Table of Contents
- Abelard [Abailard], Peter (Peter King)
- Abrabanel, Judah (Aaron Hughes)
- abstract objects (Gideon Rosen)
- action (George Wilson)
- action at a distance — see quantum mechanics: action at a distance in
- actualism (Christopher Menzel)
- Addams, Jane (Maurice Hamington)
- Adorno, Theodor W. (Lambert Zuidervaart)
- Aegidius Romanus — see Giles of Rome
- Aenesidemus — see skepticism: ancient
- aesthetics
- aesthetic judgment (Nick Zangwill)
- Beardsley — see Beardsley, Monroe C.: aesthetics
- British, in the 18th century (James Shelley)
- Collingwood — see Collingwood, Robin George: aesthetics
- Dewey — see Dewey, John: aesthetics
- environmental (Allen Carlson)
- feminist — see feminist (interventions): aesthetics
- French, in the 18th century (Jacques Morizot)
- Gadamer — see Gadamer, Hans-Georg: aesthetics
- German, in the 18th century (Paul Guyer)
- Goodman — see Goodman, Nelson: aesthetics
- Hume — see Hume, David: aesthetics
- Japanese — see Japanese Philosophy: aesthetics
- Wittgenstein — see Wittgenstein, Ludwig: aesthetics
- affirmative action (Robert Fullinwider)
- African Philosophy
- sage philosophy (Dismas Masolo)
- afterlife (William Hasker)
- agent-relative vs. agent-neutral reasons — see reasons for action: agent-neutral vs. agent-relative
- agnosticism — see atheism and agnosticism
- Agrippa — see skepticism: ancient
- Agrippa von Nettesheim, Heinrich Cornelius (Charles Nauert)
- Akan Philosophy
- of the person (Ajume Wingo)
- Al-Ghazali (Frank Griffel)
- Al-Kindi (Peter Adamson)
- Albert of Saxony (Joél Biard)
- Albert the Great [= Albertus magnus] (Markus Führer)
- Albo, Joseph (Dror Ehrlich)
- Alcmaeon (Carl Huffman)
- Alexander of Aphrodisias (Dorothea Frede)
- algebra (Vaughan Pratt)
- altruism
- biological (Samir Okasha)
- Alyngton, Robert (Alessandro Conti)
- Ammonius (David Blank)
- Ammonius Saccas — see Plotinus
- analogy
- medieval theories of (E. Jennifer Ashworth)
- analysis (Michael Beaney)
- analytic/synthetic distinction (Georges Rey)
- anaphora (Jeffrey C. King)
- Anaxagoras (Patricia Curd)
- Anaxarchus — see Pyrrho
- animal consciousness — see consciousness: animal
- animals, moral status of (Lori Gruen)
- anomalous monism (Steven Yalowitz)
- Anselm, Saint [Anselm of Bec, Anselm of Canterbury] (Thomas Williams)
- anti-realism, moral — see moral anti-realism
- Antiochus of Ascalon (James Allen)
- appearance vs. reality
- epistemological problems of perception — see perception: epistemological problems of
- skepticism — see skepticism
- Aquinas, Saint Thomas (Ralph McInerny and John O'Callaghan)
- moral, political, and legal philosophy (John Finnis)
- Arabic and Islamic Philosophy, disciplines in
- natural philosophy and natural science (Jon McGinnis)
- Arcesilaus (Charles Brittain)
- Archytas (Carl Huffman)
- Arendt, Hannah (Maurizio Passerin d'Entreves)
- arete — see ethics: ancient
- Aristotelianism
- commentators on Aristotle (Andrea Falcon)
- in the Renaissance (Heinrich Kuhn)
- Aristotle, General Topics
- biology (James Lennox)
- categories (Paul Studtmann)
- ethics (Richard Kraut)
- logic (Robin Smith)
- metaphysics (S. Marc Cohen)
- political theory (Fred Miller)
- psychology (Christopher Shields)
- rhetoric (Christof Rapp)
- Aristotle, Special Topics
- causality (Andrea Falcon)
- mathematics (Henry Mendell)
- natural philosophy (Istvan Bodnar)
- on non-contradiction (Paula Gottlieb)
- Arnauld, Antoine (Elmar Kremer)
- art, conceptual (Elisabeth Schellekens)
- artifact (Risto Hilpinen)
- artificial intelligence
- logic and (Richmond Thomason)
- assertion (Peter Pagin)
- Astell, Mary (Alice Sowaal)
- atheism and agnosticism (J. J. C. Smart)
- atomism
- 17th to 20th century (Alan Chalmers)
- ancient (Sylvia Berryman)
- attributes — see properties
- Augustine, Saint (Michael Mendelson)
- Auriol [Aureol, Aureoli], Peter (Russell L. Friedman)
- Austin, John (Brian Bix)
- authority (Tom Christiano)
- legal — see legal obligation and authority
- automated reasoning — see reasoning: automated
- autonomy
- in moral and political philosophy (John Christman)
- personal (Sarah Buss)
- Ayer, Alfred Jules (Graham Macdonald)
B [jump to top]
- Bacon, Francis (Juergen Klein)
- Bacon, Roger (Jeremiah Hackett)
- Bain, Alexander — see Scottish Philosophy: in the 19th century
- basing relation, epistemic (Keith Allen Korcz)
- Baudrillard, Jean (Douglas Kellner)
- Bauer, Bruno (Douglas Moggach)
- Bayes' Theorem (James Joyce)
- Bayle, Pierre (Thomas M. Lennon)
- Beardsley, Monroe C.
