This is a file in the archives of the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. |
Subject | Editor (Affiliation) |
Action, Philosophy of | David Velleman (University of Michigan) John M. Fischer (University of California/Riverside) |
Aesthetics | Ted Cohen (University of Chicago) Stephen Davies (University of Auckland) Robert Stecker (Central Michigan University) Alex Neill (University of Southampton) |
African and African-American Philosophy | Lewis Gordon (Brown University) Tommy Lee Lott (San Jose State University) |
Ancient Philosophy | John Cooper (Princeton University) |
Aristotle | Alan Code (University of California, Berkeley) |
Plato | Richard Kraut (Northwestern University) |
Arabic and Islamic Philosophy | Richard Taylor (Marquette University) Deborah Black (University of Toronto) Gül Russell (Texas A&M University) |
Biology, Philosophy of | Paul Griffiths (University of Pittsburgh) Sahotra Sarkar (University of Texas/Austin) Jason Scott Robert (Dalhousie University) |
Chinese Philosophy | Kwong-Loi Shun (University of Toronto/Scarborough) Chad Hansen (University of Hong-Kong) |
Cognitive Science, Philosophy of | Barbara Von Eckardt (Rhode Island School of Design) |
Epistemology | Laurence BonJour (University of Washington/Seattle) Earl Conee (University of Rochester) Rich Feldman (University of Rochester) |
Ethics | |
Normative | Walter Sinnott-Armstrong (Dartmouth College) Julia Driver (Dartmouth College) David Brink (University of California/San Diego) |
History of | Stephen Darwall (University of Michigan) |
Metaethics | David Copp (University of Florida/Gainseville) |
Applied | |
Bioethics | Dan Brock (National Institute of Health) |
Ethics and Information Technology | Helen Nissenbaum (New York University) |
Feminism | Sally Haslanger (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Nancy Tuana (Pennsylvania State University) |
Inductive Logic and Decision Theory | Brian Skyrms (University of California/Irvine) James Joyce (University of Michigan) |
Japanese Philosophy | Thomas Kasulis (Ohio State University) |
Judaic Philosophy | Tamar Rudavsky (Ohio State University) Charles Manekin (University of Maryland) Michael Morgan (Indiana University) |
Kant | Paul Guyer (University of Pennsylvania) |
Language, Philosophy of | Kenneth Taylor (Stanford University) Timothy Williamson (University of Oxford) Jason Stanley (University of Michigan) Jeffrey C. King (U. California/Davis) Martin Stokhof (U. Amsterdam) |
Law, Philosophy of | Joseph Raz (University of Oxford) Liam Murphy (New York University) |
Logic | |
Classical | Aldo Antonelli (U. California/Irvine) Dag Westerståhl (Göteborg University) |
Non-Classical | Alasdair Urquhart (University of Toronto) |
Philosophy of | Greg Restall (Macquarie University) John MacFarlane (University of California/Berkeley) |
Medieval Philosophy | Paul Vincent Spade (Indiana University/Bloomington) Gyula Klima (Fordham University) Jack Zupko (Emory University) |
Metaphysics | Gideon Rosen (Princeton University) Stephen Yablo (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Dean Zimmerman (Syracuse University) Penelope Mackie (University of Birmingham) Achille Varzi (Columbia University) |
Mind, Philosophy of | David Chalmers (University of Arizona) Daniel Stoljar (Australian National University) |
Physics, Philosophy of | |
Quantum Mechanics | Guido Bacciagaluppi (University of California/Berkeley) |
Spacetime | John D. Norton (University of Pittsburgh) |
Religion, Philosophy of | Edward Wierenga (University of Rochester) Linda Zagzebski (University of Oklahoma) |
Renaissance and 16th Century Philosophy |
John Monfasani (SUNY/Albany) Jill Kraye (Warburg Institute, University of London) Eckhard Kessler (Universität München) |
Science, Philosophy of | Chris Swoyer (University of Oklahoma)
Christopher Hitchcock (Cal Tech) James Woodward (Cal Tech) |
Social and Political Philosophy | Thomas Pogge (Columbia University) Simone Chambers (University of Toronto) Joshua Cohen (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Samuel Freeman (University of Pennsylvania) |
17th Century Philosophy | Alan Nelson (University of California/Irvine) Nicholas Jolley (University of California/Irvine) |
18th Century Philosophy | Margaret Atherton (University of Wisconsin/Milwaukee) David Owen (University of Arizona) |
19th Century Philosophy | Allen Wood (Stanford University) |
Continental Philosophy | Robert Pippin (University of Chicago) |
20th Century Philosophy | Andrew Irvine (University of British Columbia/Vancouver) Fred Kroon (University of Auckland) Huw Price (University of Sydney) David Sosa (University of Texas/Austin) |
Continental Philosophy | Dagfinn Føllesdal (University of Oslo/Stanford University) Sean D. Kelly (Princeton University) Thomas Flynn (Emory University) |