Supplement to Analysis
Annotated Bibliography on Analysis
§5: Conceptions of Analysis in the 19th Century
This bibliography is intended as a reference guide to the key works that deal, in whole or in part, with analysis and related topics such as analyticity and definition. Cross-references are by name(s) of author(s) or editor(s) and either year of publication or abbreviation as indicated immediately after their name(s). Notes in square brackets at the end of an entry indicate the relevant part(s) of the work and/or its significance to the topic of analysis. This section of the bibliography corresponds to Section 5 of the main entry, and is divided into subsections which correspond to the subsections of the supplementary document on Conceptions of Analysis in the 19th Century. Where works include important material under more than one heading, they are cited under each heading; but duplication has been kept to a minimum. Cross-references to other (sub)sections are provided in curly brackets.
- 5.1 General
- 5.2 German Idealism and Romanticism
- 5.3 Neo-Kantianism and Scientific Philosophy
- 5.4 British and American Philosophy
- 5.5 Bolzano
Annotated Bibliography on Analysis: Full List of Sections
5.1 General
- Bambach, Charles R., 1995, Heidegger, Dilthey, and the Crisis of Historicism, Cornell University Press [ch. 1: scientism and historicism; ch. 2: Windelband; ch. 3: Rickert; ch. 4: Dilthey; ch. 5: Heidegger]
- Craig, Edward, 1987, The Mind of God and the Works of Man, Oxford: Oxford University Press
- Magee, Bryan, 1983, The Philosophy of Schopenhauer, Oxford: Oxford University Press [31-5: analysis and synthesis]
- Peckhaus, Volker, 1997, Logik, Mathesis universalis und allgemeine Wissenschaft, Berlin: Akademie Verlag [chs. 5-6: algebra of logic in England and Germany]
- Pickstone, John V., 1994, ‘Museological Science? The Place of the Analytical/Comparative in Nineteenth-Century Science, Technology and Medicine’, Hist. Sci. 32, 111-38 [transition in the 19th c. from savant/connoisseur to analytical/comparative science; analysis as decomposition]
- Schmaus, Warren, 1982, ‘The Concept of Analysis in Comte’s Philosophy of Mathematics’, Phil. Res. Arch. 8 [Comte on the historical succession of (ever more powerful) methods of analysis]
- Schopenhauer, Arthur, WWR, The World as Will and Representation, 1st ed. 1819, 2nd ed. 1844, 3rd ed. 1859, tr. E.F.J. Payne, 2 vols., New York: Dover, 1969; tr. orig. publ. 1958 [I, §§ 14-15: demonstration]
- Weiler, Gershon, 1970, Mauthner’s Critique of Language, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press [chs. 3, 6-7: language and logic]
5.2 German Idealism and Romanticism
- Beiser, Frederick C., (ed.), 1993, The Cambridge Companion to Hegel, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press [includes Burbidge 1993, Forster 1993, Hylton 1993]
- Bowie, Andrew, 1997, From Romanticism to Critical Theory, London: Routledge [ch. 4: ‘Interpretative reasons’; ch. 5: ‘The ethics of interpretation: Schleiermacher’]
- -----, 1998, ‘Introduction’ to Schleiermacher HC, vii-xxxi [xxi: Schleiermacher’s rejection of analytic/synthetic dist.]
- Burbidge, John, 1981, On Hegel’s Logic, Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities Press
- -----, 1993, ‘Hegel’s conception of logic’, in Beiser 1993, 86-101
- Craig, Edward, 1987, The Mind of God and the Works of Man, Oxford: Oxford University Press
- Forster, Michael, 1993, ‘Hegel’s dialectical method’, in Beiser 1993, 130-70
- Goethe, Johann W., Faust [I, lines 1908-1941: Meph. vs. analysis]
- -----, 1829, ‘Analyse und Synthese’, in Goethe SN, Band 11: Aufsätze, Fragmente, Studien zur Naturwissenschaft im Allgemeinen, ed. Dorothea Kuhn and Wolf von Engelhardt, Weimar: Hermann Böhlaus Nachfolger, 1970, 301-3
- -----, SN, Die Schriften zur Naturwissenschaft, ed. K. Lothar Wolf et al., Weimar: Hermann Böhlaus Nachfolger
