The connectives of the formal languages of propositional logic are
typically expected to exhibit salient features of the
sentence-connecting devices of natural languages, and especially such
devices as are regarded as items of logical vocabulary (and,
or), not, if–then,…), though it
will be no part of our concern to inquire as to what their
‘logicality’ consists in. This is an issue which arises
for expressions and constructions such as quantifiers, the identity
predicate, and so on, and not just for sentence connectives; for this
issue the entry “Logical Constants” by John MacFarlane
(2015) should be consulted. The formal languages concerned may be
taken to agree in constructing their formulas ultimately on the basis
of the same countably infinite supply of propositional
variables—or ‘sentence
letters’—, the first three of which we write for
convenience as . Where they differ
is in respect of their stock of primitive connectives. So for example,
we have the language with (set of)
formulas and connectives as indicated, of arities 2, 2, 1
and 0. (We have no qualms in the last two cases in speaking of
connectives, even when there are not two or more formulas to
‘connect’. Note that 0-ary or nullary connectives are
already formulas—sometimes called sentential constants—in
their own right.) As the notation suggests (with boldface capitals for
algebras and the corresponding italic capitals for their universes),
we are thinking—in the Polish tradition—of languages as
algebras, identifying the primitive connectives with the fundamental
operations of such algebras, and in particular, as absolutely free
algebras of their similarity types (in the present instance,
with the as free
generators. This allows us to speak in the usual fashion of the
main connective of a given formula, the variables
occurring in and more generally the subformulas of
such and such a formula, and so on, without restricting ourselves to
construing the formulas as obtained specifically by concatenating
various symbols.
Alongside this ‘syntactic operation’ sense of
connective—explained above for the primitive
connectives and extended to derived connectives
presently—another use of the term is indispensable: to refer to
a connective with particular logical behaviour, as when people want to
compare the behaviour of intuitionistic and classical implication. In
due course we will see the notion of a consequence relation as one way
of specifying such behaviour. If is such a relation there is a
unique language in the above sense which is the language of
and we can think of this ‘logically loaded’ sense of
connective as applying to the ordered pair ; thus in the case of intuitionistic implication this
would be , where
is the consequence relation of
intuitionistic logic. (In fact it would be preferable to take
equivalence classes of such pairs under a relation of translational
equivalence but we will make no further explicit use of these ordered
pairs or any such equivalence classes, and keep this aspect of the
discussion relatively informal. Instead of saying , we will say things like as it behaves
according to . It would be better still to use not
consequence relations—or the later introduced generalized
consequence relations—as the second coordinate of the
representatives but instead to insert here a
reference to a proof system—a set of sequent-to-sequent rules of
the kind introduced below, that is—since important differences
between logics fail to show up at the level which would individuate
them merely as consequence
The ‘languages as algebras’ perspective also allows us the
convenience of defining matrix evaluations (see Section
as just homomorphisms from the algebra of formulas to the algebra of
the matrix in question, of defining derived connectives and
(sentential) contexts as term functions (formerly known as polynomial
functions) and algebraic functions (now commonly called polynomial
functions) respectively, and so on. This treatment would need some
emendation were the discussion to embrace infinitary connectives,
branching connectives, and various other exotic devices, but there
will be enough to consider without touching on these.
For example, there is the issue raised by the use of the notation
above for the operations of . Such a choice suggests
that will represent conjunction, implication (or
the conditional) and negation—that is, be intended to capture
some aspect of the behaviour of and, if–then,
and not, respectively—and that will be some kind
of falsity constant. (Similarly, while we are fixing notation, if we
had written , , or
, we would be arousing expectations of
disjunction, equivalence—or biconditionality—and a truth
constant, respectively.) We can think of this as a matter of the
inference patterns to be sanctioned by some proof system offered for
, or as a matter of how the formulas of this
language are to be interpreted by assigning suitable semantic values
to them (truth-values being the simplest candidates here). We refer to
the former as a proof-theoretic or syntactical characterization of the
logic and the latter as a semantical characterization. The terminology
is somewhat unfortunate in that a perfectly respectable view in the
philosophy of logic (going back at least to Gentzen) has it that the
meanings of items of logical vocabulary, such as the
connectives of current concern, for a particular reasoner, are given
by a specification of the set of primitive rules, or a
favoured subset thereof, governing those items in a proof system
representing that reasoner’s (perhaps idealized) inferential
We take up some of those issues later, beginning with a reprise of
the semantical side of the story at the start of the following
We need first some general preliminaries, and forgetting the intended
application(s) for a moment, let us define, given sets and
, a pair of functions to be a
Galois connection between and when
and , and for
all we have
and It is well known
that the composition of with (respectively, with
in such a case is a closure operation on
(respectively, on in the sense of being a function (we do the
satisfying, for all subsets , of :
Further, where , the
triple , which we may
call a binary relational connection (between and
, induces a Galois connection
between and when we put, for all
( and here are
mnemonic for “Source” and “Target”
respectively; note that we do not require , or even that .) Suppose we
consider, not the sentential languages of our opening paragraph but
rather first-order languages, and take as the set of closed
formulas of such a language and as the set of models
(interpretations, structures,…) for that language, then with
as the relation holding between a closed formula and
a structure when and
are usually
denoted by and
. (The labels are intended to
suggest “class of all models of” and “theory
of”, respectively.) In this case the derived closure operations
(mapping to
(understood analogously) on
and respectively deliver the set of first-order
consequences of and the set of all models
verifying all the sentences verified by every . When there is
only one such in the latter case, what
is delivered is the class of structures elementarily equivalent to
. (Here we are thinking of classical
first-order model theory.)
Returning to the former case: as this use of the term
‘consequences’ reminds us, a closure operation on the set
of formulas of some language is conventionally called a
consequence operation, and perhaps to use the notation
rather than simply , though it
is often more convenient to talk in terms of the corresponding
consequence relation, holding between a set of formulas
and an individual formula —notated in some such way
as , , etc.—when ; when
the relation has been defined semantically it is not uncommon to press
into service in this role. (This will occur once
or twice below.) Certain shortcuts are usually taken with this
notation, so that one writes, for example and to
mean and , respectively.
(For the moment, capital Greek letters range over sets of formulas.)
The conditions given earlier for ’s being a closure
operation can be recast as conditions definitive of a consequence
relation, conditions we do not give explicitly here. A consequence
relation on some language is finitary if whenever
then we have
for some finite ; to be
substitution-invariant whenever then
where is any
substitution, i.e., any endomorphism of the algebra of formulas (and
is ;
and, finally, to be congruential when implies , in which the
notation is to be understood as follows. abbreviates “ and
(and if we are decorating the turnstile with
superscripts or subscripts, these are written only on the and
not also on the part of the composite notation); is some
formula constructed from propositional variables including at least
one, , say—to indicate which we
may sometimes write —and , for a
formula , is the result of substituting for all occurrences
of in . (So is
for the unique substitution for which
for and
.) The
notation amounts to thinking of as a (sentential)
context, and putting into this context amounts to
producing the formula ; more generally, we can think of an
-ary context as a formula containing
distinguished propositional variables
, say—and
perhaps additional variables
If there are no additional variables, then the formula
can be thought
of as a derived or composite connective of the language under
consideration. Returning to the 1-ary case, when we describe and as equivalent according to
, and, following Smiley (1962), when for all , the
formulas and are equivalent according to
, we describe and as synonymous (according
to . Thus a congruential consequence relation is one for which
any equivalent formulas are synonymous.
The characterization of the (classical first-order) consequence
relation given above was semantic, in that we described it in terms of
the consequence operation which invokes
the structures for the language and what is true in them. A proof
system for first-order logic provides a direct syntactic account of
when is a consequence of , in terms of derivability using
rules (and perhaps axioms) sensitive only to the form of the formulas
involved. We could discuss the properties of sentence connectives in
terms of such quantified languages (in which open as well as closed
sentences can be their arguments) but to avoid extraneous
complications prefer the setting of the propositional languages with
which we began. And, as in the discussion to this point, we will
generally just say “connective”, rather than
“sentence connective”.
Any binary relational connection , as above, will be said to have conjunctive
combinations on the left (right) if for any
exists such that for all
just in case and (respectively, for any there exists
such that for all just
in case and
; we call
(respectively, a
conjunctive combination of and
in this case. Replacing the two
“and”s after the words “just in case” by
“or” gives the notion of disjunctive combinations
on the left and right of . Both notions admit of an obvious
generalization to the case in which is replaced by an arbitrary subset
of , and similarly on the
side. We write and
for conjunctive and
disjunctive combinations, respectively, in this case, and similarly on
the right (with an subscript), when we know
either that such a combination is unique or that, while not unique,
what is being said would be correct however a representative
combination were chosen. The subscript is omitted when no confusion is
likely. If, as above instead of writing
(respectively, , we write
(respectively, and similarly on the right. To
illustrate these concepts, consider the connection with some non-empty set, its power set, and
the relation of membership . There are conjunctive
combinations and disjunctive combinations on the right, being
intersections and unions respectively, but there are in general
neither conjunctive nor disjunctive combinations on the left. Taking
the former case, a conjunctive combination of and ,
where these are distinct elements of , would be an element of
belonging to precisely those subsets of to which each of
, belongs—which is impossible since the unit set of
this element—as with any unit set—contains only one
element, and so not both of . By analogy with the above
definitions of conjunctive and disjunctive combinations we can also
consider the existence of negative objects on the left and right of a
relational connection, and note that again the set-theoretic example
just given presents is with negative objects on the right (for , the corresponding negative object is , but not on the left (“no negative individuals”, as
philosophers might put it, and the point would stand if we switched to
the case in which comprised properties—rather than
sets—of individuals, reconstruing accordingly). This
absence of combinations simultaneously on the left and right of a
relational connection is typical of non-degenerate cases, in that one
can easily verify that if a relational connection has disjunctive
combinations on the left and conjunctive combinations on the right, or
vice versa, then it satisfies the following (rather
strong) crossover condition:
for all , all , if
and , then either or .
(To see this, assume the antecedent and consider the relation as
it relates and —or, for the
“vice versa”, and .)
Let us return to the propositional languages with which we began. A
valuation for such an is a function from
to the two-element set (of truth-values). As in the
case of first-order languages touched on above, we put the set of
formulas in the source position (i.e. on the left) of our
relational connections ,
with the set of all valuations for as
the target (on the right), and (the “is true
on” relation) relates to just in case . In view of the
one-to-correspondence between sets and characteristic functions, this
relational connection is just a mild variant of the -based
relational connection considered above, in particular sharing with it
the feature that it has conjunctive and disjunctive combinations on
the right but not the left, and the feature that no two elements from
the left bear the relation to exactly the same elements on
the right, and no two elements on the right have have exactly the same
elements from the left bearing the relation to them. To get
some interesting logic under way, some of these features needed to be
disturbed, though as we shall see, one of them—the existence of
conjunctive combinations on the right—will prove surprisingly
tenacious. If our interest lies in classical logic, we will be
especially keen to discard most of (the above) and
concentrate only on Boolean valuations, in the sense to be explained
now. A function from to is called an -ary
truth-function, and we say that an -ary
truth-function is associated with the
-ary connective of on the valuation
(for —or alternatively, under these same
conditions, that is associated with on
—just in case for all
We describe the connective as truth-functional with respect
to a class of valuations when there is some such
that for each is associated
with on , and as pseudo-truth-functional with
respect to when is a union of classes of
valuations with respect to each of which classes is
A valuation is -Boolean, speaking informally, when the
expected truth-function is associated with on . More
specifically, , assumed to be a valuation for a language
supporting the connectives to be mentioned here, is -Boolean when
the binary truth-function with
iff is associated with on -Boolean
when a similar association holds for and
defined by iff . We
assume that the idea is now clear without providing separate
definitions of -Boolean”,
-Boolean”, -Boolean”,
-Boolean”, etc. A Boolean valuation for
is just a valuation for which is
-Boolean for each primitive connective of for
which a notion of -Boolean valuation has been defined. (This is just
a way of registering an intended truth-functional interpretation for
the connectives in question.) Similarly we call any connective for
which a notion of -Boolean valuation has been defined, a Boolean
connective, even when discussing its behaviour according to a logic
not determined by a class of Boolean valuations. (This terminology
will be explained in due course.)
A set of truth-functions is strongly functionally complete if
every truth-function can be obtained by composition from functions in
the set, together with the projection functions, and weakly
functionally complete if every truth-function can be obtained
from functions in the set, together with the projection functions and
the operation of passing from an -ary function to an
-ary function by dropping an inessential argument (an
argument on which the function does not depend, that is). This
terminology is transferred from truth-functions to Boolean connectives
via the conventional association of such connectives with
truth-functions described in the previous paragraph. Thus for example
each of the sets is weakly functionally
complete, while is strongly functionally complete.
This weak/strong distinction is not usually registered in the
literature, and functional completeness simpliciter is
understood as weak functional completeness. These notions also apply
in matrix semantics generally (see Section
and there are analogous notions of expressive completeness tailored
to other areas; two distinct versions of expressive completeness in
the area of intuitionistic logic (the distinction being orthogonal to
the weak/strong distinction just drawn) are contrasted in Rousseau
(1968), for example. None of these matters will occupy us further
It is often useful to take a more fine-grained look at the
truth-functions in play in the above discussion. Assuming the
identification of -ary functions with certain -ary
relations and the latter with sets of ordered -tuples, we use
the term determinant for the elements of a
truth-function. Thus the four determinants of the truth-function
associated with on
-Boolean valuations are and Note that the final
entry is the ‘output’ value for the function
concerned. Such determinants will occupy us extensively below.
In saying that a consequence relation is determined
by a class of valuations what is meant that if and only if for all , whenever
for each , then . When
has been described by means of some proof system (some collection of
rules), then the “only if” (“if”) direction of
this claim amounts to the claim that is sound
(respectively, complete) with respect to . Take the
language whose sole primitive connective is and the class
of -Boolean valuations. A simple proof system is provided by
the rules indicated in the obvious way by the following figures:
The rule on the left is usually called -Introduction while the
two on the right are collectively known as
-Elimination—thus and
—because they take us, respectively, to
and from a formula with as main connective, and they enable us
to define a consequence relation, in purely
syntactic terms thus: just in
case starting with formulas all of which lie in , successive
application of the above rules allows us to pass eventually to the
formula . And then one can show, not only that this is the
consequence relation determined by the class of -Boolean
valuations—so that if one began with that class and sought a
syntactic codification of the logic it gave rise to, one’s
search would be at an end—but further that the valuations
consistent with are precisely the
-Boolean valuations. Here we call valuation
consistent with when for no , for which
, do we have for all while ; the “but
further” in the preceding sentence is explained by the fact that
every consequence relation is determined by the class
of all valuations consistent with , which in the
case of are precisely the -Boolean
valuations. (The general result just alluded to is a well-known
‘abstract completeness theorem’, and can be found on p.59
of Humberstone (2011). For the -specific point,
see the discussion of Gabbay’s result on the
projection-conjunction truth-functions below on the precise extent of
the feature in question, which, for example, none of exhibits.) The significance of this is that if one started not
with the class of -Boolean valuations (or any other kind of
valuational semantics), but with the rules and
themselves, then that class of valuations would force itself on
one’s attention anyway as the only class of valuations,
preservation of truth on each of which coincided with derivability
using those rules. (We return to this theme below, in connection with
Carnap, by which time we will have traded in formula-to-formula rules
for sequent-to-sequent rules, allowing for the convenient
representation of inferences in which assumptions are discharged.)