- aesthetics (Michael Wreen)
- Beattie, James — see Scottish Philosophy: in the 18th Century
- Beauvoir, Simone de (Debra Bergoffen)
- behaviorism (George Graham)
- being — see existence
- being and becoming — see time
- in modern physics — see space and time: being and becoming in modern physics
- belief (Eric Schwitzgebel)
- Bell's Theorem (Abner Shimony)
- Bergson, Henri (Leonard Lawlor and Valentine Moulard)
- Berkeley, George (Lisa Downing)
- Berlin, Isaiah (Joshua Cherniss and Henry Hardy)
- binarium famosissimum [= most famous pair] (Paul Vincent Spade)
- biodiversity — see ecology: biodiversity
- biology
- conservation — see conservation biology
- molecular — see molecular biology
- notion of individual (Robert A. Wilson)
- notion of self — see self: the biological notion of
- teleological notions in — see teleology: teleological notions in biology
- Blair, Hugh — see Scottish Philosophy: in the 18th Century
- Bodin, Jean (Mario Turchetti)
- body — see substance
- Boethius, Anicius Manlius Severinus (John Marenbon)
- Bonaventure, Saint (Tim Noone and R. E. Houser)
- Boolean algebra
- the mathematics of (J. Donald Monk)
- Bosanquet, Bernard (William Sweet)
- boundary (Achille Varzi)
- Boyle, Robert (J. J. MacIntosh and Peter Anstey)
- Bradley, Francis Herbert (Stewart Candlish)
- brains in a vat (Tony Brueckner)
- Brentano, Franz (Wolfgang Huemer)
- theory of judgement (Johannes Brandl)
- Brouwer, Luitzen Egbertus Jan (Mark van Atten)
- Brown, Thomas — see Scottish Philosophy: in the 19th century
- Buber, Martin (Michael Zank)
- Buddhism
- Zen — see Japanese Philosophy: Zen Buddhism
- bundle theory — see substance
- Buridan, John [Jean] (Jack Zupko)
- Burke, Edmund (Ian Harris)
- Burley [Burleigh], Walter (Alessandro Conti)
- Burnet, James [Lord Monboddo] — see Scottish Philosophy: in the 18th Century
C [jump to top]
- Caird, Edward — see Scottish Philosophy: in the 19th century
- Callicles — see Plato: Callicles and Thrasymachus
- Cambridge Platonists (Sarah Hutton)
- Campanella, Tommaso (Germana Ernst)
- Campbell, George — see Scottish Philosophy: in the 18th Century
- Carneades (James Allen)
- Cassirer, Ernst (Michael Friedman)
- casuistry — see reasoning: moral
- categories (Amie Thomasson)
- medieval theories of (Jorge Gracia and Lloyd Newton)
- category theory (Jean-Pierre Marquis)
- causation
- backward (Jan Faye)
- causal processes (Phil Dowe)
- counterfactual theories of (Peter Menzies)
- in the law (Antony Honoré)
- and manipulability (James Woodward)
- medieval theories of (Graham White)
- mental — see mental causation
- the metaphysics of (Jonathan Schaffer)
- probabilistic (Christopher Hitchcock)
- censorship — see pornography: and censorship
- change (Chris Mortensen)
- character, moral (Marcia Homiak)
- Chatton, Walter (Rondo Keele)
- childhood, the philosophy of (Gareth Matthews)
- children, philosophy for (Michael Pritchard)
- Chinese room argument (David Cole)
- Christian theology, philosophy and (Michael Murray)
- Church-Turing Thesis (B. Jack Copeland)
- Church's Thesis — see Church-Turing Thesis
- citizenship (Dominique Leydet)
- civic humanism (Athanasios Moulakis)
- civil disobedience (Kimberley Brownlee)
- civil rights (Andrew Altman)
- Clarke, Samuel (Ezio Vailati)
- Clement of Alexandria — see doxography of ancient philosophy
- Cockburn, Catharine Trotter (Patricia Sheridan)
- coercion (Scott Anderson)
- cognitive science (Paul Thagard)
- cognitivism vs. non-cognitivism, moral (Mark van Roojen)
- Collingwood, Robin George (Giuseppina D'Oro)
- aesthetics (Gary Kemp)
- Collins, Anthony (William Uzgalis)
- colonialism (Margaret Kohn)
- color (Barry Maund)
- common knowledge (Peter Vanderschraaf and Giacomo Sillari)
- communitarianism (Daniel Bell)
- comparative philosophy
- Chinese and Western (David Wong)
- compatibilism (Michael McKenna)
- composition, the vagueness of — see many, problem of
- compositionality (Zoltán Gendler Szabó)
- computability and complexity (Neil Immerman)
- computational theory of mind — see mind: computational theory of
- computer ethics
- basic concepts and historical overview (Terrell Bynum)
- computing
- modern history of (B. Jack Copeland)
- and moral responsibility (Kari Gwen Coleman)
- concepts (Eric Margolis and Stephen Laurence)
- condemnation of 1277 (Hans Thijssen)
- Condillac, Étienne Bonnot de (Lorne Falkenstein)
- conditionals (Dorothy Edgington)
- logic of — see logic: conditionals
- Confucius (Jeffrey Riegel)
- connectionism (James Garson)
- conscience
- medieval theories of (Douglas Langston)
- consciousness (Robert Van Gulick)
- animal (Colin Allen)
- higher-order theories (Peter Carruthers)
- and intentionality (Charles Siewert)
- representational theories of (William Lycan)
- unity of (Andrew Brook and Paul Raymont)
- consent — see political obligation
- consequentialism (Walter Sinnott-Armstrong)
- rule (Brad Hooker)
- conservation biology (Sahotra Sarkar)
- constitutionalism (Wil Waluchow)
- contextualism, epistemic (Patrick Rysiew)
- continuant — see change
- continuity and infinitesimals (John L. Bell)
- contractarianism (Ann Cudd)
- contractualism (Elizabeth Ashford and Tim Mulgan)
- contradiction (Laurence R. Horn)
- convention (Michael Rescorla)
- Conway, Lady Anne (Sarah Hutton)
- Copernicus, Nicolaus (Sheila Rabin)
- Cordemoy, Geraud de (Fred Ablondi)
- corruption (Seumas Miller)
- cosmological argument (Bruce Reichenbach)
- cosmology
- methodological debates in the 1930s and 1940s (George Gale)
- cosmopolitanism (Pauline Kleingeld and Eric Brown)
- counterpart theory — see possible objects
- Crathorn, William (Aurélien Robert)
- creation and conservation (Jonathan Kvanvig)
- creationism (Michael Ruse)
- criminal law, theories of (Antony Duff)
- critical theory (James Bohman)
- Cudworth, Ralph — see Cambridge Platonists
- Culverwell, Nathaniel — see Cambridge Platonists
- Curry's paradox (JC Beall)
D [jump to top]
- Damian, Peter (Toivo J. Holopainen)
- Dante Alighieri (Winthrop Wetherbee)
- Daoism — see Taoism
- Darwinism (James Lennox)
- Daud, Abraham Ibn — see Ibn Daud, Abraham
- David (Christian Wildberg)
- Davidson, Donald (Jeff Malpas)
- death (Steven Luper)
- de Beauvoir, Simone — see Beauvoir, Simone de
- deception
- self — see self-deception
- defaults in semantics and pragmatics (K. M. Jaszczolt)
- Delmedigo, Elijah (Jacob Ross)
- democracy (Tom Christiano)
- Democritus (Sylvia Berryman)
- demonstration
- Aristotle's theory of — see Aristotle, General Topics: logic
- medieval theories of (John Longeway)
- demonstratives — see indexicals
- denotation — see reference
- dependence, ontological (E. Jonathan Lowe)
- Derrida, Jacques (Leonard Lawlor)
- Descartes, René
- epistemology (Lex Newman)
- ethics (Donald Rutherford)
- life and works (Kurt Smith)
- modal metaphysics (David Cunning)
- ontological argument (Lawrence Nolan)
- physics (Edward Slowik)
- and the pineal gland (Gert-Jan Lokhorst)