- Hegel, G.W.F., PS, Phenomenology of Spirit, 1807, tr. A.V. Miller, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1977 [§32: analysis as destructive dissolution]
- -----, SL, Science of Logic, 1812, tr. A.V. Miller, London: George Allen and Unwin, 1969 [812-14: geometrical synthesis]
- -----, SW, Sämtliche Werke: Jubiläumsausgabe in 20 Bänden, ed. Hermann Glockner, Stuttgart: Frommann, 1927-30 [Vol. 8, 119, 449: analysis]
- -----, HR, The Hegel Reader, ed. Stephen Houlgate, Oxford: Blackwell, 1998 [59: analysis as dissolution; 307-8: alphabetic writing vs. hieroglyphics]
- Hylton, Peter, 1993, ‘Hegel and analytic philosophy’, in Beiser 1993, 445-85
- Inwood, Michael, 1992, A Hegel Dictionary, Oxford: Blackwell [entry under ‘definition’]
- Kaufmann, Walter, 1991, Goethe, Kant, and Hegel, New Brunswick: Transaction, orig. publ. 1980 [§12: Goethe and analysis]
- Petry, Michael John, (ed.), 1993, Hegel and Newtonianism, Dordrecht: Kluwer [includes Pozzo 1993 and Wehrle 1993]
- Pozzo, Riccardo, 1993, ‘Analysis, Synthesis and Dialectic: Hegel’s Answer to Aristotle, Newton and Kant’, in Petry 1993, 27-39 [Hegel’s dialectic as summing up traditional analysis and synthesis]
- Schelling, F.W.J., 1803, Ideas for a Philosophy of Nature, 2nd ed., 1st ed. 1797, tr. E.E. Harris and P. Heath, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988 [171-2, 187-90: analysis vs. synthesis, and the concept of matter; 258: analysis as infinite dissolution]
- Schiller, Friedrich, AE, On the Aesthetic Education of Man, 1795, rev. 1801, ed. and tr. Elizabeth M. Wilkinson and L.A. Willoughby, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1967 [I 4, VI 10: vs. analysis; cf. 222-3]
- Schleiermacher, Friedrich, D, Dialektik, 1822, ed. R. Odebrecht, Leipzig, 1942
- -----, HC, Hermeneutics and Criticism, 1838, tr. and ed. Andrew Bowie, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998 [includes Bowie 1998, Schleiermacher SL]
- -----, SL, ‘Schematism and Language’, from Schleiermacher, D, 370-81, tr. in Schleiermacher HC, 271-80
- Small, Robin, 1983, ‘Dialectic from the Analytic Point of View’, Metaphilosophy 14, 19-31 [on Hegel’s dialectic]
- Wehrle, Walter E., 1993, ‘The Conflict between Newton’s Analysis of Configurations and Hegel’s Conceptual Analysis’, in Petry 1993, 17-26 [Hegelian analysis as Aristotelian rather than Newtonian]
5.3 Neo-Kantianism and Scientific Philosophy
- Bambach, Charles R., 1995, Heidegger, Dilthey, and the Crisis of Historicism, Cornell University Press [ch. 1: scientism and historicism; ch. 2: Windelband; ch. 3: Rickert; ch. 4: Dilthey] {§5.1}
- Cassirer, Ernst, 1910, Substanzbegriff und Funktionsbegriff, Berlin: Bruno Cassirer, tr. as Substance and Function, Chicago: Open Court, 1923 [ch. 5, §2: induction and analysis]
- -----, 1913, ‘Erkenntnistheorie nebst den Grenzfragen der Logik’, Jahrbücher der Philosophie 1, 1-59
- Friedman, Michael, 2000, A Parting of the Ways: Carnap, Cassirer, and Heidegger, Chicago: Open Court
- Gabriel, Gottfried, 1989a, ‘Lotze und die Entstehung der modernen Logik bei Frege’, introd. to Lotze L1, xi-xxxv
- -----, 1989b, ‘Objektivität: Logik und Erkenntnistheorie bei Lotze und Frege’, introd. to Lotze L3, ix- xxvii
- Glock, Hans-Johann, 1999, ‘Vorsprung durch Logik: The German Analytic Tradition’, in O’Hear 1999, 137-66 {§6.1}
- Hönigswald, Richard, 1959, Analysen und Probleme: Abhandlungen zur Philosophie und ihrer Geschichte, ed. Gerd Wolandt, Stuttgart: W. Kohlhammer [35-6: Plato; 69: Hobbes and nominalism; 84-6, 96-7: problem of universals solved through ‘analysis’; 203-4: analysis vs. distinction]
- -----, 1961, Abstraktion und Analysis: Ein Beitrag zur Problemgeschichte des Universalienstreites in der Philosophie des Mittelalters, ed. Karl Bärthlein, Stuttgart: W. Kohlhammer [opposition between analysis and abstraction in relation to the problem of universals] {§3.1}
