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In 1934 Fermi proposed a new theory of decay
that incorporated this new particle (Fermi 1934). He added a
perturbation energy due to the decay interaction to the Hamiltonian
describing the nuclear system. Pauli (1933) had previously shown that
the perturbation could have only five different forms if the
Hamiltonian is to be relativistically invariant. These are S, the
scalar interaction; P, pseudoscalar; V, vector; A, axial vector; and
T, tensor. Fermi knew this but chose, in analogy with electromagnetic
theory, to use only the vector interaction. His theory initially
received support from the work of Sargent (1932; 1933) and
others. There remained, however, the question of whether or not the
other forms of the interaction also entered into the
Hamiltonian.\4/ In this
episode we shall see how experiment helped to determine the
mathematical form of the weak interaction.
Gamow and Teller (1936) soon proposed a modification of Fermi's vector theory. Fermi's theory had originally required a selection rule, the change in J = 0, where J is the angular momentum of the nucleus, and did not include the effects of nuclear spin. Gamow and Teller included nuclear spin and obtained selection rules, change in J = 0, ±1 for allowed transitions, with no 0--0 transitions allowed. The Gamow-Teller modification required either a tensor or an axial vector form of the interaction. Their theory helped to solve some of the difficulties that arose in assigning nuclear spins using only the Fermi selection rule. At then end of the 1930s there was support for Fermi's theory with some preference for the Gamow-Teller selections rules and the tensor interaction.
The work of Fierz (1937) helped to restrict the allowable forms of the interaction. He showed that if both S and V interactions were present in the allowed -decay interaction, or both A and T, then there would be an interference term of the form 1 + a/W in the allowed beta-decay spectrum, where W is the electron energy. This term vanished if the admixtures were not present. The failure to observe these interference terms showed that the decay interaction did not contain both S and V, or both A and T.
The presence of either the T or A form of the interaction in at least part of the beta-decay interaction was shown by Mayer, Moszkowski, and Nordheim (1951). They found twenty five decays for which the change in J was 0, ±1, with no parity change. These decays could only occur if the A or T forms were present. Their conclusion depended on the correct assignment of nuclear spins which, although reliable, still retained some uncertainty. Further evidence, which did not depend on knowledge of the nuclear spins, came from an examination of the spectra of unique forbidden transitions.\5/ These were n-times forbidden transitions in which the change in nuclear spin was n + 1. These transitions require the presence of either A or T. In addition, only a single form of the interaction makes any appreciable contribution to the decay. This allows the prediction of the shape of the spectrum for such transitions. Konopinski and Uhlenbeck (1941) showed that for an n-times forbidden transition the spectrum would be that of an allowed transition multiplied by an energy dependent term an(W). For a first-forbidden transition a1 = C[(W2 - m2c4) + (Wo - W)2]. The spectrum for 91Y measured by Langer and Price (1949) (Figure 16) shows the clear presence of either the A or T forms of the interaction. The spectrum requires the energy-dependent correction.
Evidence in favor of the presence of either the S or V forms of the interaction was provided by Sherr, Muether, and White (1949)and by Sherr and Gerhart (1952). They observed the decay of 14O to an excited state of 14N, 14N*. They argued that both 14O and 14N* had spin 0. This required the presence of either S or V because the decay was forbidden by A and T. (Recall that the Gamow-Teller selection rules specified no 0 to 0 transitions).
Further progress in isolating the particular forms of the interaction was made by examining the spectra of once-forbidden transitions. Here too, interference effects, similar to those predicted by Fierz, were also expected. A. Smith (1951)and Pursey (1951) found that the spectrum for these transitions would contain energy dependent terms of the form GVGT/W, GAGP/W, and GSGA/W, where the G's are the coupling constants for the various interactions, and W is the electron energy. The linear spectrum found for 147Pm demonstrated the absence of these terms (Langer, Motz and Price 1950).
Let us summarize the situation. There were five allowable forms of the decay interaction; S, T, A, V, P. The failure to observe Fierz interference showed that the interaction could not contain both S and V or both A and T. Experiments showing the presence of Gamow-Teller selections rules and on unique forbidden transitions had shown that either A or T must be present. The decay of 14O to 14N* had demonstrated that either S or V must also be present. This restricted the forms of the interaction to STP, SAP, VTP, or VAP or doublets taken from these combinations. The absence of interference terms in the once-forbidden spectra eliminated the VT, SA, and AP combinations. VP was eliminated because it did not allow Gamow-Teller transitions. This left only the STP triplet or the VA doublet as the possible interactions.
The spectrum of RaE provided the decisive evidence. Petschek and
Marshak (1952) analyzed the spectrum of RaE and found that the only
interaction that would give a good fit to the spectrum was a
combination of T and P. This was, in fact, the only evidence favoring
the presence of the P interaction. This led Konopinski and Langer
(1953), in their 1953 review article on decay to
conclude that, "As we shall interpret the evidence here, the correct
law must be what is known as an STP combination (1953, p. 261)."
