Supplement to Analysis

Annotated Bibliography on Analysis
§3: Medieval and Renaissance Conceptions of Analysis

This bibliography is intended as a reference guide to the key works that deal, in whole or in part, with analysis and related topics such as analyticity and definition. Cross-references are by name(s) of author(s) or editor(s) and either year of publication or abbreviation as indicated immediately after their name(s). Notes in square brackets at the end of an entry indicate the relevant part(s) of the work and/or its significance to the topic of analysis. Key passages can be found quoted in the supplementary document on Definitions and Descriptions of Analysis, linked from the relevant entry and note by means of ‘{Quotation(s)}’. In some cases where there is material available online, an internet address is also given after the entry.

This section of the bibliography corresponds to Section 3 of the main entry, and is divided into subsections which correspond to the subsections of the supplementary document on Medieval and Renaissance Conceptions of Analysis, with the exception of the introduction and conclusion. Where works include important material under more than one heading, they are cited under each heading; but duplication has been kept to a minimum. Cross-references to other (sub)sections are provided in curly brackets.

Annotated Bibliography on Analysis: Full List of Sections

3.1 General

  • Adamson, Peter and Jonardon Ganeri, 2020, Classical Indian Philosophy, Oxford: Oxford University Press
  • Fung, Yu-Lan, 1948, A Short History of Chinese Philosophy, ed. Derk Bodde, New York: The Free Press [chs. 19–26: Neo-Daoism and Neo-Confucianism]
  • Ganeri, Jonardon, (ed.), 2001a, Indian Logic: A Reader, London: Routledge
  • ––– (ed.), 2017, The Oxford Handbook of Indian Philosophy, Oxford: Oxford University Press
  • Garfield, Jay L. and William Edelglass, (eds.), 2011, The Oxford Handbook of World Philosophy, Oxford: Oxford University Press
  • Gilbert, Neal W., 1960, Renaissance Concepts of Method, New York: Columbia University Press
  • Harbsmeier, Christoph, 1998, Science and Civilisation in China, Vol. 7, Part I: Language and Logic, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
  • Marenbon, John, 1987, Later Medieval Philosophy (1150–1350), London: Routledge
  • –––, 2007, Medieval Philosophy: An historical and philosophical introduction, London: Routledge
  • Mou, Bo, (ed.), 2009, History of Chinese Philosophy, London: Routledge, Parts III and IV
  • Schmitt, Charles B. and Skinner, Quentin, (eds.), 1988, The Cambridge History of Renaissance Philosophy, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