- theory of emotion — see emotion: 17th and 18th century theories of
- theory of ideas (Andrew Pessin)
- descriptions (Peter Ludlow)
- desert (Owen McLeod)
- Desgabets, Robert (Patricia Easton)
- design, argument from — see teleology: teleological arguments for God's existence
- determinates vs. determinables (David H. Sanford)
- determinism
- causal (Carl Hoefer)
- developmental biology
- epigenesis and preformationism (Jane Maienschein)
- Dewey, John
- aesthetics (Tom Leddy)
- moral philosophy (Elizabeth Anderson)
- political philosophy (Matthew Festenstein)
- diagrams (Sun-Joo Shin and Oliver Lemon)
- Dialectical School (Susanne Bobzien)
- dialetheism [dialethism] (Graham Priest)
- Dietrich of Freiberg (Markus Führer)
- Diogenes Laertius — see doxography of ancient philosophy
- Dionysius the Areopagite — see Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite
- discourse representation theory (Bart Geurts and David I. Beaver)
- disjunction (Ray Jennings)
- dispositions (Michael Fara)
- distributive justice — see justice: distributive
- diversity
- religious — see religious diversity
- divine, concepts of the — see God: concepts of
- divine command theory — see voluntarism, theological
- divine illumination (Robert Pasnau)
- doing vs. allowing harm (Frances Howard-Snyder)
- double effect, doctrine of (Alison McIntyre)
- doxography of ancient philosophy (Jaap Mansfeld)
- dualism (Howard Robinson)
- Duhem, Pierre (Roger Ariew)
- Dunbar, James — see Scottish Philosophy: in the 18th Century
- Duns Scotus, John (Thomas Williams)
E [jump to top]
- Eckhart, Meister — see Meister Eckhart
- ecology (Sahotra Sarkar)
- biodiversity (Daniel P. Faith)
- conservation biology — see conservation biology
- economics, philosophy of (Daniel M. Hausman)
- economics and economic justice (Marc Fleurbaey)
- Edwards, Jonathan (William Wainwright)
- egalitarianism (Richard Arneson)
- egoism (Robert Shaver)
- Einstein, Albert
- the hole argument — see space and time: the hole argument
- philosophy of science (Don A. Howard)
- Elias (Christian Wildberg)
- emergent properties (Timothy O'Connor and Hong Yu Wong)
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo (Russell Goodman)
- emotion (Ronald de Sousa)
- 17th and 18th century theories of (Amy M. Schmitter)
- in the Christian tradition (Robert Roberts)
- Empedocles (Richard Parry)
- empiricism — see rationalism vs. empiricism
- entailment — see logical consequence
- envy (Justin D'Arms)
- Epicurus (David Konstan)
- epiphenomenalism (William Robinson)
- episteme and techne [= scientific knowledge and expertise] (Richard Parry)
- epistemic basing relation — see basing relation, epistemic
- epistemic closure principle (Steven Luper)
- epistemic paradoxes (Roy Sorensen)
- epistemology (Matthias Steup)
- Bayesian (William Talbott)
- contextualism in — see contextualism, epistemic
- evolutionary (Michael Bradie and William Harms)
- feminist — see feminist (interventions): epistemology and philosophy of science
- moral — see moral epistemology
- naturalized (Richard Feldman)
- social (Alvin Goldman)
- social feminist — see feminist (interventions): social epistemology
- virtue (John Greco)
- epsilon calculus (Jeremy Avigad and Richard Zach)
- equality (Stefan Gosepath)
- of opportunity (Richard Arneson)
- equivalence of mass and energy (Francisco Flores)
- Eriugena, John Scottus (Dermot Moran)
- eternity (Paul Helm)
- ethics
- ancient (Richard Parry)
- computer — see computer ethics: basic concepts and historical overview
- environmental (Andrew Brennan and Yeuk-Sze Lo)
- feminist — see feminist (interventions): ethics
- natural law tradition (Mark Murphy)
- and personal identity — see personal identity: and ethics
- utilitarian — see consequentialism
- virtue (Rosalind Hursthouse)
- ethics, applied
- phenomenological approaches to ethics and information technology — see information technology: phenomenological approaches to ethics and
- eudaimonia — see ethics: ancient
- euthanasia
- voluntary (Robert Young)
- events (Roberto Casati and Achille Varzi)
- evidence (Thomas Kelly)
- evil, problem of (Michael Tooley)
- evolution (Phillip Sloan)
- evolutionary game theory — see game theory: evolutionary
- existence (Barry Miller)
- existentialism (Steven Crowell)
- experimentation
- in physics — see physics: experiment in
- explanation
- scientific — see scientific explanation
- exploitation (Alan Wertheimer)
- extrinsic — see intrinsic vs. extrinsic properties
- Ezra, Abraham Ibn — see Ibn Ezra, Abraham
F [jump to top]
- Falaquera, Shem Tov Ibn (Steve Harvey)
- fallacies — see logic: informal
- fatalism (Hugh Rice)
- federalism (Andreas Føllesdal)
- feminism, approaches to (Nancy Tuana)
- analytic philosophy (Ann Garry)
- continental philosophy (Ann J. Cahill)
- intersections between analytic and continental philosophy (Georgia Warnke)
- intersections between pragmatist and continental philosophy (Shannon Sullivan)
- pragmatism (Judy Whipps)
- feminist (interventions)
- aesthetics (Carolyn Korsmeyer)
- bioethics (Anne Donchin)
- epistemology and philosophy of science (Elizabeth Anderson)
- ethics (Rosemarie Tong and Nancy Williams)
- history of philosophy (Charlotte Witt)
- metaphysics (Sally Haslanger)
- philosophy of language (Jennifer Saul)
- philosophy of religion (Nancy Frankenberry)
- social epistemology (Heidi Grasswick)
- feminist (topics) (Sally Haslanger and Nancy Tuana)
- perspectives on class and work (Ann Ferguson)
- perspectives on power (Amy Allen)
- perspectives on reproduction and the family (Debra Satz)
- perspectives on sex markets (Laurie Shrage)
- perspectives on the self (Diana Meyers)
- Ferguson, Adam — see Scottish Philosophy: in the 18th Century
- Ferrier, James — see Scottish Philosophy: in the 19th century
- Feuerbach, Ludwig Andreas (Van A. Harvey)
- Feyerabend, Paul (John Preston)
- Fichte, Johann Gottlieb (Dan Breazeale)
- fictionalism (Matti Eklund)
- modal (Daniel Nolan)
- fideism (Richard Amesbury)
- film, philosophy of (Thomas Wartenberg)
- Fitch's paradox of knowability (Berit Brogaard and Joe Salerno)
- fitness (Alexander Rosenberg and Frederic Bouchard)
- folk psychology
- as mental simulation (Robert M. Gordon)
- as a theory (Ian Ravenscroft)
- foreknowledge, divine — see free will: divine foreknowledge and
- Forms [Platonic] — see Plato: middle period metaphysics and epistemology
- Foucault, Michel (Gary Gutting)
- four dimensionalism — see temporal parts
- frame problem (Murray Shanahan)
- Francis of Marchia (Christopher Schabel)
- freedom
- free rider problem (Russell Hardin)
- free will (Timothy O'Connor)
- (nondeterministic) theories of — see incompatibilism: (nondeterministic) theories of free will
- divine foreknowledge and (Linda Zagzebski)
- Frege, Gottlob (Edward N. Zalta)
- logic, theorem, and foundations for arithmetic (Edward N. Zalta)
- friendship (Bennett Helm)
- function
- in biology — see teleology: teleological notions in biology
- recursive (Piergiorgio Odifreddi)
