New in this Archive
[Note: All dates are given in UTC]
- William of Auvergne (Neil Lewis and Katrin Fischer) [REVISED: March 18, 2023]Changes to: Main text, Bibliography
- Causal Approaches to Scientific Explanation (Lauren Ross and James Woodward) [NEW: March 17, 2023]
- Equality of Educational Opportunity (Liam Shields, Anne Newman, and Debra Satz) [REVISED: March 17, 2023]Changes to: Main text, Bibliography
- Temporal Consciousness (Barry Dainton) [REVISED: March 17, 2023]Changes to: Main text, Bibliography, notes.html, specious-present.html
- Willard Van Orman Quine (Peter Hylton and Gary Kemp) [REVISED: March 16, 2023]Changes to: Bibliography
- Tropes (Anna-Sofia Maurin) [REVISED: March 16, 2023]Changes to: Main text, Bibliography, notes.html
- Epistemological Problems of Perception (Jack Lyons) [REVISED: March 14, 2023]Changes to: Main text, Bibliography, notes.html
- Self-Deception (Ian Deweese-Boyd) [REVISED: March 13, 2023]Changes to: Main text, Bibliography
- Mary Shepherd (Martha Bolton) [REVISED: March 13, 2023]Changes to: Main text, Bibliography, notes.html
- Logic and Ontology (Thomas Hofweber) [REVISED: March 13, 2023]Changes to: Main text, Bibliography
- Philosophy of Money and Finance (Boudewijn de Bruin, Lisa Herzog, Martin O’Neill, and Joakim Sandberg) [REVISED: March 10, 2023]Changes to: Main text, Bibliography
- Aristotle on Causality (Andrea Falcon) [REVISED: March 7, 2023]Changes to: Main text, Bibliography
- Philosophy of Technology (Maarten Franssen, Gert-Jan Lokhorst, and Ibo van de Poel) [REVISED: March 6, 2023]Changes to: Main text, Bibliography
- Buddha (Mark Siderits) [REVISED: March 6, 2023]Changes to: Main text, Bibliography
- Indispensability Arguments in the Philosophy of Mathematics (Mark Colyvan) [REVISED: March 6, 2023]Changes to: Bibliography
- Time Travel and Modern Physics (Christopher Smeenk, Frank Arntzenius, and Tim Maudlin) [REVISED: March 6, 2023]Changes to: Main text, Bibliography, notes.html, toy-models.html
- Henry David Thoreau (Rick Anthony Furtak) [REVISED: March 2, 2023]Changes to: Main text, Bibliography
- Medieval Theories: Properties of Terms (Stephen Read) [REVISED: March 2, 2023]Changes to: Main text, Bibliography, notes.html
- Descartes’ Life and Works (Kurt Smith) [REVISED: March 1, 2023]Changes to: Bibliography
- Afterlife (William Hasker and Charles Taliaferro) [REVISED: February 27, 2023]Changes to: Main text, Bibliography
- Gender in Confucian Philosophy (Li-Hsiang Rosenlee) [NEW: February 27, 2023]
- Fatalism (Hugh Rice) [REVISED: February 23, 2023]Changes to: Main text, Bibliography
- Dignity (Remy Debes) [NEW: February 18, 2023]
- Creativity (Elliot Samuel Paul and Dustin Stokes) [NEW: February 16, 2023]
- Aesthetic Judgment (Nick Zangwill) [REVISED: February 16, 2023]Changes to: Main text, Bibliography
- Double Consciousness (John P. Pittman) [REVISED: February 16, 2023]Changes to: Main text, Bibliography
- Propositional Dynamic Logic (Nicolas Troquard and Philippe Balbiani) [REVISED: February 16, 2023]Changes to: Main text, Bibliography
- Jaina Philosophy (Marie-Hélène Gorisse) [NEW: February 13, 2023]
- Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von Schelling (Andrew Bowie) [REVISED: February 9, 2023]Changes to: Main text, Bibliography
- Dewey’s Political Philosophy (Matthew Festenstein) [REVISED: February 9, 2023]Changes to: Main text, Bibliography
- Frege’s Logic (Roy Cook) [NEW: February 7, 2023]
- Erotic Art (Hans Maes) [REVISED: February 7, 2023]Changes to: Main text, Bibliography
- Intentionality (Pierre Jacob) [REVISED: February 7, 2023]Changes to: Main text, Bibliography
- Instrumental Rationality (Niko Kolodny and John Brunero) [REVISED: February 5, 2023]Changes to: Main text, Bibliography, supplement.html
- Fakhr al-Din al-Razi (Peter Adamson and Fedor Benevich) [NEW: February 5, 2023]
- Computing and Moral Responsibility (Merel Noorman) [REVISED: February 2, 2023]Changes to: Main text, Bibliography
- Mental Causation (David Robb, John Heil, and Sophie Gibb) [REVISED: February 2, 2023]Changes to: Main text, Bibliography
- Justice and Bad Luck (Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen) [REVISED: February 2, 2023]Changes to: Main text, Bibliography
- Plato’s Ethics: An Overview (Dorothea Frede and Mi-Kyoung Lee) [REVISED: February 1, 2023]Changes to: Main text, Bibliography
