Supplement to Formal Epistemology
Technical Supplement
- 1. Elementary Theorems of Probability Theory
- 2. The Raven Paradox
- 3. Foundationalism
- 4. Epistemic Logic
- 5. The Meaning of ‘If …then …’
1. Elementary Theorems of Probability Theory
Theorem. (No Chance for Contradictions). When A is a contradiction, p(A)=0.
Proof: Let A be any contradiction, and let B be some tautology. Then A∨B is also a tautology, and by axiom (2) of probability theory: p(A∨B)=1 Since A and B are logically incompatible, axiom (3) also tells us that: p(A∨B)=p(A)+p(B) Combining these two equations: p(A)+p(B)=1 But axiom (2) also tells us that p(B)=1. So: p(A)+1=1 So p(A)=0. ◼
Theorem (Complementarity for Contradictories). For any A, p(A)=1−p(¬A).
Proof: A∨¬A is always a tautology, so axiom (2) tells us: p(A∨¬A)=1
Since A and ¬A are logically incompatible, axiom (3) tells us: p(A∨¬A)=p(A)+p(¬A)
These two equations together yield: p(A)+p(¬A)=1
Thus p(A)=1−p(¬A). ◼
Theorem (Equality for Equivalents). When A and B are logically equivalent, p(A)=p(B).
Proof: Suppose A and B are logically equivalent. Then ¬A and B are incompatible. So axiom (3) tells us: p(¬A∨B)=p(¬A)+p(B)
By the previous theorem this becomes: p(¬A∨B)=1−p(A)+p(B)
But p(¬A∨B)=1, since ¬A∨B is a tautology. Thus: 1=1−p(A)+p(B)
Which, with a little algebra, yields p(A)=p(B). ◼
Theorem (Conditional Certainty for Logical Consequences). When A logically entails B, p(B∣A)=1.
Proof: Suppose A logically entails B. By the definition of conditional probability: p(B∣A)=p(B∧A)p(A)
So we just need to show that p(B∧A)=p(A).
For any A and B, A is logically equivalent to (A∧B)∨(A∧¬B). By the previous theorem and axiom (3) then: p(A)=p((A∧B)∨(A∧¬B))=p(A∧B)+p(A∧¬B)
Because A logically entails B, A∧¬B is a contradiction, and thus: p(A∧¬B)=0
Combining the previous two equations yields p(A)=p(A∧B). ◼
Theorem (Conjunction Costs Probability). For any A and B, p(A)>p(A∧B), unless p(A∧¬B)=0, in which case p(A)=p(A∧B).
Proof: As we saw in the previous proof, for any A and B: p(A)=p(A∧B)+p(A∧¬B)
Thus when p(A∧¬B)>0, p(A)>p(A∧B). If instead p(A∧¬B)=0, then p(A)=p(A∧B). ◼
Theorem (The Conjunction Rule). For any A and B where p(B)≠0, p(A∧B)=p(A∣B)p(B).
Proof: p(A∧B)=p(A∧B)p(B)p(B)=p(A∣B)p(B). ◼
Theorem (The Law of Total Probability). For any A, and any B whose probability is neither 0 nor 1 : p(A)=p(A∣B)p(B)+p(A∣¬B)p(¬B).
Proof: As in the proof of Conjunction Costs Probability: p(A)=p(A∧B)+p(A∧¬B)
Applying the Conjunction Rule to each summand yields:
Theorem (Bayes’ Theorem). For any propositions H and E with non-zero probability, p(H∣E)=p(H)p(E∣H)p(E).
Proof: By the definition of conditional probability: p(H∣E)=p(H∧E)p(E)
Given the equivalence of H∧E and E∧H: p(H∣E)=p(E∧H)p(E)
Multiplying the right-hand side by 1 in the form of p(H)/p(H): p(H∣E)=p(H)p(E∧H)p(E)p(H)
Applying the definition of conditional probability again, this time for p(E∣H):
2. The Raven Paradox
Theorem (The Raven Theorem). If (i) p(¬R∣¬B) is very high and (ii) p(¬B∣H)=p(¬B), then p(H∣¬R∧¬B) is just slightly larger than p(H).
Proof: Recall, Bayes’ theorem tells us that p(H∣¬R∧¬B) can be obtained from p(H) by multiplying p(H) by the factor: p(¬R∧¬B)∣H)p(¬R∧¬B)
So we need to show that this factor is only slightly larger than 1.
We begin by applying the Conjunction Rule in the numerator: p(¬R∧¬B∣H)p(¬R∧¬B)=p(¬R∣¬B∧H)p(¬B∣H)p(¬R∧¬B)
Next, notice that H∧¬B logically entails ¬R: if all ravens are black, this non-black thing must not be a raven. So, by Conditional Certainty for Logical Consequences, the left term in the numerator is just 1, and hence can be removed: p(¬R∧¬B)∣H)p(¬R∧¬B)=p(¬B∣H)p(¬R∧¬B)
Then we apply assumption (ii) of the theorem in the numerator: p(¬R∧¬B)∣H)p(¬R∧¬B)=p(¬B)p(¬R∧¬B)
By the definition of conditional probability (applied upside down) then: p(¬R∧¬B)∣H)p(¬R∧¬B)=1p(¬R∣¬B)
And by assumption (i) of our theorem, the denominator here is very close to 1. So the whole ratio is just slightly larger than 1, as desired. ◼
3. Foundationalism
In the main text we relied on an assumption of the form p(B∣A)≤p(¬(A∧¬B)). Since ¬(A∧¬B) is logically equivalent to A⊃B, the following theorem will suffice:
Theorem (The Horseshoe Upper Bound Theorem). For any A and B such that p(A)>0, p(B∣A)≤p(A⊃B).