Unfortunately, the evidence from the RaE spectrum had led the physics community astray. Petschek and Marshak had noted that their conclusion was quite sensitive to assumptions made in their calculation. "Thus, an error in the finite radius correction of approximately 0.1 percent leads to an error of up to 25% in C1(T+P) [the theoretical correction term]." Further theoretical analysis cast doubt on their assumptions, but all of this became moot when K. Smith\6/ measured the spin of RaE and found it to be one, incompatible with the Petschek-Marshak analysis.
The demise of the RaE evidence removed the necessity of including the
P interaction in the theory of decay, and left
the decision between the STP and VA combinations unresolved. The
dilemma was resolved by evidence provided by angular-correlation
experiments, particularly that from the experiment on 6He
by Rustad and Ruby (1953; 1955)
(a) Angular Correlation Experiments. Angular
correlation experiments are those in which both the decay electron and
the recoil nucleus from decay are detected in
coincidence. The experiments measured the distribution in angle
between the electron and the recoil nucleus for a fixed range of
electron energy, or measured the energy spectrum of either the
electron or the nucleus at a fixed angle between them. These
quantities are quite sensitive to the form of the decay interaction
and became decisive pieces of evidence in the search for the form of
the decay interaction. Hamilton (1947) calculated the form of the
angular distribution expected for both allowed and forbidden decays,
assuming only one type of interaction (S, V, T, A, P) was present. He
found, for allowed transitions, that the angular distributions for the
specific forms of the interaction would be different. A more general
treatment was given by de Groot and Tolhoek (1950). They found that
the general form of the angular distribution for allowed decays
depended on the combination of the particular forms of the
interactions in the decay Hamiltonian. For single forms their results
agreed with those of Hamilton.
The most important of the experiments performed at this time was the
measurement of the angular correlation in the decay of
6He. This decay was a pure Gamow-Teller transition and thus
was sensitive to the amounts of A and T present in the decay
interaction. The decisive experiment was that of Rustad and Ruby
(1953; 1955). This experiment was regarded as establishing that the
Gamow-Teller part of the interaction was predominantly tensor. This
was the conclusion reached in several review papers on the nature of
decay. (Ridley 1954; Kofoed-Hansen 1955; Wu
1955). The experimental apparatus is shown in
Figure 17. The definition of the decay
volume was extremely important. In order to measure the angular
correlation one must know the position of the decay so that one can
measure the angle between the electron and the recoil nucleus. The
decay volume for the helium gas in this experiment was defined by a
180 microgram/cm2 aluminum hemisphere and the pumping
diaphragm. Rustad and Ruby (1953) presented two experimental
results. The first was the coincidence rate as a function of the angle
between the electron and the recoil nucleus for electrons in the
energy range (2.5 - 4.0) mc2. The second was the the energy
spectrum of the decay electrons with the angle between the electron
and the recoil nucleus fixed at 180o. Both results are
shown in Figure 18 along with the
predicted results for A and T, respectively. The dominance of the
tensor interaction is clear. This conclusion was made more emphatic in
their 1955 paper which included more details of the experiment and
even more data. The later results, shown in
Figure 19, clearly demonstrate the
superior fit of the tensor interaction.
The Rustad-Ruby result, along with several others, established that
the Gamow-Teller part of the decay interaction was tensor and that the
decay interaction was STP, or ST, rather than VA. We have seen clearly
in this episode the fruitful interaction between experiment and
theory. Theoretical predictions became more precise and were tested
experimentally until the form of the weak interaction was
found. Fermi's theory of decay had been
confirmed. It had also been established that the interaction was a
combination of scalar, tensor, and pseudoscalar (STP).
(b) Epilogue. It would be nice to report that such
a simple, satisfying story, with its happy ending was the last
word. It wasn't. Work continued on angular correlation experiments and
the happy agreement was soon destroyed (Franklin 1990, Chapter
3). Things became more complex with the discovery of parity
nonconservation in the weak interactions, including
decay. Sudarshan and Marshak (1958) and Feynman
and Gell-Mann (1958) showed that only a V-A interaction was compatible
with parity nonconservation. If there was to be a single interaction
describing all the weak interactions then there was a serious conflict
between this work and the Rustad-Ruby result. This led Wu and
Schwarzschild (1958) to reexamine and reanalyze the Rustad-Ruby
experiment. They found, by calculation and by constructing a physical
analogue of the gas system, that a considerable fraction of the helium
gas (approximately 12%) was not in the decay volume. This changed the
result for the angular correlation considerably and cast doubt on the
result.\7/ The
6He angular correlation experiment was redone, correcting
the problem with the gas target, and the new result is shown in
Figure 20 (Hermannsfeldt et al. 1958). It
clearly favors A, the axial vector interaction. Once again, physics
was both fallible and corrigible. This new result on 6He
combined with the discovery of parity nonconservation established that
the form of the weak interaction was V-A.