Supplement to Mental Imagery
Supplementary Bibliography of cited works not about mental imagery
The following works are cited in the text of the entry on Mental Imagery, or its supplements, but themselves have little or nothing directly to say about imagery. All cited works that do deal with mental imagery are listed in the mental imagery bibliography. A few items here are annotated, but lack of an annotation should not be taken as an implicit comment on the value or interest of the work in question.
• | Acredolo, L.P. (1983). Spatial Orientation in Special Populations: The Mentally Retarded, the Blind, and the Elderly. In H.L. Pick & L.P. Acredolo (Eds.), Spatial Orientation: Theory, Research and Application (pp. 143-160). New York: Plenum Press. |
• | Akins, K. (1996). Of Sensory Systems and the “Aboutness” of Mental States. Journal of Philosophy (91) 337-372. |
• | Aloimonos, Y. (Ed.) (1993). Active Perception. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum. |
• | Ando, T. (1965). Aristotle's Theory of Practical Cognition. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff. |
• | Annas, J.E. (1992). Hellenistic Philosophy of Mind. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press. |
• | Anscombe, G.E.M. (1965). The Intentionality of Sensation: A Grammatical Feature. In R.J. Butler (Ed.), Analytical Philosophy – Second Series (pp. 158-180). Oxford: Blackwell. |
• | APA (2006). American Psychiatric Association Practice Guidelines for the Treatment of Psychiatric Disorders: Compendium 2006. Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Association. |
• | Ash, M.G. (1998). Gestalt Psychology in German Culture, 1890-1967. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. |
• | Atema, J., Holland, K., and Ikehara, W. (1980). Olfactory Responses of Yellowfin Tuna (Thunnus Albacares) to Prey Odors: Chemical Search Image. Journal of Chemical Ecology (6) 457-465. |
• | Aydemir, A., Pronobis, A., Gobelbecker, M., & Jensfelt, P. (2013). Active Visual Object Search in Unknown Environments Using Uncertain Semantics. IEEE Transactions on Robotics (29 #4 ) 986-1002. |
• | Baars, B.J. (1986). The Cognitive Revolution in Psychology. New York: Guilford Press. |
• | Bajcsy, R. (1988). Active Perception. Proceedings of the IEEE (76) 996-1005. |
• | Ballard, D.H. (1991). Animate Vision. Artificial Intelligence (48) 57-86. |
• | Bartley, W.W.III (1973). Wittgenstein. New York: Lippincott. |
• | Benardete, S. (1975). Aristotle, De Anima III.3-5. Review of Metaphysics (28) 611-622. |
• | Bickhard, M.H. & Richie, D.M. (1983). On the Nature of Representation: A Case Study of James Gibson's Theory of Perception. New York: Praeger. |
• | Birondo, N. (2001). Aristotle on Illusory Perception: Phantasia without Phantasmata. Ancient Philosophy (21) 57-71. |
• | Bisson, J.I., Ehlers, A., Matthews, R., Pilling, S., Richards, D., & Turner, S. (2007). Psychological Treatments for Chronic Post-traumatic Stress Disorder: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. British Journal of Psychiatry (190) 97-104. |
• | Blake, A. & Yuille, A. (Eds.) (1992). Active Vision. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. |
• | Block, N. (2001). Paradox and Cross Purposes in Recent Work on Consciousness. Cognition (79) 197-219. Preprint available online |
• | Block, N. (2007). Consciousness, Accessibility, and the Mesh between Psychology and Neuroscience. Behavioral and Brain Sciences (30) 481-548. Reprint available online |
• | Bloor, D. (1983). Wittgenstein: A Social Theory of Knowledge. London: Macmillan. |
• | Blough, D.S. (2002). Measuring the Search Image: Expectation, Detection, and Recognition in Pigeon Visual Search. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes (28 #4) 397-405. |