- functionalism (Janet Levin)
- future contingents
- medieval theories of (Simo Knuuttila)
G [jump to top]
- Gadamer, Hans-Georg (Jeff Malpas)
- aesthetics (Nicholas Davey)
- Galileo Galilei (Peter Machamer)
- game theory (Don Ross)
- and ethics (Bruno Verbeek and Christopher Morris)
- evolutionary (J. McKenzie Alexander)
- Gassendi, Pierre (Saul Fisher)
- gene (Hans-Jörg Rheinberger and Staffan Müller-Wille)
- generalized quantifiers (Dag Westerståhl)
- general relativity
- early philosophical interpretations of (Thomas A. Ryckman)
- genetics
- evolutionary (Michael Wade)
- genotype/phenotype distinction (Richard Lewontin)
- molecular (Ken Waters)
- population (Samir Okasha)
- geometry
- finitism in (Jean-Paul Van Bendegem)
- in the 19th century (Roberto Torretti)
- Gerard, Alexander — see Scottish Philosophy: in the 18th Century
- German Philosophy
- in the 18th century, prior to Kant (Brigitte Sassen)
- Gersonides (Tamar Rudavsky)
- Giles of Rome (Roberto Lambertini)
- given, the — see justification, epistemic: foundationalist theories of
- globalization (William Scheuerman)
- God
- concepts of (William Wainwright)
- and other necessary beings (Matthew Davidson)
- God, arguments for belief in
- pragmatic — see pragmatic arguments for belief in God
- God, arguments for the existence of
- cosmological — see cosmological argument
- Descartes' ontological — see Descartes, René: ontological argument
- moral arguments (Peter Byrne)
- ontological — see ontological arguments
- teleological — see teleology: teleological arguments for God's existence
- Godfrey of Fontaines (John Wippel)
- Godwin, William (Mark Philp)
- Gödel, Kurt (Juliette Kennedy)
- Goodman, Nelson
- aesthetics (Alessandro Giovannelli)
- Green, Thomas Hill (Colin Tyler)
- Gregory of Rimini (Christopher Schabel)
- Grice, Paul (Richard E. Grandy and Richard Warner)
- Grosseteste, Robert (Neil Lewis)
- Grotius, Hugo (Jon Miller)
H [jump to top]
- Habermas, Jürgen (James Bohman and William Rehg)
- haecceity — see substance
- medieval theories of (Richard Cross)
- Hamann, Johann Georg (Gwen Griffith-Dickson)
- Hamilton, William — see Scottish Philosophy: in the 19th century
- Hartley, David (Richard Allen)
- Hartshorne, Charles (Dan Dombrowski)
- heaven and hell (Jonathan Kvanvig)
- hedonism (Andrew Moore)
- Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich (Paul Redding)
- hell — see heaven and hell
- Heraclitus (Daniel W. Graham)
- Herder, Johann Gottfried von (Michael Forster)
- heredity and heritability (Stephen M. Downes)
- hermeneutics (Bjørn Ramberg and Kristin Gjesdal)
- Heytesbury, William (John Longeway)
- Hilbert, David
- program in the foundations of mathematics (Richard Zach)
- history, philosophy of (Daniel Little)
- Hobbes, Thomas
- moral and political philosophy (Sharon A. Lloyd)
- theory of emotion — see emotion: 17th and 18th century theories of
- Holbach, Paul-Henri Thiry (Baron) d' (Michael LeBuffe)
- holes (Roberto Casati and Achille Varzi)
- Holkot [Holcot], Robert (Hester Gelber)
- Home, Henry [Lord Kames] — see Scottish Philosophy: in the 18th Century
- homosexuality (Brent Pickett)
- humanism
- civic — see civic humanism
- human rights — see rights: human
- Humboldt, Wilhelm von (Kurt Mueller-Vollmer)
- Hume, David (William Edward Morris)
- aesthetics (Ted Gracyk)
- moral philosophy (Rachel Cohon)
- Newtonianism and Anti-Newtonianism (Eric Schliesser)
- on religion (Paul Russell)
- theory of emotion — see emotion: 17th and 18th century theories of
- Husserl, Edmund (Christian Beyer)
- Hutcheson, Francis — see Scottish Philosophy: in the 18th Century
- theory of emotion — see emotion: 17th and 18th century theories of
- Hutton, James — see Scottish Philosophy: in the 18th Century
- hybrid logic — see logic: hybrid
I [jump to top]
- Ibn Daud, Abraham (Resianne Fontaine)
- Ibn Ezra, Abraham (Tzvi Langermann)
- Ibn Falaquera, Shem Tov — see Falaquera, Shem Tov Ibn
- Ibn Tibbon, Samuel — see Tibbon, Samuel Ibn
- identity (Harold Noonan)
- of indiscernibles (Peter Forrest)
- over time (Andre Gallois)
- personal — see personal identity
- relative (Harry Deutsch)
- transworld (Penelope Mackie)
- identity politics (Cressida Heyes)
- identity theory of mind (J. J. C. Smart)
- idiolects (Alex Barber)
- imagery, mental — see mental imagery
- imitation game — see Turing test
- immortality — see afterlife
- immunology, philosophy of — see self: the biological notion of
- immutability (Brian Leftow)
- impartiality (Troy Jollimore)
- implicature (Wayne Davis)
- optimality theoretic and game theoretic approaches (Robert van Rooij)
- incommensurability
- of values — see value: incommensurable
- incomparable values — see value: incommensurable
- incompatibilism
- (nondeterministic) theories of free will (Randolph Clarke)
- arguments for (Kadri Vihvelin)
- indexicals (David Braun)
- individual, biological notion of — see biology: notion of individual
- individualism, methodological (Joseph Heath)
- induction
- problem of (John Vickers)
- inductive logic — see logic: inductive
- inequality — see equality
- inertial systems — see space and time: inertial frames
- infinitesimals — see continuity and infinitesimals
- informal logic — see logic: informal
- information
- semantic conceptions of (Luciano Floridi)
- information technology
- phenomenological approaches to ethics and (Lucas Introna)
- Ingarden, Roman (Amie Thomasson)
- inherence — see substance
- insolubles [= insolubilia] (Paul Vincent Spade)
- integrity (Damian Cox, Marguerite La Caze, and Michael Levine)
- intelligent design, theory of — see creationism
- intensional transitive verbs (Graeme Forbes)
- intentionality (Pierre Jacob)
- consciousness and — see consciousness: and intentionality
- in ancient philosophy (Victor Caston)
- intrinsic vs. extrinsic properties (Brian Weatherson)
- intuitionistic logic — see logic: intuitionistic
- inverted qualia — see qualia: inverted
- Israeli, Isaac (Leonard Levin and R. David Walker)
J [jump to top]
- Jacobi, Friedrich Heinrich (George di Giovanni)
- James, William (Russell Goodman)
- Japanese Philosophy
- aesthetics (Graham Parkes)
- Kokugaku School [Native Studies School] (Susan Burns)
- Kûkai (John Krummel)
- Kyoto School (Bret W. Davis)
- Nishida Kitarô — see Nishida Kitarô
- Watsuji Tetsurô — see Watsuji Tetsurô
- Zen Buddhism (Shigenori Nagatomo)
- Jaspers, Karl (Chris Thornhill)
- Jevons, William Stanley (Bert Mosselmans)
- John of Salisbury (Kevin Guilfoy)
- judgment
- aesthetic — see aesthetics: aesthetic judgment
- justice
- distributive (Julian Lamont and Christi Favor)
- intergenerational (Lukas Meyer)
- international (Michael Blake)
- as a virtue (Michael Slote)
- justification, epistemic
- coherentist theories of (Jonathan Kvanvig)
- foundationalist theories of (Richard Fumerton)
- internalist vs. externalist conceptions of (George Pappas)
- justification, political
- public (Fred D'Agostino)
K [jump to top]
- Kant, Immanuel
