Supplement to Temporal Logic
Supplement: Burgess-Xu Axiomatic System for Since and Until and Some Extensions
The axiomatic system of Burgess-Xu for the reflexive versions of S and U extends classical propositional logic with the following axiom schemata and their mirror images (where G and H as well as U and S are swapped):
- Gφ→φ
- G(φ→ψ)→φUχ→ψUχ
- G(φ→ψ)→χUφ→χUψ
- φ∧χUψ→χU(ψ∧χSφ)
- φUψ→(φ∧φUψ)Uψ
- φU(φ∧φUψ)→φUψ
- φUψ∧χUθ→(φ∧χ)U(ψ∧θ)∨(φ∧χ)U(ψ∧χ)∨(φ∧χ)U(φ∧θ)
and the inference rules NECG and NECH. The translation of this axiomatization for the strict versions of S and U was extended by Venema (1993) to complete axiomatic systems for:
- all discrete linear orderings: by adding F⊤→⊥U⊤ and its dual P⊤→⊥S⊤;
- all well-orderings: by further adding H⊥∨PH⊥ and Fφ→(¬φ)Uφ;
- ⟨N,<⟩: by further adding F⊤.