• | Blumenthal, A.C. (1975). A Reappraisal of Wilhelm Wundt. American Psychologist (30) 1081-1088. |
• | Boothe, R.G. (2002). Perception of the Visual Environment. New York: Springer. |
• | Boring, E.G. (1950). A History of Experimental Psychology (2nd edn.). New York: Appleton. |
• | Bradley, R., Greene, J., Russ, E., Dutra, L., & Westen, D. (2005). A Multidimensional Meta-Analysis of Psychotherapy for PTSD. American Journal of Psychiatry (162 #2) 214-227. |
• | Brentano, F. (1866/1977). The Psychology of Aristotle. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press. (1977 translation by R. George from the original German of 1886.) |
• | Bressler, S.L., Tang, W., Sylvester, C.M., Shulman, G.L, & Corbetta, M. (2008). Top-Down Control of Human Visual Cortex by Frontal and Parietal Cortex in Anticipatory Visual Spatial Attention. Journal of Neuroscience (28 #40) 10056-10061. |
• | Bridgeman, B. (2010). How the Brain Makes the World Appear Stable. i-Perception (1 #2) 69-72. Available online |
• | Bridgeman, B., Van der Hejiden, A.H.C., & Velichkovsky, B.M. (1994). A Theory of Visual Stability Across Saccadic Eye Movements. Behavioral and Brain Sciences (17 #2) 247-292. |
• | Bringman, W.G. & Tweney, R.D. (Eds.) (1980). Wundt Studies. Toronto: Hogrefe. |
• | Brodey, W. (1969). The Other-Than-Visual World of the Blind. Architectural Design (39) 9-10. [Reprinted in Ekistics (28) 1969, 100-103.] |
• | Brooks, R.A. (1991). Intelligence Without Representation. Artificial Intelligence (47) 139-159. |
• | Brooks, R.A. (1992). Foreword. In A. Blake & A. Yuille (Eds.), Active Vision (pp. ix-xi). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. |
• | Brooks, R.A. (1999). Preface. In his Cambrian Intelligence: The Early History of the New AI (pp. vii-xii). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. |
• | Brown, J.R. (1991). The Laboratory of the Mind: Thought Experiments in the Natural Sciences. London: Routledge. |
• | Burnham, J.C. (1968). On the Origins of Behaviorism. Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences (4) 143-151. |
• | Byrne, R.M.J. (2005). The Rational Imagination: How People
Create Alternatives to Reality. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Byrne relies upon a highly deflationary view of imagination, treating it (without real argument) as nothing but the ability to conceive of counterfactual possibilities. For an actual argument for such a view see White (1990) (who explicitly argues for the irrelevance of imagery to imagination). For a counter argument, see Thomas (1997a) (both in the Imagery Bibliography). |
• | Carlson, J., Chemtob, C., Rusnak, K., Hedlund, N., & Muraoka, M. (1998). Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Treatment for Combat-Related Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Journal of Traumatic Stress (11 #1) 3-24. |
• | Casey, S.M. (1978). Cognitive Mapping by the Blind. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness (72) 297-301. |
• | Chen, S., Li, Y., & Kwok, N.M. (2011). Active Vision in Robotic Systems: A Survey of Recent Developments. International Journal of Robotics Research (30 #11) 1343-1377. |
• | Churchland, P.S., Ramachandran, V.S., & Sejnowski, T.J. (1994). A Critique of Pure Vision. In C. Koch & J. Davis (Eds.), Large Scale Neuronal Theories of the Brain. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. |
• | Clancey, W.J. (1997). Situated Cognition: On Human Knowledge and Computer Representations. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. |
• | Clark, A. (1989). Microcognition: Philosophy, Cognitive Science, and Parallel Distributed Processing. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. |
• | Clark, A. (1997). Being There: Putting Brain, Body, and World Together Again. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. |
