Jack Zupko
Assistant Professor
Department of Philosophy
Emory University
214 Bowden Hall
Atlanta, GA 30322
(tel. 404 727-0104; 727-6577)
1982 B.A. in Latin and Philosophy (Joint Honours), University of Waterloo
1984-85 Visiting research student in Philosophy, King's College, University of London
1986 M.A. in Philosophy, Cornell University
1989 Ph.D. in Philosophy, Cornell University
Doctoral Dissertation
"John Buridan's Philosophy of Mind: An Edition and Translation of Book III of his `Questions on Aristotle's De anima' (Third Redaction), with Commentary and Critical and Interpretative Essays", under the direction of Norman Kretzmann (UMI #9001313)
Academic Positions Held
1989-93 Assistant Professor of Philosophy at San Diego State University
1993-95 Associate Professor of Philosophy (with tenure) at SDSU
1994-95 Visiting Professor of Franciscan Studies, The Franciscan Institute, St. Bonaventure University
1995- Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Emory University
Areas of Specialization: medieval philosophy; metaphysics and epistemology; philosophy of religion
Areas of Competence: history of philosophy; ethics; logic; philosophy of mind
Selected Publications
"The Parisian School of Science in the Fourteenth Century" in Contemporary Philosophy: A New Survey, ed. G. Fllistad, Vol. 6/1: Philosophy and Science in the Middle Ages (Boston: Kluwer, 1990): 495-509
"How Are Souls Related to Bodies?: A Study of John Buridan," The Review of Metaphysics 46.3 (March 1993): 575-601
"Buridan and Skepticism," Journal of the History of Philosophy 31.2 (April 1993): 191-221
"Nominalism Meets Indivisibilism," Medieval Philosophy and Theology III (1993 Annual): 158-185
"How It Played in the rue de Fouarre: The Reception of Adam Wodeham's Theory of the Complexe Significabile in the Arts Faculty at Paris in the Mid-Fourteenth Century," Franciscan Studies 54 (1994-97): 211-225
"Bonaventure"; "Buridan, John"; "Nicholas of Autrecourt"; and "William of Auxerre," in The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy, ed. Robert Audi (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1995): 81-82; 93-94; 531; 854 (respectively)
"Freedom of Choice in Buridan's Moral Psychology," Mediaeval Studies 57 (1995 Annual): 75-99
"What Is the Science of the Soul?: A Case Study in the Evolution of Late Medieval Natural Philosophy," Synthese 110.2 (February 1997): 297-334
Book Reviews
E. J. Ashworth, Studies in Post-Medieval Semantics (London: Variorum, 1985), in Eidos 5.1 (June 1986): 97-105
Alexander Broadie, Notion and Object: Aspects of Late Medieval Epistemology (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1989), in The Philosophical Review 101.3 (July 1992): 641-644
Adam de Wodeham, Lectura secunda in librum primum sententiarum (3 vols.), 1: Prologus et distinctio prima; 2: Distinctiones II-VII; 3: Distinctiones VIII-XXVI, ed. Rega Wood and Gedeon GÆl, O.F.M., Franciscan Institute Publications (St. Bonaventure, NY: St. Bonaventure University, 1990), in Speculum 68.1 (January 1993): 95-97
M. J. F. M. Hoenen, Marsilius of Inghen: Divine Knowledge in Late Medieval Thought (Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1993), in Journal of the History of Philosophy 32.2 (April 1994): 301-303
John Buridan's Tractatus de infinito: Quaestiones super libros Physicorum secundum ultimam lecturam, liber III, quaestiones 14-19, ed. J. M. M. H. Thijssen (Nijmegen: Ingenium, 1991), in Speculum 69.2 (April 1994): 438-439
Risto Saarinen, Weakness of the Will in Medieval Thought: From Augustine to Buridan (Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1994), in The Review of Metaphysics 49.2 (December 1995): 434-435
Rolf Schünberger, Relation als Vergleich: Die Relationstheorie des Johannes Buridan im Kontext seines Denkens und der Scholastik (Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1994), in The Thomist 60.3 (July 1996): 497-502
"John Buridan," in The Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy, ed. Edward Craig (London: Routledge, to appear in 1998)
"Substance and Soul: The Late Medieval Origins of Early Modern Psychology," in Meeting of the Minds: The Relations Between Medieval and Classical Modern European Philosophy, ed. Stephen F. Brown (to appear in 1998)
"Duns Scotus," in the Blackwell Companion to the Philosophers, ed. Robert Arrington (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, to appear in 1999)
"Sacred Doctrine; Secular Practice: The Changing Role of Theology in Parisian Natural Philosophy, 1325-1400," in Miscellanea Mediaevalia 26: What is Philosophy in the Middle Ages? Proceedings of the Tenth International Congress of Medieval Philosophy (SIEPM) (Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, to appear in 1998)
