List of Occasional Referees
The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy would like to thank the following philosophers, who have served as external referees on those occasions when their expertise on a topic made them particularly appropriate. (Affiliations are given for the point in time at which the person served as referee, and may have subsequently changed.)
- Adams, Fred (University of Delaware)
- Aguilar, Jesús H. (Rochester Institute of Technology)
- Alwisha, Ahmed (Pitzer College)
- Amundson, Ron (University of Hawii/Hilo)
- Angelelli, Ignazio A. (University of Texas)
- Armendt, Brad (Arizona State University)
- Auxier, Randall (Southern Illinois University)
- Aydede, Murat (University of Florida)
- Bagnoli, Carla (University of Wisconsin/Milwaukee)
- Barker-Plummer, David (Stanford University)
- Beisbart, Claus (Universität Bern)
- Benthem, Johan van (University of Amsterdam and Stanford University)
- Bermúdez, José (Texas A&M University)
- Bezerra, Valter Alnis (Universidade de São Paulo)
- Bird, Alexander (University of Bristol)
- Blum, Lawrence (University of Massachusetts/Boston)
- Blustein, Jeffrey (Montefiore Medical Center)
- Borges, Rodrigo (University of Florida)
- Bradley, Richard (London School of Economics)
- Braun, David (State University of New York/Buffalo)
- Breeur, Roland (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven)
- Brenkert, George (Georgetown University)
- Briggs, Rachael (University of Sydney)
- Brock, Stuart (Victoria University/Wellington, NZ)
- Brook, Andrew (Carleton University)
- Brożek, Anna (Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego)
- Bovens, Luc (London School of Economics)
- Burbules, Nicholas (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
- Burch, Robert (Texas A&M University)
- Butt, Daniel (University of Oxford)
- Byerly, T. Ryan (University of Sheffield)
- Byrne, Alex (MIT)
- Cameron, Ross (University of Leeds)
- Caponi, Gustavo (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina)
- Carter, Sam (Rutgers University)
- Caston, Victor (University of California/Davis)
- Casullo, Alberto (University of Nebraska/Lincoln)
- Cavallin, Jens (Linnéuniversitetet)
- Caws, Peter (George Washington University)
- Ceva, Emanuela (Università de Pavia)
- Cochran, Molly (Oxford Brookes University)
- Cohen, Jonathan (University of California/San Diego)
- Conee, Earl (University of Rochester)
- Conti, Elena (Universität Zürich)
- Craver, Carl (Washington University/St. Louis)
- Creath, Richard (Arizona State University)
- Cresswell, Max (Texas A&M University)
- Curd, Patricia (Purdue University)
- Curren, Randall (University of Rochester)
- Danto, Arthur (Columbia University)
- Davis, Bret (Loyola University Maryland)
- Dempsey, Michelle (Villanova University)
- Devine Guzmán, Tracy (University of Miami)
- Dicken, Paul (Universität München)
- Diller, Jeanine (University of Toledo)
- Dipert, Randall (SUNY/Buffalo)
- Ditmarsch, Hans van (University of Seville)
- Divers, John (University of Sheffield)
- Dreier, Jamie (Brown University)
- Dupré, John (University of Exeter)
- Dussault, Antoine (University of Montreal)
- Ehring, Douglas (Southern Methodist University)
- Elgin, Catherine (Harvard University)
- Estrada, Juan Carlos Torchia
- Farghaly, Ali
- Feezell, Randolph (Creighton University)
- Fernández, Miguel Ángel (National Autonomous University of Mexico)
- Ferrero, Luca (University of Wisconsin/Milwaukee)
- Friedman, Michael (Stanford University)
- Silva Filho, Waldomiro José da (Universidade Federal Da Bahia)
- Finkelstein, Claire (University of Pennsylvania)
- Fisher, Saul (Mercy College)
- Fitch, Greg (Arizona State University)
- Fitelson, Branden (University of California/Berkeley)