• | Clarke, D.M. (1989). Occult Powers and Hypotheses: Cartesian Natural Philosophy under Louis XIV. Oxford: Oxford University Press. |
• | Clarke, E. & Dewhurst, K. (1972). An Illustrated History of Brain Function. Oxford: Sandford Publications. |
• | Cohen, D. (1979). J. B. Watson – the Founder of Behaviorism: A Biography. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul. |
• | Coleridge, S.T. (1817). Biographia Literaria. [Edition of G. Watson. London: Dent, 1975.] |
• | Collins, A.M. & Quillian, M.R. (1969). Retrieval Time from Semantic Memory. Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior (8) 240-247. |
• | Conway, B R. (2009). Color Vision, Cones, and Color-Coding in the Cortex. The Neuroscientist (15 #3), 274-290. |
• | Conybeare, F.C. (Trans. & Ed.) (1912). Philostratus: The life of Apollonius of Tyana, the Epistles of Apollonius and the Treatise of Eusebius. London: Heinemann. Available online |
• | Cotterill, R.M.J. (1997). On the Mechanism of Consciousness. Journal of Consciousness Studies (4) 231-247. |
• | Cukor, J., Olden, M., Lee, F., & Difede, J. (2010). Evidence-Based Treatments for PTSD, New Directions, and Special Challenges. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences (1208) 82-89. |
• | Cummins, R. (1989). Meaning and Mental Representation. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. |
• | Cummins, R. (1997). The LOT of the Causal Theory of Mental Content. Journal of Philosophy (94) 535-542. |
• | Curcio, C.A., Allen, K.A., Sloan, K.R., Lerea, C.L., Hurley, J.B., Klock, I.B., & Milam, A.H. (1991). Distribution and Morphology of Human Cone Photoreceptors Stained with Anti-Blue Opsin. Journal of Comparative Neurology (312 #4) 610-624. |
• | Curcio, C.A., Sloan, K.R.Jr., Packer, O., Hendrickson, A.E., & Kalina, R.E. (1987). Distribution of Cones in Human and Monkey Retina: Individual Variability and Radial Asymmetry. Science (236 #4801) 579-582. |
• | Danziger, K. (1979). The Positivist Repudiation of Wundt. Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences (15) 205-230. |
• | Danziger, K. (1980). The History of Introspection Reconsidered. Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences (16) 241-262. |
• | David, S.V., Hayden, B.Y., Mazer, J.A., & Gallant, J.L. (2008). Attention to Stimulus Features Shifts Spectral Tuning of V4 Neurons During Natural Vision. Neuron (59) 509-521. |
• | Davidson, P.R. & Parker, K.C. (2001). Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR): A Meta-Analysis. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology (69) 305-316. |
• | Davidson, P.W. (1972). The Role of Exploratory Activity in Haptic Perception: Some Issues, Data, and Hypotheses. Research Bulletin of the American Foundation for the Blind (24) 21-27. |
• | Davies, M. & Stone, T. (Eds.) (1995). Mental Simulation. Oxford: Blackwell. |
• | de Beauvoir, S. (1960) The Prime of Life. (Translated from the French by P. Green. Cleveland, OH: World Publishing Company, 1962.) |
• | Descartes, R. (1641). Meditations on First Philosophy. (Translated from the French by J. Cottingham, in J. Cottingham, R. Stoothoff & D. Murdoch (Trans. & Eds.), The Philosophical Writings of Descartes, Vol.2. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1984.) |
• | Dretske, F. (1995). Naturalizing the Mind. Cambridge. MA: MIT Press. |
• | Dretske, F. (2000). Perception, Knowledge and Belief. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. |
• | Driver, J. & Vuilleumier, P. (2003). Neglect. In L. Nadel (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science (Volume 3, pp. 211-218). London: Nature Publishing (Republished in 2005: Hoboken, NJ: Wiley). |
• | Dunlap, K. (1912). The Case Against Introspection. Psychological Review (19) 404-413. Reprint available online |