3.2 Medieval Indian philosophy

  • Adamson, Peter and Jonardon Ganeri, 2020, Classical Indian Philosophy, Oxford: Oxford University Press
  • Coward, Harold G. and K. Kunjunni Raja, (eds.), 1990, The Philosophy of the Grammarians, Encyclopedia of Indian Philosophies, Vol. 5, Princeton: Princeton University Press
  • Dasti, Matthew R., ‘Nyāya’, in Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy:
  • Deshpande, Madhav, 2022, ‘Language and Testimony in Classical Indian Philosophy’, in Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Fall 2022 Edition), Edward N. Zalta & Uri Nodelman (eds.), URL = <>.
  • Edelglass, William and Jay L. Garfield, (eds.), 2009, Buddhist Philosophy: Essential Readings, Oxford: Oxford University Press
  • Ganeri, Jonardon, 1999, ‘Dharmakīrti’s Semantics for the Quantifier Only’, in Shoryu Katsura, (ed.), Dharmakīrti’s Thought and Its Impact on Indian and Tibetan Philosophy, Vienna: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaft, 101–16
  • ––– (ed.), 2001a, Indian Logic: A Reader, London: Routledge
  • ––– 2001b, Philosophy in Classical India: The Proper Work of Reason, London: Routledge
  • ––– 2004, ‘Indian Logic’, in Dov M. Gabbay and John Woods, (eds.), Handbook of the History of Logic, Vol. 1, Amsterdam: Elsevier
  • ––– 2011, The Lost Age of Reason: Philosophy in Early Modern India 1450–1700, Oxford: Oxford University Press
  • ––– (ed.), 2017, The Oxford Handbook of Indian Philosophy, Oxford: Oxford University Press
  • Gaṅgeśa, 2004, Epistemology Of Perception: Gaṅgeśa’s Tattvacintāmaṇi, Jewel Of Reflection On The Truth (About Epistemology): The Perception Chapter (Pratyakṣa-khaṇḍa), Transliterated Text, Translation, and Philosophical Commentary, ed. Stephen H. Phillips and N. S. Ramanuja Tatacharya, New York: American Institute of Buddhist Studies
  • Gillon, Brendan, 2024, ‘Logic in Classical Indian Philosophy’, in Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Spring 2024 Edition), Edward N. Zalta & Uri Nodelman (eds.), URL = <>.
  • Gillon, B. S. and R. P. Hayes, 1982, ‘The Role of the Particle eva in (Logical) Quantification in Sanskrit’, Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde Südasiens 26: 195–203
  • Harbsmeier, Christoph, 1998, Science and Civilisation in China, Vol. 7, Part I: Language and Logic, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press [§(g): ‘Chinese Buddhist logic’]
  • Katsura, Shoryu, 1986, ‘On the Origin and Development of the Concept vyāpti in Indian Logic’, Tetsugaku 38: 1–16
  • Keating, Malcolm, 2019, Language, Meaning, and Use in Indian Philosophy: An Introduction to Mukula’s “Fundamentals of the Communicative Function”, London: Bloomsbury
  • ––– (ed.), 2020, Controversial Reasoning in Indian Philosophy: Major Texts and Arguments on Arthāpatti, London: Bloomsbury
  • Matilal, Bimal Krishna, 1990, Logic, Language and Reality: Indian Philosophy and Contemporary Issues, 2nd edn., Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass; 1st edn. 1985 [ch. 1: ‘Logic and Dialectic in Ancient and Medieval India’]
  • ––– 1998a, The Character of Logic in India, ed. Jonardon Ganeri and Heeraman Tiwari, Albany: State University of New York Press
  • ––– 1998b, ‘Introducing Indian Logic’, in Matilal 1998a, 1–30; repr. in Ganeri 2001a, 183–215
  • ––– 2001, The Word and the World: Indias Contribution to the Study of Language, New Delhi: Oxford University Press; first edn. 1990
  • ––– 2005, Epistemology, Logic, and Grammar in Indian Philosophical Analysis, 2nd edn., ed. J. Ganeri, Oxford: Oxford University Press; first publ. 1971
  • Matilal, Bimal Krishna and Arindam Chakrabarti, (eds.), 1994, Knowing from Words, Dordrecht: Kluwer
  • Mohanty, J. N., 1966, Gaṅgeśa’s Theory of Truth, Santiniketan: Visva-Bharati
  • Pāṇini, 1954, Aṣṭādhyāyī-sūtrapatha, Bombay: Nirnayasagar
  • Perrett, Roy W., 2016, An Introduction to Indian Philosophy, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press [ch. 2: ‘Knowledge’; ch. 3: ‘Reasoning’; ch. 4: ‘Word’]
  • Phillips, Stephen H., 2012, Epistemology in Classical India: The Knowledge Sources of the Nyāya School, London: Routledge
  • Potter, Karl H., (ed.), 1978, Indian Metaphysics and Epistemology: The Tradition of Nyāya-Vaiśeṣika up to Gaṅgeśa, Encyclopedia of Indian Philosophies, Vol. 2, Princeton: Princeton University Press
  • Priest, Graham, 1995, Beyond the Limits of Thought, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
  • ––– 2018, The Fifth Corner of Four: An Essay on Buddhist Metaphysics and the Catuṣkoṭi, Oxford: Oxford University Press
  • Siderits, Mark, 1991, Indian Philosophy of Language, Dordrecht: Kluwer [ch. 3: sense/reference distinction; ch. 4: empty terms]
  • Staal, Frits, 1973,‘The Concept of Pakṣa in Indian Logic’, Journal of Indian Philosophy 2: 156–66
  • Tillemans, Tom, 2020, ‘Dharmakīrti’, in Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Spring 2021 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), URL = <>.
  • Vaidya, Anand, 2020, ‘Arthāpatti: An Anglo-Indo-Analytic Attempt at Cross-Cultural Conceptual Engineering’, in Keating 2020, 311–32
  • Westerhoff, Jan, 2018, The Golden Age of Indian Buddhist Philosophy, Oxford: Oxford University Press [ch. 4 on the School of Dignāga and Dharmakīrti, 253–6 on four levels of philosophical analysis in Dharmakīrti’s approach] {§3.3}