Proof: Begin by noting that A⊃B is logically equivalent to ¬A∨(B∧A), so: p(A⊃B)=p(¬A∨(B∧A))=p(¬A)+p(B∧A)
Then, because p(B∧A)=p(B∣A)p(A): p(A⊃B)=p(¬A)+p(B∣A)p(A)
Then, because multiplying by p(B∣A) is multiplying a number that’s 1 or smaller:
4. Epistemic Logic
Theorem (\bwedge-distribution). K(\phi \wedge \psi) \supset (K \phi \wedge K \psi).
Proof: For clarity, we omit some of the more verbose steps in the derivations of lines 4, 5 and 6.
\begin{array}{rll} 1.& (\phi \wedge \psi) \supset \phi& \mathbf{P}\\ 2.& (\phi \wedge \psi) \supset \psi& \mathbf{P}\\ 3.& K[(\phi \wedge \psi) \supset \phi]& 1, \mathbf{NEC}\\ 4.& K[(\phi \wedge \psi) \supset \psi]& 2, \mathbf{NEC}\\ 5.& K(\phi \wedge \psi) \supset K\phi& 3, \mathbf{K}\\ 6.& K(\phi \wedge \psi) \supset K\psi& 4, \mathbf{K}\\ 7.& K(\phi \wedge \psi) \supset (K\phi \wedge K\psi)& 5,6, \mathbf{P}\\ \end{array}\qed
Lemma (Unknowns are Unknowable). \neg \Diamond K(\phi \wedge \neg K \phi).
Proof: Again, we omit some of the more verbose steps:
\begin{array}{rll} 1.& K(\phi \wedge \neg K\phi) \supset (K\phi \wedge K\neg K\phi)& \bwedge\textbf{-distribution}\\ 2.& K\neg K\phi \supset \neg K \phi& \mathbf{T}\\ 3.& K(\phi \wedge \neg K\phi) \supset (K\phi \wedge \neg K\phi)& 1, 2, \mathbf{P}, \mathbf{MP}\\ 4.& \neg (K\phi \wedge \neg K\phi)& \mathbf{P}\\ 5.& \neg K(\phi \wedge \neg K\phi)& 3, 4, \mathbf{P}, \mathbf{MP}\\ 6.& \Box \neg K(\phi \wedge \neg K\phi)& 5, \mathbf{NEC}\\ 7.& \neg \neg \Box \neg K(\phi \wedge \neg K\phi)& 6, \mathbf{P}\\ 8.& \neg \Diamond K(\phi \wedge \neg K\phi)& 7, \textrm{Defn. of }\Diamond\\ \end{array}\qed
5. The Meaning of ‘If …then …’
Theorem (Lewis’ Triviality Theorem). If Stalnaker’s Hypothesis is true, then p(B\mid A)=p(B) for all propositions A and B such that p(A) \neq 0 and 1 \gt p(B) \gt 0.
Proof: We start by applying the Law of Total Probability to the conditional A \rightarrow B: p(A \rightarrow B) = p(A \rightarrow B\mid B)p(B) + p(A \rightarrow B\mid \neg B)p(\neg B)
Next let’s introduce p_B as a name for the probability function we get from p by conditionalizing on B, i.e., p_B(A)=p(A\mid B) for every proposition A. Likewise, p_{\neg B} is obtained by conditionalizing p on \neg B. Then: p(A \rightarrow B) = p_B(A \rightarrow B)p(B) + p_{\neg B}(A \rightarrow B)p(\neg B)
Now, assuming Stalnaker’s Hypothesis: p(A \rightarrow B) = p_B(B\mid A)p(B) + p_{\neg B}(B\mid A)p(\neg B)
But p_B automatically assigns probability 1 to B, while p_{\neg B} assigns 0. So:
\begin{align} p(A \rightarrow B) &= 1 \times p(B) + 0 \times p(\neg B)\\ &= p(B) \end{align}
And since p(A \rightarrow B)=p(B\mid A) by Stalnaker’s Hypothesis, p(B\mid A)=p(B) too. \qed
Theorem (Gärdenfors’ Triviality Theorem). As long as there are two propositions A and B such that K is agnostic about A, A \supset B, and A \supset \neg B, the Ramsey Test cannot hold.
Proof: The gist of the argument is that adding \neg A to K would, via the Ramsey Test, bring contradictory conditionals with it: A \rightarrow B and \neg (A \rightarrow B). But this would mean that K wasn’t really agnostic about A; its contents would already contradict \neg A, so K would have to already contain A, contra the stipulation that K is agnostic about A.
Why would adding \neg A to K also add these contradictory conditionals, given the Ramsey Test? Let’s proceed in three steps:
First, notice that adding A \supset B to K would bring A \rightarrow B with it via the Ramsey test, since further adding A would also add B via modus ponens. By parallel reasoning, adding A \supset \neg B to K would bring \neg (A \rightarrow B) with it via the Ramsey Test.
Second, notice that \neg A logically entails A \supset B (but not vice versa). Similarly, \neg A entails A \supset \neg B (but not vice versa). \neg A is logically stronger than both these \supset-statements.
Third and finally, because \neg A is logically stronger, adding \neg A to K brings with it everything that adding either \supset-statement would. The logically stronger the added information, the more logically follows from it. But as we saw, adding A \supset B to K adds A \rightarrow B, and adding A \supset \neg B adds \neg (A \rightarrow B). So adding the stronger statement \neg A adds both these contradictory sentences to K. \qed