• | Dunlap, K. (1932). Knight Dunlap. In C. Murchison (Ed.), A History of Psychology in Autobiography (Vol. 2, pp. 35-61). Worcester, MA: Clark University Press. |
• | Durgin, F.H. (2002). The Tinkerbell Effect: Motion Perception and Illusion. Journal of Consciousness Studies (9, v-vii) 88-101. |
• | Eitam, B., Yeshurun, Y., & Hassan, K. (2013). Blinded by Irrelevance: Pure Irrelevance Induced “Blindness”. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance (39 #3) 611-615. |
• | Engmann, J. (1976). Imagination and Truth in Aristotle. Journal of the History of Philosophy (14) 259-266. |
• | Everson, S. (1997). Aristotle on Perception. Oxford: Oxford University Press. |
• | Fancher, R.E. (1996). Pioneers of Psychology (3rd edn.). New York: W.W. Norton. |
• | Findlay, J.M. & Gilchrist, I.D. (2003). Active Vision: The Psychology of Looking and Seeing. Oxford: Oxford University Press. |
• | Finger, S. (1994). Origins of Neuroscience. Oxford: Oxford University Press. |
• | Fodor, J.A. (1983). The Modularity of Mind. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. |
• | Fodor, J.A. (1990). A Theory of Content and Other Essays. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. |
• | Fodor, J.A. (1994). The Elm and the Expert. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. |
• | Fodor, J.A. & Pylyshyn, Z.W. (1988). Connectionism and Cognitive Architecture: a Critical Analysis. Cognition (28) 3-71. |
• | Freeman, W.J. & Skarda, C.A. (1990). Representations: Who Needs Them? In J.L. McGaugh, N.M. Weinberger & G. Lynch (Eds.), Brain Organization and Memory (pp. 375-380). New York: Oxford University Press. |
• | Frisby, J.P. (1979). Seeing: Illusion, Brain and Mind. Oxford: Oxford University Press. |
• | Fritz, J.B., Elhilali, M., & Shamma, S.A. (2005). Differential Dynamic Plasticity of A1 Receptive Fields During Multiple Spectral Tasks. Journal of Neuroscience (25) 7623-7635. |
• | Fritz, J., Shamma, S., Elhilali, M., & Klein, D. (2003). Rapid Task-Related Plasticity of Spectrotemporal Receptive Fields in Primary Auditory Cortex. Nature Neuroscience (6) 1216-1223. |
• | Gaillard, R., Dehaene, S., Adam, C., Clémenceau, S., Hasboun, D., Baulac, M., Cohen, L., & Naccache, L. (2009). Converging Intracranial Markers of Conscious Access. PLoS Biology (7 #3) e61. Available online (doi: 10.1371/journal.pbio.1000061) |
• | Galanter, E. (1988). Writing Plans…. In W. Hirst
(Ed.), The Making of Cognitive Science
(pp. 36-44). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. A personal account of the writing of the seminal Plans and the Structure of Behavior (Miller, Galanter, & Pribram, 1960). |
• | Gale, R.M. (1967). Propositions, Judgements, Sentences and Statements. In P. Edwards (Ed.), The Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Vol. 6 (pp. 494-505). New York: Macmillan. |
• | Garson, J.W. (1996). Cognition Poised at the Edge of Chaos: A Complex Alternative to a Symbolic Mind. Philosophical Psychology (9) 301-322. |
• | Gendler, T.S. (1998). Galileo and the Indispensability of Scientific Thought Experiment. British Journal for the Philosophy of Science (49) 397-424. |
• | Gerson, L.P. (2005). Aristotle and Other Platonists. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press. |
• | Gibson, J.J. (1966). The Senses Considered as Perceptual Systems. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin. |
• | Gilbert, C.D. & Sigman, M. (2007). Brain States: Top-Down Influences in Sensory Processing. Neuron (54) 677-696. |
• | Gjertsen, D. (1989). Science and Philosophy: Past and Present. Harmondsworth, U.K.: Penguin. |
• | Goodman, N. (1968). Languages of Art. Indianapolis, IN:
Bobbs-Merrill. Makes a forceful argument against any role for resemblance in representation. |