3.3 Medieval Chinese philosophy

  • Angle, Stephen C. and Justin Tiwald, 2017, Neo-Confucianism: A Philosophical Introduction, Cambridge: Polity Press
  • Chan, Wing-tsit, (ed.), 1987, A Sourcebook in Chinese Philosophy, Princeton: Princeton University Press
  • de Bary, William Theodore, 1991, The Trouble with Confucianism, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press
  • Dunne, John D., 2004, Foundations of Dharmakīrti’s Philosophy, Boston: Wisdom Publications
  • Fazang, ‘The Rafter Dialogue’, in Tiwald and Van Norden 2014, 80–6
  • Fazang, ‘Essay on the Golden Lion’, in Tiwald and Van Norden 2014, 86–91
  • Fung, Yiu-ming, (ed.), 2020, Dao Companion to Chinese Philosophy of Logic, Switzerland: Springer
  • Fung, Yu-Lan, 1948, A Short History of Chinese Philosophy, ed. Derk Bodde, New York: The Free Press [chs. 19–26: Neo-Daoism and Neo-Confucianism]
  • –––, 1953, A History of Chinese Philosophy, Vol. 2: The Period of Classical Learning (From the Second Century BC to the Twentieth Century AD), tr. Derk Bodde. Princeton: Princeton University Press
  • Harbsmeier, Christoph, 1998, Science and Civilisation in China, Vol. 7, Part I: Language and Logic, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press [§(g): ‘Chinese Buddhist logic’]
  • Hershock, Peter, 2023, ‘Chan Buddhism’, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Fall 2023 Edition), Edward N. Zalta & Uri Nodelman (eds.), URL = <>.
  • Huang, Yong, 2014, Why Be Moral? Learning from the Neo-Confucian Cheng Brothers, Albany, NY: State University of New York Press
  • Ivanhoe, Philip J., (ed.), 2010, Readings from the Lu-Wang School of Neo-Confucianism, Indianapolis: Hackett
  • Jones, Nicholaos, 2019, ‘The Architecture of Fazang’s Six Characteristics’, British Journal for the History of Philosophy, 27.3: 468–91
  • Lai, Karyn, 2017, An Introduction to Chinese Philosophy, 2nd edn., Cambridge: Cambridge University Press [ch. 10: ‘Chinese Buddhism’]
  • Li, Chenyang and Franklin Perkins, (eds.), 2015, Chinese Metaphysics and its Problems, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
  • Liu, Fenrong and Jeremy Seligman, (eds.), 2015, History of Logic in China: 5 Questions, Automatic Press
  • Makeham, John, (ed.), 2010, The Dao Companion to Neo-Confucianism, Springer
  • ––– (ed.), 2018, The Buddhist Roots of Zhu Xis Thought, Oxford: Oxford University Press
  • Mou, Bo, (ed.), 2009, History of Chinese Philosophy, London: Routledge, Parts III and IV
  • Perkins, Franklin, 2016, ‘Metaphysics and Methodology in a Cross-Cultural Context’, in Tan 2016, 183–98
  • Priest, Graham, 2018, The Fifth Corner of Four, Oxford: Oxford University Press [ch. 8 on the golden lion]
  • Rothschild, Norman Harry, ‘Fazang (Fa-tsang 643–712 C.E.)’, Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy,
  • Tan, Sor-hoon, (ed.), 2016, The Bloomsbury Research Handbook of Chinese Philosophy Methodologies, London: Bloomsbury [includes Perkins 2016]
  • Thompson, Kirill, 2021, ‘Zhu Xi’, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Summer 2021 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), URL = <>.
  • Tiwald, Justin, 2020, ‘Song-Ming Confucianism’, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Summer 2020 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), URL = <>.
  • Tiwald, Justin and Bryan Van Norden, (eds.), 2014, Readings in Later Chinese Philosophy: Han Dynasty to the 20th Century, Cambridge: Hackett [includes selected writings by Fazang and Zhu Xi]
  • Westerhoff, Jan, 2018, The Golden Age of Indian Buddhist Philosophy, Oxford: Oxford University Press [ch. 4 on the School of Dignāga and Dharmakīrti; pp. 253–6 on four levels of philosophical analysis in Dharmakīrti’s approach] {§3.2}
  • Zhang, Dainian, 2002, Key Concepts in Chinese Philosophy, tr. and ed. Edmund Ryden, New Haven: Yale University Press, orig. publ. in Chinese in 1989
  • Zhu Xi, Categorized Conversations, excerpts in Tiwald and Van Norden 2014, 168–84
  • Ziporyn, Brook, 2013, Beyond Oneness and Difference: Li and Coherence in Chinese Buddhist Thought and Its Antecedents, Albany, NY: State University of New York Press