- aesthetics and teleology (Hannah Ginsborg)
- critique of metaphysics (Michelle Grier)
- and Leibniz (Catherine Wilson)
- moral philosophy (Robert Johnson)
- philosophical development (Martin Schönfeld)
- philosophy of religion (Philip Rossi)
- philosophy of science (Eric Watkins)
- social and political philosophy (Frederick Rauscher)
- theory of judgment (Robert Hanna)
- view of mind and consciousness of self (Andrew Brook)
- Kaspi, Joseph (Hannah Kasher)
- Kierkegaard, Søren (William McDonald)
- killing vs. letting die — see doing vs. allowing harm
- Kilvington, Richard (Elzbieta Jung)
- knowledge
- analysis of (Matthias Steup)
- by acquaintance vs. description (Richard Fumerton)
- self- — see self-knowledge
- knowledge, value of (Duncan Pritchard)
- Kochen-Specker theorem — see quantum mechanics: Kochen-Specker theorem
- Kuhn, Thomas (Alexander Bird)
- Kûkai — see Japanese Philosophy: Kûkai
L [jump to top]
- Lange, Friedrich Albert (Nadeem J. Z. Hussain)
- language of thought hypothesis (Murat Aydede)
- Laozi (Alan Chan)
- law
- and ideology (Christine Sypnowich)
- and language (Timothy Endicott)
- limits of — see limits of law
- nature of — see nature of law: natural law theories
- laws of nature (John W. Carroll)
- learning theory, formal (Oliver Schulte)
- legal obligation and authority (Leslie Green)
- legal philosophy
- economic analysis of law (Lewis Kornhauser)
- legal positivism — see nature of law: legal positivism
- legal punishment — see punishment, legal
- legal reasoning
- interpretation and coherence in (Julie Dickson)
- precedent and analogy in (Grant Lamond)
- legal rights (Kenneth Campbell)
- Le Grand, Antoine (Patricia Easton)
- Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm
- ethics (Andrew Youpa)
- on causation (Marc Bobro)
- on the problem of evil (Michael Murray)
- philosophy of mind (Mark Kulstad and Laurence Carlin)
- Leucippus (Sylvia Berryman)
- Levinas, Emmanuel (Bettina Bergo)
- liberalism (Gerald Gaus and Shane D. Courtland)
- libertarianism (Peter Vallentyne)
- liberty
- positive and negative (Ian Carter)
- life (Bruce Weber)
- meaning of (Thaddeus Metz)
- lifeworld — see Husserl, Edmund
- limits of law (John Stanton-Ife)
- linear logic — see logic: linear
- Lipsius, Justus (Jan Papy)
- Locke, John (William Uzgalis)
- political philosophy (Alex Tuckness)
- logic
- ancient (Susanne Bobzien)
- and artificial intelligence — see artificial intelligence: logic and
- of belief revision (Sven Ove Hansson)
- classical (Stewart Shapiro)
- combining (Walter Carnielli and Marcelo Esteban Coniglio)
- conditionals (Horacio Arlo-Costa)
- connexive (Heinrich Wansing)
- deontic (Paul McNamara)
- epistemic (Vincent Hendricks and John Symons)
- fuzzy (Petr Hajek)
- and games (Wilfrid Hodges)
- hybrid (Torben Braüner)
- inductive (James Hawthorne)
- infinitary (John L. Bell)
- informal (Leo Groarke)
- intensional (Melvin Fitting)
- intuitionistic (Joan Moschovakis)
- linear (Roberto Di Cosmo and Dale Miller)
- many-valued (Siegfried Gottwald)
- modal (James Garson)
- non-monotonic (G. Aldo Antonelli)
- paraconsistent (Graham Priest and Koji Tanaka)
- propositional dynamic (Philippe Balbiani)
- provability (Rineke (L.C.) Verbrugge)
- relevance (Edwin Mares)
- substructural (Greg Restall)
- temporal (Antony Galton)
- logic, history of
- set theory, early — see set theory: early development
- logical atomism
- Russell's (Kevin Klement)
- Wittgenstein's (Ian Proops)
- logical consequence (JC Beall and Greg Restall)
- propositional consequence relations and algebraic logic (Ramon Jansana)
- logical constants (John MacFarlane)
- logical constructions (Bernard Linsky)
- logical form (Paul Pietroski)
- logical truth (Mario Gómez-Torrente)
- logic and ontology (Thomas Hofweber)
- Lotze, Hermann (David Sullivan)
- love (Bennett Helm)
- loyalty (John Kleinig)
- luck
- justice and bad luck (Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen)
- moral (Dana K. Nelkin)
- Lucretius (David Sedley)
- Lvov-Warsaw School (Jan Woleński)
M [jump to top]
- Machiavelli, Niccolò (Cary Nederman)
- Maimon, Salomon (Peter Thielke and Yitzhak Melamed)
- Maimonides (Kenneth Seeskin)
- the influence of Islamic thought on (Sarah Pessin)
- Malebranche, Nicolas (Tad Schmaltz)
- theory of emotion — see emotion: 17th and 18th century theories of
- theory of ideas and vision in God (Lawrence Nolan)
- Mally, Ernst (Alexander Hieke and Gerhard Zecha)
- deontic logic (Gert-Jan Lokhorst)
- many, problem of (Brian Weatherson)
- Marcel, Gabriel (-Honoré) (Brian Treanor)
- Maritain, Jacques (William Sweet)
- Marsilius of Inghen (Maarten Hoenen)
- Marx, Karl (Jonathan Wolff)
- Masham, Lady Damaris (Sarah Hutton)
- mass/energy equivalence — see equivalence of mass and energy
- materialism
- eliminative (William Ramsey)
- mathematics
- constructive (Douglas Bridges)
- inconsistent (Chris Mortensen)
- mathematics, foundations of
- Hilbert's program — see Hilbert, David: program in the foundations of mathematics
- mathematics, philosophy of
- indispensability arguments in the (Mark Colyvan)
- Wittgenstein — see Wittgenstein, Ludwig: philosophy of mathematics
- measurement
- in quantum theory — see quantum theory: measurement in
- medieval philosophy (Paul Vincent Spade)
- literary forms of (Eileen Sweeney)
- medieval theories
- analogy — see analogy: medieval theories of
- categories — see categories: medieval theories of
- causation — see causation: medieval theories of
- conscience — see conscience: medieval theories of
- of demonstration — see demonstration: medieval theories of
- future contingents — see future contingents: medieval theories of
- haecceity — see haecceity: medieval theories of
- of mental representation — see mental representation: in medieval philosophy
- modality — see modality: medieval theories of
- of obligationes — see obligationes, medieval theories of
- practical reason — see practical reason: medieval theories of
- properties of terms — see terms, properties of: medieval theories of
- relations — see relations: medieval theories of
- of singular terms — see singular terms: medieval theories of
- syllogism — see syllogism: medieval theories of
- Meister Eckhart (Burkhard Mojsisch and Orrin F. Summerell)
- memory (John Sutton)
- epistemological problems of (Thomas D. Senor)
- Mencius (Kwong Loi Shun)
- Mendelssohn, Moses (Daniel Dahlstrom)
- mental causation (David Robb and John Heil)
- mental content
- externalism about (Joe Lau)
- narrow (Curtis Brown)
- nonconceptual (José Bermúdez)
- teleological theories of (Karen Neander)
- mental illness (Christian Perring)
- mental imagery (Nigel J.T. Thomas)
- mental representation (David Pitt)
- in medieval philosophy (Henrik Lagerlund)
- mereology (Achille Varzi)
- medieval (Andrew Arlig)
- Merleau-Ponty, Maurice (Bernard Flynn)
- metaethics (Geoff Sayre-McCord)
- moral anti-realism — see moral anti-realism
- moral cognitivism vs. non-cognitivism — see cognitivism vs. non-cognitivism, moral