Moreover, the rules have a considerable claim to the status of rules
in accordance with which one must reason if one is understanding
as “and”, as providing a codification of the way in which
conjunctive premisses and conclusions are reasoned from and to in
natural day-to-day reasoning.
Now, as Gerhard Gentzen observed, when we come to formulate similarly
compelling principles for introducing and eliminating the other
connectives, we find ourselves having to make reference to the
discharging of assumptions temporarily made for the sake of
argument. Such is the case for instance with formulating an
introduction rule for and with formulating an elimination rule
for . In the case of the former rule, for example, Gentzen took it
that the way to derive is to assume and use
the various rules and other assumptions to derive , at which
point the rule (also called Conditional Proof) allows us to claim that
we have derived from the remaining assumptions,
without having to record this conclusion as depending on (as
itself did before the rule was applied). Thus to extend the
present approach, known as natural deduction, from to
these and other connectives, it is necessary to keep track not only of
what formulas we are dealing with at a given stage but also of the set
of initial formulas, or assumptions, on which that formula depends. We
want to say, in the case of the rule just described, that it entitles
us to pass from , as depending on , to , as depending on . The ordered pair of a finite
set of formulas and an individual formula,
whose first entry records the set of formulas on which its second
entry depends, we write in the more suggestive notation , and call a sequent, or more explicitly, a
sequent of the logical framework Set-Fmla.
For the variant framework Set-Fmla,
allow also the case in which there is no formula to the right of the
. Some principles for reasoning about sequents
which do not involve any specific connectives and were called by
Gentzen, structural rules (as opposed to operational
rules) are the following, which are respectively a zero-premiss, a
one-premiss and a two-premiss sequent-to-sequent rule:
As the notation makes clear, we use the same shortcuts in formulations
involving the regular turnstile as for the current variant
, despite the difference in role played by these two symbols:
the former is a metalinguistic predicate and the latter a device for
separating the two sides of a sequent. (,
arranging formulas into sequents, is, as Lemmon (1965) says of his
corresponding notation, the formal analogue of the word
“therefore”, which arranges sentences into arguments. The
former is, by contrast, for making comments about such
arguments—for example to the effect that they are valid. Of
course there is a little slack in the analogy for Set-Fmla,
since we allow the
case where there are no premisses.) Any collection of sequents
which is closed under the structural rules above gives rise to a
corresponding (finitary) consequence relation: iff for some finite
, we have . We should also have a sequent-based analogue of
the notion of a valuation’s being consistent with a consequence
relation; accordingly we say that a sequent
holds on the valuation just in case we do not have
for each while also . (When is empty, the
sequent holds on just in case . It
would be uncouth to speak of a sequent as being true on a valuation,
however, just as one would not speak of the truth of an argument. Such
usages are on a par with, and closely allied to, the mistaken
conception of as a kind of connective.)
We can now formulate the desired -introduction rule so that the
assumption discharge feature is visible in what happens on the left of
the sequent-separator as we move from premiss-sequent to
conclusion-sequent. We write the elimination rule alongside in a
similar notation; included also are the natural deduction rules for
; the earlier rules for should be imagined as re-written
along similar lines, with assumption-dependencies made explicit:
Along with the rules reformulated in the above
sequent-to-sequent style, and the structural rule
(Id)—(Weakening) and (Cut) being derivable—these rules
render provable exactly those sequents in -fragment
of intuitionistic logic, while for the corresponding fragment of
classical logic, one would need to add a further principle governing
implication, such as the following subcontrariety rule:
(Equivalently, in view of Weakening, one could give a formulation with
as a set-variable for the right sequent premiss,
and carry both and down to
the conclusion-sequent, as in the formulation of above.) In
the terminology of Dummett (1991) all of the rules we have seen are
pure (their schematic formulation involves mention only of a
single connective) and simple (each formulation mentions it
only once), this last rule is also oblique: a discharged
assumption has the connective in question as its main connective. One
can trade in this obliqueness for a loss of simplicity, changing the
-elimination rule from the familiar Modus Ponens
principle above to a version incorporating Peirce’s Law
due to
or sacrifice purity and have a zero-premiss rule , or again just leave the implicational rules as
they are and rely on further rules (not given here) governing negation
to make up the shortfall and render such classically but not
intuitionistically acceptable -sequents—such as
Peirce’s Law above—provable with their aid. (The same
tensions would then arise for the rules, if one regards
obliqueness as undesirable, with “double negation
elimination” principles abandoning simplicity, or
“excluded middle” principles, abandoning purity. Note that
by a ‘classically acceptable sequent’ here is meant a
sequent holding on all Boolean valuations.) An alternative for
capturing the classical logic of is to change from the logical
framework Set-Fmla to
Set-Set, in which
finite (possibly empty) sets of formulas appear on the right of the
, just as on the left. Then the above -Introduction rule
can remain intact, but with a set variable to collect side-formulas on
the right: from to
. (Suitable modifications
should also be made to the remaining rules in this case.) These
‘multiple-succedent’ sequents are more popularly
associated with a different approach to logic from the natural
deduction approach (though they have often appeared in this setting),
namely the sequent calculus approach, in which instead of being
inserted or removed from the right of the , by suitable
introduction or elimination rules, together with the possible
discharge of assumptions, the rules—again, ideally, pure and
simple—always insert a connective, either to the left or the
right, of the . The left insertion rules do the
work of the elimination rules of the natural deduction approach, while
the right insertion rules do the work of—indeed, are
just—the natural deduction introduction rules. The left
insertion rules, ( Left) for
are then as follows for
the classical case, with the right insertion rules (
Right) being the natural deduction introduction rules as above,
with a set-variable on the right of the for the classical
Set-Set case:
For formulations restricted to Set-Fmla,
and thus suitable for the
intuitionistic sequent calculus, we require that in
Left) contains at most one formula, and for Left) and
Left), that contains at most one formula.
Indeed, one easily sees that using the structural rules mentioned
earlier and the operational rules described here, there will always be
exactly one formula, since proofs all begin with (Id) and no rule
removes all formulas from the right-hand side (or
‘succedent’) in the transition from premiss sequents to
conclusion sequent. This changes if we add the rules for negation,
here giving both the left and the right insertion rules, initially for
the Set-Set case:
A Set-Set sequent
holds on a valuation if and only if
it is not the case that verifies every formula in
while falsifying every formula in note that this coincides
with the definition of “holding on given for
Set-Fmla in the case
in which for some . Similarly, we have the
notion of a generalized consequence relation in which
suitably two-sided versions of the conditions definitive of
consequence relations are given, which can be found in Shoesmith and
Smiley (1978), Chapter 2, for example (under the name
‘multiple-conclusion consequence relation’). If is
such a relation on a language then an
-valuation is said to be consistent
with when there do not exist , with for all and
for all . The
class of all such valuations is denoted, much as in the consequence
relation case, by . Sometimes formulations appear below
with the phrase “(generalized) consequence relation”,
meaning that the claim being made or considered applies both in the
case of consequence relations and in the case of generalized
consequence relations.
One should distinguish sharply between logical frameworks,
that is, choices as to what kind of thing a sequent is (e.g., Set-Fmla
vs. Set-Set),
on the one hand,
and approaches to logic, that is, choices as to what kind of
sequent-to-sequent rules are to be used (e.g., natural deduction
vs. sequent calculus), on the other. Gentzen (1934) used
Set-Set for a
classical sequent calculus and Set-Fmla
for the intuitionistic case. (More accurately,
since he had finite sequences of formulas in mind rather than sets,
and in the latter case allowed empty but not multiple succedents, we
should really say something long the lines of Seq-Seq
and Seq-Fmla,
respectively. Additional structural rules are then needed to allow
permutation of formulas in a sequence.) Rudolf Carnap (1943) had a
rather different reason for passing from Set-Fmla
to Set-Set,
one which is
semantically based rather than grounded in considerations of
proof-theoretic elegance.
Let us forget about and and the rules governing them, and
consider the formulas constructed with the aid only of and .
On sequents of Set-Fmla
in this fragment, classical and intuitionistic
logic agree, and the consequence relation
concerned—, we may call it—is
the consequence relation determined by the class of all - and
-Boolean valuations. Carnap’s point is one anticipated
earlier with the remark that every
is -Boolean, which extends to the
case of : all valuations in
are -Boolean, but they are not
all -Boolean, for the simple reason that for any consequence
relation , is always closed under conjunctive
combinations, and it is easy to find -Boolean , with not
Indeed, in 4.8 below we shall see that there is no truth-function at
all associated with on any with , though here we will concentrate on illustrating this more
general result for the special case of the usual (inclusive)
disjunction truth-function to show how
can fail to be -Boolean.
It is instructive see this particular case argued by an appeal to the
considerations of Section
as follows. Consider the binary relational connection between the set
of formulas in a language one of whose connectives is and the
class of Boolean valuations, with the relation is true on. We
have disjunctive combinations on the left, with as , since the
valuations on the right are all -Boolean; therefore we cannot in
general have conjunctive combinations on the right, since the
crossover condition is not satisfied for this connection. The closure
claim applies quite generally, with whenever . This fact
appears in the philosophical literature in the fact that
supervaluations over classes of bivalent valuations deliver the same
consequence relation as the original valuations, which is accordingly
classical when the valuations are Boolean. (Supervaluations are
supposed to be non-bivalent, in verifying those formulas verified by
all the underlying valuations and falsifying those formulas false on
all the underlying valuations, with those in neither category being
neither true nor false on the supervaluation. But everything in this
definition after the words “verified by all the underlying
valuations” is mere rhetoric, since all that matters—for a
sequent’s holding on a valuation or a valuation’s being
consistent with a consequence relation—is truth-preservation;
setting it to one side, we can identify the supervaluation over
with . Likewise in the case of
‘subvaluations’—as in Hyde (2005)—where it is
that would be relevant.) A special case arises with
, for which is the unique
valuation assigning to every formula (of the
language in question, to which the claim of uniqueness is understood
as relativized).
One may wonder which truth-functions are like that associated (on
-Boolean valuations) with in this respect. More precisely,
let be the consequence relation determined by the class of
valuations on each of which an -ary connective
is associated with the -ary
truth-function . Our question is: for which choices of
does enforce the interpretation of
as in the sense that on every
, is associated
with . This question was answered in Dov Gabbay (1978) and
(1981) (Chapter 1, Section 3) as follows. Say that (as
above) is a projection-conjunction truth-function just in
case for some we have, for
all :
if and only if for all
Then the truth-functions for which every valuation
consistent with (as above) associates
with are precisely the projection-conjunction
truth-functions. (Gabbay calls , as it behaves
according to , strongly classical in these cases,
though his own definition is not formulated in these terms.) By way of
example: when , these are the identity and the
constant-true functions, while for , they are the first
projection, second projection, constant true and (Boolean) conjunction
truth-functions. (The constant true cases arise by taking
as .) The remaining 12 binary truth-functions thus exhibit the
behaviour we saw with the disjunction truth-function; the
corresponding connectives are what Gabbay calls weakly
classical: determined by a class of valuations over which the
connective is associated with a certain truth-function despite the
existence of further consistent valuation on which it is not so
associated. It is easy to see that the latter phenomenon does not
arise in the case of generalized consequence relations , since
we can easily write down unconditional conditions on such relations
which enforce the association with a particular truth-function on
valuations in . This is best seen as proceeding
determinant by determinant. The unenforceable determinant in the case
of disjunction is , dictating that when the
disjuncts have the values listed in the first two positions, the
disjunction has the value listed in the final position. This
determinant induces in a familiar way (e.g., Segerberg 1982,
§3.3) the following condition on : that for all , we have . Alternatively
put, in Set-Set, as
opposed to Set-Fmla,
there is a set of formulas holding on precisely the -Boolean
valuations, namely that containing, for all formulas , the
sequents , and , and—the new case not already available in Set-Fmla—. In view of this, we can say that in Set-Set
though not in Set-Fmla,
the class of
-Boolean valuations is sequent-definable, and the same
goes for connectives associated with all the other truth-functions not
meeting the projection-conjunction test (such as negation and material
implication). As the example makes clear, by contrast with the
case of consequence relations, , for a generalized
consequence relation , need not be closed under conjunctive
Again, one can see this in the light of the considerations of Section
thinking of the relational connection between Set-Set
sequents and
arbitrary valuations, with the relation being ‘holds on’.
This connection supplies disjunctive combinations on the left, with
being the least common weakening of
Thus it cannot also supply conjunctive combinations on the right,
since it does not satisfy the crossover condition.
This approximately Carnapian concern with
sequent-definability—in particular the exclusion of unwanted
non-Boolean valuations—can be taken to a higher level by moving
from questions about sequents and the valuations they hold, to
questions about rules and the valuations they preserve the property of
holding on, as we shall see in Section
after making some further points about the apparatus of consequence
relations, or logics in the framework Set-Fmla.
determinant-induced conditions on generalized consequence relations
alluded to above can be converted into conditions on consequence
relations in a straightforward way, illustrated here in the case of
negation, with the condition
(induced by ) becoming
and the condition
(induced by ) turning into the conditional
condition on consequence relations :
for all , if and
In a proof system in Set-Fmla
such conditional requirements emerge as
sequent-to-sequent rules, closure under which (along with containing
all the sequents corresponding to the unconditional requirements) will
suffice to secure completeness—in this case that any unprovable
sequent fails to hold on some -Boolean valuation—without
the strong classicality property of having the provable sequents hold
only on such valuations. (The process just described
transforms the Set-Set
condition, (all ), induced by the Set-Fmla
determinant , into the
conditional condition of closure under the rule .) If
a generalized consequence relation with a Boolean connective
in its language satisfies all the conditions induced by the
determinants of the associated truth-function we call -classical. Similarly for a consequence relation which
satisfies the conditions on consequence
relations—conditional conditions
included—derived, as just described, from these
determinant-induced conditions on generalized consequence relations.
(These versions of -classicality can often be simplified on a
case-by-case basis. For example, the -classicality of a
consequence relation or generalized consequence relation—we use
the former notation here—is equivalent to its being the case
that for all , we have (1) , (2) , and (3) . Here we see a three-part condition, instead of
the four-part condition comprising the conditions induced by each of
the four determinants.)
Consideration of the determinant-induced conditions on generalized
consequence relations allows us incidentally to observe, somewhat
surprisingly, that consequence relations (and the Set-Fmla
framework) manage
to distinguish the logics of any two truth-functions of the same
arity. More precisely, suppose that and are
distinct -ary truth-functions, is an -ary
connective, and and
are the classes of valuations on
which, respectively, and are associated with ;
then the consequence relations determined by
are distinct. By way of illustration, suppose that and
and differ on some determinant beginning with . (Thus we are considering the case in which the first component
of a -compound is true on a given valuation and the second and third
are false.) Without loss of generality, we can assume that while . The conditions on a generalized consequence relation
induced by these determinants are respectively ,
and , . Thus in particular, taking as and each
of , as , for the generalized consequence
relations say, determined by
and ,
determined by , we have:
Note that , , since otherwise it would
follow (by the ‘cut’ condition on generalized consequence
relations) from the first inset -statement here that , which is not the case. Thus
in view of the second -statement,
and differ on the sequent , ,
since while . But is a sequent of
Set-Fmla, so the
consequence relations, and
, say, determined respectively by
also differ (namely, on . We have worked through a simple
illustration of the general result claimed above, but this case is
sufficiently representative for the general proof to be
Indeed the real moral is more general still. We did not need to use,
in our worked example, more than the fact that there was some
determinant respected by every valuation in
with the opposite determinant
respected by every valuation in , where
respects a determinant
for (with each ) just in case for all formulas ,
for implies , and determinants are
opposite if they differ in precisely their final positions.