3.4 Arabic and Islamic Philosophy

  • Al-Fārābī, Abū Naṣr Muḥammad, SY, Syllogism: An Abridgement of Aristotles Prior Analytics, tr. Saloua Chatti and Wilfrid Hodges, London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2020 {Quotations}
  • Aristotle, PrA, Prior Analytics, tr. A. J. Jenkinson, repr. in Aristotle CW, I, 39–113 {§2.4}
  • Aristotle, R, Rhetoric, tr. W. Rhys Roberts, in Aristotle CW, II, 2152–2269 {§2.4}
  • Black, Deborah, 1990, Logic and Aristotles Rhetoric and Poetics in Medieval Arabic Philosophy, Leiden: Brill
  • Chatti, Saloua, 2019, Arabic Logic from al-Fārābī to Averroes: A Study of the Early Arabic Categorical, Modal, and Hypothetical Syllogistics, Cham: Birkhäuser [ch. 3: al-Fārābī, Ibn Sīnā, and Ibn Rushd on syllogisms]
  • Davies, Daniel and Alexander Lamprakis, forthcoming, ‘Al-Fārābī’s Commentary on the Eighth Book of Aristotle’s Topics in Ṭodros Ṭodrosi’s Philosophical Anthology (Introduction, Edition of the Text, and Annotated Translation)’, in Robert Pasnau, (ed.), Oxford Studies in Medieval Philosophy Volume 10, Oxford: Oxford University Press [includes translation of al-Fārābī’s commentary on the eighth book of Aristotle’s Topics]
  • Hasnawi, Ahmed, 2001, ‘Topic and Analysis: The Arabic Tradition’, in R. W. Sharples, (ed.), Whose Aristotle? Whose Aristotelianism, Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing Ltd [al-Fārābī and Ibn Rushd on analysis and topoi; includes translations of selections from the works of al-Fārābī, Ibn Rushd, and Ibn Sīnā]
  • Hodges, Wilfrid, 2010, ‘Ibn Sīnā on Analysis: 1. Proof Search. Or: Abstract State Machines as a Tool for History of Logic’, in Andreas Blass, Nachum Dershowitz and Wolfgang Reisig, (eds.), Fields of Logic and Computation: Essays Dedicated to Yuri Gurevich on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday, Berlin: Springer-Verlag [includes translation of Ibn Sīnā QI]
  • Ibn Rushd, Abū al-Walīd Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad, RT, On the Rules Called Topics, tr. Charles E. Butterworth, forthcoming
  • –––, SL, Summary of Logic §6, tr. in Hasnawi 2001, 32 {Quotations}
  • Ibn Sīnā, Abū-ʿAlī al-Ḥusayn ibn-ʿAbdallāh, QI, Qiyās 9.6, tr. in Hodges 2010, 385–92
  • Ibn Sinān, Ibrāhim, MA, On the Methods of Analysis and Synthesis in Geometrical Problems, tr. in Hasnawi 2001, 39 n. 40 {Quotations}
  • Kwame, Gyekye, 1972, ‘Al-Farabi on ‘Analysis’ and ‘Synthesis’, Apeiron 6: 33–38
  • Lameer, Joep, 1994, Al-Fārābī and Aristotelian Syllogistics: Greek Theory and Islamic Practice, Leiden: Brill [ch. 6: al-Fārābī on the paradigm]
  • Mallet, Dominique, 1994, ‘Le Kitāb al-Taḥlīl d’Alfarabi’, Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 4: 317–36
  • Würsch, Renate, 1991, Avicennas Bearbeitungen der aristotelischen Rhetorik: Ein Beitrag zum Fortleben antiken Bildungsgutes in der islamischen Welt, Berlin: Schwarz Verlag