- moral epistemology — see moral epistemology
- moral motivation — see motivation: moral
- moral naturalism — see naturalism: moral
- moral non-naturalism — see non-naturalism, moral
- moral particularism — see moral particularism
- moral realism — see moral realism
- moral skepticism — see skepticism: moral
- metaphysics (Peter van Inwagen)
- Mill, Harriet Taylor (Dale E. Miller)
- Mill, James (Terence Ball)
- Mill, John Stuart (Fred Wilson)
- mind
- computational theory of (Steven Horst)
- identity theory of — see identity theory of mind
- miracles (Michael Levine)
- modality
- medieval theories of (Simo Knuuttila)
- modal logic — see logic: modal
- models in science (Roman Frigg and Stephan Hartmann)
- model theory (Wilfrid Hodges)
- first-order (Wilfrid Hodges)
- Mohism (Chris Fraser)
- Mohist Canons (Chris Fraser)
- molecular biology (Lindley Darden and James Tabery)
- Molyneux's problem (Marjolein Degenaar and Gert-Jan Lokhorst)
- monism (Jonathan Schaffer)
- anomalous — see anomalous monism
- monotheism (William Wainwright)
- Montaigne, Michel de (Marc Foglia)
- Montesquieu, Charles-Louis de Secondat, Baron de (Hilary Bok)
- Moore, George Edward (Tom Baldwin)
- moral philosophy (Thomas Hurka)
- moral anti-realism (Richard Joyce)
- moral character — see character, moral
- moral dilemmas (Terrance McConnell)
- moral epistemology (Richmond Campbell)
- morality, definition of (Bernard Gert)
- moral luck — see luck: moral
- moral naturalism — see naturalism: moral
- moral non-naturalism — see non-naturalism, moral
- moral particularism (Jonathan Dancy)
- moral psychology
- empirical approaches (John Doris and Stephen Stich)
- moral realism (Geoff Sayre-McCord)
- moral reasoning — see reasoning: moral
- moral relativism (Chris Gowans)
- moral responsibility (Andrew Eshleman)
- moral skepticism — see skepticism: moral
- moral status
- of animals — see animals, moral status of
- More, Henry (John Henry)
- motivation
- moral (Connie S. Rosati)
- multiple realizability (John Bickle)
- mysticism (Jerome Gellman)
N [jump to top]
- nationalism (Nenad Miscevic)
- Natorp, Paul (Alan Kim)
- naturalism (David Papineau)
- in epistemology — see epistemology: naturalized
- in legal philosophy (Brian Leiter)
- moral (James Lenman)
- natural law
- tradition in ethics — see ethics: natural law tradition
- natural selection
- units and levels of (Elisabeth Lloyd)
- nature of law (Andrei Marmor)
- interpretivist theories (Nicos Stavropoulos)
- legal positivism (Leslie Green)
- natural law theories (John Finnis)
- pure theory of law (Andrei Marmor)
- necessary and sufficient conditions (Andrew Brennan)
- necessary beings
- and God — see God: and other necessary beings
- neuroscience, philosophy of (John Bickle, Peter Mandik, and Anthony Landreth)
- neutral monism (Leopold Stubenberg)
- Newton, Isaac
- philosophy (Andrew Janiak)
- views on space, time, and motion (Robert Rynasiewicz)
- Nicholas of Autrecourt [de Altricuria, Autricuria, Ultricuria, Autricort] (Hans Thijssen)
- Nietzsche, Friedrich (Robert Wicks)
- moral and political philosophy (Brian Leiter)
- Nishida Kitarô (John Maraldo)
- noema — see Husserl, Edmund
- non-naturalism, moral (Michael Ridge)
- nonconceptual content — see mental content: nonconceptual
- nonexistent objects (Maria Reicher)
- Norris, John (June Yang)
- nothingness (Roy Sorensen)
O [jump to top]
- object (Henry Laycock)
- obligation
- legal — see legal obligation and authority
- obligationes, medieval theories of (Paul Vincent Spade)
- obligations
- special (Diane Jeske)
- Ockham [Occam], William (Paul Vincent Spade)
- Olivi, Peter John (Robert Pasnau)
- Olympiodorus (Christian Wildberg)
- omnipotence (Joshua Hoffman and Gary Rosenkrantz)
- omnipresence (Edward Wierenga)
- ontological arguments (Graham Oppy)
- ontological dependence — see dependence, ontological
- original position (Fred D'Agostino)
- other minds (Alec Hyslop)
P [jump to top]
- pacifism (Andrew Fiala)
- pain (Murat Aydede)
- panpsychism (William Seager and Sean Allen-Hermanson)
- pantheism (Michael Levine)
- paradox
- Curry's — see Curry's paradox
- Fitch's paradox of knowability — see Fitch's paradox of knowability
- Russell's paradox — see Russell's paradox
- Simpson's paradox — see Simpson's paradox
- St. Petersburg paradox — see St. Petersburg paradox
- Zeno's paradoxes — see Zeno's paradoxes
- epistemic — see epistemic paradoxes
- parenthood and procreation (Tim Bayne and Avery Kolers)
- part/whole — see mereology
- Pascal, Blaise (Desmond Clarke)
- Pascal's wager (Alan Hájek)
- paternalism (Gerald Dworkin)
- Patrizi, Francesco (Fred Purnell)
- Paul of Venice (Alessandro Conti)
- Peirce, Benjamin (Ivor Grattan-Guinness and Alison Walsh)
- Peirce, Charles Sanders (Robert Burch)
- logic (Eric Hammer)
- theory of signs (Albert Atkin)
- Penbygull, William (Alessandro Conti)
- perception
- the contents of (Susanna Siegel)
- epistemological problems of (Laurence BonJour)
- the problem of (Tim Crane)
- perfectionism, in moral and political philosophy (Steven Wall)
- persistence — see temporal parts
- personal identity (Eric T. Olson)
- and ethics (David Shoemaker)
- persons — see personal identity
- Peter of Spain [= Petrus Hispanus] (Joke Spruyt)
- Petrizi, Joane (Tengiz Iremadze)
- phenomenology (David Woodruff Smith)
- Philip the Chancellor (Colleen McCluskey)
- Philolaus (Carl Huffman)
- Philo of Larissa (Charles Brittain)
- Philoponus (Christian Wildberg)
- Philo the Dialectician — see Dialectical School
- physicalism (Daniel Stoljar)
- physics
- experiment in (Allan Franklin)
- holism and nonseparability (Richard Healey)
- intertheory relations in (Robert Batterman)
- quantum field theory — see quantum theory: quantum field theory
- Reichenbach's common cause principle (Frank Arntzenius)
- structuralism in (Heinz-Juergen Schmidt)
- symmetry and symmetry breaking (Katherine Brading and Elena Castellani)
- pineal gland — see Descartes, René: and the pineal gland
- Plato (Richard Kraut)
- Callicles and Thrasymachus (Rachel Barney)
- Cratylus (David Sedley)
- ethics (Dorothea Frede)
- ethics and politics in The Republic (Eric Brown)
- friendship and eros (C. D. C. Reeve)
- method and metaphysics in the Sophist and Statesman (Mary Louise Gill)
- middle period metaphysics and epistemology (Allan Silverman)
- on knowledge in the Theaetetus (Timothy Chappell)
- on utopia (Chris Bobonich)
- Parmenides (Samuel Rickless)
- rhetoric and poetry (Charles Griswold)
- shorter ethical works (Paul Woodruff)
- Timaeus (Donald Zeyl)
- Platonism
- in metaphysics (Mark Balaguer)
- pleasure (Leonard D. Katz)
- Plotinus (Lloyd Gerson)
- pluralism
- religious — see religious diversity
- plurality of forms — see binarium famosissimum
- plural quantification (Øystein Linnebo)
- political obligation (Richard Dagger)
- political philosophy
- medieval (John Kilcullen)
- Pomponazzi, Pietro (Stefano Perfetti)
- Popper, Karl (Stephen Thornton)
