kenneth Schmitz," American Catholic Philosophical Association, session in conjunction with the 20th World Congress of Philosophy, Boston, August 11, 1998.
"The Philosopher as Cartographer: Foucault and the Mapping of History," Institute for Advanced Study, November 5, 1998.
Response to commentators at Session on my recently published book at annual meeting of the Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy (SPEP), Denver, Colorado, October 8, 1998.
"Having Stars in Your Eyes," Commentary on Invited Paper by Charles Scott of Pennsylvania State University. At annual meeting of the American Philosophical Association (APA) in Washington, DC, December 30, 1998.
Commentary on papers by Matt Eschleman (Duquesne), Brian Seitz (Babson College) and Robert Boilou (University of New Mexico) on Sartre and Foucault at the biennial Meeting of the Sartre Society of North America, Los Angeles, CA, Feb. 13, 1999.
"The Philosopher-Historian as Cartographer," University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, March 17, 1999 (invited).
"The Philosopher-Historian as Cartographer," University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontarion, March 18, 1999 (invited).
"Sartre and the Paradox of Committed History," University of Western Ontario, March 19, 1999 (invited).
"Ethics and Sexual Difference: Foucault and Irigaray," International Philosophical Seminar, Castelrotto, Italy, July 5, 1999.
"Time Squared: Historical Time in Sartre and Foucault," Emory University, September 16, 1999.
"Sartre and Foucault: The Diary and the Map" comparative Lieterature Roundtable, Emory, October 21, 1999.
"Sartre and the Paradox of Committed History," Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA, Oct. 29, 1999.
Outside reviewer for Department of Philosophy, University of Notre Dame, November 5-8, 2000.
Outside reviewer for Department of Philosophy, Villanova University, Philadelphia, PA, December 3-5, 200.
Outside reviewer for Department of Philosophy, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, 1991 and again in February, 1998.
Nominated by Nominating Committee of the American Philosophical Association as candidate for Vice President, President-elect, 1999-2000.
External examiner for Ph.D. dissertations at McGill University (Montreal) on Foucault and at the University of Helsinki (Finland) on Sartre in 1997.
Member, Advisory Committee to the Program Committee, American Philosophical Association, 1994-97.
President, American Catholic Philosophical Association, 1993-94.
Chair of Review Committee for "Work in Progress" sessions of the annual meeting, Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy, 1992-95.
Referee for Journal of the History of Philosophy, American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly, International Philosophical Quarterly, The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, Faith and Philosophy.
Outside reviewer of Department of Philosophy, Vanderbilt University, February 2000.
Outside reviewer of Department and Graduate Program of Philosophy, Brock University, St. Catherines, Ontario, November 24-25, 1994.
Outside reviewer of University of Dallas for the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (Commission on Colleges), April 10-13, 1994.
Outside Review Committee, Graduate Program in Philosophy, Fordham University, March 7-8, 1994.
Member of evaluation team for the Department of Philosophy and Relgion, Montclair State College, Upper Montclair, NJ, April 13, 1987.
Review fellowship applications to the National Humanities Center for 1994 and again for 1998.
Member Editorial Board of series, Perspectives in Continental Philosophy, ed.John D. Caputo (Fordham Univ. Press), 1993-.
Member of Board of Editorial Consultants of Faith and Philosophy, journals of the Society of Christian Philosophers, 1995-.
Editorial Consultant to The American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly, 1993-
Outside reviewer for candidates for promotion/tenure at the following universities:
Chair of the Committee on Committees of the Board of Officers of the American Philosophical Association for their general meeting in Philadelphia, October 3-5, 1991.
Chair of the Alfred Schutz Lectureship Committee of the American Philosophical Association (summer, 1991).
Co-Chair, Program Committee for the 1989 meeting of the International Association for Philosophy and Literature, Atlanta, GA, May 4-6, 1989.
Member of the Board of Officers of the American Philosophical Association (Representative of the Eastern Division), 1989-92.
Member Executive Committee of the American Catholic Philosophical Association, 1988-91.
Member Executive Committee of the International Association for Philosophy and Literature, 1988-93.
Chair, Executive Board of the Sartre Society of North America, 1988-91.
Chair, Program Committee for the 1987 meeting of the American Philosophical Association, Eastern Division. Responsible for the program of the largest annual meeting of philosophers in North America.