Review of Nicolai Oresme: Exposito et Quaestiones in Aristotelis De Anima, ed. Benoôt Patar (Louvain-Paris: ²ditions Peeters, 1995), in Early Science and Medicine (Fall 1998)
In Progress
"Whole Souls and Body Parts: John Buridan's Logic of Inherence" (research article)
"The Metaphysics of Virtue in John Buridan" (research article)
Critical Latin edition of John Buridan's "Quaestiones in libros Aristotelis `De anima' secundum tertiam (ultimam) lecturam" (in collaboration with Dr. Peter Sobol, Department of the History of Science, University of Wisconsin)
"John Buridan" (book-length manuscript on Buridan's philosophy)
English translation of Duns Scotus's Quaestiones in librum Aristotelis Perihermenias (opus primum et secundum); Quaestiones in libros Aristotelis De sophisticis elenchis
Selected Presentations
"John Buridan's Theory of Universal Cognition," at the 8th International Congress of Medieval Philosophy (SIEPM), University of Helsinki, 8/28/87
"Buridan's Epistemology," at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Philosophical Association, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, 5/26/91
"William of Ockham, Adam Wodeham, and John Buridan on the Question of Contact Between Continuous Magnitudes," at the Annual Meeting of the Medieval Association of the Pacific, University of California, Irvine CA, 2/21/92
"Freedom of Choice in Buridan's Moral Psychology," at the 9th International Congress of Medieval Philosophy (SIEPM), University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, 8/19/92
"Intellectual Cognition Explained: The Case of Buridan and Oresme," at the Annual Meeting of the Medieval Academy of America, University of Arizona, Tucson AZ, 4/3/93
"The Metaphysics of Virtue in John Buridan," at a session sponsored by the Society for Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy at the American Philosophical Association Annual Meeting (Eastern Division), Atlanta GA, 12/30/93
"Whole Souls and Body Parts: Buridan's Logic of Inherence," at a colloquium on medieval philosophy at the American Philosophical Association Annual Meeting (Pacific Division), Los Angeles CA, 3/31/94
"What Is the Science of the Soul?: A Case Study in the Evolution of Late Medieval Natural Philosophy," to the Philosophy Department at the University of Toronto, Canada, 1/23/95
"Choosing With Reasons: The Voluntarist/Intellectualist Controversy in Buridan's Philosophy of Action," to the Philosophy Department at Emory University, Atlanta GA, 2/02/95
"The Methodology of Representation: Abelard's Parisian Legacy," at an interdisciplinary conference, `Representation and Interpretation in the 12th Century,' Canisius College, Buffalo NY, 4/21/95
"Augustinianism in Buridan's Theory of the Will," at the 30th International Congress of Medieval Studies, Western Michigan University, 5/06/95
"Substance and Soul in Late Medieval Natural Philosophy," at a conference, "Meeting of the Minds: The Relations between Medieval and Classical Modern European Philosophy," co-sponsored by The Boston College Institute for Medieval Philosophy and Theology and the Societe Internationale pour l'etude de la Philosophie Medievale (SIEPM), Boston College, Boston, MA, 6/15/96
"On What Is Truly Trivial," to the Emory University Medieval Studies Roundtable Discussion Group, 3/18/97
"Sacred Doctrine; Secular Practice: The Changing Role of Theology in Parisian Natural Philosophy, 1325-1400," at the 10th International Congress of Medieval Philosophy (SIEPM), Erfurt, Germany, 8/25/97
Grants, Awards, and Academic Distinctions
1989 | Research Grant, College of Arts and Letters, |
San | Diego State University |
1990 | Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity |
Award, | SDSU |
1991 | Research Grant, College of Arts and Letters, |
SDSU | |
1994 | Named Honorary Member, National |
Residence | Halls Honor Society |
1994 | Outstanding Teacher Award, San Diego |
State | University |
1994-95 NEH Fellowship for College Teachers and Independent Scholars: "The Philosophy of John Buridan"
1995-96 Massee-Martin/NEH Teaching Observation Grant, Emory University
1996 | Emory College Faculty Development Award |
1997 | Arthur M. Blank/NEH Teaching Observation |
Award, | Emory University |
1997 | Emory College Faculty Development Award |
Executive Board, Society for Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy (1997-present)
American Philosophical Association (Newark, DE)
Aristotelian Society (London, England)
Georgia Philosophical Society (Atlanta, GA)
Medieval Association of the Pacific (San Bernardino, CA)
Societe Internationale pour l'etude de la Philosophie Medievale (Louvain, Belgium)
Society for Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy (Fairfield, CT)