• | Goodman, N. (1970). Seven Strictures on Similarity. In L. Foster & J.W. Swanson (Eds.), Experience and Theory (pp. 19-29). Amherst, MA: University of Massachusetts Press. |
• | Grimes, J. (1996). On the Failure to Detect Changes in Scenes across Saccades. In K. Akins (Ed.), Perception (pp. 89-110). New York; Oxford University Press. |
• | Gunter, R.W. & Bodner, G.E. (2009). EMDR Works . . . But How? Recent Progress in the Search for Treatment Mechanisms. Journal of EMDR Practice and Research (3 #3) 161-168. |
• | Haber, R.N. (1974). Information Processing. In E.C. Carterette & M.P., Friedman (Eds.), Handbook of Perception: Vol. 1 (pp. 313-333). New York and London: Academic Press. |
• | Haber, R.N. (1983). The Impending Demise of the Icon: A Critique
of the Concept of Iconic Storage in Visual Information
Processing. Behavioral & Brain Sciences (6)
1-54. The so called “iconic memory” discussed here is not mental imagery. It is both phenomenologically and functionally quite different. |
• | Halligan, P.W. & Marshall, J.C. (1993). The History and Clinical Presentation of Neglect. In I.H. Robertson & J.C. Marshall (Eds.), Unilateral Neglect: Clinical and Experimental Studies (pp. 3-26). Hove, U.K.: Erlbaum. |
• | Harris, R.B. (1976). A Brief Description of Neoplatonism. In R.B. Harris (Ed.), The Significance of Neoplatonism (pp. 1-20). Norfolk, VA: International Society for Neoplatonic Studies. |
• | Harvey, E.R. (1975). The Inward Wits: Psychological Theory in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. London: Warburg Institute, University of London. |
• | Haskins, C.H. (1927). The Renaissance of the Twelfth Century. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. |
• | Haugeland, J. (1978). The Nature and Plausibility of Cognitivism. Behavioral and Brain Sciences (1) 215-260. |
• | Haugeland, J. (1985). Artificial Intelligence: The Very Idea. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. |
• | Hauser, L. (1995). Doing Without Mentalese. Behavior and Philosophy (23) 42-47. Preprint available online |
• | Hayhoe, M. (2000). Vision Using Routines: A Functional Account of Vision. Visual Cognition (7) 43-64. |
• | Hayhoe, M. & Ballard, D. (2005). Eye Movements in Natural Behavior. Trends in Cognitive Sciences (9) 188-194. |
• | Hebb, D.O. (1960). The American Revolution. American Psychologist (15) 735-745. |
• | Herbert, J.D., Lilienfeld, S.O., Lohr, J.M., Montgomery, R.W., O'Donohue, W.T., Rosen, G.M., & Tolin, D.F. (2000). Science and Pseudoscience in the Development of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing: Implications for Clinical Psychology. Clinical Psychology Review (20) 945-971. |
• | Hirst, W. (1988). Mathematical Psychology. In W. Hirst (Ed.), The Making of Cognitive Science (pp. 1-2). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. |
• | Högberg, G., Pagani M., Sundin O., Soares J., Åberg-Wistedt, A., Tärnell, B., & Hällström, T. (2007). On Treatment with Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing of Chronic Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Public Transportation Workers – A Randomized Controlled Trial. Nordic Journal of Psychiatry (61) 54-61. |
• | Högberg, G., Pagani, M., Sundin, O., Soares, J., Åberg-Wistedt, A., Tärnell, B., & Hällström, T. (2008). Treatment of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder with Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing: Outcome is Stable in 35-month Follow-Up. Psychiatry Research (159) 101-108. |
• | Holmqvist, K., Nyström, M., Andersson, R., Dewhurst, R., Jarodzka, H., & van de Weijer, J. (2011). Eye Tracking: A Comprehensive Guide to Methods and Measures. Oxford: Oxford University Press. |
• | Holton, G. (1996). Imagination in Science. In his Einstein, History, and Other Passions: The Rebellion Against Science at the End of the Twentieth Century (pp. 78-102). Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley. |