Program Committee for the 1986 meeting of the American Philosophical Association, Eastern Division (assess numerous submissions).
Program Committee for the 1986 meeting of the Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy (assess scores of submissions).
Board of Directors of the Society for Phenomenology & Existential Philosophy, 1983-86.
Review Editor for Man and World, an international journal of philosophy, 1978-1997.
Referee for National Endowment for the Humanities (Special Programs) July 1986 and May 1992, and on a review panel, March 5 & 6, 1987; again (Research Programs) June, 1987.
Referee for University Presses: Chicago, Indiana, SUNY, Mercer, Penn State.
Founding member of Committee to establish an international Sartre Society. Inaugural conference, October 4-6, 1985, The New School, New York City.
Referee of submitted papers for the conference. Introduce keynote speaker. Referee of submitted papers for the 1987 and 1988 conferences.
Program Chairman of 1981 national meeting of the Metaphysical Society of America.
Member of:
National Treasurer of The American Catholic Philosophical Association and Business Manager of its review, The New Scholasticism, 1971-75.
International Association for Philosophy and Literature.
Assistant to the Dean, School of Philosophy, Catholic University, coordinating the programs of all undergraduate majors in philosophy, 1971-74.
Exchange graduate professor of philosophy, American University, Washington, DC, Fall term, 1973.
Member of curriculum committees both of the College of Arts and Sciences and of the School of Philosophy, Catholic University, 1971-75.
Chairman of the Curriculum Committee, School of Philosophy, Catholic University of America, 1973-74.
Chairman, Committee to Plan a Core Course for Freshmen, 1981-82.
Faculty Senate, Emory University, 1982-84.
University Research Committee, 1982-83.
Member of Committee on General Education, reviewing the general distribution requirements of Emory College, 1984-86.
Academic advisor to Merit Scholars, Emory College, 1980-83.
Member of the President's Committee on Undergraduate Education, Emory University.
Member, Admissions & Scholarship Committee, Emory College, 1979-83.
Chairman, Subcommittee of the President's Committee on Undergraduate Education, dealing with the Freshman Experience, 1980-81.
Chaplain's Advisory Committee on Religious Policy, 1979- .
Committee on the Emory College Advisory Program, 1980-81.
Lilly Endowment Summer Research Seminar, June, 1981.
Dobbs Hall Experiment in advising, 1981-83.
Chair of Emory Williams Teaching Award Committee 1984-85.
Academic advisor to Honors Students, Emory College, 1985- .
President's Advisory Committee on South Africa, 1985-86.
Consultant on Ford Foundation Proposal, 1985-86.
Consultant on Proposal for a Henry Luce Professorship at Emory, 1985-86.
Member of Search Committee for a Henry Luce Professor, 1986-87.
Member of Educational Policy Committee, Acting Chair, Fall 1985.
Member of Scholar/Teacher of the Year nominating committee, 1987, 1988, and 1990.
Member of the Business School Ethics Task Force, 1988-89.
Member of Search Committee for University Chaplain, 1989-90.
Member of College Committee to evaluate the fraternity/sorority system on campus (1990-91).
Member of Dean's Committee to review leave and release time policy in the College (1992).
Chair, Department of Philosophy (1988-91).
Chair, Center for Language, Literature, and Culture, Emory Univ., 1992-94.
Fulbright Interview Committee, 1992- .
Advisory Committee, Culture, History, Theory Program (ILA), 1993- .
Steering Committee, Friends of Theater Emory, 1993-95.
Member, Cannon Chapel Committee, 1993-94.
Member, University Committee on Law and Religion, 1995- .
Member, Advisory Committee on Center for Curricular Renewal and Teaching Enhancement, Emory College, 1995- .
Member, ad hoc Advisory Committee to Provost on disputed tenure decision, Dec.-Jan. 1996-97.
Associated Faculty of the Aquinas Center, Emory, 1997- .
Radio interview with Wayne Pond for "Soundings" on PBS. Topic, "The Public Philosophy." Aired over two hundred PBS stations in March, 1992.
Television interview with Canadian television company for a 2-hour program on"Life After Death," aired on Canadian television last Spring and in the United States, on the Learning Channel, December, 1997.