(Actually, inspection of the worked example shows that we also need
the classes playing the role of and
also to contain enough valuations to
assign different truth-values to any pair of distinct propositional
variables.) Take the 1-ary connective of any familiar modal
logic (e.g., , for example. We expect it to
satisfy the determinant , in the sense that the
appropriate consequence relation should satisfy the condition induced
by this determinant, since what is necessarily true is true—and
thus if is false, should be false—while we do
not want any determinant of the form to be
satisfied. In this case we can describe as partially
determined according to the consequence relation in question. On
the other hand, if a consequence relation (or a generalized
consequence relation satisfies, for each -tuple of
truth-values, the condition induced by exactly one determinant for the
-ary connective , whose first entries are as
given by that -tuple (the final, st,
entry being either a or an ), then we say is fully
determined according to (or . By the
determinant-induced conditions on a consequence relation here is meant
the conditions on a consequence relation derived as explained (or at
least illustrated) above from the directly determinant-induced
conditions on a generalized consequence relation. As one might expect,
this property of connectives relative to consequence relations has an
intimate relation with the similar property introduced at the start of
this section:
A connective in the language of a consequence relation is
fully determined according to if and only if there is some
class of valuations such that is determined by
and is truth-functional with respect to .
Note that the two occurrences of the word ‘determined’
here mean quite different things. “Fully determined”, as
defined above, is a variation on Segerberg’s terminology in his
(1982) of ‘type-determined’, varied so as to lend itself
to other modifications—partially determined,
completely undetermined, overdetermined,…
(though this last will not be getting attention here)—while the
second occurrence of the word is the usual sound and complete
sense of “determined”. Turning to generalized consequence
relations, we find the connection to be more intimate still:
A connective in the language of a generalized consequence relation
is fully determined according to if and only if is
truth-functional with respect to .
This implies the statement given for consequence relations (putting
in place of ) since a
generalized consequence relation, like a consequence relation, is
always determined by the class of all valuations consistent with it.
(But only the weaker statement above is available for consequence
relations, as such cases as that of illustrates, since the
consequence relation determined by the class of -Boolean
valuations—with respect to to which is by definition
truth-functional—is also determined by other classes of
valuations, with respect to it is not.) Indeed another way of putting
the contrast between the consequence relations claim above and the
generalized consequence relations claim is that while for consequence
relations #‘s being fully determined according to is
equivalent to some class of valuations which determines
having truth-functional with respect to it, for generalized
consequence relations we can say that ‘s being fully determined
according to is equivalent to every class of
valuations which determines having # truth-functional with
respect to it.
Along with truth-functionality, we also included a definition of
pseudo-truth-functionality with respect to . A simple way of
seeing the relation between these two concepts is in an
scope contrast (in which
ranges over truth-functions of the same arity as ): is
truth-functional with respect to when
associated with on ],
whereas is pseudo-truth-functional with respect to
associated with on ].
It is natural to ask after a syntactical condition related to
pseudo-truth-functionality in the same way(s) as full determination is
related to truth-functionality. Say that an -ary connective
is left-extensional in its th position
or right-extensional in
its th position, according to a generalized
consequence relation , when the condition
(LE or (RE is satisfied,
respectively, for all formulas
in the
language of we have:
- (LE)
- (RE)
is left-extensional (right-extensional) according to if it
is left-extensional (respectively, right-extensional) in its
th position for each , and finally
is extensional according to when is both left- and
right-extensional according to . In 4.8 we encounter a failure
of of RE for, relative to certain generalized
consequence relation considered there (which also violates
the RE, as it happens). For we drop
the subscript, the above conditions reducing to (LE) and (RE):
- (LE)
- (RE)
Thus (LE) requires that each
“treats truths alike” when they are embedded under , in
the sense that when , then , while (RE) requires that falsehoods be
treated alike in that likewise implies that . (It may
help to remark that for -classical together these amount
to requiring that . But we are trying to keep the discussion
‘pure’ so that definitions make sense even when the
connective—here #—with the property being defined is the
sole connective in the language.) The conditions
(LE) already make sense as conditions on
consequence relations (writing for since there is a
single formula on the right, and we will speak of as
left-extensional according to when they are all satisfied,
while the conditions (RE) need to be converted
into conditional conditions as above in the discussion of
determinant-induced conditions. We will illustrate this only for the
case, with (RE) becoming (RE), understood as
demanding for all :
- (RE)
- If , and and , then ,
Taking it that the intention is clear for the general case what
(RE) should be as a condition on
consequence relations, we say that is right-extensional according to
when (RE) is satisfied for each
up to the arity of , and that is extensional according
to just in case is both left- and right-extensional
according to . Then paralleling the above results for
truth-functionality are the following for
A connective in the language of a consequence relation is
extensional according to if and only if there is some class of
valuations such that is determined by
and is pseudo-truth-functional with respect to .
A connective in the language of a generalized consequence relation
is extensional according to if and only if is
pseudo-truth-functional with respect to .
Whether for consequence relations or for generalized consequence
relations, we have the following—in general,
irreversible—implications for the three properties of being
fully determined, being extensional, and being congruential (as
explained below) according to any given (generalized) consequence
fully determined extensional
where this last concept is defined by saying that is
congruential in the position
according to a consequence relation or generalized consequence
relation or (we state the condition only using the
notation) just in case for all formulas
and calling congruential according to when is congruential
in each of its positions according to . Clearly a consequence
relation is congruential in the sense of Section
of course also makes sense for generalized consequence
relations—precisely when each primitive connective in its
language is congruential in every position according to it. A similar
lifting of properties of connectives—‘according to’
(generalized) consequence relations—can be made in the other
cases too, for example calling a consequence relation fully determined
when each of the primitive connectives of its language is fully
determined according to it. Thus we may say that the consequence
relation of classical logic (with any
given stock of primitive connectives—though we will not further
decorate the notation to indicate a particular fragment) is fully
determined and thus also extensional (and congruential), while the
consequence relation of intuitionistic
logic is congruential but not extensional, since for example, ,
is not right-extensional according to .
The consequence relation determined by the well-known three-element
matrix of Łukasiewicz is not even congruential, since (again)
is not congruential according to this relation. There is a
weaker property than extensionality as here defined (for the sake of
the above connection with pseudo-truth-functionality) which properly
implies left extensionality but not right extensionality and which,
unlike left extensionality itself, implies congruentiality. We could
define , here taken for illustrative purposes again as 1-ary, to be
weakly extensional according to a consequence relation when
for all :
and imply
, .
Thus weak extensionality is congruentiality ‘with side
formulas’ (collected into . The obvious adaptation of
this notion to generalized consequence relations would be to allow
side-formulas on the right too (replacing the
above by and adding a set
variable to the right-hand sides, that is): this
turns out to be equivalent to extensionality for generalized
consequence relations as defined above in terms of
(LE) and (RE) is weakly extensional in this sense, and
weak extensionality according to is a property of some theoretical
significance for the case in which the language of adds new
connectives in the spirit of the original intuitionistic
Returning to the subject of extensionality, one area in which
extensional but not fully determined connectives arises is when one
takes hybrids of the latter. By the hybrid of disjunction and
conjunction, for example, understanding and to have the
inferential powers conferred on them by a particular logic, is meant a
binary connective whose inferential powers are those shared and
. (See Rautenberg 1989 for this example, and Rautenberg 1991 and
references therein for more in this vein.) Note that the connectives
hybridized and the resulting hybrid are connectives in the
‘logically loaded’ sense of Section
There are various ways of defining the hybridization process depending
on how much generality one wants, but the following minimally general
definition is the easiest to work with. Start with two (generalized)
consequence relations each on the same language, that language having
a single primitive connective, , say. The hybrid connective is then
as it behaves according to the intersection of the (generalized)
consequence relations. This way of defining things requires us to
re-notate the connectives to be hybridized. Thus sticking with the
example just mentioned, we consider a copy of the pure fragment
of , called
earlier in this section, but writing for —but let us
still call this consequence relation —and
similarly with the fragment. We are then interested in the
behaviour of according to . (Where and
are the classes of valuations on which is
associated respectively with the Boolean truth-function and with
the Boolean truth-function, our intersective consequence relation
is that determined by .) This behaviour includes the semilattice properties of idempotence, commutativity and associativity, for
example, since these are common to Boolean disjunction and
conjunction. This particular hybrid connective is partially
determined, since for example (a sequent formulation of the condition induced
on consequence relations by ) belongs to . This by itself does not show that
the hybrid is not fully determined, however, and to avoid
entanglement with some issues about rules, this point is best
illustrated in terms of the corresponding generalized consequence
relations and their intersection, the latter satisfying neither of the
conditions induced by the determinants beginning : for , the condition that
(failing for as or the determinant , for
which the induced condition is (failing for as . (Among issues about
non-zero-premiss sequent-to-sequent rules that call for care is the
fact that while for any such rule under which each of the intersected
consequence relations is closed, their intersection is likewise
closed, the converse is false: the hybrid consequence relation may be
closed under rules under which the originals are not. In the present
instance the rule: from to
is an example. Similarly for generalized
consequence relations the rule: from to makes the same
point. This second version shows that the current example of
hybridization, as conducted
in Set-Set,
yields a symmetric generalized consequence
Let us note in view of the recent reference to , there has been an interest in how one
might form something like the union rather than the intersection of
the two consequence relations involved here. Not quite the union,
since that would not be a consequence relation, but something
answering to the intuitive idea of a consequence relation embodying
the combined logic of conjunction and disjunction. (This is the theme
of Béziau and Coniglio (2010), further taken up in Humberstone
(2015).) The situation is not exactly dual to that of hybrids, to
which topic we return in the folowing paragraph, because the envisaged
hybrid logic contains one connective with the common logical
properties of (in the present instance) conjunction and disjunction,
whereas the combined logic is based on the language with the two
connectives. (The precise dual would be a consequence relation on a
language with a single connective, roughly speaking giving that
connective all the logical powers possessed by either disjunction or
conjunction, and by a result of Wolfgang Rautenberg cited below,
according to this consequence relation any formula follows from any
other. Indeed, this particular instance of Rautenberg’s
observation is already well known in the literature on ,
recalled in §3 below: any consequence
relation in a language including a binary connective which satisfies,
relative to that consequence relation, both an -Introduction
condition and also an -Elimination condition will be one of these
trivial consequence relations.)
The hybrid of two fully determined connectives may even be completely
undetermined (satisfy no determinant-induced conditions at all, that
is). This will be the case, for example, if we hybridize not
conjunction and disjunction, but conjunction and negated conjunction
(sometimes called nand). By using negation in this way, we
prevent any overlap in the determinant-induced conditions which are
satisfied by the hybrid, though there still remain some non-trivial
properties (commutativity, for example) as well as
extensionality—the point of this mention of hybrids—since
any hybrid of fully determined connectives will still be extensional
(according to the intersection, that is). Of course, one can also
hybridize connectives which are not themselves fully, or even
partially determined—for example, one could investigate the
common properties of and ; according to the smallest
normal modal logic (commonly called , though this
example would for its most natural development require us to go beyond
the simple account of hybrids given here, since it would have to
attend to the simultaneous presence of the Boolean connectives
alongside these modal operators. A better known modal example of
hybrids is that of the operator in Łukasiewicz’s
Ł-modal logic (not that Łukasiewicz used this notation for
his necessity operator), which is a hybrid of 1-ary connectives for
the 1-place identity and constant-false truth-functions. (See Chapter
1 of Prior (1957) on this point; further references may be found in
The hybrid of two connectives is a subconnective of each of
them in the sense that whatever sequents (of the logical framework in
play) are provable for it are provable for them. And
conversely—but for the moment the subconnective relation itself
will be the focus of attention. Intuitionistic negation is in this
sense a subconnective, indeed a proper subconnective (in the
sense that we do not have the converse) of classical negation. As with
hybrids, there are various options, of differing degrees of generality
in their application, for defining this relation. In the case of a
language with only a single primitive connective, , we can say
that as it behaves according to (e.g.) the consequence relation
is a subconnective of as it behaves according to
just in case . If we want to
allow different connectives of the same arity, say and ,
then we can put this instead by saying that
only if , for all ,
understanding the latter to denote a sequent with various occurrences
of in its constituent formulas, with the result
of replacing all such occurrences by . This kind of formulation
lends itself to wider applicability since we can allow other
connectives in the formulas of , provided these are in
the language of . There is no reason to restrict attention
to primitive connectives in making such comparisons. For example, each
of and is a subconnective of the other in
several well-known modal logics, as is shown in Zolin (2000), where
logics are developed axiomatically as sets of formulas (sequents of
the logical framework Fmla, as we would
say[12]) so
the would become
and the point is that in the logics concerned and
are always equi-provable—though in the
interesting cases (e.g., those of , not provably equivalent. Note that this is an
intra-logical application of the subconnective idea (corresponding to
the case of above, for which
we definitely need to work with notationally distinguished
and . Zolin calls such mutual subconnectives
analogous (‘analogous modalities’). A
philosophically famous example of this phenomenon from bimodal (or
more specifically, doxastic-epistemic) logic was reported in Byrd
Earlier in this section we saw that, where
are the classes of valuations for a language with an -ary
connective on which distinct truth-functions and
are associated with respectively, the consequence
relations determined by and
were always distinct. In the present
terminology, this means that either as it behaves according to the
first of these consequence relations is not a subconnective of as it
behaves according to the second, or vice versa. This is obvious for
generalized consequence relations as one can read off the difference
from the unconditional conditions induced by the determinants of
and , but we saw (in a worked example) that such
differences are also guaranteed to emerge at the relatively cruder
level of consequence relations. A stronger conclusion can be drawn
from Theorem 4 of Rautenberg (1981) (see also Rautenberg 1985,
p. 4), which will not be proved here, and for the statement of
which we need to explain that a non-trivial consequence
relation is one for which there exist formulas in
the language of such that ; for some of the
matrix terminology here, see Section
Let be any two-element matrix with one designated
value. Then the consequence relation
determined by
is not properly included in any non-trivial substitution-invariant
consequence relation on the same language.
As one very special case of this maximality result, in which the
algebra reduct of has only a single fundamental
operation , as above, say), we get a stronger conclusion
about the consequence relations and
determined by
than our earlier conclusion that these consequence relations are
distinct: we get the conclusion that neither is included in the other.
Taking the and of as and , the
consequence relation is what Rautenberg
is calling , and if this were
properly included in we should have a
contradiction with the above result, since the latter consequence
relation is certainly non-trivial and substitution-invariant. Thus
informally speaking, even in the relatively undiscriminating framework
Set-Fmla, the logic of
one truth-function never subsumes that of another. Less informally:
even in Set-Fmla, a
fully determined connective is never a proper subconnective of another
fully determined connective.
