Supplement to Reichenbach’s Common Cause Principle

Long descriptions for some figures in The Common Cause Principle

Figure 6 description

A diagram consisting of a time arrow pointing up and three subitems labeled (a), (b), and (c). Subitem (a) is aligned with the bottom of the time arrow and consists of letter C with arrows pointing up to letter A on the left and letter B on the right. Subitem (b) has letters A and B at the same level on the timeline as A and B in subitem (a) and with arrows pointing up to letter D. Subitem (c) combines (a) and (b) with letter C having arrows pointing up to A and B and they in turn with arrows pointing up to D.

Figure 7 description

Three rectangles each containing \(\mathcal{S}\) in the upper left corner and labeled below with 0, t, and \(t^\prime\) respectively. The first has a circle labeled C enclosing a dot in the lower center part of the circle labeled s. The second has an oval labeled \(U_t(C)\) enclosing a dot in the lower left side of the oval labeled \(U_t(s)\). The third has a narrower oval labeled \(U_{t^\prime}(C)\) enclosing a dot in the upper right side of the oval labeled \(U_{t^\prime}(s)\). An arrow goes from the dot in the first rectangle to the dot in the second and another from the dot in second to the dot in the third.

Figure 8 description

Similar to Figure 7. Three rectangles each containing \(\mathcal{S}\) in the upper left corner, labeled respectively with 0, t, and \(t^\prime\), and containing respectively a circle, an oval, and a narrower oval. In the first rectangle the circle is labeled C. In the second the oval is labeled B and there is an overlapping oval labeled A. In the third rectangle the oval is labeled \(D=U_{t^\prime}(C)\).

Figure 9 description

A diagram consisting of six letters labeled U, V, W, X, Y, Z with arrows connecting some of the letters. Letter U has arrows pointing to Y, W, and X. Letter V has arrows pointing to W and X. Letter W has arrows pointing to Y and Z. Letter X has and arrow pointing to Z.

Copyright © 2020 by
Christopher Hitchcock <>
Miklós Rédei <>

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