Supplement to Computational Philosophy

Figure descriptions for Computational Philosophy

Figure 1 description

Consists of three graphs labeled a, b, and c. All three diagrams have a y-axis with equidistant labels 0.0, 0.5, and 1.0 and an x-axis with a label at the max of 15 P. Each also starts with horizontal lines ranging in color from dark red at 0.0 then red, orange, yellow to green at 0.5 then blue and purple to violet at 1.0. Diagram a has \(ε = 0.01\) and the lines remain horizontal though thinning out as they approach 15 P. Diagram b has \(ε = 0.15\) and the lines converging to two lines. The upper at about 0.75 and the lower at about 0.25. Diagram c has \(ε = 0.21\) and the lines first converge to three lines (at about 0.3, 0.5, and 0.7) before converging to one line at about 0.5.

Figure 2 description

A 3-d graph with an x-axis labeled opinion and going from 0 to 100, a y-axis labeled threshold and going from 0 to 40, and a z-axis labeled % of runs and going from 0 to 0.2. At y close to 0 there are a lot of low peaks (z-axis) for all values of x. As y increases somewhat higher peaks (z-axis) appear for approximate x values equal to y and for x values equal to 100-y. When y approaches 30 the peaks become very high for x near 50 and vanish at all other values of x.

Figure 4 description

The diagram has seven nodes either consisting of two premise sentences and a conclusion sentence (each indicated by a number) or a single sentence (again a number). Each sentence have two truth values associated with it (T/T, T/F, F/T, or F/F). For the purpose of the description each node will labeled A-G. Node A has the sentence 8 (T/T) and has solid arrows to two other nodes (B and F). Node B has 8 (T/F), −3 (F/F) and conclusion 2 (F/T). Node B has a solid arrow to node C. Node C has 2 (F/T), 5 (T/F), and conclusion −1 (F/F). Node C has a dashed line (indicating contradiction) to Node D. Node D consists of the sentence 1 (T/T) and has a solid arrow pointing to Node E. Node E has 1 (T/T), 7 (F/F) and conclusion −8 (F/F). Node E has a dashed line to Node A. Node F has 8 (T/T), 3 (T/F), and conclusion 4 (T/F). Node F has a solid line to Node G. Node G has 6 (F/T), 4 (T/F) and and conclusion −1. Node G has a dashed line to Node D.

Figure 6 description

At the core of this diagram are three nodes Rain pointing to Sprinkler and to Grass Wet and Sprinkler pointing to Grass Wet. Each node has an associated truth table

  • Rain has the table
    T F
    0.2 0.8
  • Sprinkler has the table
    Rain T F
    F 0.4 0.6
    T 0.01 0.99
  • Grass Wet has the table
    Grass Wet
    Sprinkler Rain T F
    F F 0.0 1.0
    F T 0.8 0.2
    T F 0.9 0.1
    T T 0.99 0.01

Figure 8 description

This 2-d graph has an x-axis labeled Size and ranging from 2 to 12. The y-axis is labeled Probability of Successful Learning and ranges from 0.6 to 1. There are three lines on the graph. The first is labeled Cycle and goes from the point (4,0.75) and slopes upward to nearly (11,1). The second labeled Wheel starts at about (5,0.8) and slopes upward to slightly below the end point for Cycle. The third labeled Complete starts at (3,0.65) and slopes upward to nearly (11,0.9). None of the lines intersect.

Figure 9 description

The x-axis is labeled chemotherapy, the y-axis is radiation, and the z-axis is observed success of treatment. The resultant surface has two valleys and two peaks.

Figure 13 description

The diagram is labeled “Heuristic [2 4 7]”. A line starting at the vertical midpoint and going up then down multiple time before ending at the vertical midpoint. The start of the line, the fourth peak, and the seventh peak are marked with red circles. The first, second, fourth, and fifth valleys are marked with a red x. A red x also marks the eighth and ninth peak and the tenth valley.

Figure 17 description

This is a graph of how the proportions of the population change through 12,000 generations for an initial pool of 121 stochastic strategies \(\langle c,d\rangle\) at .1 intervals, with the full value of 0 and 1 replaced with 0.01 and 0.99. It has

  • A blue line that rises immediately, holds for a short while then descends and is near the bottom for the rest. It is labeled \(\langle .99,.1\rangle\).
  • A green line that stays low for as long as the blue line is high then rises to intersect at the vertical halfway point the descending blue line. Stays high for a while before gradually descending. It is labeled \(\langle .99,.2\rangle\).
  • A purple line that stays low before rising to intersect at the vertical halfway point the descending green line. it then stays high. It is labeled \(\langle .99,.3\rangle\).
  • Two lines labelled TFT and AAID that exist only as tiny humps near the beginning of the graph. The AAID line goes about halfway up the graph and then down to zero. The TFT line increases as AAID decreases, but then quickly goes to zero right where the blue line starts.

Figure 18 description

This 2-d graph has an x-axis labeled Size of Population and ranging from 0 to 5000. The y-axis if labeled Probability of Majority Being Correct and ranges from 0.5 to 1.0. There are four lines on the graph each starting at about (9,0.5) and sloping up. The topmost is labeled p=0.52 and ends about (5000,1.0). The second from the top is labeled p=0.515 and ends just below the first. The third from the top is labeled p=0.51 and ends about (5000,0.9). The Fourth and lowest is labeled p=0.505 and ends about (5000,0.75).

Copyright © 2020 by
Patrick Grim <>
Daniel Singer <>

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