• | Horst, S.W. (1996). Symbols, Computation and Intentionality: A Critique of the Computational Theory of Mind. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press. |
• | Horst, S.W. (1999). Symbols and Computation: A Critique of the Computational Theory of Mind. Minds and Machines (9) 347-381. |
• | Hull, C.L. (1931). Goal Attraction and Directing Ideas Conceived as Habit Phenomena. Psychological Review (38) 487-506. |
• | Hull, C.L. (1937). Mind, Mechanism and Adaptive Behavior. Psychological Review (44) 1-32. |
• | Hyman, I.E.jr., Sarb, B.A., & Wise-Swanson, B.M. (2014). Failure to See Money on a Tree: Inattentional Blindness for Objects That Guided Behavior. Frontiers in Psychology (5 #00356) 1-7 Available online |
• | Hyman, J. (1986). The Cartesian Theory of Vision. Ratio (28) 149-167. |
• | Ironson, G., Freund, B., Strauss, J.L., & Williams, J. (2002). Comparison of Two Treatments for Traumatic Stress: A Community Based Study of EMDR and Prolonged Exposure. Journal of Clinical Psychology (58) 113-128. |
• | Jehee, J.F.M., Brady, D.K., & Tong, F. (2011). Attention Improves Encoding of Task-Relevant Features in the Human Visual Cortex. Journal of Neuroscience (31 #22) 8210-8219. |
• | Johnson, M. 1993. Moral Imagination: Implications of Cognitive Science for Ethics. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. |
• | Julesz, B. (1971). Foundations of Cyclopean Perception. Chicago: University of Chicago Press |
• | Justman, S. (2011). The Power of Rhetoric: Two Healing Movements. Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine (84 #1) 15-25. |
• | Kahn, C.H. (1966). Sensation and Consciousness in Aristotle's Psychology. Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie (48) 43-81. |
• | Karamanolis, G.E. (2006). Plato and Aristotle in Agreement? Platonists on Aristotle from Antiochus to Porphyry. Oxford: Oxford University Press. |
• | Kelly, S.P., Gomez-Ramirez, M., & Foxe, J.J. (2008). Spatial Attention Modulates Initial Afferent Activity in Human Primary Visual Cortex. Cerebral Cortex (18) 2629-2636. |
• | Kemp, M., Drummond, P., & McDermott, B. (2010). A Wait-List Controlled Pilot Study of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) for Children with Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Symptoms from Motor Vehicle Accidents. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry (15 #1) 5-25. |
• | Kirtley, D.D. (1975). The Psychology of Blindness. Chicago: Nelson-Hall. |
• | Koch, C. (2003). The Quest for Consciousness: A Neurobiological Approach. Englewood, CO: Roberts & Co. |
• | Kosman, L.A. (1975). Perceiving that we Perceive: On The Soul
III.2. Philosophical Review (84) 499-519. On Aristotle's notion of the common sense or sensus communis. |
• | Kujala, T., Huotilainen, M., Sinkkonen, J., Ahonen, A.I., Alho, K., Hämäläinen, M.S., Ilmoniemi, R.J., Kajola, M., Knuutila, J.E.T., Lavikainen, J., Salonen, O., Simola, J., Standertskjöld-Nordenstam, C.G., Tiitinen, H., Tissari, S.O., & Näätänen, R. (1995). Visual Cortex Activation in Blind Humans During Sound Discrimination. Neuroscience Letters (183) 143-146. |
• | Kveraga, K., Ghuman, A.S., & Bar, M. (2007). Top-down Predictions in the Cognitive Brain. Brain and Cognition (65 #2) 145-168. |
• | Lakoff, G. & Johnson, M. (1980). Metaphors We Live
By. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Cognitive metaphor theory. See also Lakoff & Johnson (1999) and Johnson (1987). |
• | Lamme, V.A.F. & Roelfsema P.R. (2000). The Distinct Modes of Vision Offered by Feedforward and Recurrent Processing. Trends in Neurosciences (23) 571-579. |
• | Lamme, V.A.F., Super, H., Landman, R., Roelfsema, P.R., & Spekreijse, H. (2000). The Role of Primary Visual Cortex (V1) in Visual Awareness. Vision Research (40) 1507-1521. |