3.5 Medieval European Philosophy

  • Aertsen, Jan A., 1989, ‘Method and Metaphysics: The via resolutionis in Thomas Aquinas’, Modern Schoolman 63: 405–18
  • Albert of Saxony, S, Sophismata (c. 1350), Paris, 1502
  • Aquinas, Thomas, SW, Selected Writings of Thomas Aquinas, ed. and tr. Ralph McInerny, London: Penguin
  • Ashworth, E. J., 1973, ‘The Doctrine of Exponibilia in the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries’, Vivarium 11: 137–67
  • Ashworth, E. J. and Spade, P. V., 1992, ‘Logic in Late Medieval Oxford’, in Catto and Evans 1992, 35–64 [theory of exposition]
  • Blumenthal, H.J. and Lloyd, A.C., (eds.), 1982, Soul and the Structure of Being in Late Neo-Platonism: Syrianus, Proclus and Simplicius, Liverpool: Liverpool University Press [includes Lloyd 1982]
  • Boethius, OD, On Division, tr. in Kretzmann and Stump 1988, 11–38
  • Broadie, Alexander, 1985, The Circle of John Mair, Oxford: Oxford University Press [ch. 6: ‘Exponible Propositions’]
  • Buridan, John, SD, Summulae de Dialectica, tr. Gyula Klima, New Haven: Yale University Press, 2001 [Treatise 6, ch. 3: interpretation as ‘exposition’; Treatise 8: division, definition and demonstration; Treatise 9: sophisms]
  • Catto, J.I. and Evans, T.A.R., (eds.), 1992, History of the University of Oxford, Vol. 2: Late Medieval Oxford, Oxford: Oxford University Press [includes Ashworth and Spade 1992]
  • Crombie, A.C., 1953, Robert Grosseteste and the Origins of Experimental Science, Oxford: Oxford University Press [61–90: medieval uses of resolutive method]
  • Dolan, Edmund, 1950, ‘Resolution and Composition in Speculative and Practical Discourse’, Laval Théologique et Philosophique 6 [distinguishes strict and loose senses of resolution and composition]
  • Erigena, John Scot, Periphyseon, 4 vols., ed. and tr. I. A. Sheldon-Williams, Dublin: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 1968 [Vol. II, 526a–b: resolution as regression; distinction between ‘analusis’ (problem-solving) and ‘analutikê’ (regression)]
  • Hönigswald, Richard, 1961, Abstraktion und Analysis: Ein Beitrag zur Problemgeschichte des Universalienstreites in der Philosophie des Mittelalters, ed. Karl Bärthlein, Stuttgart: W. Kohlhammer [opposition between analysis and abstraction in relation to the problem of universals]
  • Isaac, J., 1950, ‘La Notion de Dialectique chez Saint Thomas’, Revue des sciences philosophiques et théologiques 34, 486–93
  • Jardine, Lisa, 1982, ‘Humanism and the Teaching of Logic’, in Kretzmann et al. 1982, 797–807
  • Klima, Gyula, 2000, ‘Buridan’s Theory of Definitions in his Scientific Practice’, in J. M. M. H. Thijssen and Jack Zupko, (eds.), The Metaphysics and Natural Philosophy of John Buridan, Leiden: E. J. Brill, 29–48
  • –––, 2001, ‘Introduction’ to Buridan SD, xxvii–lxii
  • Kretzmann, Norman, 1982, ‘Syncategoremata, exponibilia, sophistimata’, in Kretzmann et al. 1982, 211–45 [exponible propositions as involving syncategoremata, requiring exposition]
  • Kretzmann, N., Kenny, A., Pinborg, J. and Stump, E., (eds.), 1982, The Cambridge History of Later Medieval Philosophy, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press [includes L. Jardine 1982, Kretzmann 1982, Serene 1982, Spade 1982]
  • Kretzmann, N. and Stump, E., (eds.), 1988, The Cambridge Translations of Medieval Philosophical Texts, Vol. 1: Logic and the Philosophy of Language, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press [includes Boethius OD; Nicholas of Paris S; Peter of Spain T]