- population genetics — see genetics: population
- pornography
- and censorship (Caroline West)
- Porphyry (Eyjólfur Emilsson)
- possible objects (Takashi Yagisawa)
- postmodernism (Gary Aylesworth)
- practical reason (R. Jay Wallace)
- medieval theories of (Anthony Celano)
- and the structure of actions (Elijah Millgram)
- pragmatic arguments for belief in God (Jeff Jordan)
- pragmatics (Kepa Korta and John Perry)
- defaults in — see defaults in semantics and pragmatics
- predicate calculus — see logic: classical
- preferences (Sven Ove Hansson and Till Grüne-Yanoff)
- preformationism — see developmental biology: epigenesis and preformationism
- Presocratic Philosophy (Patricia Curd)
- Principia Mathematica (A. D. Irvine)
- notation in (Bernard Linsky)
- Prior, Arthur (B. Jack Copeland)
- prisoner's dilemma (Steven Kuhn)
- privacy (Judith DeCew)
- private language (Stewart Candlish)
- probability, interpretations of (Alan Hájek)
- process philosophy (Nicholas Rescher)
- process theism — see theism: process
- procreation — see parenthood and procreation
- properties (Chris Swoyer)
- emergent — see emergent properties
- property (Jeremy Waldron)
- prophecy (Scott Davison)
- propositional attitude reports (Thomas McKay and Michael Nelson)
- propositional consequence relations in algebraic logic — see logical consequence: propositional consequence relations and algebraic logic
- propositions (Matthew McGrath)
- singular (Greg Fitch)
- structured (Jeffrey C. King)
- providence, divine (Hugh J. McCann)
- Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite (Kevin Corrigan and Michael Harrington)
- psyche — see soul, ancient theories of
- psychologism (Martin Kusch)
- publicity (Axel Gosseries)
- punishment (Hugo Adam Bedau)
- punishment, legal (Antony Duff)
- Pyrrho (Richard Bett)
- Pyrrhonism — see skepticism: ancient
- Pythagoras (Carl Huffman)
- Pythagoreanism (Carl Huffman)
Q [jump to top]
- qualia (Michael Tye)
- inverted (Alex Byrne)
- knowledge argument (Martine Nida-Rümelin)
- quantum mechanics (Jenann Ismael)
- action at a distance in (Joseph Berkovitz)
- Bell's Theorem — see Bell's Theorem
- Bohmian mechanics (Sheldon Goldstein)
- collapse theories (Giancarlo Ghirardi)
- Copenhagen interpretation of (Jan Faye)
- Everett's relative-state formulation of (Jeffrey Barrett)
- Kochen-Specker theorem (Carsten Held)
- many-worlds interpretation of (Lev Vaidman)
- modal interpretations of (Michael Dickson)
- relational (Federico Laudisa and Carlo Rovelli)
- the role of decoherence in (Guido Bacciagaluppi)
- quantum theory
- and consciousness (Harald Atmanspacher)
- the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen argument in (Arthur Fine)
- identity and individuality in (Steven French)
- measurement in (Henry Krips)
- quantum computing (Amit Hagar)
- quantum entanglement and information (Jeffrey Bub)
- quantum field theory (Meinard Kuhlmann)
- quantum gravity (Steven Weinstein)
- quantum logic and probability theory (Alexander Wilce)
- uncertainty principle in — see Uncertainty Principle
- von Neumann vs. Dirac (Fred Kronz)
- Quine, Willard van Orman
- New Foundations (Thomas Forster)
- quotation (Herman Cappelen and Ernest LePore)
R [jump to top]
- Ramsay, Allan — see Scottish Philosophy: in the 18th Century
- Ramus, Petrus (Erland Sellberg)
- rationalism vs. empiricism (Peter Markie)
- rationality
- Bayesian — see epistemology: Bayesian
- historicist theories of (Carl Matheson)
- realism (Alexander Miller)
- moral — see moral realism
- scientific — see scientific realism
- semantic challenges to (Drew Khlentzos)
- reasoning
- automated (Frederic Portoraro)
- defeasible (Robert Koons)
- moral (Henry S. Richardson)
- reasons for action
- agent-neutral vs. agent-relative (Michael Ridge)
- recursive function — see function: recursive
- redistribution (Christian Barry)
- reference (Marga Reimer)
- reflective equilibrium (Norman Daniels)
- Rehberg, August Wilhelm (Fred Beiser)
- Reid, Thomas (Gideon Yaffe)
- Reinhold, Karl Leonhard (Dan Breazeale)
- reism (Jan Woleński)
- relations — see properties
- medieval theories of (Jeffrey Brower)
- relativism (Chris Swoyer)
- moral — see moral relativism
- religion
- epistemology of (Peter Forrest)
- feminist philosophy of — see feminist (interventions): philosophy of religion
- and morality (John Hare)
- philosophy of (Charles Taliaferro)
- and science (Alvin Plantinga)
- religious diversity (David Basinger)
- replication (David Hull and John S. Wilkins)
- representation, political (Suzanne Dovi)
- republicanism (Frank Lovett)
- repugnant conclusion, the (Jesper Ryberg, Torbjörn Tännsjö, and Gustaf Arrhenius)
- respect (Robin S. Dillon)
- responsibility
- collective (Marion Smiley)
- Richard the Sophister [Ricardus Sophista, Magister abstractionum] (Paul Streveler)
- Ricoeur, Paul (Bernard Dauenhauer)
- rights (Leif Wenar)
- of children (David William Archard)
- civil — see civil rights
- human (James Nickel)
- legal — see legal rights
- rigid designators (Joseph LaPorte)
- risk (Sven Ove Hansson)
- role obligations — see obligations: special
- Rorty, Richard (Bjørn Ramberg)
- Rosmini, Antonio (Denis Cleary)
- Royce, Josiah (Kelly A. Parker)
- Rufus, Richard — see Richard the Sophister
- rule consequentialism — see consequentialism: rule
- Russell, Bertrand (A. D. Irvine)
- logical atomism — see logical atomism: Russell's
- Russell's paradox (A. D. Irvine)
S [jump to top]
- Saadya [Saadiah] (Sarah Pessin)
- Santayana, George (Herman Saatkamp)
- Sartre, Jean-Paul (Thomas Flynn)
- scepticism — see skepticism
- Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von (Andrew Bowie)
- schema (John Corcoran)
- Schlegel, Friedrich (Allen Speight)
- Schleiermacher, Friedrich Daniel Ernst (Michael Forster)
- School of Names (Chris Fraser)
- Schopenhauer, Arthur (Robert Wicks)
- Schutz, Alfred (Michael Barber)
- science, models in — see models in science
- scientific explanation (James Woodward)
- scientific knowledge
- social dimensions of (Helen Longino)
- scientific progress (Ilkka Niiniluoto)
- scientific realism (Richard Boyd)
- scientific reduction
- in physics — see physics: intertheory relations in
- scientific unity (Jordi Cat)
- Scottish Philosophy
- in the 18th Century (Alexander Broadie)
- in the 19th century (Gordon Graham)
- Scottus [Scotus] Eriugena [Erigena], John — see Eriugena, John Scottus
- Scotus, John Duns — see Duns Scotus, John
- Sebond, Raymond — see Montaigne, Michel de
- secession (Allen Buchanan)
- self
- the biological notion of (Alfred Tauber)
- feminist perspectives on the — see feminist (topics): perspectives on the self
- knowledge — see self-knowledge
- self-consciousness
- phenomenological approaches to (Shaun Gallagher and Dan Zahavi)
- self-deception (Ian Deweese-Boyd)
- self-knowledge (Brie Gertler)
- self-respect — see respect
- Sellars, Wilfrid (Jay Rosenberg)
- semantics
- defaults in — see defaults in semantics and pragmatics
- semiotics