- -----, 1969, Die Grundlagen der allgemeinen Methodenlehre: I. Teil, ed. Hariolf Oberer, Bonn: H. Bouvier [152-63: definition and analysis]
- -----, 1970, Die Grundlagen der allgemeinen Methodenlehre: II. Teil, ed. Hariolf Oberer, Bonn: H. Bouvier [108: abstraction vs. analysis; 206: analysis, induction and deduction; 241: analysing vs. rationalizing]
- Köhnke, Klaus Christian, 1991, The Rise of Neo-Kantianism, tr. R.J. Hollingdale, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
- Lotze, Hermann, L, Logik, Leipzig, 1874, 2nd ed. 1880, Books 1 and 3 repr. as L1, Logik, Erstes Buch: Vom Denken (Reine Logik), ed. G. Gabriel, Hamburg: Felix Meiner, 1989, and L3, Logik, Drittes Buch: Vom Erkennen (Methodologie), ed. G. Gabriel, Hamburg: Felix Meiner, 1989 [Book 3, §§ 297-301: analytic vs. synthetic method]
- Natorp, Paul, 1910, Die logischen Grundlagen der exakten Wissenschaften, Leipzig: Tuebner
- Rickert, Heinrich, 1892, Der Gegenstand der Erkenntnis, Tübingen: Mohr, 2nd ed. 1904, 3rd ed. 1915, 5th ed. 1921
- -----, 1902, Die Grenzen der naturwissenschaftlichen Begriffsbildung, Tübingen: Mohr, 3rd ed. 1921, 5th ed. 1929, tr. by G. Oakes as The Limits of Concept Formation in Natural Science, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986
- Schmied-Kowarzik, Wolfdietrich, 1969, ‘Synthesis und Analysis: Eine Auseinandersetzung mit Hönigswalds Hegel-Kritik’, Hegel-Studien 5, 225-57
- Trendelenburg, A., 1867, ‘Über Leibnizes Entwurf einer allgemeinen Charakteristik’, Historische Beiträge zur Philosophie, Vol. 3, 1-47
- Wundt, Wilhelm, 1880, Logik, Band 1: Erkenntnisslehre, Stuttgart: Ferdinand Enke
- -----, 1883, Logik, Band 2: Methodenlehre, Stuttgart: Ferdinand Enke
5.4 British and American Philosophy
- Bentham, Jeremy, WJB, The Works of Jeremy Bentham, ed. John Bowring, Edinburgh, 1843
- -----, FO, ‘A Fragment on Ontology’, in WJB, Vol. 8, 193-211 [on fictitious entities]
- -----, EL, ‘Essay on Logic’, in WJB, Vol. 8, 213-93 [246-8: paraphrasis; 256-9, 275: analysis and synthesis]
- -----, C, Chrestomathia, 1815 [appendix on ‘Nomenclature and Classification’]
- Boole, George, 1847, The Mathematical Analysis of Logic, London and Cambridge, repr. in Studies in Logic and Probability, ed. R. Rhees, London: Watts and Co., 1952
- -----, 1854, The Laws of Thought, London and Cambridge, repr. in Collected Logical Works, Vol. 2, London and Chicago: Open Court, 1940
- Bornet, Gérard, 1995, ‘George Boole’s Linguistic Turn and the Origins of Analytical Philosophy’, in Hintikka and Puhl 1995, 236-48 {§6.1}
- Bradley, F.H., PL, Principles of Logic, Oxford, 1883, 2nd ed. 1922, corrected impression 1928; ch. 1, §§ 1-4, 6-12, ch. 2, §§ 1-32, 38-45, 48-51, 53, 56-81, ch. 3, §§ 1-7, 12, 15-20 repr. in WLM, Part I [95 (§64): analysis as alteration; ch. 6: analysis; ‘Terminal Essays’, ‘A Note on Analysis’: reply to Spaulding 1912]
- -----, AR, Appearance and Reality, Oxford, 1893; 2nd ed. 1897 [425]
- -----, ETR, Essays on Truth and Reality, Oxford, 1914 [176: analysis as inadequate; ch. 10, section ‘On analysis - its nature’; 270]
- -----, WLM, Writings on Logic and Metaphysics, ed. James W. Allard and Guy Stock, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1994 [77-8 (PL, ch. 2, §64): analysis as alteration; 280 (ETR, ch. 4, 176): analysis as inadequate]
- Bradley, James, (ed.), 1996, Philosophy after F.H. Bradley, Bristol: Thoemmes Press [includes Dwyer 1996, Wilson 1996]
- Dwyer, Philip, 1996, ‘Bradley, Russell and Analysis’, in J. Bradley 1996, 331-47 [Russell’s concept of analysis as decomposition taken from Bradley]
- Holt, E.B., Marvin, W.T., Montague, W.P., Perry, R.B., Pitkin, W.B. and Spaulding, E.G., (eds.), 1912, The New Realism, New York: Macmillan [includes Spaulding 1912]
- Houser, N., Roberts, D. and van Evra, J., (eds.), 1997, Studies in the Logic of Charles Sanders Peirce, Indiana University Press [includes Levy 1997]