- Gallegos, Sergio (Metropolitan State University of Denver)
- Garbayo, Luciana (University of Central Florida)
- Garcia Ramirez, Eduardo (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)
- Garfield, Jay (Smith College)
- Gauker, Chris (University of Cincinnati)
- Gilmore, Cody (University of California/Davis)
- Girle, Rod (University of Auckland)
- Goble, Lou (Willamette University)
- Goering, Sara (University of Washington)
- Goldberg, Sanford (Northwestern University)
- Gordon, Peter (History/Harvard University)
- Grant, Ruth (Duke University)
- Griesemer, James (University of California/Davis)
- Griffin, Nicholas (McMaster University)
- Gruen, Lori (Wesleyan University)
- Hagar, Amit (Indiana University)
- Hähnle, Reiner (Chalmers University, Sweden)
- Hausman, Dan (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
- Hale, Bob (University of Glasgow)
- Harris, James (St. Catherine's College, Oxford University)
- Hawthorne, James (University of Oklahoma)
- Hazen, Allen (University of Melbourne)
- Hilbert, David (University of Illinois/Chicago)
- Hjortland, Ole (Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy)
- Hodge, Jonathan (University of Leeds)
- Hodges, Wilfrid (Queen Mary, University of London)
- Hofweber, Thomas (University of North Carolina/Chapel Hill)
- Holton, Richard (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
- Hovda, Paul (Reed College)
- Huemer, Michael (University of Colorado/Boulder)
- Icard, Thomas (Stanford University)
- Indrusiak, Elaine (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul)
- Israel, David (SRI/Menlo Park)
- Jamieson, Dale (New York University)
- Jablonka, Eva (Tel Aviv University)
- Jaggar, Alison (University of Colorado/Boulder)
- Kang, Sung-Hoon (Seoul National University)
- Kaplan, Jonathan (Oregon State University)
- Kari, Jarkko (University of Turku)
- Kazmi, Ali (University of Calgary)
- Kearney, Richard (Boston College)
- Keller, Simon (Victoria University of Wellington)
- Kidd, Ian (Durham University)
- Kielkopf, Charles (Ohio State University)
- Kramer, Max (University of Arizona)
- Kuntz, Rolf
- Lackey, Jennifer (Northwestern University)
- Lehrer, Keith (University of Arizona)
- Leitgeb, Hannes (University of Bristol)
- Lepore, Ernie (Rutgers University)
- Lennox, James G. (University of Pittsburgh)
- Leopold, David (University of Oxford)
- Linsky, Bernard (University of Alberta)
- Lolordo, Antonia (University of Virginia)
- Love, Alan (University of California/Santa Cruz)
- Loy, Hui-chieh (National University of Singapore)
- Ludwig, Kirk (University of Florida)
- Lutz, Sebastian (Uppsala Universitet)
- Lynch, Michael (University of Connecticut)
- Mancosu, Paolo (University of California/Berkeley)
- Marcos, João (Universidade Federal Do Rio Grande Do Norte)
- Mares, Ed (Victoria University of Wellington)
- Marino, Gordon (St. Olaf College)
- McCain, Kevin (University of Alabama/Birmingham)
- McGrew, Tim (Western Michigan University)
- McLarty, Colin (Case Western Reserve University)
- McNamara, Paul (University of New Hampshire)
- Menzel, Christopher (Texas A&M University)
- Misak, Cheryl (University of Toronto)
- Mitcham, Carl (Colorado School of Mines)
- Mitsis, Phillip (New York University)
- Moriarty, Jeffrey (Bentley University)
- Mueller, Thomas (Universiteit Utrecht)
- Mullins, Ryan (University of St. Andrews)
- Nelson, Eric (Harvard University)
- Netz, Reviel (Stanford University)
- Neuhaus, Fabian (Universität des Saarlandes)
- Nickles, Thomas J. (University of Nevada/Reno)
- Niebergall, Karl-Georg (Universität München)
- Niiniluoto, Ilkka (University of Helsinki)
- Nuccetelli, Susana (St. Cloud State)
- O'Callaghan, John (Notre Dame University)