We conclude this section with two observations prompted by this
result. The first concerns whether anything was gained by our earlier
looking at the argument for the weaker result (understood in the light
of the above conventions) to the effect that, implies
. The answer to this question is that
although the result is weaker, the proof yields something stronger:
any difference in determinants yields a difference in unconditional
determinant-induced conditions. Considered as sequents (with
propositional variables replacing the schematic letters in the induced
conditions) these have a very special form, and, transferring
Dummett’s terminology (seen earlier in this section) for rules,
across to sequents, we note that they are all included in the class of
pure and simple sequents: sequents in which there is only one
connective to occur and it occurs only once in the sequent. Suitably
abstracting from our earlier worked example, we can see that any
connectives satisfying the conditions induced by even one pair of
opposite determinants (whether or not any remaining
determinant-induced conditions are satisfied) are bound to differ on a
pair of pure and simple sequents. But the analogue of
Rautenberg’s result does not hold in this form: that the set of
pure and simple sequents satisfied by the one and the set satisfied by
the other are incomparable with respect to inclusion. For example,
consider the case of the 1-ary truth-functions Boolean negation and
the constant-false function. We can cite as an example of a pure and simple sequent which holds on
every valuation on which 1-ary is associated with the constant-false
function but not on every valuation on which it is associated with the
negation function. But an inspection of possible cases reveals that
there is no pure and simple sequent valid for the negation
interpretation of which is not also valid for the constant-false
interpretation. (Of course there are sequents doing this—e.g.,
but, though pure, they are not
simple. And, yes, in Set-Set,
we can always find pure and simple witnesses to
the non-inclusion of the one logic in the other: the
determinant-induced conditions on generalized consequence relations
will serve in this capacity.)
For the second observation, we note a more linguistic reformulation of
Rautenberg’s result, for which we first need a brief digression
on defined connectives. A connective derived by composition from a set
of primitive connectives yields a defined connective in one of two
ways, depending on one’s views of definition. On one view,
isolating the derived connective is already giving a definition: one
has a formula in which exactly the exhibited
variables occur, which since it is constructed from these variables
via the primitive connectives constitutes a derived connective,
applying to formulas
to yield the
which results from substituting
uniformly for
in . We can introduce a shorthand
to such substitution-instances, denoting
by ,
for instance—as in calling the formula by the name . (Of course this would only be a good idea if
there is nothing better to mean, or which is already meant, by
—as there would be in intuitionistic logic, for instance.)
That is the first view of
On the second view, rather than just being a metalinguistic
abbreviation, the defined connective is an addition to the object
language: we add (to continue with the example just given) a new
primitive connective , along with a stipulation that compounds
of the form are to be
synonymous with those of the corresponding form
. We need not
choose between these views here, but some formulations are sensitive
to which view is taken. In particular, if we have classical logic with
primitives and , we may still wish to consider its
implicational fragment—in Set-Fmla,
say, where this would be the restriction of
to formulas constructed using only the
connective . On the first view of definition, we cannot
literally do that, since to use is ipso facto to use
and , so what is meant is rather than the only occurrences
of and are such as occur in subformulas of the form
in virtue of these being
the formulas . On
the second view of definition, we have expanded the
language-as-algebra by adding a new fundamental operation and
can now consider the subalgebra generated by the propositional
variables of the reduct of this algebra obtained by discarding the
other fundamental operations.
Now let and be any two classically
non-equivalent formulas in the same variables,
definiteness, and consider the consequence relations
and , where
is the restriction of to formulas
constructed using the -ary connective defined thus:
and is the analogous restriction of
this time to the -fragment with
defined by:
Since each of and fixes an
-ary truth-function of the variables involved, and these
truth-functions are distinct (since and
were to be non-equivalent) the above
application of Rautenberg’s result tells us that neither of
, is included in the other.
Concentrating on the connectives involved, we can put this by saying
that in classical logic any two non-equivalent connectives are
incomparable with respect to the subconnective relation (understood as
relating the consequence relations on languages in which no further
connectives appear). We close by observing that the analogous claim
would be false for intuitionistic logic. A counterexample is provided
by the connectives defined by and . These are
intuitionistically non-equivalent, in the sense of not always yielding
-equivalent compounds from the same
components, while—by an argument not given here—for any
intuitionistically provable sequent involving
formulas constructed from the variables by means of , the
corresponding sequent is also
intuitionistically provable (though not conversely). So, by contrast
with what can happen in the classical setting, we have non-equivalent
connectives one of which is a proper subconnective of the
other—understanding this last phrase subject to the same
parenthetical qualification as above.
For this section the focus will be on rules governing the various
connectives, beginning with a deferred topic from Section
the transfer of Carnap-inspired questions of the range of valuations
on which the sequents provable in this or that logic hold to questions
about the range of valuations on which the sequent-to-sequent rules
preserve the property of holding. We will also revisit the
sequent-calculus operational rules from early in Section
and look at some of their properties, as well as at some interesting
variations on the structural rules which work alongside them. One
topic—or pair of topics—raised by such investigations is
the issue of the existence and uniqueness of connectives exhibiting
prescribed logical behaviour (such as might be enshrined in various
rules), an issue bearing on all approaches to logic and not just the
sequent calculus approach. Finally we look at a pair of concepts
applying to connectives as they behave in particular logics: the
concept of a universally representative connective and the concept of
a ‘special’ connective.
Beginning, then, with the preservation behaviour of rules (as in
Garson 1990 and 2001) it is necessary first to distinguish a
(sequent-to-sequent) rule’s having a local preservation
characteristic with respect to a class of
valuations—that for each , the rule
preserves the property of holding on —from its having
a global preservation characteristic with respect to : if
the premiss-sequents hold on every , then
the conclusion-sequent holds on every .
For brevity, a sequent will be called -valid when
it holds on each . Then we distinguish the
local range of a rule , denoted from its
global range, , taking the definitions as relative
to a background language the class of all valuations for which we
denote by :
It is also natural to define the local and global range of a
collection of rules, by setting and : each preserves
Note that while the local range of a rule or set of rules is a set of
valuations, the global range is a set of sets of valuations. But in
some cases there is an especially simple relationship between the two,
namely that . This happens whenever
comprises only zero-premiss rules, and, more interestingly, when the
rules in are interderivable with a set of such rules, given
the structural rules (Id), (Weakening), and
as in the case of the natural deduction rules for conjunction
or the corresponding sequent
calculus rules where
comprises precisely the -Boolean valuations. Evidently, the
strong classicality phenomenon of Section
is making its presence felt here, and we should contrast the
situation with disjunction (in Set-Fmla).
For ,
is the class of -Boolean valuations, but
the same is the case if —the rule of current interest
since it has no zero-premiss equivalent—is replaced by another
which is far from interderivable with it (even given the structural
rules and :
Thus the local range is not very informative as to the precise
significance of such a rule as and it is natural if one thinks
of the rules as giving the meanings of the connectives they govern (a
perspective mentioned in Section
and wants to distill this information into a semantics in terms of
valuations, to consider the global range. To do so we make use of the
partial order on the underlying set of valuations (for
the language under consideration) defined by: if and only for all formulas , if then .[15]
As Garson (2001) observes, the global range of the introduction and
elimination rules for (and again we could equally well cite the
sequent calculus rules in this connection) is the set of all
such that for all and all formulas and , the following condition
iff for all formulas such that , there exists with and either or .
While we cannot go into the details of Garson’s program here,
its aim should be noted: to arrive at the ‘natural
semantics’ implicit in the rules governing a connective (here
assumed -ary) in the sense of a characterization of their
global range as comprising those of valuations satisfying a
condition of the form:
if and only if …, where the dots are replaced by something
which would render this biconditional suitable as a clause in the
inductive definition of truth on a valuation . Garson worries about the use of on this score in what
we are calling (and has various suggestions to
offer), as well as about the explicit quantification over which
introduces an potential element of circularity or impredicativity (in
particular because need not have a lower complexity—be
constructed with the aid of fewer primitive connectives, that
is—than itself); related concerns are aired in
Woods (2013). One way of getting rid of the latter feature is to
massage into the following equivalent form,
which makes extensive use of conjunctive combinations of valuations,
and uses the notation which, for a formula , denotes the
set of such that :
iff ,
and .
In place of this last , we could equally well have
written , of course. The form as written is more
suggestive of the many variations on the semantic treatment of
disjunction in the literature—the Beth semantics for
intuitionistic logic, for instance, and the treatment of disjunction
for relevant (or ‘relevance’) and other substructural
logics to be found in Ono and Komori (1985), Orłowska (1985,
455), and Bell (1986), to cite only some papers from the
We will not discuss other connectives from this perspective here, or
comment further on Garson’s program. See Garson (2001) for a
discussion of the global ranges of the usual sets of introduction and
elimination rules for and
Garson’s approach to these matters has, it should be noted,
undergone further evolution since the publications cited in this
discussion: see Garson (2013).
The idea which has just re-surfaced in our discussion, apropos of
Garson, that the natural deduction introduction and elimination rules
together, or perhaps just the introduction rules alone
(Gentzen’s preferred
somehow fix the meanings of the connectives they govern, often goes
hand in hand with considerations of the existence and the uniqueness
of a connective answering to the said rules, considerations first
raised by H. Hiż, according to Belnap (1962). Belnap was replying
to Prior (1960) in which the idea that any old set of rules could be
stipulated to fix the meaning of a proposed connective, was contested
with the aid of the subsequently much-discussed example
a supposed binary connective for which an
introduction rule allowed the passage from (arbitrary) to
, as with -introduction from the
first disjunct, and an elimination rule allowed the passage from to , as with -elimination
to the second conjunct. (This was the point anticipated in §2
when the problem was mentioned apropos of
the dual to hybridizing conjunction and disjunction.) Since this
allowed, by successively applying and
then , any to be derived from
any , Prior took this to show that no coherent meaning had been
conferred on by the proposed rules, and
to refute the general thesis that the meaning of a connective can be
fixed by means of rules governing it. (Prior saw Popper and Kneale as
the targets of his argument, which does not touch Gentzen’s view
that the meaning is fixed by the totality of introduction rules for a
connective, coupled with the fact that these are the totality of such
rules. Since there is only the one way of introducing ,
namely that provided by ,
where the premiss is the meaning of
is simply that of and
the appropriate elimination rule is not that given by Prior
but rather one licensing an elimination to the first
“tonkjunct”.) Belnap responded that what was wrong with
Prior’s rules was that a proof
system antecedently endorsed for the connectives in use would be
non-conservatively extended by the enrichment of the language with
in tandem with supplementing the proof
system with the and then ,
since they allow the derivation of the
sequent even for -free
Later in this section, we return to and
examine its behaviour in a sequent calculus setting.
Of course, one expects the addition of new rules to make for the
provability of new sequents, but the extension should be
conservative in the sense that no new sequents exclusively
involving the old vocabulary become provable. Belnap’s
discussion suggests that the existence of a connective obeying certain
rules should be conceded by someone endorsing a particular proof
system if and only if the addition of that connective to the language
and those rules to the proof system yields a conservative extension.
(There are other things one might mean by the question of whether from
the perspective of a given logic, a connective with such-and-such
logical powers exists—most evidently, whether or not such a
connective is already definable in the logic. Showing that rules
ascribing the powers in question would extend the logic
non-conservatively would be one dramatic way of showing no such
connective to be definable, but since it could fail to be definable
while still being conservatively addable, the questions need to be
kept distinct.)
One snag for such a suggestion is that examples can be found involving
two connectives with associated sets of rules each of which sets of
rules yields a conservative extension of an initial proof system,
apparently requiring the answer “yes, there does exist such a
connective” in each case from the perspective of that original
system, while extending the initial proof system with both sets of
rules at once is non-conservative—undermining this double
We may conclude that while yielding a non-conservative extension of a
favoured proof system is sufficient to denying the existence or
intelligibility of a connective with such-and-such logical properties,
there may be other grounds for returning such a verdict. Boolean
negation comes under just such a critique in Chapter 5 of Priest
(2006), where such problems for Belnap’s account are raised and
references to the technical literature establishing the conservativity
of extending certain logics in the relevance tradition with suitable
principles governing this connection can also be found. (For an
earlier presentation of this point, see also Belnap and Dunn 1981, p.
344, and for a related discussion, Restall 1993, esp. §5.) It
should be noted also that the conservativity test raises issues of its
own, independently of the question of whether passing it is necessary
and sufficient (and what we have been querying is the sufficiency half
of this package) for acknowledging the existence of a connective. For
example, there are sentential connectives which conservatively extend
intuitionistic propositional logic in any of its conventional
presentations as a proof system, but non-conservatively extend
intuitionistic predicate logic. The best known is dual
intuitionistic implication (see López-Escobar
Returning to the conservative extension criterion of existence, let
us note that a related connective, dual intuitionistic negation, can
be added conservatively to intuitionistic predicate (and a
fortiori propositional logic) but already at the propositional
level produces violations of the disjunction
property—that should only be provable if at least one of
, is provable—which on
some accounts (e.g., Gabbay 1977 and 1981) renders it illegitimate
from an intuitionistic perspective. Finally, it should be observed
that an adherent of intuitionistic logic might be expected to take a
dim view of a proposed new connective with rules conservatively
extending that logic but not conserving synonymies, in the sense that
formulas in the original language which are synonymous according to
are no longer so
according to the consequence relation associated with the extended
proof system. This happens in at least the most straightforward
extension of intuitionistic logic by what is called strong
The issue of uniqueness, as opposed to existence, of connectives (in
the logically loaded sense of the term, naturally) is best approached
by considering when a collection of rules governing a connective
uniquely characterize that connective in the sense that if
accompanied by corresponding rules governing a ‘duplicate’
version of that connective (of the same arity) result in the synonymy
of compounds formed from the appropriately many components and the
original connective with compounds formed from the duplicate
connective from the same components. In a congruential setting the
reference to synonymy can be replaced by one of equivalence, in the
sense of -equivalence in the consequence relation or
Set-Fmla framework,
with suitable variations for other frameworks. Without the assumption
of congruentiality one should perhaps distinguish unique
characterization to within synonymy from unique characterization to
within equivalence. And because the rules in question may not be pure,
but involve other connectives, it may be necessary to speak of being
uniquely characterized (by the given rules) in terms of the
other connectives involved, so that when the reduplicated system is
considered, is replaced by its duplicate, , say, while the
other connectives remain as they are. We will not be considering these
complications here. It is easy to see that the natural deduction rules
for the various connectives given in Section
as well as the sequent calculus rules all uniquely characterize the
connectives they govern. (Note that, since this includes the
introduction and elimination rules for , which are shared by any
natural deduction system for intuitionistic logic, the rules may
uniquely characterize a connective which is not fully
determined—not amenable to a truth-functional interpretation.
The same applies in respect of negation, though we did not cover this
in our discussion of natural deduction.) This feature is sometimes
regarded as necessary for the connectives concerned to be regarded as
logical constants, although, as explained in Section
we are not pursuing that issue here.