• | Land, M.F. & Tatler B. (2009). Looking and Acting: Vision and Eye Movements in Natural Behavior. Oxford: Oxford University Press. |
• | Landau, B., Gleitman, H., & Spelke, E. (1981). Spatial Knowledge and Geometric Representation in a Child Blind from Birth. Science (213) 1275-1277. |
• | Landy, M.S., Maloney, L.T., & Pavel, M. (Eds.) (1996). Exploratory Vision: the Active Eye. New York: Springer-Verlag. |
• | Langley, C.M. (1996). Search Images: Selective Attention to Specific Visual Features of Prey. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes (22) 152-163. |
• | Lawrence, E.S. & Allen, J.A. (1983). On the Term "Search Image." Oikos (40 #2) 313-314. |
• | Leahey, T.H. (1981). The Mistaken Mirror: On Wundt's and Titchener's Psychologies. Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences (17) 273-282. |
• | Leahey, T.H. (1992). The Mythical Revolutions of American Psychology. American Psychologist (47) 308-318. |
• | Lederman, S. J., & Klatzky, R. (1990). Haptic Exploration and Object Representation. In M.A. Goodale (Ed.), Vision and Action: The Control of Grasping (pp. 98-109). Norwood, NJ: Ablex. |
• | Levin, D.M. (Ed.) (1993). Modernity and the Hegemony of Vision. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press. |
• | Li, W., Piëch, V., & Gilbert, C.D. (2004). Perceptual Learning and Top-down Influences in Primary Visual Cortex. Nature Neuroscience (7 #6) 651-657. Preprint available online |
• | Lindberg, D.C. (1976). Theories of Vision from Al-Kindi to Kepler. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. |
• | Lindsay, P.H. & Norman, D.A. (1972). Human Information
Processing: An Introduction to Psychology. New York: Academic
Press. This was a widely used textbook. A second edition was published in 1977. |
• | Liu, T., Larsson, J., & Carrasco, M. (2007). Feature-Based Attention Modulates Orientation-Selective Responses in Human Visual Cortex. Neuron (55) 313-323. |
• | Lohr, J.M., Tolin, D.F., & Lilienfeld, S.O. (1998). Efficacy of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing: Implications for Behavior Therapy. Behavior Therapy (29) 123-156. |
• | Lohr, J.M., Lilienfeld, S.O., Tolin, D.F., & Herbert, J.D. (1999). Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing: An Analysis of Specific Versus Nonspecific Treatment Factors. Journal of Anxiety Disorders (13) 185-207. |
• | Long, A.A. (1986). Hellenistic Philosophy: Stoics, Epicureans, Sceptics (2nd edition). Berkeley, CA: University of California Press. |
• | Long, G.M. (1980). Iconic Memory: A Review and Critique of the
Study of Short-Term Visual Storage. Psychological Bulletin
(88) 785-820. The so called “iconic memory” discussed here is not mental imagery. It is both phenomenologically and functionally quite different.. |
• | Lungarella. M. & Sporns, O. (2006). Mapping Information Flow in Sensorimotor Networks. PLoS Computational Biology (2 #10) e144. (DOI: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.0020144) Available online |
• | Lycan, W.G. (2006). Enactive Intentionality. Psyche (12, #3). Available online |
• | Lycos, K. (1964). Plato and Aristotle on “Appearing”. Mind (73) 496-514. |
• | Mack, A. & Rock, I. (1998). Inattentional Blindness. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. |
• | Mack, A. & Rock, I. (1999). Inattentional Blindness: An Overview. Psyche (5). Available online |
• | Mapother, E. (1912). Dementia Præcox. In, Early Mental Disease (The Lancet Extra Numbers No. 2) (pp. 73-81). London: Wakely and Sons. |
• | Marcel, A. J. (1983). Conscious and Unconscious Perception: An Approach to the Relations Between Phenomenal Experience and Perceptual Processes. Cognitive Psychology (15) 238-300. |
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