  • Lloyd, A.C., 1982, ‘Procession and Division in Proclus’, in Blumenthal and Lloyd 1982, 18–45
  • Marenbon, John, 1987, Later Medieval Philosophy (1150–1350), London: Routledge [ch. 2: ‘The techniques of logic’; 89–90: ‘historical analysis’ as approach to medieval philosophy]
  • –––, 2007, Medieval Philosophy: An historical and philosophical introduction, London: Routledge [297–301: Ockham’s nominalism]
  • Murdoch, John E., 1975, ‘A Central Method of Analysis in Fourteenth-Century Science’, XIVth International Congress of the History of Science: Proceedings No. 2 (Tokyo), 68–71
  • –––, 1978, ‘The Development of a Critical Temper: New Approaches and Modes of Analysis in Fourteenth-Century Philosophy’, in Medieval and Renaissance Studies 7, ed. S. Wenzel
  • –––, 1979, ‘Propositional Analysis in Fourteenth-Century Natural Philosophy’, Synthese 40: 117–46
  • Nicholas of Paris, S, Syncategoremata, selections tr. in Kretzmann and Stump 1988, 174–215
  • Oeing-Hanhoff, L., 1963, ‘Die Methoden der Metaphysik im Mittelalter’, in Wilpert 1963, 71–91 [distinguishes ‘conceptual’ and ‘natural’ resolution]
  • –––, 1971, ‘Analyse/Synthese’, in Ritter 1971, columns 232–48 {§1.1}
  • Panaccio, Claude, 2004, Ockham on Concepts, Aldershot: Ashgate [chs. 4–6: connotation and nominal definitions]
  • Peter of Ailly, TE, Tractatus exponibilium, Paris, 1494
  • Peter of Spain, T, Tractatus, called afterwards Summule logicales, ed. L.M. de Rijk, Assen: van Gorcum, 1972; selections tr. in Kretzmann and Stump 1988, 216–61 [fallacies of composition and division]
  • Read, Stephen and Bos, Egbert P., (eds.), 2001, Concepts: The Treatises of Thomas of Cleves and Paul of Gelria: An Edition and Systematic Introduction, Louvain: Peeters
  • Régis, Louis-M., 1948, ‘Analyse et synthèse dans l’oeuvre de saint Thomas’, Studia Medievalia, 1948, 303–30
  • de Rijk, L.M., 1982, Some 14th century tracts on the probationes terminorum: Martin of Alnwick O. F. M., Richard Billingham, Edward Upton and others, Nijmegen: Ingenium Publishers [edition of four textbooks, with introd.]
  • Serene, Eileen, 1982, ‘Demonstrative Science’, in Kretzmann et al. 1982, 496–517 [accounts of Aristotle’s Posterior Analytics]
  • Spade, Paul Vincent, 1973, ‘The Origins of the Mediaeval Insolubilia-Literature’, Franciscan Studies 33: 292–309
  • –––, 1982, ‘Insolubilia’, in Kretzmann et al. 1982, 246–53
  • –––, 1990, ‘Ockham, Adams and Connotation: A Critical Notice of Marilyn Adams, William Ockham’, Philosophical Review 99, 593–612 [relationship between theory of exposition and theory of connotation]
  • –––, 1998, ‘Three Versions of Ockham’s Reductionist Program’, Franciscan Studies 56: 335–46
  • –––, (ed.), 1999, The Cambridge Companion to Ockham, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press [includes Spade 1999a]
  • –––, 1999a, ‘Ockham’s Nominalist Metaphysics: Some Main Themes’, in Spade 1999, 100–17
  • Sweeney, Eileen C., 1994, ‘Three Notions of Resolutio and the Structure of Reasoning in Aquinas’, The Thomist 58: 197–243 [resolutio as (reductive) division, as (Neoplatonic) reversion, and as (geometrical or ethical) problem-solving]
  • Trouillard, Jean, 1977, ‘La Notion d’analyse chez Érigène’, in Jean Scot Érigène et l’histoire de la philosophie, Paris: R. Roques, 1977, 349–56
  • William of Ockham, SL, Summa Logicae, ed. P. Boehner, G. Gál and S. Brown, St. Bonaventure, New York: Franciscan Institute, 1974
  • Wilpert, P., (ed.), 1963, Die Metaphysik im Mittelalter: Ihr Ursprung und ihre Bedeutung, Berlin [includes Oeing-Hanhoff 1963]