A related issue involving both uniqueness and existence does deserve
attention, however, arising over competition between logics, differing
on the rules governing a connective where the first logic has rules
which suffice to characterize uniquely a connective and the second has
all these and more governing that connective. The standard example of
this is provided by intuitionistic logic and classical logic in
respect of negation. The fact that the classical rules go beyond the
intuitionistic rules and yet the latter already suffice for unique
characterization means that there is no ‘live and let
live’ option available for the intuitionist, of recognising that
the intelligibility of two distinct negation connectives, classical
and intuitionistic, which can cohabit in the same proof system each
with their respect rules. This should be possible according to those
who think that any difference in the logical principles governing a
connective reflect a difference as to what is meant by the connective
(W. V. Quine’s view—see Section
below), since once a difference in meaning is acknowledged, the
previously ambiguous connective, , in the present
instance, should be replaceable by connectives registering the
disambiguation— and ,
say—and the intuitionistic and classical logician should be able
to use whichever they take a special interest in, with no further fear
of talking at cross-purposes in each other’s company. But of
course this is not a possibility, since the rules governing
characterize it uniquely and those governing
duplicate them—think of as
, in terms of the above
discussion—and do more (securing the provability of
, for
example). The result is that the two connectives form equivalent
compounds in the reduplicated system and all of the intuitionistically
unwanted properties of spill over to infect
: we can now prove , and so on. The
conciliatory offer of a purportedly disambiguating notation along
these lines is one no advocate of intuitionistic logic can afford to
accept. (By imposing restrictions on some of the intuitionistic rules,
one can produce candidates for the title of ‘combined
classical-and-intuitionistic proof system’—as, for
example, in Fariñas del Cerro and Herzig (2001)—but,
especially on views according to which the rules of one’s logic
articulate the meanings of the connectives they govern, resistance to
any such restrictions is entirely understandable. Imagine an encounter
with aliens in which they told us that to explain what they meant by
some items of their vocabulary we had to be prepared to restrict the
principle that followed from and for
certain choices of involving translations of that vocabulary
into English.)
The above line of thought points in some interesting further
directions. For example, the intuitionistic natural deduction rules
governing (in Set-Fmla),
which are the same as the classical ones, are
themselves stronger than the following
We can take the intuitionistic (and classical) rules to differ from
these in replacing the formula variable with a set-of-formulas
variable . The latter set is stronger in the sense that there
are sequents provable with its rules (e.g., which are not provable on the
basis of the displayed rules (together with the standard structural
rules, if desired). But clearly the displayed rules uniquely
characterize , since, once we reduplicate them for ,
we can take in the second and third (collectively,
-style) rules to be , to derive both and , from
which by the reduplicated version of the first
() rule we derive —with a similar derivation for
the converse sequent.
This example may seem far-fetched from the point of view of
motivation, but the dialectical upshot is clear—if the
rules are objectionable in being stronger than needed for unique
characterization, the same holds for the intuitionistic rules;
in any case there are in fact variations on this theme is that have
been seriously proposed as weakenings of classical (or intuitionistic)
logic in the construction of quantum (or ortho-) logic, in which the
rule is subjected to restrictions blocking arbitrary sets of
side-formulas—the and of our formulation of this
rule in Section
as with the rules inset above (which would be fully general in
the respect at issue if our chosen framework were what would naturally
be called Fmla-Fmla, a
framework occasionally used for logical
One could explore the idea of a requirement that all rules should be
maximally general in respect of side formulas, to resist such
pressures to weaken the intuitionistic rules, though what this amounts
to depends on the logical framework, and it may be hard to hold the
line without succumbing to a similar pull in the direction of
generality which would take us over from Set-Fmla
to Set-Set.
The sensitivity to logical framework of issues of unique
characterization is well illustrated with the case of modal logic. It
is possible to fabricate special purpose logical frameworks which
allow for the formulation of rules uniquely characterizing in
all normal modal logics (Blamey and Humberstone 1991), but without
such exotic devices, unique characterization is limited to the case in
which is fully determined—among the normal modal logics,
then, just to that for which for all , and
that in which for all . (Note
is relevant here. The just used stands for the
local consequence relation concerned so we could equally well have
written, . Even more
exotic logical frameworks for modal logic – taking us further
still from the idea of an argument with premisses and conclusion(s),
that is – have been proposed than that just alluded to, several
of which are described in Poggiolesi and Restall 2012 and in the
literature cited in their bibliography.)
This same framework-sensitivity issue can be illustrated by
considering substructural logics in multiset-based frameworks.
Classical Linear Logic has two versions of the propositional constants
(or 0-ary connectives) and , called (in the relevance
tradition—see Avron 1988—rather than in the notation of
the seminal paper Girard 1987) and in the former
case and and in the latter, with the following
Mset-Mset rules, the
Greek letters now standing for finite multisets of formulas (and
commas for multiset union):
If we were doing classical logic with multisets, we would need the
structural rules (Id), (Weakening) and (Cut) from Section
set-variables now reinterpreted as multiset variables, and the
further rule of Contraction to allow double occurrences of formulas on
the left or right of the to be replaced by single occurrences.
For linear logic we retain only (Id) and (Cut), disallowing weakenings
and contractions, which has the effect that there are now also two
versions of conjunction and of disjunction, multiplicative and
additive—into which distinction we cannot go further here,
except to say that for binary connectives it lines up with the
intensional/extensional distinction in the relevance
A sequent calculus presentation of the favoured logic from this
tradition, , can be obtained from that for Classical
Linear Logic (without two of its characteristic 1-ary connectives,
called exponentials, which are there to mark formulas for which
weakening and contraction are permitted) by allowing contraction
(while still banning
We return to in Example 6 of Section
it is for the sake of that return that the rules governing
and have been given here alongside those for and
, the latter pair being of current interest. Notice that
even though there is only one rule for , namely a left
insertion rule (with no premiss sequents), this rule suffices to
characterize uniquely, since in the combined language with
governed by a like rule we can prove—just by
appealing to the appropriate instance of the rule and . The weaker
system of Intuitionistic Linear Logic is cast in the framework Mset-Fmla
disallowing the appearance of more than one formula on the right, and
this application of the left rule for is available there,
as also in Mset-Fmla,
requiring exactly one formula on the right (since we have exactly one
formula— or —there in the
present case). When we turn to , again we find that the
rules uniquely characterize this connective, since
provides the premiss for an application of
with consisting of (one occurrence of) and
empty, yielding , with the
converse proved similarly. (Note that while is a special case of the (left) rule for , there
is no proof of the converse sequent. One cannot begin with and then weaken in an on the right, since we do not
Again, these derivations go through in Mset-Fmla,
this time we note that they do not go through in Mset-Fmla,
since the left
insertion rule has no applications in that framework. When attention
is restricted to Mset-Fmla,
there is no set of pure rules available which
uniquely characterize . The Mset-Mset
(or Mset-Fmla
sequent calculus rules for , which can be taken to be those given
in Section
with the set-variables taken as multiset-variables (suitably
restricted for Mset-Fmla,
uniquely characterize , but
have no direct application in Mset-Fmla
or any other framework with a fixed multiset
cardinality on the right (or the left, for that matter). We can say in
this framework that the rules governing uniquely characterize
this connective in terms of and —on
the basis of which it would indeed be explicitly definable as , but since here is not
uniquely characterized (even though is), this still leaves
without its (perhaps) expected uniqueness, as is even more
evident in Fmla. These considerations continue
to apply in the presence of contraction (and distribution,
accounting for the complaint sometimes made that relevant logic does
not operate with a uniquely characterized negation. The point here has
not been either to press or to reply to such complaints, but to note
their framework sensitivity: they do not arise for Mset-Mset
or Mset-Fmla.
The existence and uniqueness questions for connectives turn out in the
case of sequent calculus rules to be intimately connected with the
structural rules (Id) and (Cut). Let us call the left and right
insertion rules governing an -ary connective #—or
derivatively, the connective thereby
governed—Id-inductive if the provability of
follows from
the provability of each by
means of those rules (without assistance from other structural rules).
This means that no provable sequents are lost if the rule (Id) itself
is restricted to having applications for a
propositional variable. And let us say that the rules in question are
Cut-inductive if an application of the rule (Cut) with the
formula as
cut-formula (i.e., as the of our representation of the rule
(Cut) in Section
or the analogous rule in Set-Set
or the multiset based frameworks) can be
dispensed with if the premiss sequents for the application of the rule
have been derived by ( Left) and ( Right) and (Cut) is allowed with
the components
as cut-formulas (but again, not allowing the use of other structural
All the connectives of the standard sequent calculi, including the
cases of classical and intuitionistic linear logic, are inserted by
rules which are both Id-inductive and Cut-inductive, as we illustrate
here with the rules for . For definiteness, think of these as
the Left and Right rules of classical linear logic. To show
Id-inductivity, we must show that is provable using the rules,
given (‘the inductive hypothesis’) that and are. (We write and rather than
and .) From the last two sequents,
Left) delivers: . From
this an application of Right) gives the desired conclusion:
For Cut-inductivity suppose (1) has arisen by Left) from
(1a) and (2a) , while (2) has arisen by Right) from
(2a) . We need to show that a cut on (1) and (2) with
cut-formula can be avoided on the hypothesis that
we can help ourselves to cuts with cut-formulas . From
(1a) and (2a), cutting on , we get (3) . Then
cutting on , (2b) and (3) deliver the desired conclusion:
, without the need to use as a cut-formula with (1) and (2) as premisses.
Cut-inductivity is one aspect of a procedure which has traditionally
been a professional obsession of proof-theorists: the provision of
‘Cut Elimination’ theorems to the effect that this or that
sequent calculus with the rule (Cut) can have this rule removed
without the loss of any provable sequents. Obviously more is needed to
show this than the Cut-inductivity of the (pairs of) rules, since
there are also, inter alia, potential interactions with the
other structural (and operational) rules to be taken care of. Such
results are of interest because much follows from the subformula
property—any sequent provable has a proof in which the only
formulas to appear are subformulas of those in the sequent
concerned—which itself follows from the result since all the
remaining rules insert material rather than remove it in the course of
But from the perspective of the philosophy of logic, Cut-inductivity
and its somewhat less well-publicized companion, Id-inductivity,
should be considered on a par, as the following somewhat
impressionistic semantical remark (Girard, Taylor and Lafont 1989, p.
31) of Girard suggests, apropos of (Cut), in which
represents the cut formula (and (Id) with on the left and
right of the ):
The identity axiom says that (on the left) is stronger than
(on the right); this rule [ = (Cut)] states the converse
truth, i.e. (on the right) is stronger than (on
the left).
The point of isolating Id- and Cut-inductivity here, however, has less
to do with matters of truth (on which, and for further references to
Girard on which, see further Hösli and Jäger 1994) than with
uniqueness and existence—not that the semantical issues are
unconnected with this, of course. The former link is perhaps already
clear. At the last step of establishing Id-inductivity for ,
above, we passed from ,
obtained by Left), to , by Left): but this is just what the uniqueness proof in
the reduplicated sequent calculus would do, except that the final step
would be an application of Right) and would establish
, with the
converse proved by interchanging the rules used for and
To see the connection between existence—or more specifically,
the conservative extension side of the existence
question—convert the natural deduction rules for
given earlier into sequent calculus rules (here
for Set-Fmla):
By applying the right insertion rule with premiss sequent (courtesy of
(Id)) and the left rule with premiss we arrive at the point at which our natural deduction derivation
started to go bad. We have:
and an appeal to (Cut) here, with as cut-formula, amounts to bringing home the bad
But of course this example simply makes vivid the fact that the
rules in play are not Cut-inductive and there
is no Cut-free proof of the desired sequent (at least in general: take
. This is hardly surprising
since the subformula property which Cut Elimination secures itself
guarantees that the rules for one connective conservatively extend the
subsystem comprising the rules for the remaining connectives. In the
present case, the point of the example was that there was no proof of,
for example, which did not
detour—in violation of the subformula property—via
formulas involving Tonk.
We can look at what is roughly speaking a mirror-image of the
example to reinforce the contrast between
Cut-inductivity and Id-inductivity and their respective links with
existence and uniqueness, and then sort out the “roughly
speaking” part of this description, which will show them as
providing, rather, special—one might say canonical—cases
of the satisfaction of the existence conservative extension) and
uniqueness conditions. We conduct the discussion in Set-Set
rather than Set-Fmla
to avoid a mass of
complications. The above rules combine a
left insertion rule familiar from the sequent calculus treatment of
and a right insertion rule familiar from that of ; their
reformulation for the change of framework just announced requires an
idle parameter on the right of the sequents in the premisses
and conclusions of the rules as schematically presented above
(replacing the in the one case, accompanying the displayed
succedent formulas in the other). For our mirror image
consider a binary connective Knot with rules
combining instead the left insertion rule for with the right
insertion rule for :
These rules are Cut-inductive, as the interested reader may confirm,
but not Id-inductive, since they do not uniquely characterize .
To see this, note that both are derivable
rules for and also for , and of course we cannot prove in general. By contrast, neither
nor satisfies both of the left and right rules for
. The upshot of the
rules is best visualised in terms of the
zero-premiss rules (sequent-schemata) with which they are
interderivable given the structural rules: (the right rule) and (the left
rule). An incidental point: since these are the sequent formulations
of conditions induced by the determinants and one might think of them together as expressing
idempotence and therefore as being interchangeable with the simpler
pair and . But while the latter
two can be derived from the earlier pair (just take as ,
the converse derivation is not possible without further
principles—conspicuously, a sequent version of the
extensionality conditions on generalized consequence relations
mentioned in Section
We could call binary for which
and conversely, strongly idempotent according to the
generalized consequence relation . Then and are not
the only Boolean candidates for a connective behaving as the
rules dictate—strongly idempotent
according to the generalized consequence relation
determined by the class of Boolean
valuations: we also have the binary projection to the first coordinate
equivalent to , to the second coordinate equivalent to , and venturing further afield, the Set-Fmla
hybrids of any two
of these connectives. Of these perhaps the most interesting is the
hybrid of the two projection connectives, since this—let us
write is as —can be used to define all other
hybrids explicitly from the connectives to be hybridized; for example
if we want the common properties (as explained in Section
of and , we have them in the following compound of
and .[32]
If the treatment of were genuinely the
mirror image of that of , we would be able
to say that just as the rules are
Cut-inductive but not Id-inductive, so the
rules are Id-inductive but not Cut-inductive.
(The twofold demand of Cut- and Id-inductivity is a promising
candidate for the notion of harmony as it applies to the
relation between right and left insertion rules in a sequent
And while the failure of Cut-inductivity was indeed noted, nothing
was said on the subject of Id-inductivity for these rules. Spoiling
the intended duality, the situation is that the
rules fail on this score too—though this
can be remedied by a simple variation. First, we should note that
Prior’s point could equally well have been made by combining the
introduction rule from the second (rather than the to
first) disjunct with the elimination rule to the first
(rather than to the second) conjunct. Call the connective with these
This suffers from the same defects in respect of the analogy with
, so, finally, let be governed by the rules for
and also the rules for . It is that
has as its mirror image, since just as has the
full force of the Right) and Left) rules,
enjoys the full force of the and
rules. (So here we arrive at the reason that
was originally described as only roughly speaking a
mirror image of .) And this time the rules are indeed
Id-inductive without being Cut-inductive. Indeed, Id-inductivity is
secured by two independent routes: by the interaction of the
Left rule for with the Right rule to
, and then again by the interaction of ‘s
Left rule with its Right rule. (To give the
former in more detail, by way of example, the Left rule for
gives from
(Id)-for-, from which applying the Right rule for
we obtain .)