- medieval (Stephan Meier-Oeser)
- sense-data (Michael Huemer)
- set theory (Thomas Jech)
- alternative axiomatic theories (M. Randall Holmes)
- early development (José Ferreirós)
- Shaftesbury, Lord [Anthony Ashley Cooper, 3rd Earl of] (Michael B. Gill)
- theory of emotion — see emotion: 17th and 18th century theories of
- Sharpe, Johannes (Alessandro Conti)
- Sidgwick, Henry (Barton Schultz)
- Simon of Faversham (John Longeway)
- simplicity (Alan Baker)
- divine (William F. Vallicella)
- Simpson's paradox (Gary Malinas and John Bigelow)
- singular terms
- medieval theories of (E. Jennifer Ashworth)
- situations
- in natural language semantics (Angelika Kratzer)
- skepticism (Peter Klein)
- ancient (Leo Groarke)
- brains in a vat — see brains in a vat
- moral (Walter Sinnott-Armstrong)
- Smith, Adam — see Scottish Philosophy: in the 18th Century
- Smith, John — see Cambridge Platonists
- social contract — see contractarianism
- contemporary approaches to (Fred D'Agostino)
- social institutions (Seumas Miller)
- social minimum [basic income] (Stuart White)
- sociobiology (Harmon Holcomb and Jason Byron)
- Socrates (Debra Nails)
- sophismata [= sophisms] (Fabienne Pironet)
- Sorites paradox (Dominic Hyde)
- sortals (Richard E. Grandy)
- soul, ancient theories of (Hendrik Lorenz)
- sounds (Roberto Casati and Jerome Dokic)
- sovereignty (Dan Philpott)
- space and time
- absolute and relational theories of space and motion (Nick Huggett and Carl Hoefer)
- being and becoming in modern physics (Steven Savitt)
- conventionality of simultaneity (Allen Janis)
- the hole argument (John Norton)
- inertial frames (Robert DiSalle)
- supertasks (Jon Pérez Laraudogoitia)
- species (Marc Ereshefsky)
- speech acts (Mitchell Green)
- Spencer, Herbert (David Weinstein)
- Speusippus (Russell Dancy)
- Spinoza, Baruch (Steven Nadler)
- modal metaphysics (Samuel Newlands)
- physical theory (Richard Manning)
- psychological theory (Michael LeBuffe)
- theory of emotion — see emotion: 17th and 18th century theories of
- square of opposition (Terence Parsons)
- St. Petersburg paradox (Robert Martin)
- states of affairs (Thomas Wetzel)
- statistical physics
- Boltzmann's work in (Jos Uffink)
- philosophy of statistical mechanics (Lawrence Sklar)
- Sterry, Peter — see Cambridge Platonists
- Stewart, Dugald — see Scottish Philosophy: in the 18th Century
- Stirner, Max (David Leopold)
- Stoicism (Dirk Baltzly)
- structuralism
- in physics — see physics: structuralism in
- substance (Howard Robinson)
- substructural logics — see logic: substructural
- suicide (Michael Cholbi)
- supererogation (David Heyd)
- supervenience (Brian McLaughlin and Karen Bennett)
- syllogism
- medieval theories of (Henrik Lagerlund)
- symmetry and symmetry breaking — see physics: symmetry and symmetry breaking
- synthetic — see analytic/synthetic distinction
T [jump to top]
- Taoism (Chad Hansen)
- Tarski, Alfred (Mario Gómez-Torrente)
- truth definitions (Wilfrid Hodges)
- techne — see episteme and techne
- teleology
- teleological arguments for God's existence (Del Ratzsch)
- teleological notions in biology (Colin Allen)
- teleological theories of mental content — see mental content: teleological theories of
- Telesio, Bernardino (Michaela Boenke)
- temporal parts (Katherine Hawley)
- terms, properties of
- medieval theories of (Stephen Read)
- testimony
- epistemological problems of (Jonathan Adler)
- theism
- process (Donald Viney)
- Thomas of Erfurt (Jack Zupko)
- Thoreau, Henry David (Rick Anthony Furtak)
- thought experiments (James Robert Brown)
- Thrasymachus — see Plato: Callicles and Thrasymachus
- Tibbon, Samuel Ibn (James T. Robinson)
- time (Ned Markosian)
- being and becoming in modern physics — see space and time: being and becoming in modern physics
- the experience and perception of (Robin Le Poidevin)
- thermodynamic asymmetry in (Craig Callender)
- time machines (John Earman and Christian Wüthrich)
- time travel
- and modern physics (Frank Arntzenius and Tim Maudlin)
- Timon of Phlius (Richard Bett)
- toleration (Rainer Forst)
- tort law, theories of (Jules Coleman)
- torture (Seumas Miller)
- transcendentalism (Russell Goodman)
- transworld identity — see identity: transworld
- tropes (John Bacon)
- trust (Carolyn McLeod)
- truth (Michael Glanzberg)
- axiomatic theories of (Volker Halbach)
- coherence theory of (James O. Young)
- correspondence theory of (Marian David)
- deflationary theory of (Daniel Stoljar and Nic Damnjanovic)
- identity theory of (Stewart Candlish)
- revision theory of (Philip Kremer)
- Tarski's theory of truth — see Tarski, Alfred: truth definitions
- truthlikeness (Graham Oddie)
- Turing, Alan (Andrew Hodges)
- Turing machines (David Barker-Plummer)
- Turing test (Graham Oppy and David Dowe)
- Turnbull, George — see Scottish Philosophy: in the 18th Century
- types and tokens (Linda Wetzel)
- type theory (Thierry Coquand)
- Church's type theory (Peter Andrews)
U [jump to top]
- Uncertainty Principle (Jan Hilgevoord and Jos Uffink)
- unity of science — see scientific unity
- universal hylomorphism — see binarium famosissimum
- universals — see properties
- the medieval problem of (Gyula Klima)
- utilitarianism — see consequentialism
- rule — see consequentialism: rule
V [jump to top]
- vagueness (Roy Sorensen)
- vagueness of composition — see many, problem of
- validity — see logical truth
- value
- incommensurable (Nien-hê Hsieh)
- intrinsic vs. extrinsic (Michael J. Zimmerman)
- of knowledge — see knowledge, value of
- pluralism (Elinor Mason)
- veil of ignorance — see original position
- verbs, intensional transitive — see intensional transitive verbs
- verisimilitude — see truthlikeness
- Vico, Giambattista (Timothy Costelloe)
- Vienna Circle (Thomas Uebel)
- virtue
- ancient theories of — see ethics: ancient
- virtue ethics — see ethics: virtue
- volition — see free will
- voluntarism, theological (Mark Murphy)
W [jump to top]
- war (Brian Orend)
- Watsuji Tetsurô (Robert Carter)
- Weber, Max (Sung Ho Kim)
- well-being (Roger Crisp)
- Whewell, William (Laura J. Snyder)
- Whichcote, Benjamin — see Cambridge Platonists
- Whitehead, Alfred North (A. D. Irvine)
- William of Champeaux (Kevin Guilfoy)
- William of Ockham — see Ockham, William
- Williams, Bernard (Timothy Chappell)
- wisdom (Sharon Ryan)
- Wittgenstein, Ludwig (Anat Biletzki and Anat Matar)
- aesthetics (Garry Hagberg)
- logical atomism — see logical atomism: Wittgenstein's
- philosophy of mathematics (Victor Rodych)
- Wolff, Christian (Matt Hettche)
- world government (Catherine Lu)
- Wright, Chauncey (Jean De Groot)
- Wundt, Wilhelm Maximilian (Alan Kim)
- Wyclif, John (Alessandro Conti)
- political Philosophy (Stephen Lahey)
X [jump to top]
- Xenocrates (Russell Dancy)
- Xenophanes (James Lesher)
- Xunzi (Dan Robins)
Y [jump to top]
Z [jump to top]
- Zabarella, Giacomo (Heikki Mikkeli)
- Zeno's paradoxes (Nick Huggett)
- Zhuangzi (Harold Roth)
- zombies (Robert Kirk)