3.6 European Renaissance Philosophy

  • Ashworth, E.J., 1988, ‘Traditional logic’, in Schmitt and Skinner 1988, 143–72
  • Copenhaver, Brian P. and Schmitt, Charles B., 1992, Renaissance Philosophy, Oxford: Oxford University Press [118–21: Zabarella on method; 227–39: Agricola and Ramus on method; 247–50: Sanches on method; includes extensive bib.]
  • Crombie, A.C., 1953, Robert Grosseteste and the Origins of Experimental Science, Oxford: Oxford University Press
  • Di Liscia, Daniel A., Kessler, Eckhard and Methuen, Charlotte, (eds.), 1997, Method and Order in Renaissance Philosophy of Nature: The Aristotle Commentary Tradition, Aldershot: Ashgate [includes Morrison 1997]
  • Edwards, William F., 1976, ‘Niccolò Leoniceno and the Origins of Humanist Discussion of Method’, in Mahoney 1976, 283–305
  • Gilbert, Neal W., 1960, Renaissance Concepts of Method, New York: Columbia University Press [5, 25, 27, 81–2, 140–1, 190, 196; analysis as decomposition: 17, 22, 80; geometrical analysis: 31–5; ch. 5: Ramus’ single method; 200–8, 218–9: Digby’s and others’ double method] {§1.2}
  • Jardine, Lisa, 1988, ‘Humanistic logic’, in Schmitt and Skinner 1988, 173–98
  • Jardine, Nicholas, 1988, ‘Epistemology of the sciences’, in Schmitt and Skinner 1988, 685–711 [686–93: demonstrative regress, Nifo and Zabarella]
  • Kristeller, P.O. and Wiener, P. P., (eds.), 1968, Renaissance Essays from the Journal of the History of Ideas, New York [includes Randall 1968]
  • Limbrick, Elaine, 1988, ‘Introduction’ to Sanches 1581 [§5: influence of Galen’s methodology]
  • Mahoney, Edward P., (ed.), 1976, Philosophy and Humanism, Leiden: Brill [includes Edwards 1976]
  • Morrison, Donald, 1997, ‘Philoponus and Simplicius on Tekmeriodic Proof’, in Di Liscia, Kessler and Methuen 1997, 1–22 [Aristotle and the Renaissance theory of regressus] {§2.4}
  • Ong, Walter J., 1958, Ramus, Method, and the Decay of Dialogue, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press [ch. 11: ‘The Method of Method’, §13: ‘Analysis and Genesis (Synthesis)’; 299–301: analysis by definition and division]
  • Ramus, Petrus, DI, Dialecticae Institutiones, Paris, 1543, facsimile ed. with Ramus AA and introd. by W. Risse, Stuttgart-Bad Canstatt, 1964; tr. into French as Dialectique, ed. M. Dassonville, Geneva, 1964
  • –––, AA, Aristotelicae Animadversiones, Paris, 1543, facsimile ed. with Ramus DI and introd. by W. Risse, Stuttgart-Bad Canstatt, 1964
  • Randall, J.H., 1961, The School of Padua and the Emergence of Modern Science, Padua
  • –––, 1940, ‘The Development of Scientific Method in the School of Padua’, in Kristeller and Wiener 1968, 217–51; orig. publ. 1940
  • Sanches, Francisco, 1581, Quod nihil scitur, ed. and tr. as That Nothing is Known by Elaine Limbrick and Douglas F.S. Thomson, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988 [174–5: anticipation of the paradox of analysis; includes introd. by Limbrick 1988]
  • Schmitt, Charles B. and Skinner, Quentin, (eds.), 1988, The Cambridge History of Renaissance Philosophy, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press [includes Ashworth 1988, L. Jardine 1988, N. Jardine 1988, extensive bib.]
  • Walton, C., 1971, ‘Ramus and Bacon on method’, J. Hist. Phil. 9: 289–302
  • Wightman, William P.D., 1964, ‘Quid sit methodus? “Method” in Sixteenth Century Teaching and “Discovery”’, J. Hist. Medicine 19: 360–76
  • Zabarella, Jacopo, 1597, Opera Logica, Köln; repr. Hildesheim and New York, 1966
  • –––, 1607, Opera Logica, Frankfurt; repr. Frankfurt, 1966

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