Let us sum up the lessons for the relations between existence and
Cut-inductivity and between uniqueness and Id-inductivity that can be
extracted from the foregoing discussion. Sequent calculus rules which
are Id-inductive uniquely characterize the connective they govern, but
not necessarily conversely: the rules are
not Id-inductive, but they do uniquely characterize ,
since they are already so strong that any
sequent with at least one formula on the left and at least one on the
right can be proved with their aid, and hence, in the reduplicated
system with , we can certainly
prove and the converse
sequent—without even using the
rules! (This is the kind of thing we
have in mind in calling this a non-canonical form of uniqueness.) On
the ‘existence’ side: it is not clear to the author
whether any Cut-inductive rules governing a connective guarantee that
they are conservative over the (system consisting of the) rules
governing other connective—since Cut Elimination may fail for
other reasons; nor do the examples just considered settle the
converse, as we see from the following tabular summary of our
findings, in which (a “Yes” by) “unique” means
the rules uniquely characterize the connective, and
“conservative” means that we have a conservative extension
of any system of sequent-calculus rules not involving the given
connective; is not listed separately
since it patterns the same way as :
Id-inductive |
Unique |
Cut-inductive |
Conservative |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
That is enough on the subject of and
variations. We will make one point about unique characterization and
then give some examples of non-conservative extension which will
involve introducing the important concepts of special and
universally representative connectives. Some further
‘existence’ examples are deferred to the following
The above discussion has included such phrases as “the hybrid of
and ; the totality of principles governing such a
connective being those common to and , we obviously do not
have a connective uniquely characterized by those principles—in
which case is it legitimate to speak of the hybrid…? I
take this way of speaking to be as harmless as speaking of “the
operator of , where again the
logical principles involved are insufficient to characterize the
connective uniquely—in terms of the Boolean connectives or
otherwise—at least if we are in Fmla,
Set-Fmla or Set-Set,
and in the latter
cases, working with the so-called local (generalized)
(See Section
for the distinction between the local and the global consequence
relations determined by a class of models.) One could say that in the
monomodal, unreduplicated case, we have a single connective playing a
certain role and we can refer to it in that context as the
connective playing the role in question, while conceding, as we learn
from the reduplicated case, that this is a role that can be played
simultaneously (i.e. in a single logic) by several non-equivalent
connectives. This is the kind of situation Łukasiewicz had in
mind when, in his (1953), he likened certain pairs of connectives to
“twins who cannot be distinguished when met separately, but are
instantly recognised as two when seen together”.
We saw earlier that combining the intuitionistic and classical rules
in a single proof system did not work well, and another suggestion
that comes to mind is that we could perhaps extend intuitionistic
logic with a new connective, 1-ary , say, which does what according
to the intuitionist, negation itself cannot do: serve as a
left inverse for in the sense of rendering equivalent
and for all
This again represents an offer the intuitionist cannot afford to
accept, assuming that any (the rules for any) proposed new connectives
should conserve synonymy, as suggested above. (The even stronger
demand that the consequence relation associated with the extended
proof systems should be congruential does not seem unreasonable.) The
reason is that and are
intuitionistically equivalent (and thus synonymous according to
so the conservation of synonymy
requires that and should
be equivalent—since we have this ‘Law of Triple
Negation’ equivalence in intuitionistic logic—from which
the left inverse condition above delivers, taking as
in the former case and as in
the latter, the equivalence of with
—a straightforwardly non-conservative
extension, then. (A similar argument shows that adding binary with
equivalent to —a possibility
suggesting itself since, by contrast with the classical case,
itself cannot serve as here—is also non-conservative.) Nor,
incidentally, could the intuitionist acknowledge the existence of a
right inverse for negation, a with arbitrary
equivalent to , as this makes every formula equivalent to
a negated formula and hence to its own double negation. This argument,
which is well known (see, e.g., Koslow (1992), p. 97), does not even
require the ‘conservation of synonymies’ constraint.
These last non-existence proofs force our attention on the fact that
negated formulas are ‘special’ in intuitionistic logic in
that each such formula is equivalent to its own double negation while
this is not so for arbitrary formulas. Let us back up and give a clear
explanation of the notion of specialness as well as a contrasting
notion, in slightly more general terms; for definiteness only, we
tailor the account
to Set-Fmla. We also
begin with the contrasting notion. Say that an -ary relation
among the formulas of a language is universally
representative according to a consequence relation on that
language if for any formulas of the
language, there are formulas , respectively
synonymous with according to ,
with . (If , we speak instead of
a universally representative
class of formulas—a class of formulas such that every
formula is synonymous with some formula in the class; likewise in the
case of the notion special, defined below.) If is
congruential then we can replace “synonymous” in this
definition with “equivalent” (i.e. such that
for . Say that is
special according to if there is some Set-Fmla
sequent constructed using not
necessarily just the variables exhibited, for which for any formulas
, we
have , while we do not have, for all formulas
, . For substitution-invariant , this last
condition can be simplified to:
A consequence of these definitions is that no relation is both
universally representative and special according to any given .
A simple example of a special relation—according to more or less
any ‘naturally occurring’ consequence relation with
in its language is the relation obtaining between and
just in case is a disjunction of which is a
disjunct. Here take as which is (e.g., in intuitionistic logic, though
classical logic or any of many others would do as well)
unprovable—i.e., not —while for
all for which . A more
interesting example is the relation of being (intuitionistically)
head-linked, i.e., that relation such that for all
if and only if:
for some formulas , we have and
The analogous relation for classical logic would be universally
representative (and thus not special), at least in any fragment which,
as well as having , has either or , since any
and are here respectively equivalent to and , where they are
linked explicitly by having a common at the head of the main
implication. (Alternatively with , replace here by .) But in the intuitionistic case the relation of being
head-linked is special since, for example, with Peirce’s law
, we have
intuitionistically unprovable but we have for any head-linked .
Concentrating now on 1-ary relations between—i.e., classes
of—formulas, we transfer the above terminology to connectives by
saying that a connective is universally representative or
special according to a consequence relation if the class of
formulas with the given connective as main connective is itself a
universally representative class or a special class of formulas,
respectively, according to the consequence relation in question. While
every non-constant
is universally representative according to
our discussion of inverses for
intuitionistic shows that is special according to ,
since we can take as and every substitution instance of this IL-unprovable
sequent in which is replaced by a negated formula is
IL-provable. Negation is therefore not universally representative in
intuitionistic logic. (This means that we could usefully speak, from
the perspective of , of negative
propositions, thinking of the equivalence class, with respect
to the relation of synonymy, of a formula as the proposition thereby
expressed, and meaning by this the equivalence classes of negated
formulas. Classically, the corresponding notion is not useful since
all propositions would count as negative, just as for both
and , there
are no specifically conjunctive or disjunctive propositions.)
Although the properties of being special and being universally
representative according to a given logic are mutually exclusive, they
are not jointly exhaustive. For example, is neither universally
representative nor special in minimal logic (according to the
consequence relation associated with the Johansson’s
Minimalkalkül, that is). Nor does the connective
have either of these properties in the modal logic
(sometimes just called , though this example is far
from selected at random: in the sublogic
is special (since is provable for all
-formulas , though not for arbitrary , and in the
extension it is special again (since is provable for all -formulas , though not
for all formulas).
For conditions other than those corresponding to (closure under
certain) rules we can also ask whether a connective satisfying the
condition in question can safely—i.e. conservatively—be
postulated to exist. One such condition is the following, here
expressed as a condition on a consequence relation with a
binary connective in its language, all variables understood as
universally quantified:
if and only if or
It is because of the “or” on the right that this
condition—more precisely, its ‘only if’
half—does not correspond to a sequent-to-sequent rule. Still we
can ask whether some Set-Fmla
proof system including the rule (or the
sequent calculus rule ), e.g. for classical logic, has a
conservative extension to a proof system for a language with the
additional connective , whose associated consequence relation
satisfies the above condition for this
To see that the answer to this question is negative, note that the
binary relation R defined in terms of the
-supporting extension iff ,
gives rise to a binary relational connection
which provides
conjunctive (yes—conjunctive) combinations on the left,
since is -classical, here being , while the inset condition above
(take secures disjunctive objects on the right,
with being .
( and subscripts from
restored here to prevent confusion, since the source and target
coincide.) Thus the crossover condition from Section
is satisfied, which says that if and then
either or
. Taking and , we have the antecedent of this conditional (by (Id)),
so we conclude that for all formulas , either or , which includes
-free formulas of the original language (e.g., for which neither is a consequence of the
other by the original consequence relation, showing any proposed
extension along the above lines to be non-conservative.
This is really a whole range of examples. As we required for
Example 1, here we require . Let us call a consequence
relation -introductive if always implies .[39]
Now suppose and
is -introductive, and either (i) for some -ary
connective , satisfies the conditions induced (on consequence
relations) by the determinant F,…, F,T
occurrences of “F”) for , as well as some determinant
with F as its final entry, or (ii) satisfies the conditions
induced by the determinant (
occurrences of ) as well as some determinant with as
final entry (for -ary ). Then it follows that .
The implication from (i) to the conclusion that has been stressed in several
publications by S. Pollard (Pollard 2002, Pollard and Martin 1996);
there is a similar proof for the implication from (ii). Neither proof
is given here—only an illustration (of case (ii)). The
truth-function known as exclusive disjunction (or xor), which
differs from that associated on Boolean valuations with
(“inclusive disjunction”) by having
instead of the determinant , will serve as an
example, since as well as the determinant just mentioned, which has
T’s except for the final , we have a -final determinant (e.g.)
. The induced conditions on generalized consequence
relations for these two determinants are respectively:
For the following, we will take it that, as well as , the
connectives and are available, though in
fact the result just given requires is correct for any fragment with
(with understood as the
restriction of the classical consequence relation to the fragment in
question). Then we can write the induced conditions on our consequence
relation as, respectively, rather than using a new schematic
letter on the right for the first, and converting the second into
conditional form:
Now making use of the hypothesis that is
-introductive—which does not follow from the fact
that is -introductive and —the first condition now
allows for successive rewriting, first as
and then as
The fact that is an -introductive extension of
suffices for to be
-classical, and in particular for it to be
‘-eliminative’ in the sense that whenever and also
, we have
. Thus
from the fact that , inset on
the right above, and that , we may conclude that . Not only does this
fail—e.g., with the schematic letters replaced by distinct
propositional variables—for ,
making the extension non-conservative, it takes us all the way to
, as claimed in the general formulation
((i) and (ii)) of the result. To see this most easily in the present
case, take as .
Does any of this mean that there is a problem in finding an
intuitionistic analogue of exclusive disjunction? Not at all. There
are many derived binary connectives all of which form compounds
equivalent in classical logic to the exclusive disjunction of
with and which are in the interesting cases not equivalent to
each other intuitionistically—for example, and and . As it happens, the third of these (which is
IL-equivalent to has an especially close relationship with
the truth-function of exclusive disjunction, like that between
intuitionistic and the negation truth-function, which can be
explained in terms of the Kripke semantics for intuitionistic logic
(not explained in this entry) by saying that the compound in question
is true at a point just in case at every accessible point it is true
when evaluated by using the corresponding boolean function and the
truth-values of the components at that
Note that the negation truth-function itself has its
determinant-induced conditions rules dangerous to the health of
intuitionistic logic under both (i) and (ii) of the result at the
start of this example: no single connective can conservatively form
from a formula a contrary of that formula (as demands) and also a subcontrary of
that formula (as demands). As it is often put,
standard intuitionistic negation forms the deductively weakest
contrary of a formula, while dual intuitionistic negation (mentioned
only in passing in this entry) forms its deductively strongest
Could there be a 1-ary connective two successive applications of
which amounted to a single application of (say) classical
If we work in Set-Set
an austere version of this question amounts to asking about the fate
of subjected, alongside the standard structural rules, to the
condition that for all :
should both be provable, to which it is natural to add immediately
that should be congruential according to the generalized consequence
relation associated with this proof system. Without the latter
addition, we could just think of as an
idiosyncratically long-winded way of writing . With
it, we are insisting that a single occurrence of “#” is
genuinely responsive to the content of what it applies to. It is not
hard to see that there is no (two-valued) truth-functional
interpretation available for , not just in the weak sense that it
might be said that (for example) in does
not admit of such an interpretation—that this logic is
determined by ( both sound and complete with
respect to) no class of valuations over which is
truth-functional—but in the stronger sense that the envisaged
logic of is not even sound with respect to such a class of
valuations, at least if that class is non-constant in the sense
defined at the end of note
In the paper cited, this congruential logic of what is there and in
an earlier paper there referred to as demi-negation is discussed and
equipped with a Kripke-style semantics (essentially re-working an
earlier 4-valued matrix semantics) the upshot of which is that
classical propositional logic or any fragment thereof is
conservatively extended by the two zero-premiss rules inset
above—or alternatively, assuming is in the fragment, by
the equivalence of and —and a congruentiality
rule for . Nevertheless it is hard to imagine, “from the
inside”, speaking a language with a connective for which this
provided a suitable formal treatment. The description suggested at p.
257 of Dalla Chiara, Giuntini, and Greechie (2004), a study in quantum
logic, of such a connective as expressing a kind of tentative
negation, seems wrong, since iterating tentative negation would not
produce (untentative) negation: If you tentatively negate the
tentative negation of you would appear to be headed (however
tentatively) back in the direction of rather than towards . On the same page of Dalla Chiara et al. (2004),
Deutsch et al. (2000) are approvingly quoted as saying the
following—in which, since composition is more like
multiplication than addition, demi-negation is referred to as the
‘square root’ of negation:
Logicians are now entitled to propose a new logical operation
. Why? Because a faithful physical model
for it exists in nature.
I do not recall logicians having to seek the blessing of physicists
before pursuing this or that line of inquiry, or of the interest,
significance or legitimacy (“now entitled to propose…”,
no less) of such inquiries being dependent on empirical and
theoretical findings in physics, when what is under investigation is
most naturally taken to be an a priori matter: the coherence
of a connective with given inferential properties. This is not at all
to deny that the ‘quantum machines’ described in Deutsch
et al. (2000) (or Chiara, Giuntini, and Greechie 2004,
257–259) may help us get a feel for the connective in
Suppose one wants to say more about the weather than that it rained on
a particular Saturday. One wants to strengthen one’s commitments
so that they include not only rain on Saturday but also rain on the
following Sunday. With (assuming some background -classical
consequence relation) there is nothing easier. Abbreviating “It
rained on the Saturday in question” to and
“It rained on Sunday” to , one can convert
one’s original statement into one making the stronger claim by
passing from to . Now
suppose one wanted a similar device but working in the reverse
direction. One starts with a claim whose content is given by
and wants to modify this using a
connective which removes commitments in much the way that adds
them, and using this connective, often called logical
subtraction (though a case could be made for ‘logical
division’ in view of the usual association of conjunction with
multiplication), one wants to take away the commitment to rain on
Sunday, leaving only the original claim. That is, one would like a
connective added to the language of one’s favoured consequence
relation, in such a way that the added connective was governed by
rules making the extension conservative, but for which one had the
equivalence (writing for the extended consequence
An early and plausible suggestion for the treatment of logical
subtraction was made in Hudson (1975). According to this suggestion,
no new connective is required, at least if we already have a
reasonable implication connective at our disposal, because if we are
to think of as giving us
the result of taking away the content of from that of ,
then this should be the weakest statement which, together with ,
has as a consequence. But this is just , if
the standard natural deduction rules for from Section
are accepted (as in intuitionistic and classical logic). Yet this
does not give us the inset equivalence above. If we treat
(), then this is equivalent (in
the logics just mentioned and many others) to , whereas we wanted the stronger itself
(stronger according to those logics, again).
