B.A. in History (Departmental Honors with Great Distinction and University Honors with Great Distinction): University of California at Berkeley, 1969
M.A. in History: Columbia University, 1970
M.Phil in History: Columbia University, 1973
Ph.D in History (with distinction): Columbia University, 1991
Assistant Librarian (Academic) at the Warburg Institute: 1974-1986
Lecturer in the History of Philosophy at the Warburg Institute: 1987-1996
Senior Lecturer in the History of Philosophy at the Warburg Institute: 1996-1998
Reader in the History of Renaissance Philosophy: 1999-
Visiting Professor, Seminar für Geistesgeschichte und Philosophie der Renaissance, Ludwig-Maximilians Universität, Munich, June-July 2002
Librarian: October 2002-
‘Francesco Filelfo's Lost Letter De ideis’, Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, 42 (1979), pp. 236-49
‘Francesco Filelfo on Emotions, Virtues and Vices: A Re-examination of his Sources’, Bibliothéque d'humanisme et Renaissance, 43 (1981), pp. 129-40
‘Cicero, Stoicism and Textual Criticism: Poliziano on κατóρθωμα’, Rinascimento, 23 (1983), pp. 79-110
‘The Pseudo-Aristotelian Theology in Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century Europe’ in Pseudo-Aristotle in the Middle Ages: The ‘Theology’ and Other Texts, ed. J. Kraye, W.F. Ryan, and C.B. Schmitt, London, 1986, pp. 265-86
‘Moral Philosophy’ in The Cambridge History of Renaissance Philosophy, gen. ed. C.B. Schmitt; ed. Q. Skinner and E. Kessler; assoc. ed. J. Kraye, Cambridge, 1988, pp. 303-86
‘Daniel Heinsius and the Author of De mundo’, in The Uses of Greek and Latin: Historical Essays, ed. A. C. Dionisotti, A. T. Grafton and J. Kraye, London, 1988, pp. 171-97
‘Aristotle’s God and the Authenticity of De mundo: An Early Modern Controversy’, Journal of the History of Philosophy, 28 (1990), pp. 339-58
‘Erasmus and the Canonization of Aristotle: The Letter to John More’, in England and the Continental Renaissance: Essays in Honour of J. B. Trapp, ed. E. Chaney and P. Mack, Woodbridge, 1990, pp. 37-52
‘Alexander of Aphrodisias, Gianfrancesco Beati and the Problem of Metaphysics Α’, in Renaissance Society and Culture: Essays in Honor of Eugene F. Rice, jr., ed. J. Monfasani and R. Musto, New York, 1991, pp. 137-60
‘History of Western Ethics: The Renaissance’, in Encyclopedia of Ethics, ed. L. C. Becker, New York and London, 1992; reprinted (with additional bibliography) in A History of Western Ethics, ed. L. C. Becker, New York and London, 1992, pp. 63-79
‘The Philosophy of the Italian Renaissance’ in The Routledge History of Philosophy, vol. IV, ed. G. H. R. Parkinson, London and New York, 1993, pp. 16-69
‘The Transformation of Platonic Love in the Italian Renaissance’ in Platonism and the English Imagination, ed. A. Baldwin and S. Hutton, Cambridge, 1994, pp. 76-85; reprinted in The Renaissance in Europe: A Reader, ed. K. Whitlock (New Haven and London, 2000), pp. 81-7
‘Like Father, Like Son: Aristotle, Nicomachus and the Nicomachean Ethics’, in Aristotelica et Lulliana magistro doctissimo Charles H. Lohr septuagesimum annum feliciter agenti dedicata, ed. R. Imbach, F. Dominguez, T. Pindl-Büchel, P. Walter, Turnhout, 1995, pp. 155-80
‘Renaissance Commentaries on the Nicomachean Ethics’, in The Vocabulary of Teaching and Research between Middle Ages and Renaissance, Proceedings of the Colloquium: London, Warburg Institute, 11-12 March 1994, ed. O. Weijers, CIVICIMA: Études sur le vocabulaire du moyen âge, VIII, Turnhout, 1995, pp. 96-117
‘The Printing History of Aristotle in the Fifteenth Century: A Bibliographical Approach to Renaissance Philosophy’, Renaissance Studies, 9 (1995), pp. 189-211
Entries on G. Bruno, M. Ficino, G. Pico della Mirandola, P. Pomponazzi and L. Valla in The Oxford Companion to Philosophy, ed. T. Honderich (Oxford, 1995)
‘Philologists and Philosophers’, in The Cambridge Companion to Renaissance Humanism, ed. J. Kraye, Cambridge, 1996, pp. 142-60
‘Lorenzo and the Philosophers’, in Lorenzo the Magnificent: Culture and Politics in Medicean Florence, ed. M. Mallett and N. Mann (Warburg Institute Colloquia, 3), London, 1996, pp. 151-66
Seven entries on humanists and philosophers (Angelo Decembrio, Bartolomeo Fazio, Marsilio Ficino, Cristoforo Landino, Justus Lipsius, Agostino Nifo and Angelo Poliziano) in The Dictionary of Art, ed. J. S. Turner, 34 vols (London and New York, 1996); reprinted in Encyclopedia of Italian Renaissance & Mannerist Art, ed. J. S. Turner (London and New York, 2000).
