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Although certain individuals--most notably Kronecker--had
expressed disapproval of the idealistic, nonconstructive
methods used by some of their nineteenth century contemporaries, it
is in the polemical writings of L.E.J. Brouwer (1881-1966), beginning
with his Amsterdam doctoral thesis (Brouwer [1907]) and continuing
over the next forty-seven years, that the foundations of a precise,
systematic approach to constructive mathematics were laid. In
Brouwers philosophy, known as
need not hold even when P(n) is a decidable property of natural numbers n. So, in turn, the Law of Excluded Middle (LEM):n P(n)
n P(n)
pdoes not hold. As a result, many classical results cannot be proved constructively, since they would imply LEM or some other manifestly nonconstructive principle. One such principle is the Limited Principle of Omniscience (LPO):![]()
where a = (a0,a1,a2,...), N is the set of natural numbers, anda
{0,1}N (a=0
a = 0In words, LPO states that for each binary sequence (an), either an = 0 for all n or else there exists n such that an = 1. There are several reasons for regarding LPO as an essentially nonconstructive principle. First, its recursive interpretation is provably false within recursive function theory, even with classical logic (see Bridges and Richman [1987], Chapter 3); so if we want to allow a recursive interpretation of our constructive mathematics, then we cannot use LPO. Secondly, there is a model theory (namely, Kripke models) in which it can be shown that LPO is not derivable with intuitionistic logic (see Bridges and Richman [1987], Chapter 7).![]()
n (an = 0),
n (an = 1)
Let S be a nonempty[1] subset of R that is bounded above. Then supS exists if and only if for all real numbersIt might be suspected that, since we cannot prove constructively that Z2 is Noetherian, there will be no constructive version of the Hilbert Basis Theorem. This suspicion is doubtless reinforced by recollection of the furore that arose after Hilberts original, highly nonconstructive proof of that theorem: witness Gordans famous remark, Das ist nicht Mathematik. Das ist Theologie. However, the real constructive problem lies with the definition of Noetherian. Mines et al. [1988] define a ring R to be Noetherian if for each ascending chain:,
), we have:
S (x <
S (x >
J1of finitely generated left ideals in R there exists n such that Jn = Jn+1.J2
This definition of Noetherian is classically equivalent to the standard classical one (see, for example, page 35 of Cohn [19??]), is satisfied by the ring Z2 and leads to the following constructive version of the Hilbert Basis Theorem:
If R is a coherent Noetherian ring, then so is R[x],where, as usual, R[x] is the ring of polynomials over R. (We omit the details of coherence; suffice it to say that it is a property that automatically holds for a Noetherian ring in classical mathematics.)
What was needed was a top-ranking classical mathematician to show that a thoroughgoing constructive development of constructive mathematics was possible without a commitment to Brouwers eccentric principles or to the machinery of recursive function theory. This need was fulfilled in 1967, with the appearance of Errett Bishops monograph Foundations of Constructive Analysis(Bishop [1967]; see also Bishop and Bridges [1985]), the product of an astonishing couple of years in which, working in the informal but rigorous style used by normal analysts, Bishop provided a constructive development of a large part of twentieth-century analysis, including the Stone-Weierstrass Theorem, the Hahn-Banach and separation theorems, the spectral theorem for selfadjoint operators on a Hilbert space, the Lebesgue convergence theorems for abstract integrals, Haar measure and the abstract Fourier transform, ergodic theorems, and the elements of Banach algebra theory. Thus, at a stroke, he gave the lie to the commonly-held view, expressed so forcefully by Hilbert:
Taking the principle of excluded middle from the mathematician would be the same, say, as proscribing the telescope to the astronomer or to the boxer the use of his fists. (Hilbert [1928])Not only did Bishops mathematics (BISH) have the advantage of readability--if you open Bishops book at any page, what you see is recognisably analysis (even if, from time to time, his moves in the course of a proof may appear strange to one schooled in the use of LEM)---but, unlike intuitionistic or recursive mathematics, it admits many different interpretations. Intuitionistic mathematics, Markovs recursive constructive mathematics, and even classical mathematics all provide models of BISH. In fact, the results and proofs in BISH can be interpreted, with at most minor amendments, in any reasonable model of computable mathematics, such as, for example, Weihrauchs TTE (Weihrauch [1987], [1996]).
How is this multiple interpretability achieved? At least in part by Bishops refusal to pin down his primitive notion of algorithm or finite routine. This refusal on his part has led to some criticism of the foundation of his approach, as lacking the precision that a logician would normally expect of a foundational system. However, this criticism can be overcome by looking more closely at what practitioners of BISH actually do, as distinct from what Bishop may have thought he was doing, when they prove theorems: in practice, they are doing mathematics with intuitionistic logic. Experience shows that the restriction to intuitionistic logic always forces mathematicians to work in a manner that, at least informally, can be described as algorithmic; so algorithmic mathematics appears to be equivalent to mathematics that uses only intuitionistic logic. If that is the case, then we can practice constructive mathematics using intuitionistic logic on any reasonably defined mathematical objects, not just some class of constructive objects.
This view, more or less, appears to have first been put forward by Richman (Richman [1990], Richman [1996]), but was also hinted at in Bridges [1975]. Taking the logic as the characteristic of constructive mathematics, it does not, of course, reflect the primacy of mathematics over logic that was part of the belief of Brouwer, Heyting, Markov, Bishop, and other pioneers of constructivism.
Note that Richmans philosophy is one of the practice of constructive mathematics, and is certainly compatible with a more radical constructive philosophy of mathematics itself, such as Brouwers intuitionism, in which the objects of mathematics are mental constructs. It is a philosophy of epistemology, rather than ontology.
Formal systems for BISH have found interesting applications in computer programming. The basic idea in these applications is that from each proof in BISH we can extract a programme whose correctness is provided by the proof from which it is extracted. The pioneering work in this area was by Martin-Löf ([1975]), in his theory of types; but there are now several research groups of computer scientists around the world who are working in this promising area of automatic theorem-proving (see, for example, Hayashi and Nakano [1988]).
First published: November 18,1997
Content last modified: November 18, 1997