The example above used an interpreted language with atomic sentences
and . The inset equivalence presented
involving them would not be reasonable for all sentences. Modulating
back to the issue of a formal propositional logic involving the
envisaged new connective, such an equivalence would not be reasonable
for arbitrary and in place of them, since we would expect
the new connective to be congruential according to the desired
consequence relation, and any unrestricted such equivalence would then
deliver from —by “subtracting from
both sides” (in view of congruentiality)—the conclusion
that , and it easy
to find counterexamples to such cancellation inferences for even quite
weak initial logics. Since the counterexamples arise for
, in the language unexpanded by
, the sense in which a generalized version of the
earlier equivalence would not be reasonable is that it would not be
conservative over the initial logic. Here we say no more about how to
constrain the equivalence in question, or, more generally, about
whether there really is any such logical subtraction connective as we
have been
A much more straightforward example, this time considering several
connectives at once. Suppose we ask whether one can conservatively add
to intuitionistic logic three binary connectives ,
, , satisfying for all :
In classical logic we can take and
as (equivalent to) and
respectively, and as
. There are no three candidates playing the desired role in
any conservative extension of intuitionistic logic, however, because
the inset equivalences render arbitrary and
head-linked in the sense of Section
with as the head formula.
The present example comes from the relevant logic .
The sentential constants and whose sequent
calculus treatment we saw in Section
are treated in axiomatic developments of by means
of the axiom schemas for the former cases and
both and , though
these last two can be replaced by . Here itself can be regarded as an abbreviation either
of , or as ,
where and are the additive or ‘extensional’
(as the relevance tradition would have it) conjunction and the
multiplicative or ‘intensional’ conjunction (also called
fusion) respectively. While in linear logic neither
nor provably
implies the other, in , thanks to the presence of
contraction, the latter implies the
A well-known further side effect of contraction is that and are also equivalent whenever is an
implicational formula and is its converse, so the two
alternative readings of above are equivalent in
. Now consider the possible existence of a new
nullary connective for in the ‘truth
constants’ family, , subject to
the axiom schema:
This looks harmless enough, the principles governing and all holding for the
undifferentiated constant of classical and intuitionistic
logic, but here notationally distinguished so as not to prejudice
questions of the logical relations between
But in , this harmless appearance is deceptive. For
in this logic the connective is what we have called
special. After the well-known extension,
-Mingle or , of
by the Mingle schema ,[48]
let us call a formula for which this is already provable in
a Mingler. Since is a
proper extension of , not all formulas are Minglers
in . But again thanks to contraction, all
-formulas are Minglers, rendering special in
. Now we can see that the addition of ,
subject to the schema inset above, would
extend non-conservatively because now every formula
would be equivalent to the corresponding -formula , so even for -free
we should have the Mingle theorem
. Thus no devotee of
should be prepared to countenance the existence of
behaving as envisaged (or indeed any
pair , of 1-ary connectives with
provably equivalent to
The fact that the biconditional connective is special in
may appear to conflict with the fact, established
in Blok and Pigozzi (1989) that this logic is what the authors call
algebraizable. This term is applied to consequence relations
which are translationally equivalent to the quasi-equational
consequence relation of a class
of algebras of the same similarity type as the language of .
That is, for equations
, we
just in case for any algebra
and any assignment of
elements of to the variables in the
, if all of
come out true in on that assignment, so does
. The translational equivalence idea
means that there is a translation from formulas of the
(sentential) language of to equations of the language of
, and a translation back in the other
direction, which are mutually inverse in the sense that and
⫤ for all formulas and equations
, and, for all formulas
and equations
either of the following conditions is satisfied (from which it follows
that both are):
if and only if
if and only if
This account of algebraizability has been oversimplified for
expository purposes in one respect: Blok and Pigozzi (1989) do not
require the translation of a formula (what we are calling
should yield a single equation, but allow a set of equations,
and similarly in the converse direction, is
allowed to be a set of formulas. It follows from the present
definition, with the single equation/single formula restriction
removed, that the formulas in the latter set function collectively as
an equivalence-like compound satisfying some further congruence
conditions, which in the case of
can be taken to be . Accordingly, the fact that
presently—is algebraizable, entails, in view of the condition, that,
loosely speaking, every formula is equivalent to an equivalence. But
does this not clash with our finding that is special in
Well, first, the consequence relation
needs to be explained. Blok and
Pigozzi have in mind the least consequence relation for which and and
for all provable in the Fmla
logic . (This third condition
can be restricted to all axioms of any axiomatization of
with formula-to-formula rules corresponding to the first and second
conditions.) Now the loose summary just given to the effect that every
formula is equivalent to an equivalence makes a misleading double use
of the equivalence vocabulary for two different things: equivalence as
mutual consequence () and equivalence as
the biconditional connective. Removing the conflation, it means that
for every there exist , with .[49]
This is a very different matter from having
The latter would indeed be equivalent to the provability in the
sequent calculus described for in Section
of and the converse sequent. But the
apparently matching -statements
mean something very different, building in the structural features
(such as weakening) that the substructural sequent calculus was
designed to avoid. Note in particular that
is not -introductive, in
the sense of Example 2 above.
Could there exist a connective which, when appearing outside
of the scope of some specified range of operators – typically,
non-Boolean connectives – behaves just like a given Boolean
connective , while behaving differently from # when occurring within
the scope of one of the operators in the range in question?
Understanding all of this as happening under the aegis of some
particular consequence relation, on which more will be said in the
following paragraph, the situation envisaged would be like this. A
-compound would be equivalent to a #-compound of the same
components, each compound having the other as a consequence by the
relevant consequence relation, without being synonymous with that
compound (synonymy as explained in Section
The remainder of this example assumes some familiarity with the basic
modal logic of “actually”. The semantics of this logic can
be presented, as in the first two pages of Davies and Humberstone
(1980), using models with a distinguished point (or world), with a
formula evaluated as true at any point in the model
just in case is true at the distinguished point. The
generally valid formulas are then those true every point in
all such models, and the generally valid sequents are those for which
truth is preserved from left to right at each point in all such
models. The real-world valid formulas (sequents) are those
which are true (resp. truth-preserving) at the distinguished point in
all models.
Alternatively, the semantics can be reformulated so that the models
feature no such privileged point and truth (in a model) is relativized
to a pair of points, one of which plays the ‘real world’
role formerly played by the distinguished element, the other playing
the role of the world of at which the formula is being locally
evaluated, as in notes 4 and 16 of Davies and Humberstone (1980).
General validity is a matter of truth or its preservation relative to
arbitrary such pairs in all models, and diagonal validity (as
real-world validity is often suggestively called in this setting)
attends instead only to pairs whose first and second coordinates
coincide. On either style of presentation, the formulation in terms of
sequents gives a consequence relation in the obvious way, and for
present purposes the following terminology will be convenient.
Formulas will be said to be diagonally equivalent when each
is a consequence of the other by the consequence relation capturing
diagonal (or ‘real-world’) validity and to be
unrestrictedly equivalent when this holds instead for the
general consequence relation. (We avoid the phrase “generally
equivalent”, since it is hard not to hear this as meaning
“equivalent, for the most part”; this terminology is
adapted from the reference to general consequence on p. 15 of
Fusco 2015 as unrestricted consequence.) The current distinction
between diagonal and unrestricted equivalence provides a useful formal
modeling of Dummett’s well-known distinction between sameness of
assertive (or assertoric) content, on the one hand, and sameness of
ingredient sense on the
The idea of applying such a contrast to the case of specific pairs of
connectives – as with the pairs from the start of
the preceding paragraph – appears, however, to be new with Fusco
(2015), to which we turn presently. The consequence relation in play
in the discussion above is taken as the diagonal
consequence relation (with the associated relation of weak
equivalence), according to which these connectives are
non-congruential, providing for mutual consequence without synonymy,
rather than the finer-grained general consequence relation (associated
with unrestricted equivalence). The latter consequence relation is
congruential, but at the cost of not directly reflecting the felt
a priori equivalence of with .
The aspect of Fusco (2015) of present concern is the treatment of
disjunction, with special reference to the problems with which it is
associated in deontic logic – such as Ross’s Paradox, and
the representation of Free Choice permission. The issue is discussed
further in Section 3 of Fusco (2018). (For general background,
including these problems, see McNamara 2019; more detail on the
specifically disjunction-related issues arising is provided in Aloni
2016.) Fusco (2015) argues, on grounds we do not go into here (since
they involve several parts of an elaborate theory of deontic notions),
that these problems of deontically embedded “or” in
English (and corresponding vocabulary in other natural languages) are
best treated rendering it formally by means of
with defined as:
This is a suggested definition, at least for , constructed
using just Boolean connectives, from a planned sequel to Fusco (2015)
and (2019), spelling out in the object language a semantic
characterization supplied in the first of those papers. An
unrestrictedly equivalent definition (or more accurately, definiens)
which some readers may prefer is the following:
By contrast, instances of the following schema, giving the treatment
of “whether or in Lewis (1982) for Boolean
(though not in general, as explained in the last
paragraph of note
below), would only be diagonally equivalent to the corresponding
instances of the above pair:
So as to have concrete formulas to discuss, consider the instances of
these three schemata with distinct sentence letters and
taken as and , respectively, and we will now use
(1)–(3) to refer to these concrete instances. The first pair are
unrestrictedly equivalent and all three are diagonally equivalent,
with (3) having (1) and (2) as general consequences though not
All are diagonally equivalent to the Boolean disjunction , which we may put by saying that all are
two-dimensional isotopes of the one-dimensional, i.e.
-free, formula , or, more
usefully, that their respective equivalence classes w.r.t. the
relation of unrestricted equivalence, stand in this
‘isotope’ relation. Similarly, we can speak of the (in the
above presentation, derived) connective
as a two-dimensional isotope of the Boolean ,
thinking of the formula (2) as a context of the variables . (On the other hand, what is referred to in note
as Groenendijk–Stokhof’s
“” is not a two-dimensional
isotope of Boolean disjunction, so understood, being
diagonally equivalent to a Boolean tautology, rather than to .)
What is the point of considering such two-dimensional isotopes of
Boolean disjunction? Fusco’s idea is the following. Arguably,
people have thought that the correct treatment of inclusive
“or” in English is given by (Boolean) ,
once they have learned to diagnose as pragmatic distraction any
apparent anomalies, because this simple connective with its
truth-functional semantics captures the way “or” behaves
when it appears unembedded (or only ‘Booleanly’ embedded).
The presumption has then been that any residual anomalies arising from
problematic embeddings will be eventually also then be explained away
pragmatically. But what if we had on our hands a two-dimensional
isotope of that was specially hand-crafted to deal with these
anomalies, such as Fusco’s ? The
unembedded behaviour of and in view
of the diagonal equivalence of compounds formed using the two
disjunctions, would be the same, so
would have all the benefits of
Boolean disjunction without the drawback of not faring very
satisfactorily when appearing in the scope of certain intensional
operators. On this matter of agreement in logical behaviour when
unembedded, consider, for example, the introduction and elimination
rules in a natural deduction system. What they introduce or eliminate
is the main connective of a formula, so they would not differ in their
intuitive acceptability in the case of “or” whether this
was rendered as Boolean disjunction or as Fusco’s
More generally, the conditions defining -classicality (indeed
-classicality for any ) of consequence relations or generalized
consequence relations pertain only to unembedded occurrences of
(or more generally of ). In the case of Fusco (2015), the obligation
operator is interpreted by universal quantification over
suitably accessible points with the relata of this relation being the
worlds of local evaluation rather than the world taken as the actual
world, which remains the same, so while
is a diagonal (though not a general) consequence of is not a diagonal consequence of
Putting it very informally, this is because from the perspective of
some world of evaluation, , with itself considered as
actual (since we are working the diagonal case), every world
deontically accessible to , qua world of evaluation, may be a
-world, whereas at if what is true is but not ,
then what is required for the truth at of
is that all the accessible
worlds be -worlds, since in moving out to the -accessible
worlds we are not changing the status of as the world playing
the actual world role. (We are in the ‘middle disjunct’
case of (2) with this example.) This illustrates how Fusco has
arranged matters so that and end up
exhibiting the same behaviour when unembedded but differing behaviour
when embedded – in the present instance, in the scope of the
obligation operator. The story with the permissibility operator,
written as may or in Fusco (2015), and
not there treated as dual to , is more complicated, so the
interested reader is referred to that discussion for the details as
well as the motivation behind the choice of in this
setting. For present purposes, the main point to stress is the general
strategy of using the two-dimensional semantics to model differences
in ingredient sense compatible with a given assertoric content.
One may wonder how much room for manoeuvre is made available by this
general strategy, which, since we are concentrating on connectives
here, amounts to asking how many two-dimensional isotopes a given
Boolean connective has. A simpler case than that of the binary
connectives with which we have been preoccupied is that of the
one-place connectives. A ‘unarized’ version of the
whether featuring in (3) above arises by choosing the case in
which is . This can be written more simply as
, used (in effect) as the
definition of what was written as on p. 119 of
Humberstone (2002). (There is no intention, in using
here, to evoke any deontic associations.) If
we took as primitive, we could instead define by
taking to abbreviate
if we wanted. Either way, if an
epistemic operator is treated in the same way semantically
as the deontic obligation operator above (though with its own
accessibility relation, of course, or even just using neighbourhood
semantics here, as in Lewis 1982, p. 202), then for purely
Boolean , alias
ends up
unrestrictedly equivalent to
and thus not a bad approximation to something saying that our
cognitive subject knows whether (or not)
Our main concern here, though, is with formulas constructed just using
and the Boolean connectives, and in particular, since we
are considering the 1-place case, with such formulas as can be
constructed with the aid of these devices and a single sentence
letter, , say. To see how many two-dimensional isotopes a
given 1-ary Boolean connective (equivalently, Boolean formula in just
one variable) might have, since there are only four such connectives
(or formulas), to within equivalence – and for these formulas
there is of course no contrast between diagonal and unrestricted
equivalence – we should ask how many equivalence classes w.r.t.
the relation of unrestricted equivalence there are of the one-variable
‘two-dimensional formulas’ (i.e., here, just
Boolean-with- formulas). This question is easy to answer if
we bear the following things in mind: first, that every formula is
unrestrictedly equivalent to one in which occurs, if at
all, then just immediately before a sentence letter, and secondly,
that w.r.t. the general consequence relation, the formulas
and are completely independent (by contrast with the
diagonal consequence relation, w.r.t. which they are equivalent). Thus
the (unrestricted) equivalence-classes of one-variable formulas
collectively manifest the same Boolean algebraic structure as do the
equivalence classes of purely Boolean two-variable formulas. So you
can take your favourite Hasse diagram of this 16-element Boolean
and, leaving all occurrences of intact, replace every
occurrence of with , and you now have a picture
of all the two-dimensional one-variable formulas (to within
unrestricted equivalence) and the logical relations among them. Each
of these 16 equivalence classes (or any of the formulas in such a
class) is a two-dimensional isotope of the Boolean equivalence class
(or any of its elements) we get by erasing all occurrences of
in the formulas it contains. Thus the two-dimensional
formulas , and most recently
encountered, including the first as a degenerate case of a
two-dimensional formula for a streamlined account, are two-dimensional
isotopes of , and
(or , respectively. You
will find that each element of the 4-element Boolean algebra has four
distinct elements of the 16-element algebra mapped to it by this
erasure-of- mapping. (This would usually be put by speaking
of the principal congruence generated by identifying
’s equivalence class with ’s –
alias ’s – equivalence class: the smallest
congruence relation w.r.t. which these two elements of the algebra are
congruent.) For example, (or its equivalence class) has, to
within unrestricted equivalence, the four two-dimensional isotopes
, the logically strongest
isotope w.r.t. general consequence (lowest in the 16-element algebra)
and , the weakest isotope
(highest in the 16-element algebra), and between these two (and
mutually incomparable), and .