‘Melanchthons ethische Kommentare und Lehrbücher’, in Melanchthon und das Lehrbuch des 16. Jahrhunderts, ed. J. Leonhardt (Rostock, 1997), pp. 195-214
Five translations in Cambridge Translations of Renaissance Philosophical Texts, ed. J. Kraye, 2 vols (Cambridge, 1997), vol. I: Moral Philosophy, pp. 47-87, 192-99
‘Conceptions of Moral Philosophy’ in The Cambridge History of Seventeenth-Century Philosophy, ed. D. Garber and M. Ayers, 2 vols (Cambridge, 1998), II, pp. 1279-1316
Philosophy: Ancient, Medieval and Modern, Units 26-8 of Incunabula, The Printing Revolution in Europe 1455-1500 (Research Publications Inc., 1998)
‘The Contribution of Renaissance Humanists to the Neostoic Revival’, Wạtki neostoickie w literaturze polskiego renesansu i baroku. (Papers of the conference Neostoicyzm w literaturze i kulturze staropolskiej, Szczecin, 20-22 October 1997), ed. Piotr Urbanski (Szczecin, 1999), pp. 15-41. (Published in Polish translation as ‘Wkład renesansowych humanistów w odrodzenie neostoicyzmu’, Odrodzenie i Reformacja w Polsce, 42, 1998, pp. 5-23)
‘Stoicism and Epicureanism: Philosophical Revival and Literary Repercussions’, The Cambridge History of Literary Criticism, vol. III, ed. G. P. Norton (Cambridge, 1999), pp. 458-65.
‘Pietro Pomponazzi (1462-1525): Weltlicher Aristotelismus in der Renaissance’, in Philosophen der Renaissance: Eine Einführung, ed. P. R. Blum (Darmstadt, 1999), pp. 87-103.
‘“Ethnicorum omnium sanctissimus”: Marcus Aurelius and His Meditations from Xylander to Diderot’, in Humanism and Early Modern Philosophy, ed. J. Kraye and M. Stone, London Studies in the History of Philosophy, 1 (London, 2000), pp. 107-34
‘Classical Scholarship’, ‘Moral Philosophy’ and ‘Stoicism’, in The Encyclopedia of the Renaissance, ed. P. F. Grendler, 6 vols (New York, 1999)
‘Sir Richard Barckley’, in Dictionary of Seventeenth-Century British Philosophers, ed. Andrew Pyle 2 vols (Bristol, 2000)
‘The Immortality of the Soul in the Renaissance: Between Natural Philosophy and Theology’, Signatures, 30 November 2000, pp. 51-68
‘In Praise of Reason: From Humanism to Descartes’, in The Discovery of Happiness, ed. S. McCready (London: MQ Publications, 2001), pp. 136-51
‘L’interprétation platonicienne de l’Enchiridion d’Épictète proposée par Politien: Philologie et philosophie dans la Florence du XVème siècle, à la fin des années 70’, in Penser entre les lignes: Philologie et philosophie au Quattrocento, ed. F. Mariani Zini (Villeneuve d’Ascq: Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, 2001), pp. 161-77
‘Lorenzo Valla and Changing Perceptions of Renaissance Humanism’, Comparative Criticism, 23 (2001), pp. 37-55.
‘Ficino in the Firing Line: A Renaissance Neoplatonist and his Critics’, in Marsilio Ficino 1433-1499: His Sources, His Circle, His Legacy, ed. M. J. B. Allen and V. Rees (Leiden: Brill, 2001), pp. 377-97
‘Humanism’, in The Oxford Companion to the Body, ed. C. Blakemore and S. Jennett (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001), p. 368
‘Neo-Stoicism’, in Encyclopedia of Ethics, second edition, ed. L. C. Becker and C. B. Becker, 3 vols (Routledge: London and New York, 2001), II, pp. 1228-32
‘Renaissance Philosophy: Between the Late Middle Ages and Early Modern Era’, Internationale Zeitschrift für Philosophie (2001), pp. 187-98
‘Stoicism in the Renaissance from Petrarch to Lipsius’, Grotiana, n.s. 22-3 (2001-2002), pp. 3-27
Classical Traditions in Renaissance Philosophy, Variorum Collected Studies Series (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2002)
‘Eclectic Aristotelianism in the Moral Philosophy of Francesco Piccolomini’, in La presenza dell'aristotelismo padovano nella filosofia moderna della prima modernitá, ed. G. Piaia (Rome and Padua: Antenore, 2002), pp. 57-82
‘British Philosophy before Locke’, in A Companion to Early Modern Philosophy, ed. S. Nadler (Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2002), pp. 283-97
‘La filosofia nelle universitá italiane del XVI secolo’ in Le filosofie del Rinascimento, ed. C. Vasoli (Milan: Paravia Bruno Mondadori, 2002), pp. 350-73
21 entries for The Oxford Companion to Italian Literature, ed. David Robey and Peter Hainsworth (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002)
‘Thomas Gataker (1574-1654) and his Edition of the Meditations of Marcus Aurelius’, in Aspects du néo-stoicisme en Europe aux XVIe et XVIIe siécles, ed. Pierre Maréchaux and Michel Simonin (Centre d'Études Supérieures de la Renaissance, Tours, forthcoming)
