Supplement to Mechanisms in Science

Long descriptions for some figures in Mechanisms in Science

Figure 1 description

A drawing consisting of two ellipses, one above the other and connected by dotted lines. The top ellipse is labeled “Phenomenon” and contains \(S\psi\)-ing. A arrow points to it from the left and away from it on the right.

The bottom ellipse is labeled “Mechanism” and encloses a diagram of four nodes:

  • leftmost node (1) contains \(X_1\phi_1\)-ing
  • upper center node (2) contains \(X_2\phi_2\)-ing
  • lower center node (3) contains \(X_3\phi_3\)-ing
  • rightmost node (4) contains \(X_4\phi_4\)-ing

An arrow from the left and outside the ellipse points to node (1) (leftmost). Arrows from node (1) point to nodes (2) (upper central) and (3) (lower central). Arrows both to and from connect nodes (2) and (3). Node (4) (rightmost) has arrows pointing to it from nodes (2) and (3). An arrow also goes from node (4) to the right and outside the ellipse.

Figure 2 description

A diagram of seven horizontal nodes connected by rightward pointing arrows. From right to left they are

  • \(\psi_{\textrm{in}}\)
  • five nodes each enclosed by a circle
    • \(X_1\phi_1\)-ing
    • \(X_2\phi_2\)-ing
    • \(X_3\phi_3\)-ing
    • \(X_4\phi_4\)-ing
    • \(X_5\phi_4\)-ing
  • \(\psi_{\textrm{out}}\)

The five middle nodes are labeled \(\psi\)-ing

Figure 3 description

This figure duplicates figure 2 and adds on. From figure 2’s center node \(X_2\phi_3\)-ing lines drop down to point to another scaled down copy of figure 2 with an ellipse enclosing the five central nodes.

Figure 4 description

An image of the northern hemisphere of the earth with atmosphere.

The left hand side is labeled “Greenhouse Effect: Normal CO2” with the atmosphere labeled “Some greenhouse gases”. It has a sun pouring “Solar Radiation” onto the earth; some of this becomes “Re-Radiated Heat” and some of that becomes “More heat escapes into space” and other “Less heat trapped in atmosphere”.

The right hand side is labeled “Greenhouse Effect: Rampant CO2” with the atmosphere labeled “More Greenhouse Gases”. It has a sun pouring “Solar Radiation” onto the earth; some of this becomes “Re-Radiated Heat” and some of that becomes “Less heat escapes into space” and other “More heat trapped in atmosphere”.

Copyright © 2024 by
Carl Craver <>
James Tabery <>
Phyllis Illari <>

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