Extended Bibliography on Distributive Justice
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Applied Philosophy, 3: 33–41.
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Inquiry, 26: 536–546.
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for Welfare,” Philosophical Studies, 56: 77–93.
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- –––, 1990b, “Liberalism, Distributive
Subjectivism, and Equal Opportunity for Welfare,” Philosophy
and Public Affairs, 19: 158–194.
- –––, 1991, “A Defense of Equality and
Equal Opportunity for Welfare,” Philosophical Studies,
62: 187–195.
- –––, 1993, “Market Socialism and
Egalitarian Ethics,” in Market Socialism: The Current
Debate, Pranab K. Bardhan Roemer and John E., eds., New
York: Oxford University Press, 281–297.
- –––, 2000, “Economic Analysis Meets
Distributive Justice,” Social Theory and Practice: An
International and Interdisciplinary Journal of Social Philosophy,
26(2): 327–345.
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Aristotelian Society: Supplementary Volume, no. 75 (suppl.),
- –––, 2002, “Why Justice Requires Transfers
to Offset Income and Wealth Inequalities,” Social Philosophy
and Policy, 19(1): 172–200.
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- Baker, John, 1992, “An Egalitarian Case for Basic
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Verso, 101–127.
- Barry, Brian, 1988, “Equal Opportunity and Moral
Arbitrariness,” in Equal Opportunity, Norman E.
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- –––, 1989, Theories of Justice, Vol. 1,
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- –––, 1995b, “Spherical Justice and Global
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- Bertram, Christopher, 1993, “Principles of Distributive
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Philosophy, 1: 213–228.
- Blake, Michael, 2001, “Distributive Justice, State Coercion,
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- Brennan, Jason, 2012, Libertarianism: What Everyone Needs to
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- Brock, Gillian, 2005, “Egalitarianism, Ideals, and
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- Buchanan, Allen, 1988, Ethics, Efficiency, and the
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- Dick, James, 1975, “How to Justify a Distribution of
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Equality of Welfare,” Philosophy and Public Affairs,
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- Elster, Jon, 1992, Local Justice : How Institutions Allocate
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