‘The Role of Medieval Philosophy in Renaissance Thought: The Evidence of Early Printed Books’, in Actes du F.I.D.E.M. Congrés de Barcelone 1999, ed. J. Hamesse (Turnhout: Brepols, forthcoming)
‘The Legacy of Ancient Philosophy’, in The Cambridge Companion to Greek and Roman Philosophy, ed. D. Sedley (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, forthcoming), pp. 323Ð52
‘Marc-Antoine Muret as Editor of Seneca and Commentator on Aristotle’, in Moral Philosophy on the Threshold of Modernity, ed. J. Kraye and R. Saarinen (Dordrecht: Kluwer, forthcoming)
Articles on Haly Heron, James Martin, Thomas Palfreyman and Charles B. Schmitt for the New DNB (Oxford: Oxford University Press, forthcoming)
Reviews for Journal of Roman Studies, Modern Language Review, Journal of the History of Philosophy, Bibliothéque d'humanisme et Renaissance, The Library, Heythrop Journal, American Historical Review, Times Literary Supplement, Review of Metaphysics, Notes and Queries, Isis, Renaissance Quarterly, Speculum, History, The Slavonic and East European Review, Studi umanistici, British Journal for the History of Philosophy.
Renaissance Philosophy [Anthology of English translations] (Penguin Books)
Cristoforo Landino, Camaldulensian Disputations (I Tatti Renaissance Library)
Justus Lipsius, Manuductio ad Stoicam philosophiam [in collaboration with Jan Papy] (Warburg Institute Studies and Texts)
Moral Philosophy on the Threshold of Modernity, ed. J. Kraye and R. Saarinen (Kluwer)
Editor, jointly with W.F. Ryan and C.B. Schmitt, Pseudo-Aristotle in the Middle Ages: The ‘Theology’ and Other Texts (London, 1986)
Editor, jointly with A. C. Dionisotti and A. Grafton , The Uses of Greek and Latin: Historical Essays (London, 1988)
Associate editor, The Cambridge History of Renaissance Philosophy, gen. ed. C.B. Schmitt; ed. Q. Skinner and E. Kessler (Cambridge, 1988)
Editor, The Cambridge Companion to Renaissance Humanism (Cambridge, 1996); Spanish translation, Introducción al humanismo renacentista (Madrid, 1998)
Editor, Cambridge Translations of Renaissance Philosophical Texts, vol. I: Moral - Philosophy; vol. II: Political Philosophy (Cambridge, 1997)
Joint editor, with Martin Stone, Humanism and Early Modern Philosophy, London Studies in the History of Philosophy, 1 (London, 2000)
Joint editor, with W. F. Ryan and C. Burnett, Warburg Institute Surveys and Texts, 1986-
Advisory Board: Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, 1985-95
Associate Editor: Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, 1995-6
Joint Editor: Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, 1997-
Editorial consultant: British Journal for the History of Philosophy, 1991-
Editorial consultant: Bruniana & Campanelliana, 1995-
Editorial consultant: Letteratura italiana antica, 1999-
Advisory committee: I Tatti Renaissance Library, 1997-
Editorial board, with responsibility for Philosophy: Yale Companion to the Classical Tradition, 2002-
Editorial board, with responsibility (together with John Monfasani and Eckhard Kessler) for the Renaissance and Sixteenth Century: Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2002-
Three-year grant, together with Tom Sorell (University of Essex) and G. A. J. Rogers (Keele University), from the Leverhulme Foundation for an Academic Interchange Scheme, ‘The New Historiography of Early Modern Philosophy’ (2000-2003)
Two-year Joint Activities grant, together with Jan Papy (Leuven), from the British Academy in order to produce a critical edition, with English translation and commentary, of Justus Lipsius, Manuductio ad Stoicam philosophiam (2001-2003)
Seminar on Medieval and Renaissance Intellectual History at the Warburg Institute (1982-4), jointly with C. B. Schmitt
Colloquia on Greek and Latin Scholarship at the Warburg Institute (1986), jointly with A. C. Dionisotti and Anthony Grafton
History of Seventeenth-Century Philosophy at the Warburg Institute (1988), jointly with A. Clericuzio
History of Philosophy Seminar at the Warburg Institute (1991-5), jointly with R. Sorabji and C. Burnett
History of the Problems of Philosophy Seminar at the University of London (1995-7), jointly with M. Stone and J. Wolff.
Humanism and Early Modern Philosophy at the Warburg Insitute (1997), jointly with M. Stone
The New Historiography of Early Modern Philosophy (2000-), jointly with Tom Sorell and G. A. J. Rogers