- Levy, Stephen H., 1997, ‘Peirce’s Theoremic/Corollarial Distinction and the Interconnections between Mathematics and Logic’, in Houser, Roberts and van Evra 1997, 85-110 [abduction; analytic/synthetic distinction]
- McCosh, James, 1870, The Laws of Discursive Thought: being a Text-book of Formal Logic, London: Macmillan; repr. Thoemmes Press, Bristol, 1991 [§§ 62-4: analysis and synthesis; §§ 65-75: logical definition]
- McHenry, Leemon B., 1992, Whitehead and Bradley: A Comparative Analysis, State University of New York Press [ch. 3, §3 on genetic analysis]
- Mill, James, 1869, Analysis of the Phenomena of the Human Mind, London: Longmans, Green, Reader, and Dyer
- Mill, John Stuart, SL, A System of Logic, in Collected Works, Vol. 7, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1973
- Ogden, C.K., 1932, Bentham’s Theory of Fiction, London: Routledge
- Peirce, Charles Sanders, NEM, The New Elements of Mathematics, ed. Carolyn Eisele, The Hague: Mouton, 1976, 4 vols. in 5 books [IV, 1-50: theoremic/corollarial distinction]
- Skorupski, John, 1989, John Stuart Mill, London: Routledge [chs. 4-5: deduction]
- Spaulding, Edward Gleason, 1912, ‘A Defense of Analysis’, in Holt et al. 1912 [critique of Bradley]
- -----, 1918, The New Rationalism, New York: Henry Holt and Co. [development of Spaulding 1912]
- Wilson, Fred, 1990, Psychological Analysis and the Philosophy of John Stuart Mill, Toronto: University of Toronto Press
- -----, 1996, ‘F.H. Bradley’s Impact on Empiricism’, in J. Bradley 1996, 251-82 [analysis and relations]
- Wisdom, John, 1931, Interpretation and Analysis in Relation to Bentham’s Theory of Definition, London: Kegan Paul {§1.2}
5.5 Bolzano
- Berg, Jan, 1962, Bolzano’s Logic, Stockholm: Almqvist and Wiksell
- Bolzano, Bernard, 1837, Wissenschaftslehre, 4 vols., Seidel: Sulzbach [§§ 56-9: intensions; §§ 123-32: composition of props.; §§ 147, 151-5: method of substitution, relations between props.; §§ 148, 197: analyticity; §§ 554-8: defs.]
- Coffa, J. Alberto, 1991, The Semantic Tradition from Kant to Carnap, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press [ch. 2: ‘Bolzano and the birth of semantics’] {§1.2}
- Dummett, Michael, 1997, ‘Comments on Wolfgang Künne’s Paper’, in Künne et al. 1997, 241-8 [reply to Künne 1997]
- Kitcher, P., 1975, ‘Bolzano’s Ideal of Algebraic Analysis’, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 6, 229-69
- Kneale, William and Kneale, Martha, 1962, The Development of Logic, Oxford: Oxford University Press [365-9: Bolzano on analyticity]
- Künne, Wolfgang, 1997, ‘Propositions in Bolzano and Frege’, in Künne et al. 1997, 203-40
- Künne, W., Siebel, M. and Textor, M., (eds.), 1997, Bolzano and Analytic Philosophy, Amsterdam: Rodopi [includes Künne 1997, Morscher 1997, Rusnock 1997, Sebestik 1997, Textor 1997]
- Lapointe, Sandra, 2002, ‘Substitution: A further conception of analysis in the early analytic and phenomenological traditions?’, Southern Journal of Philosophy 40, Supp. Vol., 101-13 [reply to Beaney 2002 {§4.1}]
- Morscher, Edgar, 1997, ‘Bolzano’s Method of Variation: Three Puzzles’, in Künne et al. 1997, 139-65 [analyticity]
- Neeman, Ursula, 1970, ‘Analytic and Synthetic Propositions in Kant and Bolzano’, Ratio 12, 1-25
- Proust, Joelle, 1986, Questions de forme, Paris: Fayard, tr. as Questions of Form: Logic and the Analytic Proposition from Kant to Carnap by A.A. Brenner, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1989 [II: Bolzano] {§1.2}
- Rusnock, Paul, 1997, ‘Bolzano and the Traditions of Analysis’, in Künne et al. 1997, 61-85 [mathematical analysis and conceptual analysis]
- Sebestik, Jan, 1997, ‘Bolzano, Exner and the Origins of Analytical Philosophy’, in Künne et al. 1997, 33-59
- Textor, Mark, 1997, ‘Bolzano’s Sententialism’, in Künne et al. 1997, 181-202 [Bolzano’s notion of paraphrase]