- Olsson, Erik J. (Lund University)
- Overgaard, Søren (University of Hull)
- Pagin, Peter (Stockholm University)
- Paris, Jeffrey, (University of Manchester)
- Pautz, Adam (University of Texas/Austin)
- Peckhaus, Volker (Universitä Paderborn)
- Pelletier, Francis Jeffry (Simon Fraser University)
- Pérez, Diana I. (Universidad de Buenos Aires)
- Pietarinen, Ahti-Veikko (University of Helsinki and University of Turku)
- Pironet, Fabienne (HEC-University of Liège)
- Plutynski, Anya (University of Utah)
- Pradeu, Thomas (Université de Bordeaux)
- Predelli, Stefano (University of Nottingham)
- Priest, Graham (University of Melbourne)
- Proops, Ian (University of Texas)
- Pryor, Jim (New York University)
- Pugh, Jonathan (University of Oxford)
- Rabin, Sheila (St. Peter's College)
- Rapaport, William J. (State University of New York/Buffalo)
- Rée, Jonathan (Middlesex University)
- Reicher, Maria (RWTH Aachen)
- Reutlinger, Alexander (LMU, Munich)
- Rey, Georges (University of Maryland/College Park)
- Reynolds, Joel (University of Massachusetts/Lowell)
- de Rijke, Maarten (University of Amsterdam)
- Rizvi, Sajjad (University of Exeter)
- Roca-Royes, Sonia (University of Stirling)
- Rodrigues, Abilio (Federal University of Minas Gerais)
- Rose, Robert (Indiana University)
- Roskies, Adina (Dartmouth)
- Rudavsky, Tamar (Ohio State University)
- Runia, David (University of Melbourne)
- Rupert, Robert (University of Colorado, Boulder)
- Ryckman, Thomas A. (Stanford University)
- Sack, Joshua (University of Amsterdam)
- Salatiel, José Renato (Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo)
- Schaffner, Kenneth (University of Pittsburgh)
- Schiemer, Georg (University of Vienna)
- Schlimm, Dirk (McGill University)
- Schmidtke, Sabine (Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton)
- Schueller, Stephen (University of California/San Francisco)
- Schulz, Armin (London School of Economics)
- Schutte, Ofelia (University of South Florida)
- Schwarz, Wolfgang (Australian National University)
- Schwarzenbach, Sybil (City University of New York)
- Seldin, Jonathan (University of Lethbridge)
- Senor, Thomas (University of Arkansas)
- Shanahan, Murray (Imperial College London)
- Shapiro, Lawrence (University of Wisconsin, Madison)
- Shieber, Stuart (Harvard University)
- Sober, Elliott (University of Wisconsin/Madison)
- Sorell, Tom (University of Birmingham/U.K.)
- Sørensen, Asger (Aarhus Universitet)
- Starr, William (New York University)
- Sumner, Wayne (University of Toronto)
- Swift, Adam (University of Warwick)
- Tarver, Erin (Oxford College/Emory University)
- Temkin, Larry (Rutgers University)
- Throop, William (Green Mountain College)
- Tomlin, Patrick (University of Reading)
- Turri, John (University of Waterloo)
- Uebel, Thomas (University of Manchester)
- Vanderschraaf, Peter (Carnegie-Mellon University)
- van Wietmarschen, Han (University College, London)
- Varner, Gary (Texas A&M University)
- Velotti, Stefano (Università degli Studi di Roma ‘La Sapienza’)
- Visser, Albert (University of Utrecht)
- Wainwright, William (U. Wisconsin/Milwaukee)
- Weatherson, Brian (University of Michigan/Ann Arbor)
- Wehmeier, Kai (University of California/Irvine)
- Weithman, Paul Jude (Notre Dame)
- Werndl, Charlotte (Queens College, Oxford University)
- Wicks, Robert (University of Auckland)
- Wilholt, Torsten (Universität Hannover)
- Williams, Porter (University of Pittsburgh)
- Woleński, Jan (Jagiellonian University)
- Wolff, Jonathan (University of Oxford)
- Wong, David (Duke University)
- Wright, Richard (Chicago-Kent College of Law)
- Yaffe, Gideon (University of Southern California)
- Zammito, John (Rice University)
- Zank, Michael (Boston University)
- Ziai, Hossein (UCLA)