Returning to the case of binary connectives or two-variable
two-dimensional formulas, we could reason similarly. (The interested
reader is left to work the general -variable case.)
is the number of equivalence classes of
4-variable formulas, the exponent 16 here being chosen as
, the number of equivalence classes of 2-variable
formulas. So if the variables are , when we collapse the former Boolean algebra into the
latter by identifying with (thinking of
as and with (thinking of
as we are moving from 65,536 elements to 16,
and a similarly equitable distribution renders each element of the
16-element algebra as the image of 65,536/16 elements of the larger
algebra, which equals . There is a simpler route to this conclusion, and that
is by consideration of such Stalnaker-inspired matrices as feature in
Fusco’s discussion (see note
This is a 4-by-4 matrix since we have to take into account the local
(‘world of evaluation’) truth-value and the actual
truth-value of the first component (four possible combinations) of a
binary compound and similarly for the second component, and reading
down the diagonal gives the truth-table for the Boolean connective of
which the original is a two-dimensional isotope. Thus in Fusco’s
case, this descending diagonal reads , just
like the descending vertical column of a familiar truth-table as
conventionally displayed. The latter feature is retained however we
label with s and s (or 1s and 0s if preferred) the non-diagonal
cells, of which there are 12 (16 minus the four on the diagonal).
Since each of these cells can be filled with either a or an , so we
are back calculating and getting the answer 4096,
whichever binary truth-function our original diagonal had displayed,
including of course that associated with . Thus, if you like
Fusco’s general strategy for responding to difficulties like
those faced by what seemed to be Boolean disjunction behaving badly
when deontically embedded, there is plenty of room to tweak the
details of her proposed solution.
Section 2 made use of the idea of a (bivalent) truth-function
’s being associated with a connective on a
given valuation (for the language under disussion), and
defined truth-functionality for a connective over a class of
valuations to consist in there being some truth-function associated
with over every valuation in the class. We also considered the
weaker notion of pseudo-truth-functionality when the
-version of that -condition was
satisfied: the truth-function in question may vary from valuation to
valuation in the class. If the class is a singleton, ,
these two come to the same thing and we will simply say that the
connective is truth-functional on the valuation . These
truth-functionality conditions are all variations on the incarnation
of compositionality – the idea that the semantic value of a
compound should be determined on the basis of its components and the
way they are composed – as it applies especially to the case of
classical propositional logic. Bonnay and Westerståhl (2016)
suggest that ‘Carnap’s Problem’ for that logic, is
solved by appeal to such compositionality considerations, by building
in the requirement that the connectives be truth-functional on all
valuations under consideration.[56]
Here we
illustrate this by considering the case of the ‘unwanted’
-consistent but non--Boolean
valuations we saw arising in Section 2 as a result of taking
conjunctive combinations of Boolean valuations. For present purposes,
we need to show not just that the truth-function from
near the start of Section 2 associated with the connective on
Boolean valuations is not associated with on some such
conjunctive combinations of -consistent valuations, but
there is no truth-function at all associated with this connective on
such conjunctive combinations.
Accordingly, suppose that we have two -consistent
valuations and and that these are Boolean (in particular
-Boolean) valuations, making the following assignments to the
sentence letters , , and , . Since and are -Boolean,
, so for their conjunctive
combination , from now on denoted more briefly by ,
we have , even though we also have
(because ) and (since ). Suppose that there is a truth-function associated with
on must satisfy the condition that . Since , the supposition just made tells us that
even though . But now recall that : this gives us a ontradiction since the class of
valuations consistent with any consequence relation is closed under
taking conjunctive combinations, as is just such a combination
we now see not to be consistent with , verifying in the
present case the left-hand formula while falsifying
that on the right .
Since we considered a single valuation in the foregoing
discussion) consistent with the classical consequence and ’s
not being associated with a truth-function on that valuation, we have
seen that is not even pseudo-truth-functional over the
class of -consistent valuations. So the
discussion in Section 2 leads us to expect trouble on the
Extensionality front. To make the trouble visible, let us consider the
generalized consequence relation – let’s just call it
, for the discussion in this Example – determined, not by
the class of Boolean valuations but: by the class of all valuations
consistent with (alias: the larger class
of all conjunctive combinations of Boolean valuations). Specifically,
to track the case considered in the preceding paragraph, with
(RE for as :
Specifically, for the present case, take as
, respectively, so that what we are considering is: . The condition is violated by the
valuation (or above, since
whereas .[57] Thus
the Set-Set
sequent does not hold on the
valuation . We already knew this for the result of deleting the
from the r.h.s. (Section 2), refuting the
claim that is -Boolean, whereas here we
have weakened the sequent, still failing to hold on ,
to establish the
stronger claim that there doesn’t exist any
truth-function at all which is associated with on
Unless otherwise stated, page and (sub)section references in this
initial paragraph all pertain to Humberstone (2011), where several of
the topics touched on this entry are treated at greater length. For
example, the treatment of unique characterization in Section
of the present entry is largely based on §4.3 there. (Some
issues touched on here are, however, not treated there at all or are
addressed in greater detail here.) In connection with note
in the present entry, concerning Carnap’s observation that the
most familiar logical frameworks do not force a Boolean interpretation
on the connectives treated by the rules they make available,
references to some of the many discussions of this theme can be found
under ‘Strong vs. Weak Claim’ on p. 101. Apropos of
(on sentence-position extensionality) in the present entry, referring
the reader to this opening paragraph, see §3.2 and subsections
4.37–8. For the end of note
(the commutativity/symmetry distinction etc.), what is relevant is
subsection 3.34, “Operations vs. Relations” (though for
more on specifically the relational side of that contrast, see
Humberstone 2013, especially §4). In connection with note
(on ‘non-homophonic’ semantic treatments of disjunction),
see subsections 6.43–6.46 for a survey of some of these
treatments, and for note
(on separately conservative but jointly non-conservative extension by
new connectives with prescribed inferential properties), see
p.568f. For note
(on some of Rautenberg’s work on what we are calling hybrids of
connectives), see alternatively subsection 3.24. For note
(appended to a discussion of contrariety and subcontrariety), a more
detailed discussion can be found in subsection 8.11 and references
given there (especially in Remark 8.11.1). Expanding on note
§5.2 goes into more detail on logical subtraction (Example
above); interesting work by Stephen Yablo on this topic, mentioned
there as then unpublished, subsequently appeared in Yablo (2014),
Chapters 8 and 9 being of particular relevance. Apropos of note
for an example of a Hasse diagram of the 16-element Boolean algebra,
nodes labelled with representatives of the classical equivalence
classes of two-variable formulas, see Figure 2. on
p. 225. The bearing on logical theory of the topic of the
following paragraph of the present section, Galois connections, is
stressed in material on pp. 58f., 75 and 80 in
§1.1; the list of ‘Galois connection’ oriented
discussions of logical matters given in the bottom paragraph of
p. 101 should be supplemented by a reference to Bimbó and
Dunn (2008). Finally, to supplement the Urquhart reference given at
the end of the present section on head linkage as a special relation
in intuitionistic logic, see subsection 9.25. The remainder of the
present section gives further additional notes and sources on the
present entry working through in order.
The Galois connections described in the opening section are what are
sometimes called contravariant (as opposed to covariant) Galois
connections; they were introduced in somewhat different terminology by
Garrett Birkhoff (1967). Closure operations as defined in the opening
section are sometimes called closure operators. Note that the
definition given, although standard, is much less restrictive than the
notion of a specifically topological closure operation (in
particular, not requiring or
). Some authors discuss matters of
logical theory placing a particular emphasis on closure operations and
their systems of closed sets (sets with ; see Pollard and Martin (1996) and references there
The phrase “logical frameworks” has been used in ways
other than that introduced in Section
e.g., in Huet and Plotkin (1991). The use of
here as a sequent separator is occasioned by current HTML font
limitations; its general use for that purpose is not recommended.
Carnap’s observation about logic pursued in Set-Fmla
not being capable
of enforcing the intended truth-functional interpretation of various
connectives (such as , and has received extensive
attention in the literature, as was mentioned in the first paragraph
of this section. The term “congruential” used here is
taken from Segerberg (1982); it is based on a related use of the term
by D. Makinson (for modal logics in Fmla
containing whenever they contain
. In some quarters the term
“self-extensional” is used for congruentiality, while in
others the term “extensional”—used quite differently
here—is used for this property.
The emphasis on (bivalent) valuations throughout our discussion may
suggest some limitation of scope: are we not excluding
‘many-valued logic’ (or better: matrix semantics)? And
what about Kripke style semantics in which truth is doubly relativized
not only to a model but to a point therein? No, there is no
limitation. Every (generalized) consequence relation is determined by
a class of valuations. The matrix assignments of values to formulas
are homomorphisms from the algebra of formulas to
the algebra —presumed to be of the same
similarity type of —of a matrix
, where ;
is called the set of designated elements of the matrix.
Thus the compositional semantics is done in terms of such
homomorphisms, any one of which, , say, gives rise to a
bivalent valuation defined by setting
iff , and a Set-Fmla
or Set-Set
sequent is valid in the matrix just in case it
holds—in the usual bivalent sense—on the valuation
for every such homomorphism
, the (generalized) consequence relation determined by the
matrix is the (generalized) consequence relation determined by the
class of all such ,
Similarly for classes of matrices, with the quantification now over
all where is a homomorphism
from the language to any matrix in the class. Likewise, in the
Kripke-semantical case, any model and
point therein gives rise to the valuation
defined by
, and the
(generalized) consequence relation determined by a class of models is
that determined by all such
in the class. (This is the so-called
local (generalized) consequence relation; for the global
variant, use valuations
with iff for all points
in the model, .) There is
an obvious further adaptation of these definitions if one wants a
formulation in terms of determination by (“soundness and
completeness with respect to”) a class of frames rather than
As well as Prior (1957) cited in Section
on the Ł-modal system, the following references are useful:
Smiley (1961), Smiley (1962), Porte (1979), Font and Hájek
(2002). The original paper is Łukasiewicz (1953).
The problem with a live-and-let-live attitude toward differences
between logics differing over the logical powers of a connective when
the weaker set of powers already suffice for unique characterization
vs. in Section
was already pointed out in Popper (1948), and often re-surfaces in
subsequent literature e.g., Harris (1982), Hand (1993), Fariñas
del Cerro and Herzig (1996); see also the opening paragraph of the
present section. Uniquely characterized connectives are sometimes
spoken of as implicitly defined, but there are definite risks
involved in the latter usage—see Došen and
Schroeder-Heister (1985). The “implicit” in the title of
Caicedo (2004) does not carry quite the same risks, and refers to a
special case of unique characterization, essentially amounting to
unique characterization by zero-premiss rules in Fmla—i.e.,
by axioms. Similarly, the
“functionally dependent” connectives of Smiley (1962) are
those uniquely characterized by zero-premiss rules, taken in concert
with the standard structural rules, in Set-Fmla—though
Smiley’s definition is put in terms of consequence relations.
This class of connectives may well coincide with the class of
projection-conjunction connectives. It does not include disjunction or
implication, as treated in intuitionistic or classical logic, which
are uniquely characterized by rules essentially containing a
non-zero-premiss rule—though these would be uniquely
characterized by zero-premiss rules (together with the structural
rules) in Set-Set.
Makinson (2014) also addresses questions of existence and uniqueness
in connection with connectives, but his existence questions concern,
not the existence of a connective satisfying certain rules (or more
generally, certain conditions), but the existence of rules (or this or
that kind) satisfied by a given connective, where connectives are
individuated semantically (more specifically, by association with
bivalent truth-functions). The various notions of uniqueness
considered by Makinson do apply to connectives rather than rules, and
are defined in terms of the rules satisfied but the connectives
themselves are again individuated truth-functionally and so none ends
up amouting to unique characterization as understood here. See note 1,
p. 365, in Makinson (2014) for a discussion contrasting his
concerns with those found “in some proof-theoretic
studies”, and citing Došen and Schroeder-Heister (1988).
(In fact in the footnote, though not in the bibliography, the date is
given as 1998.)
Id-inductivity is called ‘regularity’ in Kaminski (1988);
for Id-inductivity and Cut-inductivity and related concepts (under
different names), see also Ciabattoni (2004) and Ciabattoni and Terui
A study of Popper’s generally under-appreciated work in logic is
provided in Schroeder-Heister (1984). The faulty view that differences
over logic amount to talking at cross purposes was defended in
writings by W. V. Quine to which references may be found in Morton
(1973), where this view is subjected to a somewhat milder version of
the criticism in Section
A full discussion of substructural logics, also mentioned in Section
and related topics is provided in Restall (2000).
Aside from the papers by Prior, Belnap, Stevenson and Peacocke (and
Read 1988) mentioned in Section
the example is discussed in (at least)
the following places: Wagner (1981), Hart (1982), §4.12 in
Tennant (1978). Interest continues unabated, as witnessed by the
following publications from the period 2004–2006 alone: Hodes
(2004), Cook (2005), Tennant (2005), Bonnay and Simmenauer (2005),
Chapter 5 of Priest (2006) and Wansing (2006). Subsequent treatments
of interest include Avron (2010) and Rahmann (2012). Although
is Prior’s best known example of
non-conservative extension, he also noted the non-conservative effect
of familiar logical principles concerning conjunction when added to a
purely implicational intermediate logic; references, details, and
further discussion can be found in Humberstone (2014). For the notion
– or perhaps better, notions – of harmony between
rules (especially in natural deduction), see the
references just given, and also Chapter 23 of
Tennant (1987), Weir (1986), Dummett (1991) (passim), Milne
(1994) and (2002), and Read (2000), as well as the following more
recent investigations: Read (2010), Steinberger (2011), Francez and
Dyckhoff (2012), Hjortland (2012), Francez (2014), Milne (2015), Read
(2015), Schroeder-Heister (2015) and Dicher (2016). For general
background in proof-theoretic semantics informing these discussions,
two useful references are Schroeder-Heister (2014) and the
editor’s contribution (Chapter 1) to Wansing (2015). The subject
of harmony is also briefly touched on in Makinson (2014), esp.
p. 369.
Material of interest on the subjects of special and universally
representative connectives can be found in Jankov (1969), Pahi (1971),
de Jongh and Chagrova (1995), in addition to the references cited in
For the fact that the relation of head linkage is special in
intuitionistic logic, see Urquhart (1974) — not that this
terminology appears there.