- Neutral Monism (Leopold Stubenberg and Donovan Wishon) [REVISED: January 31, 2023]Changes to: Main text, Bibliography, notes.html
- Set Theory (Joan Bagaria) [REVISED: January 31, 2023]Changes to: Main text, Bibliography, ZF.html
- The Philosophy of Childhood (Gareth Matthews and Amy Mullin) [REVISED: January 31, 2023]Changes to: Main text, Bibliography
- Cognitive Science (Paul Thagard) [REVISED: January 31, 2023]Changes to: Main text, Bibliography
- Ibn Bâjja [Avempace] (Josep Puig Montada) [REVISED: January 29, 2023]Changes to: Bibliography
- Dewey’s Moral Philosophy (Elizabeth Anderson) [REVISED: January 28, 2023]Changes to: Main text, Bibliography
- Bernard Williams (Sophie-Grace Chappell and Nicholas Smyth) [REVISED: January 28, 2023]Changes to: Main text, Bibliography
- Alfred Tarski (Mario Gómez-Torrente) [REVISED: January 28, 2023]Changes to: Main text, Bibliography
- Legal Rights (Ori Herstein) [NEW: January 27, 2023]
- Ernst Bloch (Ivan Boldyrev) [NEW: January 25, 2023]
- Children’s Rights (David William Archard) [REVISED: January 24, 2023]Changes to: Main text, Bibliography
- Ibn Rushd’s Natural Philosophy (Josep Puig Montada) [REVISED: January 24, 2023]Changes to: Main text, Bibliography, notes.html
- Fitting Attitude Theories of Value (Christopher Howard) [NEW: January 24, 2023]
- Négritude (Souleymane Bachir Diagne) [REVISED: January 24, 2023]Changes to: Main text, Bibliography
- Metaethics (Geoff Sayre-McCord) [REVISED: January 24, 2023]Changes to: Main text, Bibliography, notes.html
- Coercion (Scott Anderson) [REVISED: January 23, 2023]Changes to: Main text, Bibliography, applications.html, notes.html
- Modal Logic (James Garson) [REVISED: January 23, 2023]Changes to: Main text, Bibliography
- Revolution (Allen Buchanan and Alexander Motchoulski) [REVISED: January 20, 2023]Changes to: Main text, Bibliography
- Aesthetic Experience (Antonia Peacocke) [NEW: January 20, 2023]
- Stoicism (Marion Durand, Simon Shogry, and Dirk Baltzly) [NEW: January 20, 2023]
- Determinables and Determinates (Jessica Wilson) [REVISED: January 18, 2023]Changes to: Main text, Bibliography, notes.html
- Colonialism (Margaret Kohn and Kavita Reddy) [REVISED: January 17, 2023]Changes to: Main text, Bibliography
- Donald Cary Williams (Keith Campbell, James Franklin, and Douglas Ehring) [REVISED: January 16, 2023]Changes to: Main text, Bibliography
- Alexander von Humboldt (Dalia Nassar) [NEW: January 16, 2023]
- Rule Consequentialism (Brad Hooker) [REVISED: January 15, 2023]Changes to: Main text, Bibliography
- Skeptical Theism (Timothy Perrine) [NEW: January 13, 2023]
- Antonio Gramsci (James Martin) [NEW: January 13, 2023]
- Behaviorism (George Graham) [REVISED: January 13, 2023]Changes to: Main text
- Frederick Douglass (Ronald Sundstrom) [REVISED: January 12, 2023]Changes to: Main text, Bibliography, notes.html
- Pierre Bayle (Michael Hickson) [REVISED: January 12, 2023]Changes to: Main text, Bibliography
- Intersections Between Analytic and Continental Feminism (Georgia Warnke) [REVISED: January 11, 2023]Changes to: Main text, Bibliography
- Simone de Beauvoir (Debra Bergoffen and Megan Burke) [REVISED: January 11, 2023]Changes to: Main text, Bibliography
- Action (Juan S. Piñeros Glasscock and Sergio Tenenbaum) [NEW: January 11, 2023]
- Philosophy of Statistical Mechanics (Roman Frigg and Charlotte Werndl) [NEW: January 10, 2023]
- Egoism (Robert Shaver) [REVISED: January 9, 2023]Changes to: Main text, Bibliography
- Globalization (William Scheuerman) [REVISED: January 9, 2023]Changes to: Main text, Bibliography
- Leucippus (Sylvia Berryman) [REVISED: January 9, 2023]Changes to: Bibliography
- Democritus (Sylvia Berryman) [REVISED: January 7, 2023]Changes to: Bibliography
- Existentialism (Kevin Aho) [NEW: January 6, 2023]
- Bernardino Telesio (Michaela Boenke) [REVISED: January 4, 2023]Changes to: Bibliography
- Kant’s Account of Reason (Garrath Williams) [REVISED: January 4, 2023]Changes to: Main text, Bibliography, notes.html
- Haecceitism (Sam Cowling) [REVISED: December 31, 2022]Changes to: Main text, Bibliography
- Beardsley’s Aesthetics (Michael Wreen) [REVISED: December 28, 2022]Changes to: Main text, Bibliography
- Jacques Lacan (Adrian Johnston) [REVISED: December 24, 2022]Changes to: Bibliography
- Reasons for Action: Agent-Neutral vs. Agent-Relative (Michael Ridge) [REVISED: December 23, 2022]Changes to: Main text, Bibliography, notes.html